Tristram Hooley

Tristram Hooley
NameTristram Hooley
Job titleResearch Professor
Research instituteCollege of Arts, Humanities and Education

Research outputs

How can and should secondary school teachers be involved inbuilding students’ career knowledge and skills? A Delphi study ofthe expert community

Rice, S. and Hooley, T. 2025. How can and should secondary school teachers be involved inbuilding students’ career knowledge and skills? A Delphi study ofthe expert community. Journal of Education and Work. 37 (5-6), pp. 1-19.

Career guidance in public employment services

Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G., Hooley, T., Borbély-Pecze, T.B., Clobes, N., McCarthy, J. and Hopkins, S. 2025. Career guidance in public employment services. Derby WAPES.

Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in Norway? Validating the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) with Norwegian Career Counsellors

Schulstok, T., Kjærgård, R., Hanson, J. and Hooley, T. 2024. Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in Norway? Validating the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) with Norwegian Career Counsellors. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning. 13 (1), pp. 20-42.

Gatsby Good Career Guidance: Consultation Survey

Vahidi, G., Lai, K., Hooley, T. and Rose, P. 2024. Gatsby Good Career Guidance: Consultation Survey. London Gatsby Foundation.

Career and sustainability

Hooley, T. 2024. Career and sustainability. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 53 (1), pp. 3-7.

The Career Development Handbook

Hooley, T., Alexander, R. and Frigerio, G. 2024. The Career Development Handbook. Bath Trotman.

Student recruitment survey 2024

Institute of Student Employers, Lai, K. T, Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. 2024. Student recruitment survey 2024. United Kingdom Institute of Student Employers.

Developing a career development framework for low- and middle-income countries: Underpinning research for the ILO's career development framework

Hooley, T., Blake, H., Moreno da Fonseca, P. and Ribeiro, M 2024. Developing a career development framework for low- and middle-income countries: Underpinning research for the ILO's career development framework. Geneva, Switzerland International Labour Organization .

Handbook for career development: Introduction to the ILO framework for career development in low- and middle-income countries

Hooley, T., Blake, H. and Moreno da Fonseca, P. 2024. Handbook for career development: Introduction to the ILO framework for career development in low- and middle-income countries. Geneva International Labour Organization .

A guide to work experience: Using the ILO's career development framework to support work experience in education and training in low- and middle-income countries

Hooley, T. and Blake, H. 2024. A guide to work experience: Using the ILO's career development framework to support work experience in education and training in low- and middle-income countries . Geneva International Labour Organization .

Evidence on green guidance: A review of the literature

Bakke, I.B., Hooley, T., Lucas Casanova, M., Šprlák, T., Kavková, E., Košťálová, H., Ostroha, L. and Wrzosek, M. 2024. Evidence on green guidance: A review of the literature. Exploring Green Guidance.

Practitioners' perspectives on green guidance: An international survey

Hooley, T., Lucas Casanova, M. and Šprlák, T. 2024. Practitioners' perspectives on green guidance: An international survey. Exploring Green Guidance.

Policies for a green transition: Exploring contemporary environmental and sustainability policies for green guidance

Hooley, T., Bakke, I.B., Casanova, M.L, Kavková, E., Košťálová, H., Ostroha, L., Šprlák, T. and Wrzosek, M. 2024. Policies for a green transition: Exploring contemporary environmental and sustainability policies for green guidance. Green Guidance .

Online research

Hooley, T. and Buchanan, R. 2024. Online research. London Bloomsbury Academic.

A systematic review of research into career guidance policy in the Nordic countries (2008-2022)

Hooley, T., Hertzberg, F., Mariager-Anderson, K., Saur, H., Sundelin, A., Varjo, J., Vilhjálmsdóttir, G. T. and Valdimarsdóttir, S. 2024. A systematic review of research into career guidance policy in the Nordic countries (2008-2022). Nordic Journal of Studies in Education Policy. pp. 1-15.

A legacy of solidaric critique and hope for a better world: A meditation on the scholarly contribution of Ronald Sultana

Hooley, T., Thomsen, R. and Debono, M. 2024. A legacy of solidaric critique and hope for a better world: A meditation on the scholarly contribution of Ronald Sultana. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 52 (1), pp. 10-24.

Student development survey 2024

Institute of Student Employers, Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. 2024. Student development survey 2024. London Institute of Student Employers.

Exploring Practitioners’ Pedagogic Stances in Relation to Integrated Guidance: A Q-Method Study

Jynge, J., Bakke, I. and Hooley, T. 2024. Exploring Practitioners’ Pedagogic Stances in Relation to Integrated Guidance: A Q-Method Study. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance. 5 (1), pp. 55-72.

Taking early careers global: Global employers’ insights survey

International Network of Employers and University Careers Services, Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. 2024. Taking early careers global: Global employers’ insights survey. Northampton The International Network of Employers and University Careers Services.

Challenging Social Inequality Through Career Guidance: Insights from International Data and Practice

Jeon, S., Mann, A., Denis, V. and Hooley, T. 2024. Challenging Social Inequality Through Career Guidance: Insights from International Data and Practice. Paris Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

In memory of Ronald Sultana

Thomsen, R. and Hooley, T. 2024. In memory of Ronald Sultana. Career Matters. 12 (1), p. 45.

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2024

Neary, S., Hooley, T., Moore, N., Blake, H., Staunton, T., Vahidi, G. and Lai, K. 2024. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2024. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Career guidance reform in Norway: A critical account of the last twenty years

Bakke, I.B. and Hooley, T. 2024. Career guidance reform in Norway: A critical account of the last twenty years . in: Bakke, I. M., Bakke, I. B. and Schulstok, T. (ed.) Ikke bare god å snakke med: Om profesjonalisering av karriereveilederrollen i Norge Bergen Fagbokforlaget. pp. 305-326

Karriereveiledning for sosial rettferdighet - Hva kan det bety for norske karriereveiledere

Schulstok, T., Hooley, T. and Thomsen, R. 2024. Karriereveiledning for sosial rettferdighet - Hva kan det bety for norske karriereveiledere. in: Bakke, I. M., Bakke, I. B. and Schulstok, T. (ed.) Ikke bare god å snakke med: Om profesjonalisering av karriereveilederrollen i Norge Bergen Fagbokforlaget. pp. 203-221

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2023 - 25th Anniversary

Moore, N., Staunton, T., Hooley, T., Vahidi, G., Lai, K., Blake, H., Rose, P. and Neary, S. 2023. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2023 - 25th Anniversary . Derby University of Derby.

