College of Arts, Humanities and Education

UniversityUniversity of Derby
DeanAlex Molasiotis
DeputyMatthew Day
Support Officer/PARebecca Pickering

Latest research outputs

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An effective pedagogical practise for integrating HIV and AIDS into tertiary education: an interior design case study
Di Monte-Milner, Giovanna and Gill, A 2017. An effective pedagogical practise for integrating HIV and AIDS into tertiary education: an interior design case study. South African Journal of Higher Education.

Journal article

Addressing the needs of the other 90% - the role of cycling in developing the sustainable agenda in Johannesburg
Di Monte-Milner, Giovanna and Breytenbach, Amanda 2014. Addressing the needs of the other 90% - the role of cycling in developing the sustainable agenda in Johannesburg. The Greenside Design Centre, University of Johannesburg (CUMULUS).

Conference item

Socrates for Teachers
Hayes, Dennis 2019. Socrates for Teachers. in: Routledge.

Book chapter

SENCO induction pack: Supporting you at the start of your journey
Whatton, Julie, Codina, Geraldene, Middleton, Tristan and Esposito, Rosanne 2019. SENCO induction pack: Supporting you at the start of your journey. Whole School SEND/DfE/LLSENDCiC/nasen.


Gaining more than just vocational skills: Evaluating women learners’ aspirations through the capability approach
Suart, Rebecca 2018. Gaining more than just vocational skills: Evaluating women learners’ aspirations through the capability approach. in: Springer.

Book chapter

Assessment: Evidence-based teaching for enquiring teachers
Atherton, Chris and Poultney, Val 2018. Assessment: Evidence-based teaching for enquiring teachers. Critical Publishing.


Cultural Connections: the role of the arts and humanities in Competitiveness and Local Development
Turner, Royce, Hughes, Alan, Kitson, Michael, Bullock, A. and Milner, I. 2014. Cultural Connections: the role of the arts and humanities in Competitiveness and Local Development. Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge.


Folklinguistics and social meaning in Australian English.
Penry Williams, Cara 2019. Folklinguistics and social meaning in Australian English. Abingdon, Oxfordshire Routledge.


The Evolution of Editorial Style in Early Modern England
Hargrave, J. 2019. The Evolution of Editorial Style in Early Modern England. New York Springer Nature.


International insights: Equality in education
Shelton, F., Chiou, Vana, Holz, Oliver and Ertürk, Nesrin 2019. International insights: Equality in education. Waxmann Verlag.


On Being a Male Dramatherapist
Holmwood, Clive 2019. On Being a Male Dramatherapist. in: Routledge.

Book chapter

Dogs and the elderly: significant cohabitation and companionship towards the end of life
Bartram, Angela 2019. Dogs and the elderly: significant cohabitation and companionship towards the end of life.

Conference Presentation

Dogs and the elderly
Bartram, Angela 2019. Dogs and the elderly.

Conference Presentation

Perspectives on musical time in the development of performance systems for live electronic music.
Vandemast-Bell, Paul and Ferguson, John 2019. Perspectives on musical time in the development of performance systems for live electronic music. in: Routledge.

Book chapter

Pride and Prospects: Developing a socially just level 1 curriculum to enable more positive school to work transitions
Atkins, Liz 2019. Pride and Prospects: Developing a socially just level 1 curriculum to enable more positive school to work transitions.

Journal article

Evaluation of premiership rugby’s HITZ learning academy programme
Defeyter, Greta, Graham, Pamela, Atkins, Liz, Harvey-Golding, Louise and Crilley, E 2017. Evaluation of premiership rugby’s HITZ learning academy programme. Premiership Rugby/Northumbria University, Healthy Living Lab.


Getting Qualified in Woodwork: Young peoples reasons for choosing VET programmes in the UK
Atkins, Liz 2014. Getting Qualified in Woodwork: Young peoples reasons for choosing VET programmes in the UK. NCVER.

Conference item

Social class
Atkins, Liz 2009. Social class. in: Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Teaching Higher Education Courses in Further Education Colleges
Tummons, Jonathan, Orr, kevin and Atkins, Liz 2013. Teaching Higher Education Courses in Further Education Colleges. Sage.


