Latest Additions
Cross-Cultural Psychology and Compassion
Kotera, Y., Martínez-Rives, N. L., Aledeh, M., Colman, R., Veasey, C., Harrington, T., Komori, N., Ozaki, A., Griner, D., Ali, Y. and Taylor, E. 2024. Cross-Cultural Psychology and Compassion. MDPI.
Enablers of blockchain adoption in organisations: A view of digital assets and organisational capabilities
Hirst, A., Veasey, C. and Daniel, J. 2024. Enablers of blockchain adoption in organisations: A view of digital assets and organisational capabilities. in: Daniel, J., Garza-Reyes, J. and Samadhiya, A. (ed.) Blockchain Technology Boca Raton CRC Press. pp. 1-21Book chapter

Understanding complaining, service failure identification and service recovery via social media
Jones, K. 2021. Understanding complaining, service failure identification and service recovery via social media. PhD Thesis Thesis
Predicting the Effects of Urbanisation on Biodiversity with the use of Soundscape Analysis
Lemon, S., Carvalho, J. and Huck, M. 2024. Predicting the Effects of Urbanisation on Biodiversity with the use of Soundscape Analysis. Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme Conference 2024. University of Derby. poster
Scenographic Contraptions: Designing uncertainty and orchestrating error for the generation of participatory scenography
Penna, X. 2024. Scenographic Contraptions: Designing uncertainty and orchestrating error for the generation of participatory scenography. Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities 2024. From 4E to 5E Cognition: about Emotions.Conference Presentation
Error, glitches, exposure and inefficient aesthetics as methods of enhancing a sense of togetherness within a co-created scenography
Penna, X. 2024. Error, glitches, exposure and inefficient aesthetics as methods of enhancing a sense of togetherness within a co-created scenography. IFTR Manila: Our States of Emergency.Conference Presentation
Scenographic contraptions: Practice-research methodologies of endurance and duration in a groundless contemporary performance landscape
Penna, X. 2024. Scenographic contraptions: Practice-research methodologies of endurance and duration in a groundless contemporary performance landscape. Theatre and Performance Research Association 2024.Conference Presentation
Scenographic contraptions: Performance, Co-creation, Error, E-cognition
Penna, X. Scenographic contraptions: Performance, Co-creation, Error, E-cognition.Other
Negotiating learner identities and success: a linguistic ethnography with late-arrival multilingual learners in a secondary school
Valenzuela, H. 2025. Negotiating learner identities and success: a linguistic ethnography with late-arrival multilingual learners in a secondary school. PhD Thesis Thesis
Board Gender Diversity and Risk Management in Corporate Financing: A Study on Debt Structure and Financial Decision-Making
Askarany, D., Jafari, S., Pouryousof, Habibi, S. and Yazdifar, H. 2024. Board Gender Diversity and Risk Management in Corporate Financing: A Study on Debt Structure and Financial Decision-Making. Risks. 13 (1), pp. 1-22. article
An Exploratory Study on the Practice of Operational Excellence in the Automotive Industry in Morocco
Kazancoglu, Y., Garza-Reyes, J., Elgharbaoui, M. and Abbana Bennani, C. 2024. An Exploratory Study on the Practice of Operational Excellence in the Automotive Industry in Morocco. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. pp. 1-37. article
Comprehending the role of soft skills in current work scenarios among Engineering domain
Pandey, A., Dhand, S., Chaibbar, P., Kaswan, M.S., Garza-Reyes, J. and Manzoor, M. 2024. Comprehending the role of soft skills in current work scenarios among Engineering domain. The TQM Journal. pp. 1-31. article
Balancing priorities: A configurational Framework to achieve strategic benefits from Sustainable Industry 4.0 enablers in Operations and Supply Chain
Gusmão Caiado, R.G., Silva Santos, R., Días Schery, C.A., Scavarda, L.F. and Garza-Reyes, J. 2024. Balancing priorities: A configurational Framework to achieve strategic benefits from Sustainable Industry 4.0 enablers in Operations and Supply Chain. Business Strategy and the Environment. pp. 1-30. article
Empirical analysis of barriers to implement Blockchain Technology in manufacturing environment: A developing economy perspective
Goyat, R., Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Rathi, R., Garza-Reyes, J.A., Singh, M. and Kaswan, M.S. 2024. Empirical analysis of barriers to implement Blockchain Technology in manufacturing environment: A developing economy perspective. The TQM Journal. pp. 1-27. article
Unveiling the Petal Path: Exploring the Cut Flower Industry's Global Supply Chain
Liravi, P. and Lawson, A. 2023. Unveiling the Petal Path: Exploring the Cut Flower Industry's Global Supply Chain. SAGE Publishing.