A Reflection on the Legacy of Ronald Sultana

Hooley, T. and Thomsen, R. 2023. A Reflection on the Legacy of Ronald Sultana. Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning. 12 (1), pp. 79-82.

Career guidance for social justice: Webinar, March 11, 2022

Hooley, T., Riberio, M., Sultana, R.G. and Bilon-Piórko, A. 2023. Career guidance for social justice: Webinar, March 11, 2022. Studia Poradoznawcze/Journal of Counsellogy. 12, pp. 1-5.

Evaluation of The Careers & Enterprise Company’s teacher encounters programme.

Blake, H., Kashefpakdel, E. and Hooley, T. 2023. Evaluation of The Careers & Enterprise Company’s teacher encounters programme. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Student recruitment survey 2023

Institute of Student Employers, Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. 2023. Student recruitment survey 2023. London Institute of Student Employers.

Supporting local students. An evaluation of the Office for Students Challenge Competition: Industrial strategy and skills support for local students and graduates'

Alexander, R., Hooley, T. and Mellors-Bourne, R. 2023. Supporting local students. An evaluation of the Office for Students Challenge Competition: Industrial strategy and skills support for local students and graduates'. Bristol and London Office for Students (OfS).

Investing in careers: What is career guidance worth?

Hooley, T., Percy, C. and Neary, S. 2023. Investing in careers: What is career guidance worth? Derby iCeGS, University of Derby.

On Embracing Automation and Loving Work: Or Why We Should Not Be Afraid of Our Washing Machines

Hooley, T. 2023. On Embracing Automation and Loving Work: Or Why We Should Not Be Afraid of Our Washing Machines. in: Blustein, David L. and Flores, Lisa Y. (ed.) Rethinking work: Essays on building a better workplace New York and London Routledge. pp. 242-246

Impartiality: A critical review

Hooley, T. 2023. Impartiality: A critical review. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 50 (1), pp. 41-53.

Lessons for career guidance from return-on-investment analyses in complex education-related fields

Percy, C. and Hooley, T. 2023. Lessons for career guidance from return-on-investment analyses in complex education-related fields. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. pp. 1-19.

Exploring the roles, qualifications and skills of career guidance professionals in schools. An international review

Hooley, T. 2022. Exploring the roles, qualifications and skills of career guidance professionals in schools. An international review. Oslo Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.

Profesjonell karriereveiledning i skolen: Undersøkelse av utdanningstilbudet innen karriereveiledning

Hooley, T. 2022. Profesjonell karriereveiledning i skolen: Undersøkelse av utdanningstilbudet innen karriereveiledning. Elverum, Norway Høgskolen i Innlandet.

Student development survey 2023: Developing students in the age of hybrid working

Institute of Student Employers, Lai, K. T., Vahidi, G. and Hooley, T. 2023. Student development survey 2023: Developing students in the age of hybrid working. London Institute of Student Employers.

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2022

Neary, S., Blake, H., Hooley, T., Staunton, T., Moore, N. and Lai, K. 2022. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2022. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Social retfærdighed og karrierevejledning: 5 pejlemærker for en kritisk emancipatorisk tilgang

Thomsen, R., Hooley, T. and Sultana, R.G. 2022. Social retfærdighed og karrierevejledning: 5 pejlemærker for en kritisk emancipatorisk tilgang. in: Plant, P. and Buhl, R. (ed.) Karrierevejledning og bæredygtighed Frederiksburg Frydenlund Academic. pp. 55-71

Rationalities that underpin employability provision in higher education across eight countries

Hooley, T., Bennett, D. A. and Knight, E. B. 2022. Rationalities that underpin employability provision in higher education across eight countries. Higher Education.

The Careers Leader Handbook

Andrews, D. and Hooley, T. 2022. The Careers Leader Handbook. Bath Trotman Indigo Publishing Ltd.

Critical perspectives on agency and social justice in transitions and career development

Thomsen, R., Hooley, T. and Mariager-Anderson, K. 2022. Critical perspectives on agency and social justice in transitions and career development. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 50 (4), pp. 481-490.

The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be! Revisiting the Changing World of Work After Covid- 19

Hooley, T. 2023. The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be! Revisiting the Changing World of Work After Covid- 19 . in: Buford, M. V., Sharp, M. J. and Stebleton, M. J. (ed.) Mapping the Future of Undergraduate Career Education: Equitable Career Learning, Development, and Preparation in the New World of Work Abingdon, Oxfordshire Routledge. pp. 38-51

Neither Online, Nor Face-to-Face, But Integrated Career Guidance

Bakke, I.B. and Hooley, T. 2022. Neither Online, Nor Face-to-Face, But Integrated Career Guidance. in: Buford, M. V., Sharp, M. J. and Stebleton, M. J. (ed.) Mapping the Future of Undergraduate Career Education: Equitable Career Learning, Development, and Preparation in the New World of Work Abingdon, Oxfordshire Routledge. pp. 139-154

Exploring students’ and graduates’ attitudes to the process of transition to the labour market

Hooley, T., Hanson, J. and Clark, L. 2022. Exploring students’ and graduates’ attitudes to the process of transition to the labour market. Industry and Higher Education. pp. 1-14.

Delivering career education in the post pandemic world

Hooley, T. 2022. Delivering career education in the post pandemic world. Melbourne Education Service Australia.

The impact of Covid-19 on career

Hooley, T. 2022. The impact of Covid-19 on career. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 48 (1), pp. 3-12.

Building a radical career imaginary: using Laclau and Mouffe and Hardt and Negri to reflexively re-read Ali and Graham’s counselling approach to career guidance

Hooley, T. 2022. Building a radical career imaginary: using Laclau and Mouffe and Hardt and Negri to reflexively re-read Ali and Graham’s counselling approach to career guidance. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Lost in Work

Tristram Hooley 2022. Lost in Work. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Five signposts to a socially just approach to career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Five signposts to a socially just approach to career guidance. Journal of the National Institute of Career Education and Counselling.