The Odyssey: School to work transitions, serendipity and position in the field
Atkins, Liz 2016. The Odyssey: School to work transitions, serendipity and position in the field. British Journal of Sociology of Education.

Journal article

Something’s gone wrong again
Baker, Steve 2017. Something’s gone wrong again. in: Giovanni Aloi.

Book chapter

A poetics of graphic design?
Baker, Steve 2012. A poetics of graphic design? in: Occasional Papers.

Book chapter

The hands of Beuys and Heidegger
Baker, Steve 2016. The hands of Beuys and Heidegger. in: Whitechapel Gallery/ MIT Press.

Book chapter

Beyond batched taxidermy
Baker, Steve 2015. Beyond batched taxidermy. in: David Winton Bell Gallery.

Book chapter

Sztuka wspolczesna i prawa zwierzat
Baker, Steve 2015. Sztuka wspolczesna i prawa zwierzat. in: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN.

Book chapter

Steve Baker: Fieldwork
Baker, Steve 2019. Steve Baker: Fieldwork.

Journal article

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.
Baker, Steve 2014. Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. in: Routledge.

Book chapter

Five heraldic animals (for Eduardo Kac)
Baker, Steve 2015. Five heraldic animals (for Eduardo Kac). in: Taylor & Francis.

Book chapter

Baker, Steve 2015. Foreward. in: Lantern Books.

Book chapter

Baker, Steve 2014. Scapeland.


Baker, Steve 2014. Roadside. in: Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U.

Book chapter

Future Frontiers: The impact of career coaching on career readiness and indicators of successful transitions in Year 11 pupils.
Hanson, Jill and Clark, Lewis 2019. Future Frontiers: The impact of career coaching on career readiness and indicators of successful transitions in Year 11 pupils. Future Frontiers.


Migration and Mobility in Childhood (Mexico)
Delgado-Fuentes, M. 2019. Migration and Mobility in Childhood (Mexico). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.


Jane Austen, free indirect style, gender and interiority in literary fiction.
MacMahon, Barbara 2018. Jane Austen, free indirect style, gender and interiority in literary fiction. in: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Syrian foreign policy. The alliances of a regional power.
Belcastro, Francesco 2019. Syrian foreign policy. The alliances of a regional power. Routledge.


The revival of the ancient technique of printing with mordants and dyeing in bi-colourants to achieve contemporary poly-chromic designs
Wells, Kate and Churn, Kate 2018. The revival of the ancient technique of printing with mordants and dyeing in bi-colourants to achieve contemporary poly-chromic designs. NOVA University of Lisbon Campus Caparica / Caparica Portugal.

Conference Presentation

Solar patterning: The employment of fast and fugitive colorants via the historical: anthotype, cyanotype and leuco vat: Solar dye patterning processes.
Wells, Kate 2018. Solar patterning: The employment of fast and fugitive colorants via the historical: anthotype, cyanotype and leuco vat: Solar dye patterning processes.

Conference item

Career guidance for social justice: contesting neoliberalism
Staunton, Tom 2019. Career guidance for social justice: contesting neoliberalism. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

Journal article

Evolutionary Psychology and Terrorism
Taylor, Max, Roach, Jason and Pease, Ken 2016. Evolutionary Psychology and Terrorism. Routledge.


Understanding what makes a positive school experience for pupils with SEND: Can their voices inform inclusive practice?
Dimitrellou, Eleni and Male, Dawn 2019. Understanding what makes a positive school experience for pupils with SEND: Can their voices inform inclusive practice? Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs.

