Mark Faghy

NameMark Faghy
Job titleProfessor of Clinical Exercise Science
Research instituteCollege of Science and Engineering

Research outputs

Inclusivity in prostate cancer and exercise research: a systematic review

Ashton, R., Faghy, M., Roscoe, C. and Aning, J. 2024. Inclusivity in prostate cancer and exercise research: a systematic review. Supportive care in cancer. 32 (616), pp. 1-18.

Blood Biomarkers of Long COVID: A Systematic Review

Callum Thomas, Mark A. Faghy, Corinna Chidley, Bethan E. Phillips, Thomas Bewick and Ruth E Ashton 2024. Blood Biomarkers of Long COVID: A Systematic Review. Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy. pp. 1-38.

Time to re-define ‘normal’ in the context of Post-Acute COVID-19 biomarkers in the assessment of patient outcomes?

Owen-Toon, R., Ashton, R., Philips, B., Ferraro, F., Bewick, T., Thomas, C. and Faghy, M. 2024. Time to re-define ‘normal’ in the context of Post-Acute COVID-19 biomarkers in the assessment of patient outcomes? American Physiological Summit 2024. American Physiological Society.

Barriers to healthcare access and experiences of stigma: Findings from a coproduced Long Covid case-finding study

Clutterbuck, D., Ramasawmy, M., Pantelic, M., Hayer, J., Begum, F., Faghy, M., Nasir, N., Heightman, M., Allsopp, G. and Wootton, D. 2024. Barriers to healthcare access and experiences of stigma: Findings from a coproduced Long Covid case-finding study. Health Expectations. pp. 1-16.

Attenuating post-exertional malaise in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and long-COVID: Is blood lactate monitoring the answer?

Faghy, M., Ashton, R., McNelis, R., Arena, R. and Duncan, R. 2024. Attenuating post-exertional malaise in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and long-COVID: Is blood lactate monitoring the answer? Current Problems in Cardiology. 49 (6), pp. 1-3.

The Fitness Fortress - All Are Welcome, But Far Too Few Choose to Enter and Stay

Arena, R., Laddu, D. and Faghy, M. 2024. The Fitness Fortress - All Are Welcome, But Far Too Few Choose to Enter and Stay. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 83, pp. 1-2.

Shedding Light on Long Covid Conference

Jones, R. and Faghy, M. 2023. Shedding Light on Long Covid Conference . SHEDding Light on Long COvid. Museum of Making 08 Sep - 08 Oct 2023 University of Derby.

Developing effective strategies to optimize physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in the long Covid population- The need for caution and objective assessment

Faghy, M., Duncan, R., Hume, E., Gough, L., Roscoe, C., Laddu, D., Arena, R., Ashton, R. and Dalton, C. 2024. Developing effective strategies to optimize physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in the long Covid population- The need for caution and objective assessment. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. pp. 1-9.

How to Interpret a CRF Assessment – Key Measures that Provide the Best Picture of Health, Disease Status and Prognosis

Ozemek, C., Hardwick, J., Bonikowske, A., Christle, J., German, C., Reddy, S., Arena, R. and Faghy, M. 2024. How to Interpret a CRF Assessment – Key Measures that Provide the Best Picture of Health, Disease Status and Prognosis. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 83, pp. 23-28.

Using cardiorespiratory fitness assessment to identify pathophysiology in long COVID – Best practice approaches

Faghy, M., Dalton, C., Duncan, R., Arena, R. and Ashton, R. 2024. Using cardiorespiratory fitness assessment to identify pathophysiology in long COVID – Best practice approaches. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

The physiologic benefits of optimizing cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity – From the cell to systems level in a post-pandemic world

Faghy, M., Tatler, A., Chidley, C., Fryer, S., Stoner, L., Laddu, D., Arena, R. and Ashton, R. 2024. The physiologic benefits of optimizing cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity – From the cell to systems level in a post-pandemic world. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. pp. 1-6.

Moving Through Speech - In Real Time

Marshall, A., Jones, R. and Faghy, M. 2023. Moving Through Speech - In Real Time. Shedding Light on Long Covid Conference .

A narrative review on increased prevalence of cardiovascular complications following a COVID-19 infection: The risks and considerations for effective management and practice

Faghy, M. and RuthE M. Ashton 2023. A narrative review on increased prevalence of cardiovascular complications following a COVID-19 infection: The risks and considerations for effective management and practice. Heart and Mind. 7 (4), pp. 1-11.