Actantial construction of career guidance in parliament of Finland’s education policy debates 1967–2020

Varjo, Janne, Kalalahti, Mira and Hooley, Tristram 2021. Actantial construction of career guidance in parliament of Finland’s education policy debates 1967–2020. Journal of Education Policy. 37 (6), pp. 1-20.

Exploring Scotland's career ecosystem

Hooley, Tristram, Percy, Chris and Alexander, Rosie 2021. Exploring Scotland's career ecosystem. Skills Development Scotland.

Theorising career guidance policymaking: watching the sausage get made

Hooley, Tristram and Godden, Lorraine 2021. Theorising career guidance policymaking: watching the sausage get made. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 50 (1), pp. 1-17.

Career education in primary school

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Career education in primary school. Education Service Australia.

Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: measuring the impact with a validated measure

Dodd, Vanessa, Hanson, Jill and Hooley, Tristram 2021. Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: measuring the impact with a validated measure. Informa UK Limited.

Personal agency and organisational attachment: A career capital perspective

Brown, Cathy, Hooley, Tristram and Wond, Tracey 2021. Personal agency and organisational attachment: A career capital perspective. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. pp. 1-17.

Approaches to quality assurance in school-based career development: policymaker perspectives from Australia

Rice, Suzanne, Hooley, Tristram and Crebbin, Sue 2021. Approaches to quality assurance in school-based career development: policymaker perspectives from Australia. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 50 (1), pp. 1-19.

Can life design contribute to the fight for decent work and a sustainable future? Reflections on Interventions in Career Design and Education.

Tristram Hooley Can life design contribute to the fight for decent work and a sustainable future? Reflections on Interventions in Career Design and Education. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 49 (2).

Introduction: Rethinking career development

McCash, Phil, Hooley, Tristram and Robertson, Peter J. 2021. Introduction: Rethinking career development. in: Oxford University Press.

Maximising the Impact of Careers Services on Career Management Skills: A Review of the Literature

Mackay, S., Morris, M., Hooley, T., Neary, S., Murray, R., Blake, H. and Agur, M. 2021. Maximising the Impact of Careers Services on Career Management Skills: A Review of the Literature. Derby University of Derby.

The Impact of Career Guidance on Progression in Learning and Work: A Literature Review

Neary, S., Hooley, T., Morris, M., Mackay, S., Blake, H. and Agur, M. 2021. The Impact of Career Guidance on Progression in Learning and Work: A Literature Review . Derby University of Derby.

Redeveloping the CDI framework

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Redeveloping the CDI framework. Career Development Institute.

Career education: every teacher has a role

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Career education: every teacher has a role. Education Services Australia.

Career Development Framework

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Career Development Framework. Career Development Institute.

Training careers professionals: Underpinning research for the C-Course programme.

Hooley, Tristram and Schulstok, Torild 2021. Training careers professionals: Underpinning research for the C-Course programme. Norway Inland Norway University of Applied Science.

Why we need to share our ideas about connecting career development to social justice

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Why we need to share our ideas about connecting career development to social justice. CERIC.

Career Development Framework: Using the Framework to support career education and guidance in secondary schools (Key stage 3 - post-16)

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Career Development Framework: Using the Framework to support career education and guidance in secondary schools (Key stage 3 - post-16). Career Development Institute.

Hope for 2021: The importance of career guidance to the Covid and post-Covid world

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Hope for 2021: The importance of career guidance to the Covid and post-Covid world. European University Cyprus.

Reimagining the CDI career development framework

Hooley, Tristram 2021. Reimagining the CDI career development framework. Career Development Institute.

The Skills for Jobs White Paper: Implications for career development

Hooley, Tristram 2021. The Skills for Jobs White Paper: Implications for career development. Career Development Institute.

Recognising the changing labour market

Hooley, Tristram 2020. Recognising the changing labour market. Jisc/ Prospects.

A global pandemic and its aftermath: The way forward for career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2020. A global pandemic and its aftermath: The way forward for career guidance.

I don’t think anyone here has thought about career really: What the concept of ‘career’ means to Norwegian teenagers and school counsellors

Bakke, Ingrid Bårdsdatter and Hooley, Tristram 2020. I don’t think anyone here has thought about career really: What the concept of ‘career’ means to Norwegian teenagers and school counsellors. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 66 (1), pp. 1-16.

Are young people aged 16-19 using or expecting to use the gig economy for their careers

Galfalvi, Esther, Hooley, Tristram and Neary, S. 2020. Are young people aged 16-19 using or expecting to use the gig economy for their careers. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. 45 (1), pp. 1-7.

Listening to new voices in the career development field

Albien, Anouk J., Poulsen, Bo Kindt, Toiviainen, Sanna, Kekki, Miika and Hooley, Tristram 2020. Listening to new voices in the career development field. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. 45 (1), pp. 1-4.

'It helps to have more strings to your bow’. Exploring the careers and success of graduates of the conservatoire for dance and drama

Mellors-Bourne, Robin and Hooley, Tristram 2020. 'It helps to have more strings to your bow’. Exploring the careers and success of graduates of the conservatoire for dance and drama. CRAC.

The role of digital technology in career development

Hooley, Tristram and Staunton, Tom 2020. The role of digital technology in career development. in: Robertson, P. J., Hooley, T. and McCash, P. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Career Development New York Oxford University Press. pp. 297–312

Career development and human capital theory: Preaching the “education gospel”

Hooley, Tristram 2020. Career development and human capital theory: Preaching the “education gospel”. in: New York Oxford University Press.

Save the student labour market

Hooley, Tristram 2020. Save the student labour market. The Student Employer.

Building career capital: developing business leaders’ career mobility

Brown, C., Hooley, Tristram and Wond, T. 2020. Building career capital: developing business leaders’ career mobility. Career Development International. 25 (5), pp. 445-459.