Journal article

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Abu Omar, Dana

Adhikari, Joanna

Akukwe, Nwamaka Benedicta

Alexander, Rosie

Anderson, Duncan

Anderson, Duncan

Andrei, Adrian

Andrews-Roberts, Chas

Appleby, Michelle

Artess, Jane

Atkins, Liz

Aujla-Sidhu, Gurvinder

Avis, Robert James

Aylmer, Anthony

Baez-Devine, Bethan

Baggaley, Phil

Baines, Jo

Baker, Charlotte

Baker, Steve

Baldwin, Carly

Barker, David

Barker, Victoria

Basi, Phil

Bazeley, Alan

Belcastro, Francesco

Bell, Sharon

Berberich, Christine

Bird, Drew

Bishton, Joanne

Blake, Hannah

Bloor, Andy

Bolderson, Kay

Boldrin, Jenny

Borg, Matt

Borrill, Sarabjit

Bosward, Marc

Bourne, Jane

Bowskill, Nicholas

Bowyer, Richard

Boyer, Liz

Bradbury, Aaron

Bray, Charlie

Brett, Adam

Bristow, Chris

Broadley, Leo

Brooks, Ruby

Brown, Michael

Brown, Rodger

Buckner, Adrian

Bunce, Jill

Burke, Ciaran

Burstow, Robert

Burton, Anna

Buxton, Sarah

Byrd, Jo

Cadman, Robert

Callow, Christos

Campbell, Neil

Canner, Alex

Chadderton, Charlotte

Charles, Sarah

Cheeseman, Matthew

Cherrington, Russell

Clark, Lewis

Clark, Ros

Clegg, Matthew

Clewlow, Charlotte

Cobb, Katie

Codina, Geraldene

Collard-Stokes, Gemma

Condaris, Sophia

Coney, Keren

Connor, Stuart

Conrad, Wendy

Conrad, Wendy

Cotterill, Trevor

Cottle, Vanessa

Cottle, Vanessa

Cox, Katharine

Craig, Tom

Crossley, John

Crouch, David

Crowther, Robert

Cumbers, Shonaleigh

Curnick, Pippa

Curtis, Vic

Daly, Darren

Davey, Ang

Davies, Christopher

Davies, Huw

Davis, Amanda

Day, Matthew

Delgado-Fuentes, Marco Antonio

Dent, Maria

Dent, Maria Fay

Devlin, Thomas

Dey, Alexandra

Di Giovanni, Melissa

Di Monte-Milner, Giovanna

Dimitrellou, Eleni

Dodd, Vanessa

Elliott, Paul

Esmond, Bill

Feely, Cath

Fenton, Carol

Ferguson, John

Fisher, Craig

Fitzgerald, Damien

Flint, Alison

Flint, Carl

Flynn, Matthew

Forde, Teresa

Forde, Teresa

Foster, Ihsan

Foster, Liz

Frost, James

Galfalvi, Esther Alice

Ganobcsik-Williams, Aled

Gilman-Hughes, Jason

Glossop, Paul

Glyn-Davies, Adela

Godsmark, Oliver

Gowrley, Freya

Grandon, Adrian

Green, Phil

Guccione, Kay

Haden-Walker, James

Haines, Alice

Hall, Chris

Hall, David

Hall, Mark

Hall, Mark

Hanson, Jill

Harbisher, Ben

Hardman, Alison

Hargrave, Jocelyn

Harley, Joseph

Harris, Philip

Harrogate, Melody

Harrogate, Melody

Haselgrove, Kayte

Haslam, Michelle

Hawthorn, Matt

Hawthorne, Fiona

Hayes, Dennis

Heesambee, Farzeen

Hewitt, Shirley

Heywood, Simon

Hickman, Niall

Hine, Joanne

Hogan, Susan

Hollinshead, Laura

Holmes, Beth

Holmes, Lindsey Sarah

Holmwood, Clive

Home, Dave

Hooley, Tristram

Hopkins, Lauren

Hoskins, Grace

Howard, Rebecca

Hudson, Robert

Hunt, Ava

Hunt, Ava

Hutchinson, Joanne

Hutchinson, Lucy

Jackson-Cole, Dominik

James, Jeremy

Jinks, Cameron