Acute COVID-19, the Lived Experience, and Lessons to Learn for Future Pandemics

Owen-Toon, R., Ashton, R., Faghy, M., Ferraro, F. and Skipper, L. 2023. Acute COVID-19, the Lived Experience, and Lessons to Learn for Future Pandemics. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. pp. 1-6.

Long COVID quality of life and healthcare experiences in the UK: a mixed method online survey

Owen, R., Ashton, R., Skipper, L., Phillips, B. E., Yates, J., Thomas, C., Ferraro, F., Bewick, T., Haggan, K. and Faghy, M. 2023. Long COVID quality of life and healthcare experiences in the UK: a mixed method online survey. Quality of Life Research. pp. 1-11.

Long Covid Diaries

Marshall, A., Jones, R. and Faghy, M. 2023. Long Covid Diaries . Museum of Making 08 Sep - 08 Oct 2023

The effects of inspiratory muscle training on balance and functional mobility: a systematic review

Suman Sheraz, Ferraro, F., Furqan Ahmed Siddiqui, Hina Tariq, Mark Anthony Faghy and Arshad Nawaz Malik 2023. The effects of inspiratory muscle training on balance and functional mobility: a systematic review. Postgraduate Medicine. pp. 1-11.

Forming a consensus opinion to inform long COVID support mechanisms and interventions: a modified Delphi approach

Rebecca Owen, Ruth E.M. Ashton, Francesco V. Ferraro, Lindsay Skipper, Tom Bewick, Paul Leighton, Bethan E. Phillips, Mark A. Faghy and Ferraro, F. 2023. Forming a consensus opinion to inform long COVID support mechanisms and interventions: a modified Delphi approach. eClinicalMedicine. 62 (August), pp. 1-9.

Improving Fundamental Movement Skills during Early Childhood: An Intervention Mapping Approach

Alexandra Patricia Dobell, Mark A. Faghy, Andy Pringle, Clare M. P. Roscoe and Faghy, M. 2023. Improving Fundamental Movement Skills during Early Childhood: An Intervention Mapping Approach. Children. 10 (6), pp. 1-36.

Long COVID – integrated approaches to chronic disease management?

Faghy, M., Ruth EM Ashton, Lindsay Skipper, Binita Kane and Ashton, R. 2023. Long COVID – integrated approaches to chronic disease management? The American Journal of Medicine. pp. 1-3.

Lived experience of patients with Long COVID: a qualitative study in the UK

Callum Thomas, Mark A Faghy, Rebecca Owen, James Yates, Francesco Ferraro, Tom Bewick, Kate Haggan, Ruth E M Ashton and Ashton, R. 2023. Lived experience of patients with Long COVID: a qualitative study in the UK. BMJ Open. pp. 1-9.

A united approach to promoting healthy living behaviours and associated health outcomes: a global call for policymakers and decisionmakers

Faghy, M., Laurie Whitsel, Ross Arena, Andy Smith and Ashton, R. 2023. A united approach to promoting healthy living behaviours and associated health outcomes: a global call for policymakers and decisionmakers. Journal of Public Health Policy. pp. 1-15.

Application of theoretical domains framework to explore the enablers and barriers to physical activity among university staff and students: a qualitative study

Ndupu, L., Staples, V., Lipka, S., Faghy, M., Bessadet, N and Bussell, C. 2023. Application of theoretical domains framework to explore the enablers and barriers to physical activity among university staff and students: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 23 (670), pp. 1-17.

A tale of one pandemic outliving another: Are even lower physical activity patterns following the COVID-19 pandemic the new norm?-A commentary

Arena, R., Hall, G., Laddu, D. R., Phillips, S. A., Bhatt, T., Faghy, M. and Lavie, C. J. 2023. A tale of one pandemic outliving another: Are even lower physical activity patterns following the COVID-19 pandemic the new norm?-A commentary. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 79, pp. 53-55.

Proposing an #EASIER cardiopulmonary rehabilitation protocol for coronavirus disease 2019 survivors

da Luz Goulart, C, Nunes Silva, R., Rezende Oliveira, M., Back, G., Arena, R., Faghy, M. and Borghi‑Silva, A. 2023. Proposing an #EASIER cardiopulmonary rehabilitation protocol for coronavirus disease 2019 survivors. Heart and Mind. 7 (1), pp. 45-48.