Evaluation of the careers leader training

Williams, Joy, Akehurst, Georgie, Alexander, Kate, Pollard, Emma, Williams, Ceri and Hooley, Tristram 2020. Evaluation of the careers leader training. Institute of Employment Studies.

Pining for the fjords: international perceptions of Nordic work, education and career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2020. Pining for the fjords: international perceptions of Nordic work, education and career guidance. in: Hagaseth Haug, Erik, Hooley, T., Kettunen, Jaana and Thomsen, Rie (ed.) Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries The Netherlands Brill. pp. 37-50

Setting Nordic career guidance in context

Hooley, Tristram, Kettunen, Jaana, Hagaseth Haug, Erik and Thomsen, Rie 2020. Setting Nordic career guidance in context. in: Hagaseth Haug, Erik, Hooley, T., Kettunen, Jaana and Thomsen, Rie (ed.) Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries The Netherlands Brill. pp. 1-20

Shaping the new normal: practising career guidance in the time of coronavirus

Hooley, Tristram, Thomsen, Rie and Sultana, Ronald 2020. Shaping the new normal: practising career guidance in the time of coronavirus. Career Development Institute.

Why higher apprenticeships are critical to business

Hooley, Tristram 2019. Why higher apprenticeships are critical to business. Crewe, Cheshire Open Access Government.

Election over, Brexit next. But, what is the future for career guidance?

Hooley, Tristram 2020. Election over, Brexit next. But, what is the future for career guidance? Career Development Institute.

Online career information and career development

Hooley, Tristram 2020. Online career information and career development. Education Service Australia.

Quality Assurance Standards A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries. Summary report.

Dodd, Vanessa, Hagaseth Haug, Erik, Hooley, Tristram and Neary, S. 2019. Quality Assurance Standards A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries. Summary report. Derby University of Derby.

Quality Assurance Standards : A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries.

Dodd, Vanessa, Hooley, Tristram, Haug, E.H. and Neary, S. 2019. Quality Assurance Standards : A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries. Derby University of Derby.

Career Guidance and the Changing World of Work: Contesting Responsibilising Notions of the Future

Tristram Hooley 2019. Career Guidance and the Changing World of Work: Contesting Responsibilising Notions of the Future. in: Peters, M. A., Jandrić, P. and Means, A. J. (ed.) Education and Technological Unemployment Singapore Springer. pp. 175–191

International approaches to quality in career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2019. International approaches to quality in career guidance. Competence Norway.

Decent work in the UK: Context, conceptualization, and assessment

Dodd, Vanessa Nichole, Hooley, Tristram and Burke, Ciaran 2019. Decent work in the UK: Context, conceptualization, and assessment. Journal of Vocational Behaviour. 112, pp. 270-281.

Beyond brexit

Hooley, Tristram 2019. Beyond brexit. Institute of Student Employers.

The different skills of apprentices and graduates

Hooley, Tristram 2019. The different skills of apprentices and graduates. Institute of Student Employers.

Careers leadership in practice: a study of 27 careers leaders in English secondary schools

Andrews, David and Hooley, Tristram 2019. Careers leadership in practice: a study of 27 careers leaders in English secondary schools. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 47 (5), pp. 1-14.

Careers work in higher education in Pakistan: current practice and options for the future

Zahid, Gulnaz, Hooley, Tristram and Neary, S. 2019. Careers work in higher education in Pakistan: current practice and options for the future. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 48 (4), pp. 1-12.

Spatial justice – the final frontier for diversity and inclusion?

Ball, Charlie and Hooley, Tristram 2019. Spatial justice – the final frontier for diversity and inclusion? Institute of Student Employers.

Know your mean from your median

Hooley, Tristram 2019. Know your mean from your median. Institute of Student Employers.

Moving from information provision to co-careering: Integrated guidance as a new approach to e-guidance in Norway

Bakke, Ingrid Bårdsdatter, Hagaseth Haug, Eri and Hooley, Tristram 2018. Moving from information provision to co-careering: Integrated guidance as a new approach to e-guidance in Norway. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. 41 (1), pp. 1-12.

Ensuring quality in career guidance: a critical review

Hooley, Tristram and Rice, Suzanne 2018. Ensuring quality in career guidance: a critical review. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 47 (4), pp. 1-16.

'It all kind of symbolises something doesn't it?' How students present their career image online.

Hooley, Tristram and Fletcher, Beth 2018. 'It all kind of symbolises something doesn't it?' How students present their career image online. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. 40 (1), pp. 1-7.

Ensuring an independent future for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): a critical examination of the impact of education, health and care plans in England.

Robinson, Deborah, Moore, Nicki and Hooley, Tristram 2018. Ensuring an independent future for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): a critical examination of the impact of education, health and care plans in England. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 46 (4), pp. 1-14.

Career guidance for social justice: Contesting neoliberalism.

Hooley, Tristram, Sultana, Ronald and Thomsen, Rie Hooley, Tristram, Sultana, Ronald and Thomsen, Rie (ed.) 2017. Career guidance for social justice: Contesting neoliberalism. Abingdon, Oxford Routledge.

Business games and enterprise competitions. What works?

Hanson, Jill, Cox, Annette and Hooley, Tristram 2017. Business games and enterprise competitions. What works? The Careers & Enterprise Company.

'Getting hired' is just part of it

Grant, Korin and Hooley, Tristram 2017. 'Getting hired' is just part of it. Higher Education Careers Services Unit.

Towards a new narrative of postgraduate career.

Artess, Jane and Hooley, Tristram 2017. Towards a new narrative of postgraduate career. in: Padró, F. F., Erwee, R., Harmes, M. and Danaher, P. A. (ed.) Postgraduate Education in Higher Education Singapre Springer. pp. 1-19

The development of the Teachers’ Attitudes toward Career Learning Index (TACLI).

Dodd, Vanessa and Hooley, Tristram 2017. The development of the Teachers’ Attitudes toward Career Learning Index (TACLI). Teacher Development. 22 (1), pp. 1-13.

State of the Nation 2017. Careers and enterprise provision in England’s schools

Boys, Jonathan and Hooley, Tristram 2017. State of the Nation 2017. Careers and enterprise provision in England’s schools. The Careers & Enterprise Company.