Johnson, Miriam

Jones, Caroline

Jones, Kev

Joseph, Nicholas

Judge, Shelby

Kasule, Sam

Kaur, Bally

Keiller, Eleanor

Kekki, Miika Petteri

Kershaw, David

King, Daniel

King, Laura

King, Stephanie

Kinuthia, Heather

Lafford, Erin

Lahav, Vered

Lai, Ka Tung

Lane, Kit

Lansley, Peter

Larsen, Ruth

Lavercombe, Su

Le Mare, Mat

Leggott, Jayne

Lennox, Peter

Levesley, Richard

Locke, Caroline

MacMahon, Barbara

Majhail, Harjinder

Makepeace, Rachel

Makin-Smith, Kim

Maloy, Liam

Mandal, Luna

Manship, Neil

Manton, Becky

Marmalade, Gemma

Marsden, Stevie

Marshall, Alice

Marshall, Jennifer

Marshall, Jennifer

Marshall, Michael

Marson, Duncan

Mathuthu, Mthulisi

McCloskey, Paula

McCrory, Moy

McGravie, David

Mcilvenna, Kathleen

McMahon, Daithi

McMahon, Daithi

McNally, Mary

Meakin, Lynsey

Mieschbuehler, Ruth

Mindang, Martina

Mitchell, Cat

Moore, Nicki

Muir, Kim

Neal, Ian

Neary, Siobhan

Needham, Paula

Nemela, Radim

Neuhaus, Tom

Nutting, Ryan

O'Connor, Orla

O'Grady, Anne

Oates, Ruby

Owen, Kay

Pabla, Annu

Padilla Canales, Talia

Palmer, Jade

Parker, Christine

Parry, Matthew

Peers, Joss

Penna, Xristina

Penry Williams, Cara

Percy, Chris

Peterken, Tabitha

Petronzi, Rebecca

Philo, Simon

Pigden, Louise

Poultney, Val

Poynton, Stuart

Prestidge, Kathryn

Pridmore, Kulsoom

Qureshi, Sarwat

Randall, Ian

Randell, Mark

Ray, Jo

Reardon, Bev

Reghellin, Michela

Reynolds, Suzanne

Roberts, Frederika

Roberts, Neil

Robinson, Carl

Robinson, Carl

Robinson, Deborah

Robinson, Debs

Robinson, Matthew

Robinson, Sacha

Roe, Claire

Roeschlaub, Sarah

Rose, Philippa

Rubin, Daniel

Rushton, Stephanie

Scarrott, Nicola

Schmees, Johannes

Scott, Zoe

Sharples, Victoria

Shelton, Fiona

Shelton, Fiona

Shepherd, Donna-Lynn

Shepherd, Rosemary

Shepherd, Rosemary

Shore, Tim

Simcock, Adam

Simmons, Helen

Simmons, Helen

Sims, Robin

Singh, Kiran

Slabbert, Barend

Smith, Kate

Smith, Keziah

Smith, Mark

Smith, Mel

Smith, Rosemary

Sodiq, Abdulla

Somers, Julie

Squires, Barry

Stanhope, Amy

Staunton, Tom

Steel, John

Stonard, Rachael-Louise

Stothard, Jack

Suart, Rebecca

Sunday, Linda

Swanick, Rachel

Szenasi, Judith

Tarpey, Christine

Tarrant, Susan

Taylor, Gemma

Thahir, Ahmad

Thornton, Amy

Tooth, Owen

Toplisek, Alen

Tozer, Katy

Trickey, Julia

Tunnicliffe, Peter

Tupling, Claire

Turvill, Alistair

Twigg, Emma

Urbina Montana, Maria

Vahidi, Ghazal

Valenzuela, Hannah

Valenzuela, Hannah

Vandemast-Bell, Paul

Vigurs, Katy

Walker, Ben

Wallace, Amanda

Watkins, Stephen

Watson, Stephen

Watts, Lisa

Webster, Simon

Wells, Kate

Werner, Duncan

Wesson, Wendy

Whickman, Paul

Wilkins, Anthony

Williams, Dan

Williams, Daniel

Williams, James

Wilson, Colin

Wilson, Helen

Winfield, Matthew

Wood, Beth

Wood, Hayley

Wyder, Silvia

Yates, Ellen

Yusuf Pridmore, Kulsoom