Paul Wood

NamePaul Wood
Job titleDirector of IISE
Research instituteCollege of Science and Engineering

Research outputs

Mechanical Behavior of 3D-Printed Zig-Zag Honeycomb Structures Made of BASF Ultrafuse 316L

Wood, P., Sarzynski, M., Platek, P., Cedro, P., Gunputh, U. and Rusinek, A. 2024. Mechanical Behavior of 3D-Printed Zig-Zag Honeycomb Structures Made of BASF Ultrafuse 316L. Materials. 17 (24).

Fatigue Damage Evolution in SS316L Produced by Powder Bed Fusion in Diferent Orientations with Reused Powder Feedstock

Wood, P., Kopec, M., Gunputh, U., Williams, G., Macek, W. and Kowalewski, Z.L. 2024. Fatigue Damage Evolution in SS316L Produced by Powder Bed Fusion in Diferent Orientations with Reused Powder Feedstock. Experimental Mechanics.

A module layout design tool for off-site factory construction: Reactor Auxiliary balance of plant systems case study

Wood, P., Wrigley, P., Robertson, D., O'Neill, S. and Hall, R. 2024. A module layout design tool for off-site factory construction: Reactor Auxiliary balance of plant systems case study. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 177.

Enhancing robotics learning using imitation learning through visual-based behaviour cloning

Jadeja, Y., Shafik, M., Wood, P. and Makkar, A. 2024. Enhancing robotics learning using imitation learning through visual-based behaviour cloning. 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research. EDP Sciences.

Architecture influence on acoustic performance, EMI shielding, electrical and thermal, properties of 3D printed PLA/graphite/molybdenum disulfide composites

Wood, P., Łapińska, A, Grochowska, N, Cieplak , K., Płatek, P., Deuszkiewicz , P., Dużyńska, A., Sztorch, B., Głowcka, J., Przekop, R., Jóźwik, J., Gołofit, T. and Plichta, A. 2024. Architecture influence on acoustic performance, EMI shielding, electrical and thermal, properties of 3D printed PLA/graphite/molybdenum disulfide composites. Materials & Design. 245.

Experimental identification of yield surface for additively manufactured stainless steel 316L under tension–compression-torsion conditions considering its printing orientation

Kopec, M., Dubey, V. P., Pawlik, M., Wood, P. and Kowalewski, Z. L. 2024. Experimental identification of yield surface for additively manufactured stainless steel 316L under tension–compression-torsion conditions considering its printing orientation. Manufacturing Letters. 41, pp. 28-32.

Mechanical Properties of Eco-Friendly, Lightweight Flax and Hybrid Basalt/Flax Foam Core Sandwich Panels

Marzena Pawlik, Urvashi Gunputh, Daniel Odiyi, Sarah Odofin, Huirong Le, Paul Wood, Angelo Maligno and Yiling Lu 2024. Mechanical Properties of Eco-Friendly, Lightweight Flax and Hybrid Basalt/Flax Foam Core Sandwich Panels. Materials. 17 (15), pp. 1-14.

Comparing Bio-Ester and Mineral-Oil Emulsions on Tool Wear and Surface Integrity in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy

Paul Wood, Fathi Boud, Andrew Mantle, Wayne Carter, Syed Hossain, Urvashi Gunputh, Marzena Pawlik, Yiling Lu, José Díaz-Álvarez and María Henar Miguélez 2024. Comparing Bio-Ester and Mineral-Oil Emulsions on Tool Wear and Surface Integrity in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy. Lubricants. 12 (5), pp. 1-22.

Cover story for Lubricants issue 'Clean coolants to decarbonise the manufacturing of hard alloys'

Wood, P. 2024. Cover story for Lubricants issue 'Clean coolants to decarbonise the manufacturing of hard alloys'. MDPI.

Thin-walled LPBF-manufactured Inconel 718 honeycomb structures: Multiscale characterization

Wood, P. 2024. Thin-walled LPBF-manufactured Inconel 718 honeycomb structures: Multiscale characterization. in: Zikry, M, A. (ed.) Innovative Lightweight and High-Strength Alloys: Multiscale Integrated Processing, Experimental, and Modeling Techniques Amsterdam Elsevier.

