Jill Hanson

NameJill Hanson
Job titleSenior Researcher
Research instituteCollege of Arts, Humanities and Education

Research outputs

Using community interaction theory to understand the effects of group mentoring on adolescents

Hanson, J., Blake, H. and Clark, L. 2024. Using community interaction theory to understand the effects of group mentoring on adolescents. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning. 24 (1), pp. 36-62. https://doi.org/10.5456/WPLL.26.1.34

Exploring students’ and graduates’ attitudes to the process of transition to the labour market

Hooley, T., Hanson, J. and Clark, L. 2022. Exploring students’ and graduates’ attitudes to the process of transition to the labour market. Industry and Higher Education. pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/09504222221111298

SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit: Implementation and Impact Evaluation

Hanson, J., Blake, H. and Neary, S. 2022. SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit: Implementation and Impact Evaluation. Derby iCeGS - International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit Enhancement Project

Blake, H., Hanson, J., Neary, S. and Alexander, R 2022. SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit Enhancement Project. Derby University of Derby.

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2021

Neary, S., Moore, Nicki, Blake, Hannah, Hanson, Jill and Staunton, Tom 2021. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2021. University of Derby.

The importance of an inclusive alumni network for ensuring effective transitions into employment and future destinations for people with learning disabilities

Blake, Hannah, Hanson, Jill and Clark, Lewis 2021. The importance of an inclusive alumni network for ensuring effective transitions into employment and future destinations for people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 49 (4). https://doi.org/10.1111/bld.12429

Personal Guidance Fund Evaluation: Final Report

Hanson, Jill, Neary, S. and Blake, Hannah 2021. Personal Guidance Fund Evaluation: Final Report. The Careers & Enterprise Company.

Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: measuring the impact with a validated measure

Dodd, Vanessa, Hanson, Jill and Hooley, Tristram 2021. Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: measuring the impact with a validated measure. Informa UK Limited. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2021.1937515

An evaluation of the North East of England pilot of the Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance

Hanson, Jill, Moore, Nicki, Neary, S. and Clark, Lewis 2021. An evaluation of the North East of England pilot of the Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance. University of Derby.

Careers coaching for social justice: the case of school leadership and inclusive education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

Robinson, Deborah, Codina, Geraldene, Jill, Hanson and Eleni, Dimitrellou 2020. Careers coaching for social justice: the case of school leadership and inclusive education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. University of Derby.

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review (2020)

Neary, S., Hanson, Jill, Moore, Nicki, Staunton, Tom, Clark, Lewis and Blake, Hannah 2020. International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review (2020). University of Derby.

Addressing unrealistic optimism with counterfactual reasoning in an employability module in higher education

Hanson, Jill and Burke, Ciaran 2020. Addressing unrealistic optimism with counterfactual reasoning in an employability module in higher education. Journal of Applied Research in higher Education. ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/jarhe-02-2019-0047

Developing more inclusive schools for pupils with special educational needs: key messages for school leaders and communities

Robinson, Deborah, Hanson, Jill, Codina, Geraldene, Dimitrellou, Eleni and Qureshi, Sarwat 2020. Developing more inclusive schools for pupils with special educational needs: key messages for school leaders and communities.

Book review: Research methods for ssocial justice and equity in education

Hanson, Jill 2020. Book review: Research methods for ssocial justice and equity in education. Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2020.1765229

Future frontiers: the impact of career coaching on year 11 students

Hanson, Jill and Clark, Lewis 2020. Future frontiers: the impact of career coaching on year 11 students. IAEVG.

The Gatsby benchmarks and social mobility: impacts to date

Hanson, Jill and Neary, S. 2020. The Gatsby benchmarks and social mobility: impacts to date. IAEVG.

The personal guidance fund- developing new and innovative practice

Neary, S. and Hanson, Jill 2020. The personal guidance fund- developing new and innovative practice. Careers Matters.

Supporting service children in school: An organisational improvement framework

Burke, Ciaran, Neary, S., Hanson, Jill, Parker, Gordon, Everitt, Julia and Clark, Lewis 2019. Supporting service children in school: An organisational improvement framework. University of Derby.

International centre for guidance studies (iCeGS) annual review 2019

Neary, S., Clark, Lewis, Hanson, Jill, Nicki, Moore and Tom, Staunton 2019. International centre for guidance studies (iCeGS) annual review 2019.

Future Frontiers: The impact of career coaching on career readiness and indicators of successful transitions in Year 11 pupils.

Hanson, Jill and Clark, Lewis 2019. Future Frontiers: The impact of career coaching on career readiness and indicators of successful transitions in Year 11 pupils. Future Frontiers.

An evaluation of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire collaborative outreach programme

Hanson, Jill and Clark, Lewis 2019. An evaluation of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire collaborative outreach programme. University of Derby.

Gatsby careers benchmark north east implementation pilot: interim evaluation (2015-2017)

Hanson, Jill, Vigurs, Katy, Moore, Nicki, Everitt, Julia and Clark, Lewis 2019. Gatsby careers benchmark north east implementation pilot: interim evaluation (2015-2017).

An evaluation of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Collaborative Outreach Programme: interim evaluation.

Hanson, Jill 2018. An evaluation of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Collaborative Outreach Programme: interim evaluation. University of Derby.

Give yourself the edge: Evaluation report.

Dodd, Vanessa and Hanson, Jill 2018. Give yourself the edge: Evaluation report. University of Derby.

My future: Developing career education and guidance at school.

Moore, Nicki and Hanson, Jill 2018. My future: Developing career education and guidance at school. University of Derby.

A new career in higher education careers work.

Neary, S. and Hanson, Jill 2018. A new career in higher education careers work. in: Burke, C. and Christie, F. (ed.) Graduate Careers in Context Research, Policy and Practice Abingdon, Oxfordshire Routledge.

Key skills and training needs of the D2N2 low carbon and environmental goods and services (LCEGS) sector

Paterson, Fred, Baranova, Polina, Neary, S., Hanson, Jill, Clarke, Lewis, Wond, Tracey, Lee, Amanda, Gill, J., Gallotta, Bruno, Eisen, Matthew and Nesterova, Iana 2018. Key skills and training needs of the D2N2 low carbon and environmental goods and services (LCEGS) sector. University of Derby.

Business games and enterprise competitions. What works?

Hanson, Jill, Cox, Annette and Hooley, Tristram 2017. Business games and enterprise competitions. What works? The Careers & Enterprise Company.

University Applicant Study: NEMCON.

Hanson, Jill 2017. University Applicant Study: NEMCON. University of Derby.

Transition programmes for young adults with SEND. What works?

Hanson, Jill, Codina, Geraldene and Neary, S. 2017. Transition programmes for young adults with SEND. What works? Careers and Enterprise Company.

Business games and enterprise competitions. What works?

Hanson, Jill, Hooley, Tristram and Cox, Annette 2017. Business games and enterprise competitions. What works? Careers and Enterprise Company.

Evaluation of Careers Yorkshire and the Humber Inspiration activity and good practice guide

Artess, Jane and Hanson, Jill 2017. Evaluation of Careers Yorkshire and the Humber Inspiration activity and good practice guide.

A career in career - understanding what career looks like in the career development sector

Neary, S., Hanson, Jill and Cotterill, Vicky 2017. A career in career - understanding what career looks like in the career development sector. Career Matters.
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