The impact of COVID-19 on the social determinants of cardiovascular health

Faghy, M., Ruth EM Ashton, Lewis Gough, Ross Arena, Carl J Lavie and Cemal Ozemek 2023. The impact of COVID-19 on the social determinants of cardiovascular health. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 39 (6), pp. 754-760.

Cardiovascular disease prevention and management in the COVID-19 era and beyond: An international perspective.

Faghy, M., Yates, J., Hills, A. P., Jayasinghe, S., da Luz Goulart, C., Arena, R., Laddu, D., Gururaj, R., Veluswamy, S. K., Dixit, S. and Ashton REM 2023. Cardiovascular disease prevention and management in the COVID-19 era and beyond: An international perspective. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 76, pp. 102-111.

Public policy for healthy living: How COVID-19 has changed the landscape.

Whitsel LP, Ajenikoko F, Chase PJ, Johnson J, McSwain B, Phelps M, Radcliffe R and Faghy, M. Public policy for healthy living: How COVID-19 has changed the landscape. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 76, pp. 49-56.

The acute and chronic implications of the COVID-19 virus on the cardiovascular system in adults: A systematic review

Ashton, R., Bethan E. Philips and Mark Faghy 2023. The acute and chronic implications of the COVID-19 virus on the cardiovascular system in adults: A systematic review. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 76, pp. 31-37.

Exploring the predictors of physical inactivity in a university setting

Ndupu, L.B., Bussell, C., Faghy, M., Staples, V. and Lipka, S. 2023. Exploring the predictors of physical inactivity in a university setting. BMC Public Health. 23 (59).

Pre-COVID-19 physical activity status does not protect against reductions in post-covid-19 symptoms: a correlation relativistic analysis during the lockdown

Owen, R., Faghy, M., Ashton, R. and Ferraro, F. 2023. Pre-COVID-19 physical activity status does not protect against reductions in post-covid-19 symptoms: a correlation relativistic analysis during the lockdown. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science.. 9 (6), pp. 1-16.

Cardiorespiratory fitness as a vital sign of CVD risk in the COVID-19 era.

Harber, M. P., Peterman, J. E., Imboden, M., Kaminsky, L., Ashton REM, Arena, R. and Faghy, M. 2022. Cardiorespiratory fitness as a vital sign of CVD risk in the COVID-19 era. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 76, pp. 44-48.

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic: With hindsight what lessons can we learn?

Faghy M, Arena, R., Hills, A. P., Yates, J., Vermeesch, A. L., Franklin B. A., Popovic, D., Strieter, L., Lavie ,C. J. and Smith, A. 2022. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic: With hindsight what lessons can we learn? Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 76, pp. 76-83.

COVID-19 and elite sport: Cardiovascular implications and return-to-play.

Faghy, M., Ashton REM, Parizher, G., Smith, A., Arena, R., Gough, L. A. and Emery, M. S. 2023. COVID-19 and elite sport: Cardiovascular implications and return-to-play. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 76, pp. 1-9.

A long road to recovery? Reduced quality of life, impaired functional status and the lived experience of Long COVID patients, a cohort analysis

M Faghy, Owen, R., J Yates, Thomas, C., F Ferraro and R Ashton 2022. A long road to recovery? Reduced quality of life, impaired functional status and the lived experience of Long COVID patients, a cohort analysis. 2022 ERS International Congress. European Respiratory Society.

The Feasibility and Impact of Practising Online Forest Bathing to Improve Anxiety, Rumination, Social Connection and Long-COVID Symptoms: A Pilot Study

Kirsten McEwan, Collett, H., Nairn, J., Jamie Bird, Mark A. Faghy, Pfeifer, E., Jackson, J., Cook, C. and Bond, A. 2022. The Feasibility and Impact of Practising Online Forest Bathing to Improve Anxiety, Rumination, Social Connection and Long-COVID Symptoms: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (22), pp. 1-12.

Physiological impact of load carriage exercise: Current understanding and future research directions

Faghy, M., Shei, R., Armstrong, N. C. D., White, M. and Lomax, M. 2022. Physiological impact of load carriage exercise: Current understanding and future research directions. Physiological Reports. 10 (21), pp. 1-15.

Is long COVID the next global health crisis?

Faghy, M., Owen, R., Thomas, C., Yates, J., Ferraro, F., Skipper, L, Barley-McMullen, S., Brown, D, Arena, R and Ashton, R. 2022. Is long COVID the next global health crisis? Journal of global health. pp. 1-6.