Microstructure Evolution in AM Produced Superalloy Thin Struts at Low Plastic Strain

Delcuse, L, Bahi, S., Gunputh, U., Ben Haj Slama, A., Guitton, A., Rusinek, A., Maloufi, N., Williams, G. and Wood, P. 2024. Microstructure Evolution in AM Produced Superalloy Thin Struts at Low Plastic Strain. Materials Today Communications. 39, pp. 1-10.

Orientation effects on the fracture behaviour of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L subjected to high cyclic fatigue

Kopec, M., Gunputh, U., Macek, W., Kowalewski, Z. L. and Wood, P. 2024. Orientation effects on the fracture behaviour of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L subjected to high cyclic fatigue. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 130, pp. 1-9.

Effect of Powder Bed Fusion Laser Sintering on Dimensional Accuracy and Tensile Properties of Reused Polyamide 11

Gunputh, U., Williams, G., Pawlik, M., Lu, Y. and Wood, P. 2023. Effect of Powder Bed Fusion Laser Sintering on Dimensional Accuracy and Tensile Properties of Reused Polyamide 11. Polymers.

Prediction of carbon nanotubes reinforced interphase properties in fuzzy fibre reinforced polymer via inverse analysis and optimisation

Pawlik, M., Le, H., Wood, P. and Lu, Y. 2023. Prediction of carbon nanotubes reinforced interphase properties in fuzzy fibre reinforced polymer via inverse analysis and optimisation. Computational Material Science. 231, pp. 1-11.

Modular reactors: What can we learn from modular industrial plants and off site construction research

Paul Wrigley, Paul Wood, Daniel Robertson, Jason Joannou, Sam O'Neill and Richard hall 2023. Modular reactors: What can we learn from modular industrial plants and off site construction research. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 56 (1), pp. 1-11.

Long Sump Life Effects of a Naturally Aged Bio-Ester Oil Emulsion on Tool Wear in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy

Paul Wood, Andrew Mantle, Fathi Boud, Carter, W., Gunputh, U., Pawlik, M., Lu, Y., José Díaz-Álvarez and María Henar Miguélez Garrido Long Sump Life Effects of a Naturally Aged Bio-Ester Oil Emulsion on Tool Wear in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy. Metals.

Characterisation of impact resistance of composite reinforced by hybridised carbon-flax fibres in polyfurfuryl alcohol resin

Lu, Y., Pawlik, M., Ganapathi, S. P., Wood, P., Gunputh, U. and Le, H. 2023. Characterisation of impact resistance of composite reinforced by hybridised carbon-flax fibres in polyfurfuryl alcohol resin. The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Engineering Materials (MAEM 2023) . IOP Publishing.

Microstructure Effects on the Machinability of AM-Produced Superalloys

Wood, P., Díaz-Álvarez, J., Lu, Y., Rusinek, A., Gunputh, U., Bahi, S., Díaz-Álvarez, A., Miguélez, M. H., Lu, Y., Platek, P. and Sienkiewicz, J. 2023. Microstructure Effects on the Machinability of AM-Produced Superalloys. Crystals. 13 (8), pp. 1-16.

Microstructure and geometry effects on the compressive behavior of LPBF-manufactured inconel 718 honeycomb structures

Voyiadjis, G. z., Znemah, R. A. and Paul Wood 2023. Microstructure and geometry effects on the compressive behavior of LPBF-manufactured inconel 718 honeycomb structures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 24, pp. 1562-1578.

Effect of Grain Structure on Machinability of LPBF Inconel 718: A Critical Review

Hama, J., Gunputh, U., Lu, Y., Wood, P. and Alvarez, J. 2023. Effect of Grain Structure on Machinability of LPBF Inconel 718: A Critical Review. 20th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Incorporating the 37th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. IOS Press.

Low cycle fatigue predictions of a space thruster built with a new refractory high entropy alloy

Valvano, S., Canale, G., Maligno, A. and Wood, P. 2023. Low cycle fatigue predictions of a space thruster built with a new refractory high entropy alloy. The Fourth International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, MAY 15 18, 2023.

