Hakeem Yusuf

Hakeem Yusuf
NameHakeem Yusuf
Job titleProfessor of Global Law
Research instituteCollege of Business, Law and Social Sciences

Research outputs

Post-Authoritarianism, Truth-Seeking and the Judicial Accountability-Gap: Lessons from Nigeria

Yusuf, H.O 2023. Post-Authoritarianism, Truth-Seeking and the Judicial Accountability-Gap: Lessons from Nigeria. in: Ibhawoh, B., Ayelazuno, J. A. and Bawa, S. (ed.) Truth Commissions and State-Building Montreal McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 208-236

Transitional Justice and Colonialism

Yusuf, H. O. 2023. Transitional Justice and Colonialism. in: Lawther, C. (ed.) Research Handbook on Transitional Justice Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 405-420

Realising Economic and Social Rights Beyond COVID-19: The Imperative of International Cooperation

Yusuf, H. and Oamen, P 2022. Realising Economic and Social Rights Beyond COVID-19: The Imperative of International Cooperation. Indiana International & Comparative Law Review. 32 (1), pp. 1-26.

Access to medicine in developing countries: instituting state obligation over corporate profit

Yusuf, H. and Omoteso, Kamil 2022. Access to medicine in developing countries: instituting state obligation over corporate profit. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 29 (1), pp. 131-161.

Transitional Justice Theories, Mechanisms and Debates

Yusuf, H.O. and van der Merwe, H. (ed.) 2021. Transitional Justice Theories, Mechanisms and Debates . London Routledge/Taylor Francis Group.

The persistence of colonial constitutionalism in British overseas territories

Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Chowdhury, Tanzil 2019. The persistence of colonial constitutionalism in British overseas territories. Global Constitutionalism. https://doi.org/10.1017/S2045381718000369.

The UN Committee of 24’s dogmatic philosophy of recognition: toward a Sui Generis approach to decolonization.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2019. The UN Committee of 24’s dogmatic philosophy of recognition: toward a Sui Generis approach to decolonization. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies.

Colonialism and dilemmas of transitional justice in Nigeria.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2018. Colonialism and dilemmas of transitional justice in Nigeria. International Journal of Transitional Justice. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijy006

Transitional justice in the Middle East and North Africa – taking account of Islam.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2017. Transitional justice in the Middle East and North Africa – taking account of Islam. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. https://doi.org/10.1515/mwjhr-2017-0010

Accountability of transnational corporations in the developing world: The case for an enforceable international mechanism.

Omoteso, Kamil and Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2017. Accountability of transnational corporations in the developing world: The case for an enforceable international mechanism. Critical perspectives on international business. https://doi.org/10.1108/cpoib-08-2014-0040

Accountability of transnational corporations in the developing world: The case for an enforceable international mechanism.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Omoteso, Kamil 2017. Accountability of transnational corporations in the developing world: The case for an enforceable international mechanism. Critical perspectives on international business. https://doi.org/10.1108/cpoib-08-2014-0040

Combating environmental irresponsibility of transnational corporations in Africa: an empirical analysis.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Omoteso, Kamil 2015. Combating environmental irresponsibility of transnational corporations in Africa: an empirical analysis. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2015.1119812

Combating environmental irresponsibility of transnational corporations in Africa: an empirical analysis.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. and Omoteso, Kamil 2015. Combating environmental irresponsibility of transnational corporations in Africa: an empirical analysis. Local Environment.. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2015.1119812

S.A.S v France : supporting 'living together' or forced assimilation?

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2014. S.A.S v France : supporting 'living together' or forced assimilation? International Human Rights Law Review. https://doi.org/10.1163/22131035-00302006

Colonial and post-colonial constitutionalism in the commonwealth: Peace, order and good government

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2014. Colonial and post-colonial constitutionalism in the commonwealth: Peace, order and good government. Routledge.

Harvest of violence: the neglect of basic rights and the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2013. Harvest of violence: the neglect of basic rights and the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. Critical Studies on Terrorism. https://doi.org/10.1080/17539153.2013.835528

'High value' migration and complicity in underdevelopment and corruption in the global south : receiving from the attic.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2012. 'High value' migration and complicity in underdevelopment and corruption in the global south : receiving from the attic. Third World Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2012.657479

Rule of law and politics of anti-corruption campaigns in a post-authoritarian state: the case of Nigeria.

YUSUF, HAKEEM OLAYINKA 2011. Rule of law and politics of anti-corruption campaigns in a post-authoritarian state: the case of Nigeria. Kings Law Journal. https://doi.org/10.5235/096157611794895264

The judiciary and political change in Africa: Developing transitional jurisprudence in Nigeria.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2009. The judiciary and political change in Africa: Developing transitional jurisprudence in Nigeria. International Journal of Constitutional Law. https://doi.org/10.1093/icon/mop027

Democratic transition, judicial accountability and judicialisation of politics in Africa: The Nigerian experience.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2008. Democratic transition, judicial accountability and judicialisation of politics in Africa: The Nigerian experience. International Journal of Law and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/17542430810903913

Robes on Tight Ropes: The Judicialisation of Politics in Nigeria

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2008. Robes on Tight Ropes: The Judicialisation of Politics in Nigeria. Global Jurist. https://doi.org/10.2202/1934-2640.1270

Oil on troubled waters: Multi-national corporations and realising human rights in the developing world, with specific reference to Nigeria.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2008. Oil on troubled waters: Multi-national corporations and realising human rights in the developing world, with specific reference to Nigeria. African Human Rights Law Journal.

Calling the judiciary to account for the past : transitional justice and judicial accountability in Nigeria.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2008. Calling the judiciary to account for the past : transitional justice and judicial accountability in Nigeria. Law and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9930.2008.00274.x

The judiciary and constitutionalism in transitions : a critique.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2007. The judiciary and constitutionalism in transitions : a critique. Global Jurist. https://doi.org/10.2202/1934-2640.1251

Travails of truth: achieving justice for victims of impunity in Nigeria.

Yusuf, Hakeem O. 2007. Travails of truth: achieving justice for victims of impunity in Nigeria. The International Journal of Transitional Justice. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijm023
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