The effects of COVID-19 on respiratory muscle performance: making the case for respiratory muscle testing and training

Severin, R., Franz, C. K., Farr, E., Meirelles, C., Arena, R., Phillips, S. A., Bond, S., Ferraro, F. and Faghy, M. 2022. The effects of COVID-19 on respiratory muscle performance: making the case for respiratory muscle testing and training. European Respiratory Review. 31 (220006), pp. 1-11.

Post-acute COVID syndrome (long COVID): What should radiographers know and the potential impact for imaging services

F. Alghamdi, R. Owen, Ashton, R., A.D. Obotiba, R.M. Meertens, E. Hyde, M.A. Faghy, K.M. Knapp, P. Rogers and W.D. Strain 2022. Post-acute COVID syndrome (long COVID): What should radiographers know and the potential impact for imaging services. Radiography. 28, pp. 1-7.

Acute Effects of Facial Coverings on Anaerobic Exercise Performance in College-Aged Adults

Ryan Conners, Paul N. Whitehead, Thomas Skarp, Briana Waller, Mark Richard, Carrington Bain, Megan Monks and Faghy, M. 2022. Acute Effects of Facial Coverings on Anaerobic Exercise Performance in College-Aged Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (17), pp. 1-10.

Social justice equity in healthy living medicine - An international perspective

Jayasinghe, S., Faghy, M. and Hill, A. P. 2022. Social justice equity in healthy living medicine - An international perspective. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 71, pp. 64-68.

COVID-19 patients require multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approaches to address persisting symptom profiles and restore pre-COVID quality of life

Faghy, M, A, Maden-Wilkinson, T, Arena, R, Copeland, R, J, Owen, R., Hodgkins, H and Willmott, A 2022. COVID-19 patients require multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approaches to address persisting symptom profiles and restore pre-COVID quality of life. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine.

Nutritional intakes of highly trained adolescent swimmers before, during, and after a national lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic

Newbury, J. W., Wee, L. N., Cole, M., Kelly, A. L., Chessor, R. J., Sparks, A., Faghy, M., Gough, H. C. and Gough, L. A. 2022. Nutritional intakes of highly trained adolescent swimmers before, during, and after a national lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic. PLos ONE. pp. 1-17.

The Role of Physical Activity in Cancer Recovery: An Exercise Practitioner’s Perspective

Roscoe, C., Barratt, B, Pringle, A., Chandler, C. and Faghy, M. 2022. The Role of Physical Activity in Cancer Recovery: An Exercise Practitioner’s Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (6), p. 3600.

Assessing the Validity of a Kinematic Knee Sleeve in a Resistance-Trained Population

Nathan Toon, Simon McMaster, Tom Outram and Mark Faghy 2022. Assessing the Validity of a Kinematic Knee Sleeve in a Resistance-Trained Population. 3rd International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles (E-Textiles 2021), Manchester, UK, 4 November 2021.

COVID-19 and the long-term cardio-respiratory and metabolic health complications

Ashton, R., Ansdell, P., Hume, E., Maden-Wilkinson, T., Ryan, D., Tuttiett, E. and Faghy, M. 2022. COVID-19 and the long-term cardio-respiratory and metabolic health complications. Reviews in cardiovascular medicine. 23 (2), pp. 1-8.

Causal systems mapping to promote healthy living for pandemic preparedness: a call to action for global public health.

Pronk, Nicolaas P and Faghy, Mark 2022. Causal systems mapping to promote healthy living for pandemic preparedness: a call to action for global public health. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. 19 (1), p. 13.

Defining the importance of stress reduction in managing cardiovascular disease - the role of exercise.

Popovic, Dejana, Bjelobrk, Marija, Tesic, Milorad, Seman, Stefan, Jayasinghe, Sisitha, Hills, Andrew P, Babu, Abraham Samuel, Jakovljevic, Djordje G, Stoner, Lee, Ozemek, Cemal, Bond, Samantha, Faghy, Mark A, Pronk, Nicolaas P, Lavie, Carl J and Arena, Ross 2022. Defining the importance of stress reduction in managing cardiovascular disease - the role of exercise. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

No Independent or Synergistic Effects of Carbohydrate-Caffeine Mouth Rinse on Repeated Sprint Performance During Simulated Soccer Match Play in Male Recreational Soccer Players

Gough, Lewis A., Faghy, Mark, Clarke, Neil, Kelly, Adam L., Cole, Matthew and Lun Foo, Wee 2021. No Independent or Synergistic Effects of Carbohydrate-Caffeine Mouth Rinse on Repeated Sprint Performance During Simulated Soccer Match Play in Male Recreational Soccer Players. Science and Medicine in Football.