African and African Diasporic Women Writing: Voices Against Patriarchy in Africa.
Akukwe, N. 2025. African and African Diasporic Women Writing: Voices Against Patriarchy in Africa. PhD Thesis University of Derby Thesis
Sanctuary Families’ Perspectives on Accessing Education for Children with SEND in England
Conrad, W. 2025. Sanctuary Families’ Perspectives on Accessing Education for Children with SEND in England . Prof Doc Thesis Doc Thesis
An Examination of The Use of Immersive Technology in Pan-Arab Newsrooms
Thahir, A. 2025. An Examination of The Use of Immersive Technology in Pan-Arab Newsrooms. PhD Thesis Thesis
Cyber Risk Mitigation Through Malware Threat Modelling and A Strategic Implementation Framework
Njatha, E. 2024. Cyber Risk Mitigation Through Malware Threat Modelling and A Strategic Implementation Framework. PhD Thesis University of Derby School of Law and Social Sciences Thesis
Mechanical Behavior of 3D-Printed Zig-Zag Honeycomb Structures Made of BASF Ultrafuse 316L
Wood, P., Sarzynski, M., Platek, P., Cedro, P., Gunputh, U. and Rusinek, A. 2024. Mechanical Behavior of 3D-Printed Zig-Zag Honeycomb Structures Made of BASF Ultrafuse 316L. Materials. 17 (24). article
RSA x CivicLAB: partnership working in the civic space
Jones, R. and Bate, C. 2025. RSA x CivicLAB: partnership working in the civic space. Royal Society of Arts .Other
East Midlands RSA Inclusive Growth forum
Jones, R. 2025. East Midlands RSA Inclusive Growth forum. Royal Society of Arts .Other
All I want for Christmas is booze?
Barker, A. 2025. All I want for Christmas is booze? The British Psychological Society.Other
Frommberger, D., Schmees, J., Ebbinghaus, M. and Krekel, E. M. Frommberger, D., Grollmann, P., Le Mouillour, I., Annen, S., Deißinger, T., Lauterbach, U., Li, J., Pilz, M., Schröder, T. and Spöttl, G. (ed.) 2024. Deutschland. Leverkusen, Germany Barbara Budrich.Book
“Training – Made in Germany” – Made in Costa Rica Dual Apprenticeship Transfer from the Perspective of State and Parastatal Actors in Costa Rica
Schmees, J. and Láscarez Smith, D. 2024. “Training – Made in Germany” – Made in Costa Rica Dual Apprenticeship Transfer from the Perspective of State and Parastatal Actors in Costa Rica. Innovaciones Educativas. 26 (40), pp. 50-61. article
Kollegiale Hierarchiebeziehung?! Herausforderungen zwischen Mentor*innen und Lehrkräften im Vorbereitungsdienst an berufsbildenden Schulen
Schmees, J., Bischoff, S. and Migura, T. 2024. Kollegiale Hierarchiebeziehung?! Herausforderungen zwischen Mentor*innen und Lehrkräften im Vorbereitungsdienst an berufsbildenden Schulen. Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung. 7 (1), pp. 1-18. article
Understanding Plurality, Engagement, and Change in Vocational Education and Training through French Pragmatic Theory
Smeplass, E., Hausgeth, J. F. and Schmees, J. 2024. Understanding Plurality, Engagement, and Change in Vocational Education and Training through French Pragmatic Theory. bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online. pp. 1-20.Journal article
Tertiarization and academization of vocational education and training in China and Germany
Li, J., Schmees, J., Tang, H. and Frommberger, D. 2024. Tertiarization and academization of vocational education and training in China and Germany. International Journal of Training Research. 22 (1), pp. 1-21. article
Internationale Berufsbildungsgovernance: Konzept und Typologie
Klassen, J. and Schmees, J. 2024. Internationale Berufsbildungsgovernance: Konzept und Typologie. Bildung und Erziehung. 77 (3), pp. 296-319.Journal article
Pathways to higher education for vocationally qualified students. The case of Norway
Schmees, J., Smeplass, E., Skålholt, A., Hovdhaugen, E. and Imdorf, C. 2024. Pathways to higher education for vocationally qualified students. The case of Norway. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. pp. 1-14. article
InDialogue 2016 Live
Jones, R. 2016. InDialogue 2016 Live. Nottingham ContemporaryDigital or visual media
Disparities in Pressure Injury Care Across Diverse Skin Tones: A Community Nursing Perspective
Sorice, V. and Gould, J. 2025. Disparities in Pressure Injury Care Across Diverse Skin Tones: A Community Nursing Perspective . BMJ.