On the Lubricity and Comparative Life Cycle of Biobased Synthetic and Mineral Oil Emulsions in Machining Titanium Ti-6Al-4V at Low Cutting Speed

Wood, P., Boud, F., Carter, W., Varasteh, H., Gunputh, U., Pawlik, M., Clementson, J., Lu, Y. and Hossain, S. 2022. On the Lubricity and Comparative Life Cycle of Biobased Synthetic and Mineral Oil Emulsions in Machining Titanium Ti-6Al-4V at Low Cutting Speed. Journal of Manufacturing and material processing. 6 (6), pp. 1-16.

Design and Manufacture of One-Size-Fits-All Healthcare Face Shields for the NHS During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Gunputh, U., Williams, G., Leighton, A., Carter, W., Varasteh, H., Pawlik, M., Lu, Y., Sims, R., Lyons, M., Clementson, J., Tripathi, G., Nick Chambers, Matt Roe and Wood, P. 2022. Design and Manufacture of One-Size-Fits-All Healthcare Face Shields for the NHS During the COVID-19 Pandemic. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Surface engineering of carbon fibre/epoxy composites with woven steel mesh for adhesion strength enhancement

Pawlik, M., Cheah, L.Y.Y, Gunputh, U., Le, H., Wood, P. and Lu, Y. 2022. Surface engineering of carbon fibre/epoxy composites with woven steel mesh for adhesion strength enhancement. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 114, pp. 1-8.

Computer Aided Design of Self-Learning Robotic System using Imitation Learning

Jadeja, Y., Shafik, M. and Wood, P. 2022. Computer Aided Design of Self-Learning Robotic System using Imitation Learning. Shafik, M. and Case, K. (ed.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Incorporating the 36th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. IOS Press.

Simple shear behavior of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures: Experiments and constitutive modeling

Bin Jia, Alexis Rusinek, Xinke Xiao and Paul Wood 2021. Simple shear behavior of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures: Experiments and constitutive modeling. International Journal of Impact Engineering.

High strain rate effect on tensile ductility and fracture of AM fabricated Inconel 718 with voided microstructures

Wood, P., A. Rusinek, P. Platek, Jacek Janiszewski, J. Sienkiewicz, Gunputh, U., K. Rajkowski and M.H. Miguélez 2021. High strain rate effect on tensile ductility and fracture of AM fabricated Inconel 718 with voided microstructures. Materials & Design.

Simple shear behavior and constitutive modeling of 304 stainless steel over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures

B. Jia, A. Rusinek, R. Pesci, R. Bernier, S. Bahi, A. Bendarma and Wood, P. 2021. Simple shear behavior and constitutive modeling of 304 stainless steel over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures. International Journal of Impact Engineering.

Strain Rate and Temperature Effects in Nanoindentation Testing on Hardness in Selective Laser Melting IN718

Reem Abo Znemah, George Z. Voyiadjis, Paul Wood and Edris Akbari 2021. Strain Rate and Temperature Effects in Nanoindentation Testing on Hardness in Selective Laser Melting IN718. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology.

Off-site modular construction and design in nuclear power: A systematic literature review

Wood, P., Wrigley, P., O'Neill, S., R. Hall and D. Robertson 2021. Off-site modular construction and design in nuclear power: A systematic literature review. Progress in Nuclear Energy.

An Industrial Self-Learning Robotic Platform Solution for Smart Factories Industrial Applications Using Machine and Deep Imitation Learning

Jadeja, Y., Shafik, M., Wood, P. and Stella, L. 2021. An Industrial Self-Learning Robotic Platform Solution for Smart Factories Industrial Applications Using Machine and Deep Imitation Learning. in: Shafik, M. and Case, K. (ed.) Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIV Amsterdam, Netherlands IOS Press. pp. 119-124

Selective laser melting of a high precision turbomachinery application in IN718 alloy

Wood, Paul, Gunputh, Urvashi, Williams, Gavin, Carter, Wayne, Boud, Fathi, Bahi, Slim, Rusinek, Alexis, Kowalewski, Zbigniew, Nowak, Zdzisław, Libura, Tomasz, Voyiadjis, George, Diaz-Alvarez, Jose and Miguelez, María 2021. Selective laser melting of a high precision turbomachinery application in IN718 alloy.