Authors' Responses to Peer Review of “Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Psychosocial Well-being and Work Productivity of Remote Workers: Cross-sectional Correlational Study”

Yessica Abigail Tronco Hernández, Fabio Parente, Mark A Faghy, Clare M P Roscoe, Frances A Maratos and Maratos, F. 2021. Authors' Responses to Peer Review of “Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Psychosocial Well-being and Work Productivity of Remote Workers: Cross-sectional Correlational Study”. JMIR Publications.

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a vital sign in patients recovering from COVID-19.

Arena, Ross and Faghy, Mark A 2021. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a vital sign in patients recovering from COVID-19. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 19 (10), pp. 877-880.

Associations of Sedentary Time with Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies.

Alansare, Abdullah Bandar, Bates, Lauren C, Stoner, Lee, Kline, Christopher E, Nagle, Elizabeth, Jennings, J Richard, Hanson, Erik D, Faghy, Mark A and Gibbs, Bethany Barone 2021. Associations of Sedentary Time with Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Switzerland MDPI.

What Comes First, the Behavior or the Condition? In the COVID-19 Era, It May Go Both Ways

Arena, Ross, Lavie, Carl J and Faghy, Mark A 2021. What Comes First, the Behavior or the Condition? In the COVID-19 Era, It May Go Both Ways. Current Problems in Cardiology. 47 (2).

Current and Future Implications of COVID-19 among Youth Wheelchair Users: 24-Hour Activity Behavior.

Conners, Ryan T, Bates, Lauren C, Lassalle, Patricia Pagan, Zieff, Gabriel, Whitehead, Paul N, Stevens, Sandra, Killen, Lauren, Cochrum, Robert, Rodebaugh, Kathryn L, Stoner, Lee and Faghy, Mark A 2021. Current and Future Implications of COVID-19 among Youth Wheelchair Users: 24-Hour Activity Behavior. Children. 8 (8).

A Call to Clarify the Intensity and Classification of Standing Behavior

Kowalsky, Robert J, Stoner, Lee, Faghy, Mark A and Barone Gibbs, Bethany 2021. A Call to Clarify the Intensity and Classification of Standing Behavior. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 (16).

The Effects of a Nutrition Education Intervention on Sports Nutrition Knowledge during a Competitive Season in Highly Trained Adolescent Swimmers.

Foo, Wee Lun, Faghy, Mark A, Sparks, Andy, Newbury, Josh W and Gough, Lewis A 2021. The Effects of a Nutrition Education Intervention on Sports Nutrition Knowledge during a Competitive Season in Highly Trained Adolescent Swimmers. Nutrients. 13 (8).

Targeting Sedentary Behavior in Minority Populations as a Feasible Health Strategy During and Beyond COVID-19: On Behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT

Lassalle, P.P., Meyer, M.L., Conners, R., Zieff, G., Rojas, J., Faghy, M., Arena, R., Vermeesch, A., Joseph, R.P. and Stoner, L. 2021. Targeting Sedentary Behavior in Minority Populations as a Feasible Health Strategy During and Beyond COVID-19: On Behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 6 (4).

Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with spinal cord injury: Mitigation strategies during COVID-19 on behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT

Bates, Lauren, Conners, Ryan, Zieff, Gabriel, Adams, Nathan, T., Edgar, Kyle, M., Stevens, Sandra, Faghy, Mark, Arena, Ross, Vermeesch, Amber, Rodney, Joseph, P., Keith, Nicole and Stoner, Lee 2021. Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with spinal cord injury: Mitigation strategies during COVID-19 on behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT. Disability and Health Journal. 15 (1).

COVID-19 infection and cardiometabolic complications: short- and long-term treatment and management considerations

Stoner, Lee, Faghy, Mark and Conners, Ryan 2021. COVID-19 infection and cardiometabolic complications: short- and long-term treatment and management considerations. Reviews in cardiovascular medicine. 22 (2), pp. 263-265.

Multi-Component Physical Activity Interventions in the UK Must Consider Determinants of Activity to Increase Effectiveness

Faghy, Mark, Armstrong-Booth, Kirsty E, Staples, Vicki, Duncan, Micheal J and Roscoe, Clare M P 2021. Multi-Component Physical Activity Interventions in the UK Must Consider Determinants of Activity to Increase Effectiveness. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 6 (3), p. 56.

