Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.
Ma, Xueer
Lecturer in Business, Economic and Social Policy
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby

Mabhala, Mzwandile
Professor of Public Health
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Macaulay, Peter
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Macias-Morales, Rene
Senior Lecturer in Operating Department Practice
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
MacMahon, Barbara
Senior Lecturer in English Language
— Department of Humanities, College of Arts, Humanities and Education
Madan, Nishi
Lecturer in Nursing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Maddox, Lisa
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Madichie, Nnamdi
Associate Academic
— Provost Learning and Teaching, University of Derby
Majhail, Harjinder
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Makepeace, Rachel
Senior Lecturer Initial Teacher Education - Coaching and Mentoring Lead
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Makin-Smith, Kim
Lecturer in International Education
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Makkar, Aaisha
Lecturer in Computer Science
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Makropoulos, Alexios
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Maligno, Angelo
Professor of Composite Materials
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Malik, Bilal
Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science (Clinical Immunology)
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mallender, Rebecca
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mallik, Sabuj
Head of Discipline - Engineering
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby

Maloy, Liam
Senior Lecturer in Education (Research)
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Malute, Francis
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Manahov, Viktor
Post-Graduate Research Supervisor
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mandal, Luna
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Manini, Barbara
Lecturer in Psychology
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Manning, Warren
Provost Innovation and Research
— Vice Chancellors Executive Office, University of Derby
Manship, Neil
Senior Lecturer in Journalism
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Manton, Becky
Senior Lecturer in ITE (Primary/EYTS)
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Maratos, Frances
Professor of Psychology and Affective Science
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Margulis, Marat
Senior Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Marino, Federico
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Marjani, Rahim
Researcher in Railway Systems Innovation
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Markwell, Graham
Senior Lecturer in Built Environment
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Marmalade, Gemma
Assistant Head of Discipline/Senior Lecturer in Media (Photography)
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marsden, Hope
Lecturer in School of Nursing and Midwifery
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Marsden, Stevie
Lecturer in Publishing
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marsh, Elizabeth
Associate Professor in Cellular and Molecular Biology
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby

Marshall, Alice
Senior Lecturer in Performance
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marshall, Jennifer
Assistant Head of Discipline/Senior Lecturer in Postgraduate Studies
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marshall, Jennifer
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marshall, Michael
Senior Lecturer Secondary Initial Teacher Education
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marson, Duncan
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Marson, Duncan
Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Spa
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Martin Cereceda, Mercedes
Research Impact Officer
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Marvin, Juliet
Lecturer in Forensic Psychology
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Masania, Jinit
Lecturer in Molecular Biology
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Masiye, Tafadzwa
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mason, Jade
Research Assistant in Criminology
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mason, Sarah
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Masters, Lesley
Lecturer in International Relations
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Matharu, Ranveer
Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mathew, Eisen
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mathuthu, Mthulisi
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Mauvisseau, Quentin
— College of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Derby
Mawas, Abdulhakim
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Maxwell-Jones, Robert
Senior Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Mayes, JP
Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
McCandless, Fiona
Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
McCarthy, Ben
Research Assistant in Urban Digital Visualisation (DUST)
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
McCloskey, Paula
Associate Professor in Art and Visual Culture
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
McCrory, Moy
Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
McDonald, Carlton
Senior Lecturer in Computing
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
McEwan, Alistair
Head of Discipline of Computing
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
McEwan, Kirsten
Associate Professor in Health and Wellbeing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
McGivern, Paul
— College of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Derby
McGravie, David
Deputy Dean (Arts Humanities and Education)
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Mcilvenna, Kathleen
Senior Lecturer in History
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Mcinerney, Kevin
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
McInnes, Rachael
Senior Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
McKee, Claire
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
McKenzie, Ian
Lecturer in Electronics and Mathematics
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
McLay, Keith
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
— Vice Chancellors Executive Office, University of Derby
McLennan, Laura
Senior Lecturer in Geology and Palaeontology
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mclocklin, Georgina
Lecturer in Forensic Psychology
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
McMahon, Daithi
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
McMahon, Daithi
Associate Professor of Media and Culture
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
McNally, Mary
Lecturer in English
— Department of Humanities, College of Arts, Humanities and Education
Mead, Larry
Senior Lecturer in Law
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Meakin, Lynsey
Senior Lecturer in Education
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Meharry, John Buchanan
— College of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Derby
Mehdi, Muntazir
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Meiselles, Michala
Senior Lecturer in Law
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Melhem, Wasen
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Menzies, Andrew
Lecturer in Motorsport Engineering
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Merritt, Patrick
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Merritt, Patrick
Lecturer in Computer Games, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Metz, Sebastian
Researcher in Bioinformatics
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Meziane, Farid
Professor and Head of the Data Science Research Centre
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Miao, Dejun
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Michaels, Eugene
Senior Lecturer in Economics
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Michopoulou, Eleni
Associate Professor in Business Management
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Middlicott, Charlie
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mieschbuehler, Ruth
Senior Lecturer in Education Studies and SEND
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Mighten, Janice
Senior Lecturer in Pre-Qualifying Healthcare
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Miller, Lee
Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Operations
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mina, Mina
Senior Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mina, Minas
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mindang, Martina
Lecturer in Therapeutic Arts (Art Therapy Specialism)
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Minhas, Rashid Ali
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Minou, Lina
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Mirza, Mehreen
Head of School of Law and Social Science
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mistry, Reema
Lecturer in Sport Therapy and Rehabilitation
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mitchell, Cat
Senior Lecturer in Publishing
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Mitchell, James
Senior Lecturer in Sport Outdoor and Exercise Science
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mitchell, Kathryn
— Vice Chancellors Executive Office, University of Derby
Moate, Thomas
Lecturer in Nursing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moglo, Komlanvi
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mohidin, Melanie
Senior Lecturer in Pre-Qualifying Health Care (Clinical Educator)
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Molasiotis, Alex
PVC-Dean (Arts Humanities and Education)
— Vice Chancellors Executive Office, University of Derby
Montague, Jane
Head of Discipline of Psychological and Behavioural Sciences
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Monteiro, Aleksandra
Lecturer in Forensic Psychology
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moon, Edith
Senior Lecturer in Professional Psychological Practice
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moon, Rob
Senior Lecturer in Business and Management
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mooney, Robyn
Lecturer in Forensic Psychology
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moore, Jonathan Bryan
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Moore, Nicki
Senior Lecturer in Career Development
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Moran, Garrett
Senior Lecturer in Psychology (Online)
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moret, Sebastien
Asst Head of Discipline/Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Moreton, Joshua
Associate Lecturer in Associate and Enhanced Healthcare Practice
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Morgan, Helen
Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Mortimore, Gerri
Associate Professor in Advanced Clinical Practice
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Morton, Caroline
Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Mosley, Rebecca
Senior Lecturer in Pre-Qualifying Health Care
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moss, Kate
Professor - Criminology
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Moss, Marie
Lecturer in Pre-qualifying Healthcare
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Moss, Vicki
Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Motaman, Shahed
Senior Lecturer in Motorsport Engineering
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Mottram, Paul
Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Mourton, Stuart
Senior Lecturer in Sport Outdoor and Exercise Science
— College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby
Muhammad, Rukaiyya
Lecturer in Nursing, Health and Social Care
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Muir, Kim
Senior Lecturer in Education Studies and SEND
— College of Arts, Humanities and Education, University of Derby
Mukhaimar, Mohammed
— College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby
Mustafa, Ghulam
Senior Lecturer in Economics
— College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby
Mycock, Katherine
Impact Officer
— University Research and Knowledge Exchange Office, University of Derby