Decisions about weight management: a synthesis of qualitative studies of obesity
A decision model for selecting of Areas for Improvement in EFQM model
Nomadic Narratives, Visual Forces: Gwen John’s Letters and Paintings (review)
Writing Practice, Practising Writing
Practical Matters: What young people think about vocational education in England
Entrepreneurship and UK doctoral graduates
Maintaining purity: death, dying and disposal with reference to the Muslim 'community' in Derby
An exploration of Islamic studies curriculum models in Muslim secondary schools in England
Temporal processing of emotional stimuli: The capture and release of attention by angry faces
A Guide to Instrumentalism: Initial teacher education in the lifelong learning sector
A cluster based incentive mechanism for P2P systems
A careers adviser? so what do you do exactly?
Religion and belief in Higher Education: the experiences of staff and students
Imaging the city: modernity, capitalism and the making of modern Athens
Teaching 14-19 Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Social media: a guide for researchers
Linking different types of crime using geographical and temporal proximity
The sunshine soundtrack as aural attraction
Gathering career wisdom from Facebook and other social media
What can careers workers learn from the study of narrative?
Study Bugs do a poster presentation
Consultancy project for NACRO Osmaston Family Project: Final report
An exploration of tourism development theory and potential educational responses in Eastern Libya
Market entry mode of higher education internationalization: a case study of a post-1992 university
More questions than answers: the role of practitioner research in professional practice.
An exploration of students entrepreneurial experiences pursuing start-up intentions at university
Television dramas as memory screens
The secret world of liver transplant candidate assessment
A fair trial? The assessment of liver transplant candidates with psychiatric illnesses
Building a progression culture: exploring learning organisations’ use of the Progression Matrix
The compass of possibilities: re-mapping the suburbs of Los Angeles in the writings of D.J. Waldie
Randomized trial of a DVD intervention to improve readiness to self-manage joint pain
Dyslexia, authorial identity, and approaches to learning and writing: a mixed methods study
Enhancing design learning through partnerships: the case of Joinedupdesign for Academies
Partnership, capital formation and equality and diversity: learning from five case studies
HiTrust: building cross-organizational trust relationship based on a hybrid negotiation tree
Distributed service integration for disaster monitoring sensor systems
Digital continuity: record classification and retention on shared drives and email vaults
An exploratory social network analysis of academic research networks
‘In confidence: Thai economic virility, internal angst, and The Market: so, what’s next then?’
Wide-area psychoacoustic correction for problematic room-modes using nonlinear bass synthesis
Kick-Drum signal acquisition, isolation and reinforcement optimization in live sound
Visualization and analysis tools for low-frequency propagation in a generalized 3D acoustic space
Chameleon subwoofer arrays in live sound
A synthesis of the role of media reports and elections in Nigerian democracy
The Observatory’ Issue Three ‘TANGERINE’
"An assemblage of habits": D. J. Waldie and Neil Campbell—a suburban conversation
Can we work together and still be friends?
Lo zoo delle donne giraffe: un viaggio tra i Kayan nella Tailandia del nord
L'uomo che dialogava con il coyote: una breve incursione sul tema «Joseph Beuys e sciamanesimo»
Identifying the task characteristics that predict children's construction task performance
‘Unveiling Orientalism in reverse’
Measuring efficiency in opportunistic ad hoc networks
Multipath optimized link state routing for mobile ad hoc networks
Growth and development in wild Owl Monkeys (Aotus azarai) of Argentina
The legalities and politics of health informatics
Psychological consumption of culinary artistry in the Peak District
Review of preventative behavioural interventions for dermal and respiratory hazards.
How can a war be holy? Weimar attitudes towards Eastern spirituality
SafeWeb: a Middleware for securing Ruby-based web applications
Perceptual cartoonification in multi-spatial sound systems
Spatialization and computer music
Career learning journeys of Derby and Derbyshire NEETs
Writing up a case presentation.
The personal development planning cycle.
Ethical dimensions to reflection.
Operating theatre photography for orthopaedics and aesthetic surgery.
The chronometrics of confirmation bias: Evidence for the inhibition of intuitive judgements
Normative benchmarks are useful for studying individual differences in reasoning
The development and part validation of a U.K. scale for mathematics anxiety
The evolution of large testes: Sperm competition or male mating rate?
Are newly qualified nurses prepared for practice?
Visual processing speeds in children
User Acceptance of Social Media for Travel and Tourism
Probation in America: armed, private and unaffordable?
Operating theatre photography for orthopaedics and aesthetic surgery.
A controlled migration genetic algorithm operator for hardware-in-the-loop experimentation
'I Speak about Myself to You' – Renegotiating the Voice of Documentary through Animation Aesthetics
Manifest destiny, violence and transcendence
Large-eddy simulation of transition process in separated-reattached flows
Does software piracy always represent consumer misbehaviour?
Exploring the relationship between corporate, internal and employer branding - an empirical study
The role of gender in service quality
Using scenarios to explore employee attitudes in retailing
Aligning teaching and practice: a study of SME marketing
Women's careers in marketing: self-employment in Europe
Employers' policies for third age employment – the case for action and the rational for reaction
The role of age and gender in the retail service encounter
Women in marketing: a European exploration
In defence of teacher education
Good timing: Implementing STEM careers strategy in secondary schools
EG - Eugen Gomringer in the UK , 2011 - 2012
A retailer's perspective of customer loyalty
Self-employed Irish women's entrepreneurial risk behaviour
Enabling the SME is sustainable procurement: a case study
Eco-innovation in SMEs - drivers of a holistic process of change
Risk and women's entrepreneurship: the Irish context
Culture in sustainable infrastructure
P24 Presence of impaired baroreceptor sensitivity is a poor prognostic marker in cirrhosis
Do H63D homozygote patients have clinically significant iron overload?
Non-invasive assessment and prediction of clinically significant portal hypertension
The Role of Skills from Worklessness to Sustainable Employment with Progression
Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety in India and Brazil
Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety in India and Brazil
Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety in India and Brazil
Age friendly kitchens: a study based on social history and ergonomics
Supporting an inclusive, sustainable approach to design and manufacture.
Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety in India and Brazil
Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety in India and Brazil
Older people's experiences of their kitchens: dishes and wishes.
Innovative guidelines and tools for vulnerable road users safety in India and Brazil
Extending time – Extended benefits
Fears of compassion and happiness in relation to alexithymia, mindfulness, and self-criticism.
An exploration of competitiveness and caring in relation to psychopathology.
Fears of compassion: development of three self-report measures.
Effects of intranasal oxytocin on compassion focused imagery.
We will not disrupt your education.
CMS workflow execution using intelligent job scheduling and data access strategies.
Herbicides increase the vulnerability of corals to rising sea surface temperature
On the dynamics of poverty and income inequality in US states
The British Arboretum: Trees, Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Integration properties of disaggregated solar, geothermal and biomass energy consumption in the U.S.
'An Asseblage of Habits' : D.J. Waldie and Neil Campbell - A Suburban Conversation
Development and evaluation of student transition writing mentoring
A More Refined Thermal Model for a Totally Enclosed Fan-cooled Induction Motor
A practical project approach for teaching experimental power electronics