A community for expertise development – South African vocational colleges and their internal and external social characteristics
Alphonsus, N. S. and Schmees, J. 2024. A community for expertise development – South African vocational colleges and their internal and external social characteristics. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. pp. 1-20. article
From regional colleges to global universities? The impact of academic drift on Norwegian higher education
Smeplass, E. and Schmees, J. 2024. From regional colleges to global universities? The impact of academic drift on Norwegian higher education. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. pp. 1-23. article
A review of advancements in synthesis, manufacturing and properties of environment friendly biobased Polyfurfuryl Alcohol Resin and its Composites
Odiyi, D.C., Sharif, T., Choudhry, R., Mallik, S. and S.Z.H. Shah 2023. A review of advancements in synthesis, manufacturing and properties of environment friendly biobased Polyfurfuryl Alcohol Resin and its Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 267, pp. 1-15. article
Tourism Innovation and Resilience during Uncertainty
Pappas, N., Michopoulou, E. and Farmaki, A. 2023. Tourism Innovation and Resilience during Uncertainty. Tourism Planning & Development. 20 (2), pp. 135-137. article
Sino-German cooperation in vocational teacher training: A macro-micro-macro analysis of good intentions and unintended outcomes in China
Cao, W., Schmees, J., Li, J. and Grunau, J. 2024. Sino-German cooperation in vocational teacher training: A macro-micro-macro analysis of good intentions and unintended outcomes in China. Vocation, Technology and Education. 1 (34), pp. 1-11. article
Design and development of 5-DOF robotic arm manipulators
Jadeja, Y. and Pandya, B. 2019. Design and development of 5-DOF robotic arm manipulators. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research . 8 (11), pp. 2158-2167.Journal article
Decolonialisation and the Terrorism Industry
Ilyas, M. 2022. Decolonialisation and the Terrorism Industry. Critical Studies on Terrorism. 15 (2), pp. 1-24. article
Integrating Digital Transformation with Sustainability: How to Define a Net-Zero Performance Measurement System
Hourneaux, F., Gallotta, B. and Daniel, J. 2024. Integrating Digital Transformation with Sustainability: How to Define a Net-Zero Performance Measurement System. Business Academy of Management .Journal article
Researching "On and In" Global South Countries
Ilyas, M. 2022. Researching "On and In" Global South Countries. Poligrafi. 27 (105/106), pp. 165-193. article
An Industrial Self-Learning Robotic Platform Solution for Smart Factories Industrial Applications Using Machine and Deep Imitation Learning
Jadeja, Y., Shafik, M., Wood, P. and Stella, L. 2021. An Industrial Self-Learning Robotic Platform Solution for Smart Factories Industrial Applications Using Machine and Deep Imitation Learning. in: Shafik, M. and Case, K. (ed.) Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIV Amsterdam, Netherlands IOS Press. pp. 119-124Book chapter
The Guide to LGBTQ+ Research
Brett, A. and Lee, C. Brett, A. (ed.) 2025. The Guide to LGBTQ+ Research. Leeds, UK Emerald Publishing.Book
Enlightenment and the Psychology of Self-Transcendence: Pathways to Fundamental Well-Being and Prosocial Behavior
Furnell, M. and Van Gordon, W. 2025. Enlightenment and the Psychology of Self-Transcendence: Pathways to Fundamental Well-Being and Prosocial Behavior. in: Jones, P. (ed.) Happiness and the Psychology of Enlightenment London IntechOpen. pp. 1-18Book chapter
InDialogue Symposium 2014
Jones, R. and Connely, H. 2013. InDialogue Symposium 2014 . Nottingham ContemporaryDigital or visual media
InDialogue Symposium Archive recording 2014
Jones, R. InDialogue Symposium Archive recording 2014. Nottingham ContemporaryDigital or visual media
Exploring the psychosocial dimensions and impacts of infertility in Africa: a commentary on Roomaney et al’s scoping review of current evidence
Sorice, V. and Ekumah, ND. 2025. Exploring the psychosocial dimensions and impacts of infertility in Africa: a commentary on Roomaney et al’s scoping review of current evidence. BMJ.
Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in Norway? Validating the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) with Norwegian Career Counsellors
Schulstok, T., Kjærgård, R., Hanson, J. and Hooley, T. 2024. Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in Norway? Validating the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) with Norwegian Career Counsellors. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning. 13 (1), pp. 20-42.Journal article
Shedding Light S.H.E.D: sustaining and scaling impact from Arts and Social Science Research
Jones, R. and Barker, V. 2025. Shedding Light S.H.E.D: sustaining and scaling impact from Arts and Social Science Research .Conference Presentation
PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) ‘Faith-based Learning City Development
Jones, R. 2024. PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) ‘Faith-based Learning City Development. PASCAL International Observatory .Conference keynote
How we talk about, engage with and understand our built environment, are all matters of inclusion, and that ultimately impacts how we experience it.
Jones, R. 2024. How we talk about, engage with and understand our built environment, are all matters of inclusion, and that ultimately impacts how we experience it. The Royal Society.Other
Bund flora in the traditional rice paddy terraces in some foothill landscapes of Guilan Province, N. Iran, towards conservation of phytodiversity in agroecosystems
Ashouri, M., Naqinezhad, A. and Norastehnia, A. 2024. Bund flora in the traditional rice paddy terraces in some foothill landscapes of Guilan Province, N. Iran, towards conservation of phytodiversity in agroecosystems. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences. article
Impact of inter-city interactions on disease scaling
Loureiro, L.A., Neto, N.R., Sutton, J., Perc, M. and Ribeiro, R.V. 2025. Impact of inter-city interactions on disease scaling. Scientific Reports. 15 (498), pp. 1-12. article
What are the “unwritten rules” of academia that health and social care students wish they knew at the start of their journey?
Arens, J., Somers, L. and Williams, A. 2024. What are the “unwritten rules” of academia that health and social care students wish they knew at the start of their journey? Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme Conference 2024. University of Derby. poster
The Human Factor in the Architecture Equation
Russo-Schtcherbakoff-Kodakoff, M. 2024. The Human Factor in the Architecture Equation. PhD Thesis University of Derby College of Science and Engineering Thesis
Learning from Civil Society Actors in Turkey: Using Transitional Justice in an Ongoing Conflict
Alici, N. 2024. Learning from Civil Society Actors in Turkey: Using Transitional Justice in an Ongoing Conflict . International Journal of Transitional Justice. 18 (2), pp. 250-266. article
“They’re a Girl So Don’t Expect Too Much”: The Marginalisation of Women in Esports Videogames
Lee, A.L. and Lee, G.A. 2025. “They’re a Girl So Don’t Expect Too Much”: The Marginalisation of Women in Esports Videogames. in: Nayak, B.S. and Tabassum, N. (ed.) Impact of Patriarchy and Gender Stereotypes on Working Women: Exploring its Past Present and Future New York Springer. pp. 1-16Book chapter
The Affordances of Pragmatism for a Postdigital Citizen Social Science
Connor, S. 2025. The Affordances of Pragmatism for a Postdigital Citizen Social Science. Postdigital Science and Education. pp. 1-20. article
"I came here and it flows": An interpretative phenomenological analysis of low-income residents' experiences with allotment gardening.