Business games and enterprise competitions. What works?

Hanson, Jill, Hooley, Tristram and Cox, Annette 2017. Business games and enterprise competitions. What works? Careers and Enterprise Company.

You're hired! Graduate career handbook: Maximise your employability and get a graduate job

Hooley, Tristram and Grant, Korin 2017. You're hired! Graduate career handbook: Maximise your employability and get a graduate job. Crimson and Trotman.

The diverse world of career guidance

Koštálová, Helena, Kavková, Eva, Šindlerová, Ivana, Hooley, Tristram, Moore, Nicki, Artess, Jane, Skovhus, Randi Boelskifte, Dimsits, Miriam, Clark, Karen Anne, Crudass, Julie and Robertson, Jim Koštálová, Helena (ed.) 2017. The diverse world of career guidance. Evropská Kontakní Skupina (EKS).

Understanding how work opportunities are changing

Hooley, Tristram and Borbély-Pecze, Tibor Bors 2017. Understanding how work opportunities are changing. Krivet.

The Saudi experiment with career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2017. The Saudi experiment with career guidance. in: Sultana, R. G. (ed.) Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning across the Mediterranean Challenging Transitions in South Europe and the MENA Region Leiden Brill. pp. 283–300

Compass - Helping schools to find their way to good career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2017. Compass - Helping schools to find their way to good career guidance. The Career Development Institute.

Fog in the channel - Continent cut off: The implications of Brexit for career guidance in the UK

Hooley, Tristram 2017. Fog in the channel - Continent cut off: The implications of Brexit for career guidance in the UK. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC). 38 (1), pp. 1-7.

Moving beyond ‘what works’: Using the evidence base in lifelong guidance to inform policy making

Hooley, Tristram 2017. Moving beyond ‘what works’: Using the evidence base in lifelong guidance to inform policy making. in: Langner, J. and Schober, K. (ed.) Effectiveness of counseling in education, work and employment Germany W. Bertelsmann Verlag.

Advising on career image: perspectives, practice and politics

Yates, Julia and Hooley, Tristram 2017. Advising on career image: perspectives, practice and politics. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 46 (1), pp. 1-19.

Developing your career: harnessing the power of the internet for “digital career management”

Hooley, Tristram 2017. Developing your career: harnessing the power of the internet for “digital career management”. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. 31 (1), pp. 9-11.

Employability: A review of the literature 2012-2016

Artess, Jane, Mellors-Bourne, Robin and Hooley, Tristram 2017. Employability: A review of the literature 2012-2016. Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Climbing the employability mountain

Hooley, Tristram 2017. Climbing the employability mountain. Graduate Prospects Ltd..

Hey good lookin'

Yates, Julia and Hooley, Tristram 2017. Hey good lookin'. Graduate Prospects Ltd..

Future First: Alumni in the Curriculum Evaluation 2015

Artess, Jane, Hooley, Tristram and Shepherd, Claire 2017. Future First: Alumni in the Curriculum Evaluation 2015. Future First.

Graduate career handbook: A supplementary guide to the handbook for providing career support and employability programmes

Hooley, Tristram and Grant, Korin 2017. Graduate career handbook: A supplementary guide to the handbook for providing career support and employability programmes. Crimson and Trotman.

How religion or belief frame participation and access in UK higher education

Weller, Paul and Hooley, Tristram 2016. How religion or belief frame participation and access in UK higher education. in: Aune, K. and Stevenson, J. (ed.) Religion and Higher Education in Europe and North America Oxfordshire Taylor & Francis.

‘ … and now it’s over to you’: recognising and supporting the role of careers leaders in schools in England

Andrews, David and Hooley, Tristram 2016. ‘ … and now it’s over to you’: recognising and supporting the role of careers leaders in schools in England. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 45 (2), pp. 1-13.

Good looks and good practice: the attitudes of career practitioners to attractiveness and appearance

Yates, Julia, Bagri, Kiren Kaur and Hooley, Tristram 2016. Good looks and good practice: the attitudes of career practitioners to attractiveness and appearance. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Introducing the LEADER Framework for Careers (1.0)

Neary, S. and Hooley, Tristram 2016. Introducing the LEADER Framework for Careers (1.0). Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Career development policy and practice: the Tony Watts reader

Hooley, Tristram and Barham, Lyn 2015. Career development policy and practice: the Tony Watts reader. NICEC Ltd .

Religion and belief, equality and inequality in UK higher education

Weller, Paul and Hooley, Tristram 2016. Religion and belief, equality and inequality in UK higher education. in: Abingdon, Oxfordshire Routledge.

Evaluation of the Chrysalis Summer School - 2008-2015

Hooley, Tristram, Dodd, Vanessa and Sahar, Arif 2016. Evaluation of the Chrysalis Summer School - 2008-2015. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Graduate Careers in the Post-Brexit World

Hooley, Tristram 2016. Graduate Careers in the Post-Brexit World.

Effective employer mentoring: Lessons from the evidence

Hooley, Tristram 2016. Effective employer mentoring: Lessons from the evidence. The Careers & Enterprise Company.

The Right Start in Life: Exploring an innovative new online career solution

Hooley, Tristram and Sahar, Arif 2016. The Right Start in Life: Exploring an innovative new online career solution. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

You're Hired! Job Hunting Online: The Complete Guide

Hooley, Tristram, Bright, Jim and Winter, David 2016. You're Hired! Job Hunting Online: The Complete Guide. Trotman.

Maximising the impact of careers services on career management skills: a review of the literature

Mackay, Susan, Morris, Marian, Hooley, Tristram and Neary, S. 2016. Maximising the impact of careers services on career management skills: a review of the literature. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

The impact of career guidance on progression in learning and work: a literature review

Neary, S., Hooley, Tristram, Morris, Marian and Mackay, Susan 2016. The impact of career guidance on progression in learning and work: a literature review. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Evaluation of the Legacy Careers Project

Dodd, Vanessa and Hooley, Tristram 2016. Evaluation of the Legacy Careers Project. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

The role of brokerage within career guidance: a literature review

Hallam, Rachel, Morris, Marian, Hooley, Tristram, Neary, S. and Mackay, Susan 2016. The role of brokerage within career guidance: a literature review. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Career guidance for social justice

Hooley, Tristram and Sultana, Ronald G. 2016. Career guidance for social justice. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC).