Shelter from the cytokine storm: Healthy living is a vital preventative strategy in the COVID-19 era

Arena, Ross, Bond, Samantha, Calvo, Isabel Romero, Lebowicz, Leah, Ozemek, Cemal, Severin, Richard, Laddu, Deepika, Faghy, Mark, Lavie, Carl J. and Carbone, Salvatore 2021. Shelter from the cytokine storm: Healthy living is a vital preventative strategy in the COVID-19 era. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 73 (56), p. 60.

Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Psychosocial Well-being and Work Productivity of Remote Workers: Cross-sectional Correlational Study (Preprint)

Yessica Abigail Tronco Hernández, Fabio Parente, Mark A Faghy, Clare M P Roscoe, Frances A Maratos and Faghy, M. 2021. Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Psychosocial Well-being and Work Productivity of Remote Workers: Cross-sectional Correlational Study (Preprint). JMIR.

Influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on remote workers’ physical and psychosocial wellbeing and work productivity

Yessica Abigail Tronco Hernandez, Fabio Parente, Mark A. Faghy, Clare M. P. Roscoe and Frances Maratos 2021. Influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on remote workers’ physical and psychosocial wellbeing and work productivity. PsyArXiv.

An Evolving Approach to Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Muscle Function and Bone and Joint Health in the COVID-19 Era

Myers, Jonathan, Ozemek, Cemal, Hall, Grenita, Severin, Richard, Laddu, Deepika, Kaminsky, Leonard A., Stoner, Lee, Conners, Ryan T. and Faghy, Mark 2022. An Evolving Approach to Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Muscle Function and Bone and Joint Health in the COVID-19 Era. Current Problems in Cardiology. 47 (1).

Educators Perspectives on the Value of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skills for Early Years Foundation Stage Children in England.

Dobell, Alexandra, Pringle, Andy, Faghy, Mark and Roscoe, Clare M P 2021. Educators Perspectives on the Value of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skills for Early Years Foundation Stage Children in England. Children. 8 (5), p. 338.

The feasibility and tolerability of using inspiratory muscle training with adults discharged from the hospital with community-acquired pneumonia.

Pick, H.J., Faghy, M., Cresswell, G., Ashton, D., Bolton, C.E., McKeever, T., Lim, W.S. and Bewick, T. 2021. The feasibility and tolerability of using inspiratory muscle training with adults discharged from the hospital with community-acquired pneumonia. Advances in Respiratory Medicine. 89 (2), pp. 216-220.

Cardiorespiratory and skeletal muscle damage due to COVID-19: making the urgent case for rehabilitation

Silva, Rebeca Nunes, Goulart, Cássia da Luz, Oliveira, Murilo Rezende, Tacao, Guilherme Yassuyuki, Back, Guilherme Dionir, Severin, Richard, Faghy, Mark, Arena, Ross and Borghi-Silva, Audrey 2021. Cardiorespiratory and skeletal muscle damage due to COVID-19: making the urgent case for rehabilitation. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine. 15 (9), pp. 1107-1120.

Current activities centered on healthy living and recommendations for the future: a position statement from the HL-PIVOT network

Arena, Ross, Kaminsky, Leonard A., Williams, Mark, Sabbahi, Ahmad, Popovic, Dejana, Axtell, Robert, Faghy, Mark, Hills, Andrew P., Olivares Olivares, Silvia Lizett, Lopez, Mildred, Pronk, Nicolaas P., Laddu, Deepika, Samuel Babu, Abraham, Josephson, Richard, Whitsel, Laurie P., Severin, Rich, Christle, Jeffrey W., Zuniga Dourado, Victor, Niebauer, Joseph, Savage, Patrick, Austford, Leslie D. and Lavie, Carl J 2021. Current activities centered on healthy living and recommendations for the future: a position statement from the HL-PIVOT network. Current Problems in Cardiology. 46 (6).

UK University staff experience high levels of sedentary behaviour during work and leisure time

Faghy, Mark, Roscoe, C., Pringle, Andy, Duncan, Mike and Buchanan Meharry, John 2021. UK University staff experience high levels of sedentary behaviour during work and leisure time. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 28 (2), pp. 1104-1111.

