Katia Correa Vione
Name | Katia Correa Vione |
Job title | Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology |
Research institute | College of Health, Psychology and Social Care |
ORCID | https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6633-8520 |
Research outputs
‘One of the greatest injustices of our time’: The impact of social representations of modern slavery in the UK—A mixed methods approach
Haughton, M., Correa Vione, K. and Hughes, Z. 2024. ‘One of the greatest injustices of our time’: The impact of social representations of modern slavery in the UK—A mixed methods approach. British Journal of Social Psychology. 64 (1), pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12824Can Locus of Control, Affective, and Cognitive Empathy Levels Predict Public Stigma towards Forensic Patients?
Szmyt, R. and Correa Vione, K. 2024. Can Locus of Control, Affective, and Cognitive Empathy Levels Predict Public Stigma towards Forensic Patients? Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme Conference 2024. University of Derby. https://doi.org/10.48773/qvq24A Replication and Development of the Short Cognitive Mediation Beliefs Questionnaire (CMBQ-S)
Turner, M. J., Correa Vione, K., Simonovic, B., Stupple, E., Brooks, M. and Sheffield, D. 2024. A Replication and Development of the Short Cognitive Mediation Beliefs Questionnaire (CMBQ-S). Emotion. pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/emo0001447Examining flight time, cognitive reflection, workload, stress and metacognition on decision making performance for pilots during flight simulation
Mohan, A., Simonovic, B., Correa Vione, K. and Stupple, E. 2024. Examining flight time, cognitive reflection, workload, stress and metacognition on decision making performance for pilots during flight simulation. Ergonomics. pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2024.2404642Effective leadership practice among senior leaders working from home and in the hybrid workplace across COVID-19
Barnes, K., Correa Vione, K. and Kotera, Y. 2024. Effective leadership practice among senior leaders working from home and in the hybrid workplace across COVID-19. SN Business & Economics . 4 (55), pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-024-00651-4Dispositional greed and life satisfaction: the role of social comparison for well-being
Barnes, K., Correa Vione, K. and Kotera, Y. 2024. Dispositional greed and life satisfaction: the role of social comparison for well-being. SN Business and Economics . pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-024-00651-4Pathways to online infidelity: the roles of perceived online dating success, perceived availability of alternative partners, and mate value discrepancy
Nascimento, B.S., Adair, L. and Vione, K.C. 2023. Pathways to online infidelity: the roles of perceived online dating success, perceived availability of alternative partners, and mate value discrepancy. Current Psychology. pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05345-yBad Parents? Evaluating Judgments of Infant Homicides
Brandon Sparks, Katia Vione and Dean Fido 2023. Bad Parents? Evaluating Judgments of Infant Homicides. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. pp. 1-23.It is not what you think it is how you think: a critical thinking intervention enhances argumentation, analytic thinking and metacognitive sensitivity
Simonovic, B., Katia Vione, Edward Stupple and Doherty, A. 2023. It is not what you think it is how you think: a critical thinking intervention enhances argumentation, analytic thinking and metacognitive sensitivity. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 49, pp. 1-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2023.101362Síndrome do impostor, autoeficácia e apoio social em mães de primeira viagem do Reino Unido
Fergusson, G. and Correa Vione, K. 2023. Síndrome do impostor, autoeficácia e apoio social em mães de primeira viagem do Reino Unido . in: Guerra, V.M., Nascimento, A.S. and Duarte, C.N.B. (ed.) Gestação e maternidade: A visão da psicologia Espirito Santo, Brazil EDUFES . pp. 205-220Psychological Risk Factors for Depression in the UK General Population: Derailment, Self-Criticism and Self-Reassurance