Professionalism in Careers

Hooley, Tristram, Johnson, Claire and Neary, S. 2016. Professionalism in Careers. Careers England and the Career Development Institute.

'They've got their backs to the sea': Careers Work in Kent's coastal schools

Shepherd, Claire and Hooley, Tristram 2016. 'They've got their backs to the sea': Careers Work in Kent's coastal schools. Derby University of Derby.

Education, ethics and experience: essays in honour of Richard Pring

Hooley, Tristram 2016. Education, ethics and experience: essays in honour of Richard Pring. Taylor & Francis.

Developing a new generation of careers leaders: An evaluation of the Teach First Careers and Employability Initiative

Hooley, Tristram, Dodd, Vanessa and Shepherd, Claire 2016. Developing a new generation of careers leaders: An evaluation of the Teach First Careers and Employability Initiative. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Developing a new generation of careers leaders: Executive summary

Hooley, Tristram, Dodd, Vanessa and Shepherd, Claire 2016. Developing a new generation of careers leaders: Executive summary. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Dealing with the ever changing policy landscape: Learning from international practice

Hooley, Tristram 2016. Dealing with the ever changing policy landscape: Learning from international practice. Career Development Association of New Zealand.

World-class apprenticeship standards: Report and recommendations

Mieschbuehler, Ruth and Hooley, Tristram 2016. World-class apprenticeship standards: Report and recommendations. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, College of Education, University of Derby.

Forsøk å be noen som ser stygge ut om å ta en ansiktsløfting

Hooley, Tristram 2016. Forsøk å be noen som ser stygge ut om å ta en ansiktsløfting.

What works in careers and enterprise?

The Careers & Enterprise Company and Hooley, Tristram 2016. What works in careers and enterprise? The Careers & Enterprise Company.

Understanding the careers cold spots.

Boys, Jonathan, Hooley, Tristram, Barbone, Lucia, Hedges, Sophie and Spekesser, Stefan 2016. Understanding the careers cold spots. The Careers & Enterprise Company.

Understanding career management skills: findings from the first phase of the CMS LEADER project

Neary, S., Dodd, Vanessa and Hooley, Tristram 2016. Understanding career management skills: findings from the first phase of the CMS LEADER project. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Surveying the religious and non-religious online

Hooley, Tristram and Weller, Paul 2015. Surveying the religious and non-religious online. in: Cheruvallil-Contractor, S. and Shakkour, S. (ed.) Digital Methodologies in the Sociology of Religion London Bloomsbury.

Get yourself connected: conceptualising the role of digital technologies in Norwegian career guidance

Hooley, Tristram, Shepherd, Claire and Dodd, Vanessa 2015. Get yourself connected: conceptualising the role of digital technologies in Norwegian career guidance. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Who wins the rat race? Social justice and the graduate labour market

Hooley, Tristram 2015. Who wins the rat race? Social justice and the graduate labour market. Graduate Prospects Ltd..

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery: self-actualisation, social justice and the politics of career guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2015. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery: self-actualisation, social justice and the politics of career guidance. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Further education learners' prior experience of career education and guidance: A case study of Chesterfield College.

Woolly, Amy and Hooley, Tristram 2015. Further education learners' prior experience of career education and guidance: A case study of Chesterfield College. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC).

Getting it down on paper: the importance of letter writing for young people's employability

Dodd, Vanessa and Hooley, Tristram 2015. Getting it down on paper: the importance of letter writing for young people's employability. Royal Mail.

Graduate dress code: How undergraduates are planning to use hair, clothes and make-up to smooth their transition to the workplace

Fletcher, Beth, Hooley, Tristram and Yates, Julia 2015. Graduate dress code: How undergraduates are planning to use hair, clothes and make-up to smooth their transition to the workplace. Industry and Higher Education.

London ambitions: shaping a successful careers offer for all Londoners (Careers England Policy Commentary 31)

Hooley, Tristram 2015. London ambitions: shaping a successful careers offer for all Londoners (Careers England Policy Commentary 31). Careers England.

The economic benefits of career guidance

Hooley, Tristram and Dodd, Vanessa 2015. The economic benefits of career guidance. Careers England.

Customer satisfaction with career guidance: a literature review

Hooley, Tristram, Neary, S., Morris, Marian and Mackay, Susan 2015. Customer satisfaction with career guidance: a literature review. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

The Kent model of career education and guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2015. The Kent model of career education and guidance. Kent County Council.

Career guidance and inspiration in schools

Hooley, Tristram 2015. Career guidance and inspiration in schools. Careers England.

Making use of icould: learning from practice

Moore, Nicki and Hooley, Tristram 2015. Making use of icould: learning from practice. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Symposium on online practice in counselling and guidance

Goss, Stephen and Hooley, Tristram 2015. Symposium on online practice in counselling and guidance. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Why we've all got to be digital career practitioners

Hooley, Tristram 2015. Why we've all got to be digital career practitioners.

Effective Policy Frameworks for the Organisation of Career Guidance Services A Review of the Literature

Hooley, Tristram, Neary, S., Morris, Marian and Mackay, Susan 2015. Effective Policy Frameworks for the Organisation of Career Guidance Services A Review of the Literature. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Delivering NEET policy packages? A decade of NEET policy in England

Hutchinson, Jo, Beck, Vanessa and Hooley, Tristram 2015. Delivering NEET policy packages? A decade of NEET policy in England. Journal of Education and Work.

Teachers and Careers: The role of school teachers in delivering career and employability learning

Hooley, Tristram, Watts, A. G. and Andrews, David 2015. Teachers and Careers: The role of school teachers in delivering career and employability learning. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Ensuring quality in online career mentoring

Hooley, Tristram, Neary, S. and Hutchinson, Jo 2015. Ensuring quality in online career mentoring. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

The D2N2 employability framework: Employers and schools supporting young people's routes to work

Hutchinson, Jo, Dickinson, Berni, Vickers, Rob and Hooley, Tristram 2015. The D2N2 employability framework: Employers and schools supporting young people's routes to work. D2N2.