Analysis of machining performance of Inconel 718 printed by PBF-LM (powder bed fusion laser melting)

Diaz-Alvarez, A, Diaz-Alvarez, J, Wood, P, Gunputh, U, Rusinek, A and Miguelez, M 2021. Analysis of machining performance of Inconel 718 printed by PBF-LM (powder bed fusion laser melting).

Machinability of INCONEL718 alloy with a porous microstructure produced by laser melting powder bed fusion at higher energy densities

Wood, Paul K, Díaz-Álvarez, Antonio, Díaz-Álvarez, José, Miguélez, María Henar, Rusinek, Alexis, Williams, Gavin, Bahi, Slim, Sienkiewicz, Judyta, Płatek, Paweł, Gunputh, Urvashi Fowdar and wood, paul 2020. Machinability of INCONEL718 alloy with a porous microstructure produced by laser melting powder bed fusion at higher energy densities. Materials. 13 (24).

A novel technique for dynamic shear testing of bulk metals with application to 304 austenitic stainless steel

Jia, B., Rusinek, A., Pesci, R., Bernier, R., Bahi, S. and Wood, P. 2020. A novel technique for dynamic shear testing of bulk metals with application to 304 austenitic stainless steel. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 204-205, pp. 153-171.

Effect of element wall thickness on the homogeneity and isotropy of hardness in SLM IN718 using nanoindentation

Abo Znemah, Reem, Wood, Paul, Gunputh, Urvashi Fowdar and Zhang, Cheng 2020. Effect of element wall thickness on the homogeneity and isotropy of hardness in SLM IN718 using nanoindentation. Mechanics Research Communications.

Effect of powder bed fusion laser melting process parameters, build orientation and strut thickness on porosity, accuracy and tensile properties of an auxetic structure in IN718 alloy

Bahi, S., Gunputh, U., Rusinek, A., Wood, P. and Miguelez, M.H. 2020. Effect of powder bed fusion laser melting process parameters, build orientation and strut thickness on porosity, accuracy and tensile properties of an auxetic structure in IN718 alloy. Additive Manufacturing. 36, p. 101339.

Influences of horizontal and vertical build orientations and post-fabrication processes on the fatigue behavior of stainless steel 316l produced by selective laser melting

Wood, Paul, Libura, Tomasz, Kowalewski, Zbigniew L., Williams, Gavin and Serjouei, Ahmad 2019. Influences of horizontal and vertical build orientations and post-fabrication processes on the fatigue behavior of stainless steel 316l produced by selective laser melting. Materials. 12 (24), p. 4203.

Additive manufacturing of graded structures in IN718

Wood, Paul and Gunputh, Urvashi 2019. Additive manufacturing of graded structures in IN718.

Selective laser melting of stainless steel 316L pressure fittings

Wood, Paul 2019. Selective laser melting of stainless steel 316L pressure fittings.

Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants.

Wrigley, P.A., Wood, P., Stewart, Paul and Robertson, D. 2018. Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants. Nuclear Engineering and Design.

Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants.

Wrigley, P., Wood, Paul, Stewart, Paul, Hall, Richard and Robertson, D. 2018. Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants. Nuclear Engineering and Design.

Analysis of parameters influencing build accuracy of a SLM printed compressor outlet guide vane

Otubusin, Adetayo, Wood, Paul, Appleby, John and Adamczuk, Rafael 2018. Analysis of parameters influencing build accuracy of a SLM printed compressor outlet guide vane. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Design for plant modularisation: nuclear and SMR.

Wrigley, Paul, Wood, Paul, Stewart, Paul, Hall, Richard and Robertson, Dan 2018. Design for plant modularisation: nuclear and SMR. 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering Conference Proceedings.

Mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by I-ECAP.

Gzyl, Michal, Rosochowski, Andrzej, Pesci, Raphael, Olejnik, Lech, Yakushina, Evgenia and Wood, Paul 2013. Mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by I-ECAP. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
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