Colman, R., Vione, K.C. and Kotera, Y. 2022. Psychological Risk Factors for Depression in the UK General Population: Derailment, Self-Criticism and Self-Reassurance. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2022.2110214Mindfulness-Based Approaches for COVID-19 Mental Health in Working from Home
Katia C. Vione and Yasuhiro Kotera 2021. Mindfulness-Based Approaches for COVID-19 Mental Health in Working from Home. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-021-00647-3Escala Clance do Fenômeno do Impostor: Adaptação Brasileira
Thereza Christina Garcia Bezerra, Larisse Helena Gomes de Macêdo Barbosa, Katia Correa Vione, Rebecca Alves Aguiar Athayde and Valdiney Veloso Gouveia 2021. Escala Clance do Fenômeno do Impostor: Adaptação Brasileira. Psico-USF. 26 (2), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-82712021260211Preconceitos que se Cruzam: A Relação entre o Racismo, Sexismo e Valores
Ana Karolyne Florencio Amorim, Larisse Helena Gomes Macêdo Barbosa, Katia Correa Vione, Olívia Dayse Leite Ferreira, Tailson Evangelista Mariano and Francicléia Lopes Silva 2021. Preconceitos que se Cruzam: A Relação entre o Racismo, Sexismo e Valores. Psico-USF. 26 (2), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-82712021260205Effect of Nature Walks on Depression and Anxiety: A Systematic Review
Yasuhiro Kotera, Melinda Lyons, Katia Correa Vione and Briony Norton 2021. Effect of Nature Walks on Depression and Anxiety: A Systematic Review. Sustainability. 13 (7), pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13074015The Role of Future Time Perspective, Body Awareness, and Social Connectedness in the Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Resilience
O’Neill, Ellsy, Clarke, Philip, Fido, Dean and Vione, Katia Correa 2020. The Role of Future Time Perspective, Body Awareness, and Social Connectedness in the Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Resilience. Mental Health Addiction. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-020-00434-6Decisional and emotional forgiveness scales: Psychometric validity and correlates with personality and vengeance
Cavalcanti, Thiago Medeiros, de Holanda Coelho, Gabriel Lins, Rezende, Alessandro Teixeira, C. Vione, Katia and Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso 2018. Decisional and emotional forgiveness scales: Psychometric validity and correlates with personality and vengeance. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 14, p. 1247–1264. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-018-9653-9Cross-cultural differences and similarities in human value instantiation.
Hanel, Paul H. P., Maio, Gregory R., Soares, Ana K. S., C. Vione, Katia, de Holanda Coelho, Gabriel L., Gouveia, Valdiney V., Patil, Appasaheb C., Kamble, Shanmukh V. and Manstead, Antony S. R. 2018. Cross-cultural differences and similarities in human value instantiation. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00849Value Instantiations: The Missing Link Between Values and Behavior?
Hanel, P. H. P., Correa Vione, K., Hahn, U. and Maio, G, R. 2017. Value Instantiations: The Missing Link Between Values and Behavior? in: Roccas, S. and Sagiv, L. (ed.) Values and Behavior Taking a Cross Cultural Perspective New York Springer.Do student samples provide an accurate estimate of the general public?
Hanel, Paul H. P. and C. Vione, Katia 2016. Do student samples provide an accurate estimate of the general public? PLos ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0168354Flourishing Scale: Evidence of Its Suitability to the Brazilian Context
Correa Vione, K. 2015. Flourishing Scale: Evidence of Its Suitability to the Brazilian Context. Mykolas Romeris University. https://doi.org/10.13165/siiw-15-1-2-07Guiding Actions and Expressing Needs: On the Psychological Functions of Values
Gouveia, Valdiney V., Milfont, Taciano L., Correa Vione, K. and Santos, Walberto S. Guiding Actions and Expressing Needs: On the Psychological Functions of Values. Psykhe (Santiago). 24 (2), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.7764/psykhe.24.2.884Patterns of value change during the life span
Gouveia, Valdiney V., C. Vione, Katia, Milfont, Taciano L. and Fischer, Ronald 2015. Patterns of value change during the life span. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 41 (9), pp. 1276-1290. https://doi.org/10.1177/01461672155941891968
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