Employers' experience of Higher Apprenticeships: benefits and barriers

Mieschbuehler, Ruth, Hooley, Tristram and Neary, S. 2015. Employers' experience of Higher Apprenticeships: benefits and barriers. Derby & Leicestershire iCeGS, University of Derby and Pera Training, Melton Mowbray.

Careering towards a wall? Careers guidance policy and election 2015

Hooley, Tristram 2015. Careering towards a wall? Careers guidance policy and election 2015.

What does good careers advice look like?

Hooley, Tristram 2015. What does good careers advice look like? Westminster Employment Forum.

Integrated policies: creating systems that work

McCarthy, John and Hooley, Tristram 2015. Integrated policies: creating systems that work. Kuder.

Evaluation of the NAHT Aspire

Hutchinson, Jo, Neary, S., Hooley, Tristram, Hewitt, Des, Mieschbuehler, Ruth, Dodd, Vanessa and Langley, Emma 2015. Evaluation of the NAHT Aspire. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Professionalising careers work: The view from Europe

Hooley, Tristram 2015. Professionalising careers work: The view from Europe. CDANZ Ezine.

The evidence base on lifelong guidance (Extended Summary)

Hooley, Tristram 2014. The evidence base on lifelong guidance (Extended Summary). European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

Advancing ambitions: the role of career guidance in supporting social mobility

Hooley, Tristram, Matheson, Jesse and Watts, A. G. 2014. Advancing ambitions: the role of career guidance in supporting social mobility. The Sutton Trust.

‘We wanted to change that particular part of the world': the role of academics in the career development field, learning from the career of Tony Watts

Hooley, Tristram 2014. ‘We wanted to change that particular part of the world': the role of academics in the career development field, learning from the career of Tony Watts.

The evidence base on lifelong guidance (Brief Summary)

Hooley, Tristram 2014. The evidence base on lifelong guidance (Brief Summary). European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network.

The evidence base on lifelong guidance

Hooley, Tristram 2014. The evidence base on lifelong guidance. The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN).

Understanding the recruitment and selection of postgraduate researchers by English higher education institutions

Mellors-Bourne, Robin, Metcalfe, Janet, Pearce, Ellen and Hooley, Tristram 2014. Understanding the recruitment and selection of postgraduate researchers by English higher education institutions. CRAC.

Building motivation, achievement and progression online: evaluating Brightside's approach to online mentoring. Executive Summary.

Hooley, Tristram, Hutchinson, Jo and Neary, S. 2014. Building motivation, achievement and progression online: evaluating Brightside's approach to online mentoring. Executive Summary. Derby iCeGS, University of Derby.

Building motivation, achievement and progression online: evaluating Brightside's approach to online mentoring

Hooley, Tristram, Hutchinson, Jo and Neary, S. 2014. Building motivation, achievement and progression online: evaluating Brightside's approach to online mentoring. Derby iCeGS, University of Derby.

Understanding a ‘career in careers’: learning from an analysis of current job and person specifications

Neary, S., Marriott, John and Hooley, Tristram 2014. Understanding a ‘career in careers’: learning from an analysis of current job and person specifications. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

What is online research?: using the Internet for Social Science research

Hooley, Tristram, Marriott, John and Wellens, Jane 2012. What is online research?: using the Internet for Social Science research. Bloomsbury Academic.

Understanding how people choose to pursue taught postgraduate study

Mellors-Bourne, Robin, Hooley, Tristram and Marriott, John 2014. Understanding how people choose to pursue taught postgraduate study. HEFCE.

Evaluating the Legacy Careers Project.

Marriott, John and Hooley, Tristram 2014. Evaluating the Legacy Careers Project. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

A career postcode lottery? Local authority provision of youth and career support following the 2011 Education Act

Langley, Emma, Hooley, Tristram and Bertuchi, Denise 2014. A career postcode lottery? Local authority provision of youth and career support following the 2011 Education Act. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

‘If you look the part you’ll get the job’: should career professionals help clients to enhance their career image?

Yates, Julia and Hooley, Tristram 2014. ‘If you look the part you’ll get the job’: should career professionals help clients to enhance their career image? British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Evaluating the impact of career management skills module and internship programme within a university business school

Taylor, Antony Richard and Hooley, Tristram 2014. Evaluating the impact of career management skills module and internship programme within a university business school. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Career guidance in communities

Hooley, Tristram 2014. Career guidance in communities. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Resources and glossary.

Dent, Phil, Garton, Elizabeth, Hooley, Tristram, Leonard, Christopher, Marriott, John and Moore, Nicki 2013. Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Resources and glossary. Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Targeting.

Dent, Phil, Garton, Elizabeth, Hooley, Tristram, Leonard, Christopher, Marriott, John and Moore, Nicki 2013. Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Targeting. Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Partnership.

Dent, Phil, Garton, Elizabeth, Hooley, Tristram, Leonard, Christopher, Marriott, John and Moore, Nicki 2013. Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Partnership. Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Overview

Dent, Phil, Garton, Elizabeth, Hooley, Tristram, Leonard, Christopher, Marriott, John and Moore, Nicki 2013. Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Overview. Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Evaluation.

Dent, Phil, Garton, Elizabeth, Hooley, Tristram, Leonard, Christopher, Marriott, John and Moore, Nicki 2013. Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Evaluation. Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Programmes.

Dent, Phil, Garton, Elizabeth, Hooley, Tristram, Leonard, Christopher, Marriott, John and Moore, Nicki 2013. Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Programmes. Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

Career development in Canada

Hooley, Tristram 2013. Career development in Canada. Debry International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

National Careers Council, an aspirational nation: creating a culture change in careers provision; Careers England Policy Commentary 21

Hooley, Tristram 2013. National Careers Council, an aspirational nation: creating a culture change in careers provision; Careers England Policy Commentary 21. Careers England.

Building online employability: a guide for academic departments

Longridge, Debra, Hooley, Tristram and Staunton, Tom 2013. Building online employability: a guide for academic departments. International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

HR strategies for researchers: a review of the HR Excellence in Research Award implementation activities across Europe

Hooley, Tristram, Marriott, John and Pearce, Ellen 2013. HR strategies for researchers: a review of the HR Excellence in Research Award implementation activities across Europe. Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC).