Furlong, R., Harvey, C., Holland, F. and Hallam, J. 2024. "I came here and it flows": An interpretative phenomenological analysis of low-income residents' experiences with allotment gardening. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 104, pp. 1-8. article
Theorizing collective leadership: Lessons from Ekpe, an indigenous African institution
Eyong, J. 2024. Theorizing collective leadership: Lessons from Ekpe, an indigenous African institution. Africa Journal of Management. 10 (4), pp. 434-463. article
Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing: Special Issue Reprint:
Pringle, A. and Kime, N (ed.) 2025. Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing: Special Issue Reprint: Basel MDPI.Book
Dark clouds of leadership: causes and consequences of toxic leadership
Akinyele, A. and Chen, Z. 2024. Dark clouds of leadership: causes and consequences of toxic leadership. International Studies of Management & Organization. pp. 1-28. article
Research on the Impact of Information Scenarios on Retailers’ Strategies for Purchasing Fresh Agricultural Products
Liu, J., Du, S. and He, Q. 2025. Research on the Impact of Information Scenarios on Retailers’ Strategies for Purchasing Fresh Agricultural Products. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 34 (2), pp. 1243-1254. article
An Intelligent Quantum Cyber-Security Framework for Healthcare Data Management
Gupta, K., Saxena, D., Rani, P., Kumar, J., Makkar, A. and Singh, A. K. 2024. An Intelligent Quantum Cyber-Security Framework for Healthcare Data Management. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. pp. 1-12. article
A Global Cybersecurity Standardization Framework for Healthcare Informatics
Gupta, K., Mishra, V. and Makkar, A. 2024. A Global Cybersecurity Standardization Framework for Healthcare Informatics. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. pp. 1-8. article
A comparison of the effects of ethics- versus wisdom-based mindfulness practices on prosocial behaviour.
Furnell, M., Van Gordon, W. and Elander, J. 2024. A comparison of the effects of ethics- versus wisdom-based mindfulness practices on prosocial behaviour. Mindfulness. pp. 1-21. article
Circular Economy Practices for Net Zero: Analysis of Barriers in Indian Small and Medium Enterprises Context
Sabale, D.B., Kaswan, M.S., Rathi, R., Garza-Reyes, J. and Yadav, V. 2024. Circular Economy Practices for Net Zero: Analysis of Barriers in Indian Small and Medium Enterprises Context. Circular Economy and Sustainability . article
COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5–11: a systematic review of parental barriers and facilitators in Western countries
Davey, S. and Gaffiero, D. 2024. COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5–11: a systematic review of parental barriers and facilitators in Western countries. Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy. 12, pp. 1-13. article
Increasing timber and declining live plant diversity and volumes in global trade from 2000 to 2020
Naqinezhad, A., Morton, O. and Edwards, D. P. 2024. Increasing timber and declining live plant diversity and volumes in global trade from 2000 to 2020. Communications Earth & Environment. 5, pp. 1-9. article
Vegetation of the southern slopes of Mt. Damavand, Iran: a comprehensive phytosociological classification
Talebi, A., Vynokuro, D., Attar, F., Dengler, J. and Naqinezhad, A. 2024. Vegetation of the southern slopes of Mt. Damavand, Iran: a comprehensive phytosociological classification. Vegetation Classification and Survey. pp. 301-328. article
IranVeg – the Vegetation Database of Iran: current status and the way forward
Naqinezhad, A. 2024. IranVeg – the Vegetation Database of Iran: current status and the way forward. Vegetation Classification and Survey. 5, pp. 237-256. article
