Mojisola Grace Asogbon

NameMojisola Grace Asogbon
Job titleLecturer in Data Science
Research instituteCollege of Science and Engineering

Research outputs

An Efficient Deep Transfer Learning Network for Characterization of Stroke Patients’ Motor Execution from Multi-Channel EEG-Recordings

Samuel, O., Asogbon, M., Kulwa, F., McEwan, A., Aboyeji, S. T. and Khushaba, R. 2024. An Efficient Deep Transfer Learning Network for Characterization of Stroke Patients’ Motor Execution from Multi-Channel EEG-Recordings. IEEE EMBC 2024. Orlando, Florida, United States of America Jul - Aug 2024 IEEE.

A robust feature adaptation approach against variation of muscle contraction forces for myoelectric pattern recognition-based gesture characterization

Samuel, O., Asogbon, M. and McEwan, A. 2024. A robust feature adaptation approach against variation of muscle contraction forces for myoelectric pattern recognition-based gesture characterization. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 95 (2024), p. 106446.

A Pilot on the use of Stride Cadence for the Charac-terization of Walking Ability in Lower Limb Ampu-tees

Nsugbe, E., Samuel, O., Asogbon, M. and Jose, J. R. L. 2024. A Pilot on the use of Stride Cadence for the Charac-terization of Walking Ability in Lower Limb Ampu-tees. Biomedical Engineering Advances. 7 (2024), pp. 1-10.

Investigation of Artifact Contamination Impact on EEG Oscillations Towards Enhanced Motor Function Characterization

Asogbon, M.G., Samuel, O., Meziane, F., Li, G. and Li, Y. 2024. Investigation of Artifact Contamination Impact on EEG Oscillations Towards Enhanced Motor Function Characterization. 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSIGNALS. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications.

A Multi-Dataset Characterization of Window-based Hyperparameters for Deep CNN-driven sEMG Pattern Recognition

Kulwa, F., Zhang, H., Samuel, O., Asogbon, M., Scheme, E., Kushaba, R., McEwan, A. and Li, G. 2023. A Multi-Dataset Characterization of Window-based Hyperparameters for Deep CNN-driven sEMG Pattern Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. pp. 1-12.

Analysis of Artifactual Components Rejection Threshold towards Enhanced Characterization of Neural Activity in Post-Stroke Survivor

Asogbon, M., Huai, Y., Samuel, O., Jing, Z., Ma, Y., Liu, J., Jiang, Y., Fu, Y., Li, G. and Li, Y. 2023. Analysis of Artifactual Components Rejection Threshold towards Enhanced Characterization of Neural Activity in Post-Stroke Survivor. 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Xplore.

Enhanced Deep Transfer Learning Model based on Spatial-Temporal driven Scalograms for Precise Decoding of Motor Intent in Stroke Survivors

Samuel, O., Asogbon, M., Kulwa, F., Zangene, A., Oyemakinde, T., Igbe, T., McEwan, A., Li, Y. and Li, G. 2023. Enhanced Deep Transfer Learning Model based on Spatial-Temporal driven Scalograms for Precise Decoding of Motor Intent in Stroke Survivors. 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE.

A Novel Duo-Stage driven Deep Neural Network Approach for Mitigating Electrode Shift Impact on Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Systems

Kulwa, F., Samuel, O.W., Asogbon, M., Oyemakinde, T.T., Obe, O.O. and Li, G. 2023. A Novel Duo-Stage driven Deep Neural Network Approach for Mitigating Electrode Shift Impact on Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Systems. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA). IEEE.
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