The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network

Arena, Ross, Stoner, Lee, Haraf, Rebecca H., Josephson, Richard, Hills, Andrew P., Dixit, Snehil, Popovic, Dejana, Smith, Andy, Myers, Jonathan, Bacon, Simon L., Niebauer, Josef, Dourado, Victor Z., Babu, Abraham S., Maden-Wilkinson, Thomas M., Copeland, Robert J., Gough, Lewis A., Bond, Sam, Stuart, Kaz, Bewick, Thomas, Ashton, Ruth E.M. and Faghy, Mark 2021. The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 67, pp. 2-10.

The Physiological Impact of Masking Is Insignificant and Should Not Preclude Routine Use During Daily Activities, Exercise, and Rehabilitation

Haraf, R.H., Faghy, M., Carlin, B. and Josephson, R.A. 2021. The Physiological Impact of Masking Is Insignificant and Should Not Preclude Routine Use During Daily Activities, Exercise, and Rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 41 (1), pp. 1-5.

A biopsychosocial framework for recovery from COVID-19

Stuart, K., Faghy, M.A., Bidmead, E., Browning, R., Roberts, C., Grimwood, S. and Winn-Reed, T. 2020. A biopsychosocial framework for recovery from COVID-19. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 40 (9/10), pp. 1021-1039.

Fundamental movement skills and accelerometer-measured physical activity levels during early childhood: a systematic review

Dobell, Alexandra, Pringle, Andy, Faghy, Mark and Roscoe, Clare M. P. 2020. Fundamental movement skills and accelerometer-measured physical activity levels during early childhood: a systematic review. MDPI AG.

A flow resistive inspiratory muscle training mask worn during high-intensity interval training does not improve 5 km running time-trial performance

Brown, Peter I., Faghy, Mark, Davis, Nichola, Mayes, JP and Maden-Wilkinson, Tom 2020. A flow resistive inspiratory muscle training mask worn during high-intensity interval training does not improve 5 km running time-trial performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 121, p. 183–191.

Sodium bicarbonate ingestion improves time-to-exhaustion cycling performance and alters estimated energy system contribution: a dose-response investigation

Gurton, William H., Gough, Lewis A., Sparks, S. Andy, Faghy, Mark and Reed, Katharine E. 2020. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion improves time-to-exhaustion cycling performance and alters estimated energy system contribution: a dose-response investigation. Frontiers in Nutrition. 7.

Using system mapping to help plan and implement city-wide action to promote physical activity

Cavill, Nick, Richardson, Debra, Faghy, Mark, Bussell, Chris and Rutter, Harry 2020. Using system mapping to help plan and implement city-wide action to promote physical activity. Journal of Public Health Research. 9 (3).

Integrated sports and respiratory medicine in the aftermath of COVID-19

Faghy, M., Ashton, R., Maden-Wilkinson, T., Copeland, R. J., Bewick, T. and Smith, A. 2020. Integrated sports and respiratory medicine in the aftermath of COVID-19. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 8 (9), p. p852.

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the COVID-19 endemic phase

Faghy, Mark, Hull, James, Cooper, Brendan and Sylvester, Karl 2020. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the COVID-19 endemic phase. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 125 (4), pp. 447-449.

Calibration and cross-validation of accelerometery for estimating movement skills in children aged 8–12 years

Duncan, M., Dobell, A., Noon, M., Clark, C.T., Roscoe, C., Stodden, D., Sacko, R., Eyre, E. and Faghy, M. 2020. Calibration and cross-validation of accelerometery for estimating movement skills in children aged 8–12 years. Sensors. 20 (10), p. 2776.

Cross validation of actigraph derived accelerometer cut‐points for assessment of sedentary behaviour and physical activity in children aged 8‐11 years

Duncan, Michael J., Eyre, Emma L.J., Cox, Val, Roscoe, C., Faghy, Mark, Tallis, Jason and Dobell, Alexandra 2020. Cross validation of actigraph derived accelerometer cut‐points for assessment of sedentary behaviour and physical activity in children aged 8‐11 years. Acta Paediatrica. 109 (9), pp. 1825-1830.

Active recovery strategy and lactate clearance in elite swimmers

Mark A. Faghy, Mitch Lomax and Peter I. Brown 2018. Active recovery strategy and lactate clearance in elite swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 59 (9), pp. 1487-1491.

Functional training of the inspiratory muscles improves load carriage performance

Faghy, Mark and Brown, Peter I 2019. Functional training of the inspiratory muscles improves load carriage performance. Ergonomics. 62 (11), pp. 1439-1449.