Microbial Use as an Agent to Improve the Durability of Sub-Structure Concrete: A Comprehensive Structured Review
Mukhtar, A.M., Mohamed, J.J., Ibrahim, N.A. and Hamza, O. 2024. Microbial Use as an Agent to Improve the Durability of Sub-Structure Concrete: A Comprehensive Structured Review. Journal of Advanced Research in Micro and Nano Engineering. 25 (1), pp. 111-124. article
Rapid In-Field Detection of Airborne Pathogens Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)
Bani, A., Whitby, C., Colbeck, I., Dumbrell, A. J. and Ferguson, R. M. W. 2024. Rapid In-Field Detection of Airborne Pathogens Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP). Microorganisms. 12 (12), pp. 1-21. article
Online Communities: An Act of Resistance: Mothers' Longitudinal Digital and Physical Lived Experiences of the Universal Credit System
Fawcett, R. 2024. Online Communities: An Act of Resistance: Mothers' Longitudinal Digital and Physical Lived Experiences of the Universal Credit System. in: Ferra, I., Ferra, F., Patelis, K. and Karatzogianni, A. (ed.) Future feminisms: Biolabour Technofeminist Care and transnational strategies Leeds Emerald. pp. 1-187Book chapter
Deep Learning Classification of Traffic-Related Tweets: An Advanced Framework Using Deep Learning for Contextual Understanding and Traffic-Related Short Text Classification
Abdi, A., Melhem, W. and Meziane, F. 2024. Deep Learning Classification of Traffic-Related Tweets: An Advanced Framework Using Deep Learning for Contextual Understanding and Traffic-Related Short Text Classification. Applied Sciences. 14 (23), pp. 1-21. article
Traffic Detection and Forecasting from Social Media Data Using a Deep Learning-Based Model, Linguistic Knowledge, Large Language Models, and Knowledge Graphs
Melhem, W., Abdi, A. and Meziane, F. 2024. Traffic Detection and Forecasting from Social Media Data Using a Deep Learning-Based Model, Linguistic Knowledge, Large Language Models, and Knowledge Graphs. 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. paper
Tarenaya spinosa (Jacq.) Raf. (Cleomaceae): a new addition to the naturalized alien flora of Iran
Khorasani, M., Naqinezhad, A., Soares Neto, R. L. and Brundu, G. 2024. Tarenaya spinosa (Jacq.) Raf. (Cleomaceae): a new addition to the naturalized alien flora of Iran. BioINvasions Records. 13 (4), p. 871–889. article
Global decoupling of functional and phylogenetic diversity in plant communities
Hähn, G., Damasceno, G., Alvarez-Davila, E., Aubin, I., Bauters, M., Bergmeier, E., Biurrun, I., Bjorkman, A. D., Bonari, G., Botta-Dukát, Z., Campos, J., Čarni, A. and Naqinezhad, A. 2024. Global decoupling of functional and phylogenetic diversity in plant communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution. pp. 1-39. article
The 1829 fallacy: A re-examination of the popular myth surrounding the existence of ‘professional policing’ in Britain
Andrews, T. 2024. The 1829 fallacy: A re-examination of the popular myth surrounding the existence of ‘professional policing’ in Britain. Journal of the Police History Society. 38, pp. 52 - 61.Journal article
Direct entry and Fast-track promotion, a brief history and the current position
Andrews, T., Jones, P., Hicks, D. and Hughes, C. 2024. Direct entry and Fast-track promotion, a brief history and the current position. Journal of the Police History Society. 38.Journal article
Can Locus of Control, Affective, and Cognitive Empathy Levels Predict Public Stigma towards Forensic Patients?
Szmyt, R. and Correa Vione, K. 2024. Can Locus of Control, Affective, and Cognitive Empathy Levels Predict Public Stigma towards Forensic Patients? Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme Conference 2024. University of Derby. poster
From Badges to Bridges: Building trust and collaboration between law enforcement and communities in the UK through legal reforms and community engagement.
