ColdZyme® reduces viral load and upper respiratory tract infection duration and protects airway epithelia from infection with human rhinoviruses

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of teacher perspectives, experiences, and psychological approaches surrounding music performance anxiety in children

Maintenance techniques to increase solar energy production: A review

A computational multiphysics study of a satellite thruster

The inclusion and consideration of cultural differences and health inequalities in physical activity behaviour in the UK - the impact of guidelines and initiatives

Large-scale renewable energy integration: tackling technical obstacles and exploring energy storage innovations

Climate change impacts on blanket peatland in Great Britain

Multimodal respiratory muscle training and Tai Chi intervention with healthy older adults: A double-blind randomised placebo control trial

Roma young people’s perception of intelligence and their experience of education

Immersive virtual reality rehabilitation after lower limb surgery in paediatric patients

Staff development for generative artificial intelligence and collaborative learning using Iterationism as a theoretical framework

Cardiovascular disease in the post-COVID-19 era : a narrative review on the impact of lifestyle behaviors

Examining the feasibility and acceptability of identifying signs of social anxiety, in university students aged 18–25, while watching 360° immersive films

Psychometric validation of the simplified Chinese version of the dyspnoea-12 questionnaire for patients with primary lung cancer

What constitutes a women’s recovery from addiction? Examining lived experiences and recovery capital of women from diverse European backgrounds


Encouraging desistance through prison-based sexual offending programmes with autistic individuals

Optimizing subsurface geotechnical data integration for sustainable building infrastructure

Determining the outcome measures and clinical relevance of respiratory muscle training with multiple sclerosis patients: a systematic review

Situation networks : the emotions and activities that are central to nature-connectedness experiences

Vocational education and training: just transistions in the global south and north

Safe spaces and beyond: Examining the role of LGBT+ Pride Groups in fostering ontological security and allyship within UK schools

Location Privacy Schemes in Vehicular Networks: Taxonomy, Comparative Analysis, Design Challenges, and Future Opportunities

Activation of proteolysis during oocyte in vitro maturation

Phonics for children who use alternative augmentative communication

Interdisciplinary knowledge flow in international higher education research: Characteristics and mechanisms.

A Novel Approach Based on Quantum Key Distribution Using BB84 and E91 Protocol for Resilient Encryption and Eavesdropper Detection

Energy optimization and plant comfort management in smart greenhouses using the artificial bee colony algorithm

Visual impairment prevention by early detection of diabetic retinopathy based on stacked auto-encoder

Arts-based interventions for maternal well-being: a systematic review

Machine Learning-Based Molecular Dynamics Studies on Predicting Thermophysical Properties of Ethanol–Octane Blends

Data-driven optimization of turbulent kinetic energy and tumble-y in combustion engines: A comparative study of machine learning models

Forensic Architecture / Necro-Ecologies

Profiling the persistent and episodic nature of long COVID symptoms and the impact on quality of life and functional status: a cohort observation study

Multicultural heritage and legacy experiences of communities in Derby – Winters Wounder Land Documentary

Experiences of Autistic Individuals in UK Prison-based Sexual Offending Interventions

Are lead independent directors greener? Evidence from climate change commitment and ESG performance

Researching the Arts in Primary Schools

MCO The gendered Animal

A cross-cultural mixed-methods approach to the conceptualisation of domestic violence in the United Kingdom and Peru

Terrorism Industry: Digital Data Coloniality in Southeast Asia

How can and should secondary school teachers be involved inbuilding students’ career knowledge and skills? A Delphi study ofthe expert community

Improving reporting standards in quantitative educational intervention research: introducing the CLOSER and CIDER checklists

Technophobia and the manager’s intention to adopt generative AI: The impact of self-regulated learning and open organisational culture

Discrimination of invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma of the breast based on the combination of enhanced Legendre polynomial, kinetic features and deep learning features

Decolonising Global North terrorism studies in Southeast Asian Muslim-majority countries

An exploration of tensions amongst career guidance practitioners when it comes to the conceptualisation of digital technology

Investigating barriers and facilitators to engagement with the National Breast Screening Programme among women in Malta: A systematic review

Transferability Evaluation in Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection Systems Through Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches

Understanding barriers to influenza vaccination among parents is important to improve vaccine uptake among children

Ancient Philosophy

Negotiating learner identities and success: a linguistic ethnography with late-arrival multilingual learners in a secondary school

African and African Diasporic Women Writing: Voices Against Patriarchy in Africa.

RSA x CivicLAB: partnership working in the civic space

East Midlands RSA Inclusive Growth forum

All I want for Christmas is booze?

Career guidance in public employment services

Enlightenment and the Psychology of Self-Transcendence: Pathways to Fundamental Well-Being and Prosocial Behavior

Sanctuary Families’ Perspectives on Accessing Education for Children with SEND in England

Factors influencing trust in algorithmic decision-making: An indirect scenario-based experiment

The Cobra Effect in TVET Policy Making: A Macro-Micro-Macro-Level Analysis of Exemplary Cases From Germany

Disparities in Pressure Injury Care Across Diverse Skin Tones: A Community Nursing Perspective

Exploring the psychosocial dimensions and impacts of infertility in Africa: a commentary on Roomaney et al’s scoping review of current evidence

Shedding Light S.H.E.D: sustaining and scaling impact from Arts and Social Science Research

“They’re a Girl So Don’t Expect Too Much”: The Marginalisation of Women in Esports Videogames

An Examination of The Use of Immersive Technology in Pan-Arab Newsrooms

The use of performance analysis and data driven approaches within senior men's football recruitment

Unveiling the Dynamics of User Engagement: Exploring Factors Shaping User Intentions and Return Behaviour in Hotel Gamified Mobile Applications

Tailor-Made Hygroscopic Photothermal Organogels for Moisture Management and Evaporative Cooling through a 1D-to-3D Design

Dr Who? Identity Crucibles and the DBA Doctoral Degree

The Affordances of Pragmatism for a Postdigital Citizen Social Science

Impact of inter-city interactions on disease scaling

Research on the Impact of Information Scenarios on Retailers’ Strategies for Purchasing Fresh Agricultural Products

Foreword to Cormac McCarthy's Neoliberalism

Progressive Reform of African States’ Investor-State Dispute Settlement policy: A Proposal for a Pan-African Investment Court

Auto-tuning Hannah Montana: Miley Cyrus's Child Voice and the Technological Subversion of Girlhood

Domesticating AfCFTA Dispute Settlement through Reciprocity

Navigating the Republic of South Sudan’s Investment Laws and Policies: Is there need for reform?

The Dragon’s Aid: Demystifying the impact of Chinese Leding and the imperatives of modernising foreign investment policy in East Africa

From Eurocentrism to Afrocentrism: Redefining the future of Africa's investment policy through the Pan-African Investment Code

Economic insecurity, welfare retrenchment and heroin use between the 1970s and 2000: a multi-cohort analysis

Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing: Special Issue Reprint:

The Guide to LGBTQ+ Research

How to Live Together in Sound exhibition

Financial Investigation and Financial Intelligence: A Critical Analysis

Vocational Education in European Regions. Lower Saxony and Lombardy in Comparison

Winters Wonderland ( Documentary)

Derby Yaadaañ Archive

Supporting files to accompany PhD Thesis: 'Spatial Musicality. A practice-led investigation into the application of spatial parameters in music composition'

International Investment Law Reform: Contemporary Issues and Solutions

Jewish inclusion in ethnic studies education: Issues, obstacles, and excuses