Impact of Weekly Swimming Training Distance on the Ergogenicity of Inspiratory Muscle Training in Well-Trained Youth Swimmers

Lomax M, Kapus J, Brown PI and Faghy M 2017. Impact of Weekly Swimming Training Distance on the Ergogenicity of Inspiratory Muscle Training in Well-Trained Youth Swimmers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33 (8), pp. 2185-2193.

Estimating physical activity in children aged 8–11 Years using Accelerometry: Contributions from fundamental movement skills and different Accelerometer placements

Duncan, Mike, Roscoe, Clare M. P., Faghy, Mark, Tallis, Jason and Eyre, Emma 2019. Estimating physical activity in children aged 8–11 Years using Accelerometry: Contributions from fundamental movement skills and different Accelerometer placements. Frontiers in Physiology.

A review of inspiratory muscle training. When and why does it work?

Faghy, M. 2019. A review of inspiratory muscle training. When and why does it work? Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 68 (1), pp. 3-5.

Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) for adults discharged from hospital with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) – a feasibility study

Pick, HJ, Faghy, Mark, Cresswell, G, Lim, WS and Bewick, T 2018. Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) for adults discharged from hospital with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) – a feasibility study. Thorax.

P25 Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) for adults discharged from hospital with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) – a feasibility study

HJ Pick, MA Faghy, G Cresswell, WS Lim, T Bewick and Faghy, M. 2018. P25 Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) for adults discharged from hospital with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) – a feasibility study. BMJ Journals.

From startline to frontline: the application of respiratory exercise physiology to occupational performance

Faghy, Mark, Blacker, Sam D. and Brown, Peter I. 2017. From startline to frontline: the application of respiratory exercise physiology to occupational performance. Sport and Exercise Scientist.

Whole body active warm up and inspiratory muscle warm up do not improve running performance when carrying thoracic loads

Faghy, Mark and Brown, Peter I. 2017. Whole body active warm up and inspiratory muscle warm up do not improve running performance when carrying thoracic loads. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism. 42 (8).

Effects of load mass carried in a backpack upon respiratory muscle fatigue

Faghy, Mark, Blacker, Sam D. and Brown, Peter I. 2016. Effects of load mass carried in a backpack upon respiratory muscle fatigue. European Journal of Sport Science. 16 (8), pp. 1032-1038.

Functional inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves load carriage performance greater than traditional IMT techniques: 1652 Board #305 June 2, 9: 00 AM - 10: 30 AM.

Faghy, Mark, Lindley, Martin R. and Brown, Peter I. 2016. Functional inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves load carriage performance greater than traditional IMT techniques: 1652 Board #305 June 2, 9: 00 AM - 10: 30 AM. Wolters Kluwer.

Pilot study : can inspiratory muscle training relieve symptoms ff dyspnoea and improve quality of life for advanced cancer patients ?: 1872 Board #24 June 2, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM.

Lindley, Martin R., Faghy, Mark, Sowter, Heidi M. and Mickleborough, Timothy D. 2016. Pilot study : can inspiratory muscle training relieve symptoms ff dyspnoea and improve quality of life for advanced cancer patients ?: 1872 Board #24 June 2, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM. Wolters Kluwer.

Limitations and trainability of the respiratory system during exercise with thoracic loads

Faghy, Mark 2016. Limitations and trainability of the respiratory system during exercise with thoracic loads. PhD Thesis

Training the inspiratory muscles improves running performance when carrying a 25 kg thoracic load in a backpack

Faghy, Mark and Brown, Peter I. 2015. Training the inspiratory muscles improves running performance when carrying a 25 kg thoracic load in a backpack. European Journal of Sport Science. 16 (5), pp. 585-594.

Preloaded Time Trial to Assess Load Carriage Performance

Mark A. Faghy and Peter I. Brown 2014. Preloaded Time Trial to Assess Load Carriage Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28 (12), pp. 3354-3362.

Thoracic load carriage-induced respiratory muscle fatigue

Faghy, M. and Brown, P.I. 2014. Thoracic load carriage-induced respiratory muscle fatigue. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 114, p. 1085–1093.

Ventilatory muscle strength, diaphragm thickness and pulmonary function in world-class powerlifters

Brown, Peter I., Venables, Heather, Liu, Hymsuen, de Witt, Julie T., Brown, Michelle R. and Faghy, Mark 2013. Ventilatory muscle strength, diaphragm thickness and pulmonary function in world-class powerlifters. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 113, p. 2849–2855.
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