Iqbal, I. and Gant, J. 2024. From Badges to Bridges: Building trust and collaboration between law enforcement and communities in the UK through legal reforms and community engagement. Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme Conference 2024. University of Derby.Conference poster
100380865 Thesis 2nd submission
Scott-Smith, H. 2023. 100380865 Thesis 2nd submission. Prof Doc Thesis Doc Thesis
Opportunities and Challenges of Drones and Internet of Drones in Healthcare Supply Chains un-der Disruption
Pacheco, D., Sarker, S., Bilal, M., Chamola, V. and Garza-Reyes, J.A. 2024. Opportunities and Challenges of Drones and Internet of Drones in Healthcare Supply Chains un-der Disruption. Production Planning & Control. pp. 1-24. article
Bee-friendly Interventions: The Barriers and Opportunities Affecting Urban Residents’ Conservation of Wild Bees in Gardens
Wiseman, L., Rawson, R. and Okere, U. 2024. Bee-friendly Interventions: The Barriers and Opportunities Affecting Urban Residents’ Conservation of Wild Bees in Gardens. Journal of Insect Conservation. 29 (7), pp. 1-13. article
How the Mitigation of Environmental Impacts affect Economic Performance in UK Manufacturing and Construction Companies
Fry, T., Rawson, R. and Okere, U. 2023. How the Mitigation of Environmental Impacts affect Economic Performance in UK Manufacturing and Construction Companies. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development . 24 (1), pp. 69-93. article
Wellbeing and burnout in schoolteachers: the psychophysiological case for self-compassion
Maratos, F., Sheffield, D., Parente, F. and Sahota, T.J. 2024. Wellbeing and burnout in schoolteachers: the psychophysiological case for self-compassion. Current Psychology. article
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practice on Financial Performance: Evidence from FTSE Firms in the UK
Boakye, M. 2024. The Impact of Human Resource Management Practice on Financial Performance: Evidence from FTSE Firms in the UK . PhD Thesis University of Derby business School Thesis
The Mediating Role of Circular Economy in the Relationship between Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Performance in the Manufacturing Industry
Cuevas Pichardo, L.J., Maldonado-Guzmán, G., Gómez-Guillamón, A.D. and Garza-Reyes, J. 2024. The Mediating Role of Circular Economy in the Relationship between Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Performance in the Manufacturing Industry. Business Strategy and the Environment. pp. 1-16. article
Application of Metaverse in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis
Panda, G., Arora, M., Ghoshal, I., Garza-Reyes, J. and Kaswan, M.S. 2024. Application of Metaverse in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis. The TQM Journal. pp. 1-29. article
How I quit writing: spontaneity and creative writing
Nemela, R. 2024. How I quit writing: spontaneity and creative writing. MPhil Thesis Thesis
‘One of the greatest injustices of our time’: The impact of social representations of modern slavery in the UK—A mixed methods approach
Haughton, M., Correa Vione, K. and Hughes, Z. 2024. ‘One of the greatest injustices of our time’: The impact of social representations of modern slavery in the UK—A mixed methods approach. British Journal of Social Psychology. 64 (1), pp. 1-15. article
How does big data influence smart manufacturing in the presence of preventive maintenance? A multi-analytical investigation
Samadhiya, A., Naz, F., Kumar, A., Garza-Reyes, J. and Luthra, S. 2024. How does big data influence smart manufacturing in the presence of preventive maintenance? A multi-analytical investigation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. pp. 1-20. article
Newborn Sensory Nurturing Intervention
Barnes, C. 2024. Newborn Sensory Nurturing Intervention. in: Adamson-Macedo, E.N. and Barnes, C. (ed.) Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach Newcastle Upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 215-239Book chapter
Parenting the Preterm Neonate during Hospitalisation
Barnes, C. 2024. Parenting the Preterm Neonate during Hospitalisation. in: Adamson-Macedo, E.N. and Barnes, C. (ed.) Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach Newcastle Upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 196-214Book chapter
Conceptual, Ethical and Historical Approaches to Neonatal Care
Barnes, C., de Roiste, A. and Adamson-Macedo, E.N. 2024. Conceptual, Ethical and Historical Approaches to Neonatal Care. in: Adamson-Macedo, E.N. and Barnes, C. (ed.) Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach Newcastle Upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 33-51Book chapter
Psychological and Theoretical Approaches to Neonatal Care
Barnes, C. and Adamson-Macedo, E.N. 2024. Psychological and Theoretical Approaches to Neonatal Care. in: Adamson-Macedo, E.N. and Barnes, C. (ed.) Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach Newcastle Upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 2-32Book chapter
Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care
Adamson-Macedo, E.N. and Barnes, C. (ed.) 2024. Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care. Newcastle Upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing.Book
Enhancing robotics learning using imitation learning through visual-based behaviour cloning
Jadeja, Y., Shafik, M., Wood, P. and Makkar, A. 2024. Enhancing robotics learning using imitation learning through visual-based behaviour cloning. 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research. EDP Sciences. paper