Exploring the turning points in researchers’ lives: using the three-scene storyboarding technique

Hooley, Tristram, Law, Bill and Bentley, Kieran 2013. Exploring the turning points in researchers’ lives: using the three-scene storyboarding technique. Vitae.

The ‘Blueprint’ framework for career management skills: a critical exploration

Hooley, Tristram, Watts, A. G., Sultana, Ronald G. and Neary, S. 2013. The ‘Blueprint’ framework for career management skills: a critical exploration. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Early evaluation of Unistats: user experiences

Hooley, Tristram, Mellors-Bourne, Robin and Sutton, Moira 2013. Early evaluation of Unistats: user experiences. UK Higher Education Funding Bodies.

Careers 2020: options for future careers work in English schools.

Hooley, Tristram, Marriott, John, Watts, A. G. and Coiffait, Louis 2012. Careers 2020: options for future careers work in English schools. Pearson.

An experiment in blended career development: the University of Derby’s social media internship programme

Longridge, Debra and Hooley, Tristram 2012. An experiment in blended career development: the University of Derby’s social media internship programme. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling.

How the internet changed career: framing the relationship between career development and online technologies

Hooley, Tristram 2012. How the internet changed career: framing the relationship between career development and online technologies. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC).

Tackling unemployment, supporting business and developing careers

Hooley, Tristram, Devins, David, Watts, A. G., Hutchinson, Jo, Marriott, John and Walton, Fiona 2012. Tackling unemployment, supporting business and developing careers. Rotherham UKCES.

Talking about career: the language used by and with young people to discuss life, learning and work

Moore, Nicki and Hooley, Tristram 2012. Talking about career: the language used by and with young people to discuss life, learning and work. International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Progression in Kent: schools taking charge

Hooley, Tristram 2012. Progression in Kent: schools taking charge. Kent County Council.

Developing business. developing careers: how and why employers are supporting the career development of their employees.

Hutchinson, Jo, Devins, David, Hooley, Tristram and Kelsey, Sarah 2012. Developing business. developing careers: how and why employers are supporting the career development of their employees. Rotherham UKCES.

Supporting STEM students into STEM careers: A practical introduction for academics

Hooley, Tristram, Hutchinson, Jo and Neary, S. 2012. Supporting STEM students into STEM careers: A practical introduction for academics. Derby iCeGS, University of Derby.

Careering through the Web: the potential of Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies for career development and career support services

Hooley, Tristram, Hutchinson, Jo and Watts, A. G. 2011. Careering through the Web: the potential of Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies for career development and career support services. UKCES.

Building a progression culture: exploring learning organisations’ use of the Progression Matrix

Moore, Nicki and Hooley, Tristram 2011. Building a progression culture: exploring learning organisations’ use of the Progression Matrix. Derby International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Religion and belief in Higher Education: the experiences of staff and students

Weller, Paul, Hooley, Tristram and Moore, Nicki 2011. Religion and belief in Higher Education: the experiences of staff and students. Equality Challenge Unit.

Fostering college and career readiness: how career development activities in schools impact on graduation rates and students' life success

Hooley, Tristram, Marriott, John and Sampson, James P. 2011. Fostering college and career readiness: how career development activities in schools impact on graduation rates and students' life success. Derby University of Derby.

Entrepreneurship and UK doctoral graduates

Hooley, Tristram, Bentley, Kieran and Marriott, John 2011. Entrepreneurship and UK doctoral graduates. Industry and Higher Education.

What can careers workers learn from the study of narrative?

Hooley, Tristram and Rawlinson, Mark 2011. What can careers workers learn from the study of narrative? Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling.

Careers work with young people: collapse or transition? An analysis of current developments in careers education and guidance for young people in England

Hooley, Tristram and Watts, A. G. 2011. Careers work with young people: collapse or transition? An analysis of current developments in careers education and guidance for young people in England. Derby iCeGS, University of Derby.

Social media: a guide for researchers

Cann, Alan, Dimitriou, Konstantia and Hooley, Tristram 2011. Social media: a guide for researchers. Research Information Network.

Gathering career wisdom from Facebook and other social media

Hooley, Tristram 2011. Gathering career wisdom from Facebook and other social media. CASCAID, Loughborough University.

Enhancing choice? The role of technology in the career support market

Hooley, Tristram, Hutchinson, Jo and Watts, A. G. 2010. Enhancing choice? The role of technology in the career support market. UKCES.

Careers work in the blogosphere: can careers blogging widen access to career support?

Hooley, Tristram 2010. Careers work in the blogosphere: can careers blogging widen access to career support? Constructing the Future.

Introduction: Hard times? Building and sustaining research capacity in UK universities

Hooley, Tristram, Williams, Sara and Kent, Raymond 2010. Introduction: Hard times? Building and sustaining research capacity in UK universities. Arma.

Recruiting researchers: Survey of employer practice 2009

Rubio, Macia and Hooley, Tristram 2010. Recruiting researchers: Survey of employer practice 2009. The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.

Online research methods for mental health

Hooley, Tristram, Wellens, Jane, Madge, Clare and Goss, Stephen 2010. Online research methods for mental health. in: Charles C. Thomas Publishers.

Researchers, fixed-term contracts and universities: Understanding the law in context

Hooley, Tristram and Oliver, Liz 2010. Researchers, fixed-term contracts and universities: Understanding the law in context. Vitae.

Understanding the part-time researcher experience

Hooley, Tristram, Kulej, Malgorzata, Edwards, Carol and Mahoney, Kate 2009. Understanding the part-time researcher experience. CRAC.

What do researchers do? Career profiles of doctoral graduates

Hooley, Tristram and Videler, Tennie 2009. What do researchers do? Career profiles of doctoral graduates. The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC).

Two sides of the same story: staff and student perceptions of the non-native speakers experience of the British academic system

Hooley, Tristram and Horspool, Philip 2006. Two sides of the same story: staff and student perceptions of the non-native speakers experience of the British academic system. The East Asian Learner.
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