How are storyboards created by students and tutors for the development of Reusable Learning Objects?
Variable kinematic shell elements for the analysis of electro-mechanical problems
A layer-wise MITC9 finite element for the free-vibration analysis of plates with piezo-patches
Laboratory simulation of the surface erosion of solar glass mirrors
Fluid Grouping: Quantifying Group Engagement around Interactive Tabletop Exhibits in the Wild
Textile-led Design for the Active Ageing Population
Climatic variability, plasticity, and dispersal: A case study from Lake Tana, Ethiopia
Women Rough Sleepers in Europe: Homelessness and Victims of Domestic Abuse
Hepatic oxidative stress, genotoxicity and vascular dysfunction in lean or obese Zucker rats
The global variability of diatomaceous earth toxicity: A physicochemical and in vitro investigation
The Hippo pathway mediates inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by cAMP.
Data Resource Profile: Accessible Resource for Integrated Epigenomic Studies (ARIES).
Non coding RNAs in aortic aneurysmal disease.
Performances by Bartram O'Neill [textual documentation]
An adaptable and personalised e-learning system based on free web resources
The Impact of Social Influence and Third Party Endorsement on Online Shopping in Saudi Arabia
Using local grammar for entity extraction from clinical reports
An architecture to support ultrasound report generation and standardisation
An exploratory study of ethical problems in digital service and engineering project management
Jucu de Sus, com. Jucu, jud. Cluj. Punct: Râtul boilor (parcul industrial TETAROM III).
Understanding physical developer (PD): Part I – Is PD targeting lipids?
Microscopic examination of fingermark residues: Opportunities for fundamental studies
Understanding Physical Developer (PD): Part II - Is PD targeting eccrine constituents?
Single-Metal deposition for Fingermark detection - A simpler and more efficient protocol
From design to research: Upper limb prosthetic research and development in Canada, 1960-2000
Route 57 Issue 11: The Feisty Font Review
Working with transgendered sex offenders: Prison staff experiences
Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils
A Formal Model for the SCJ Level 2 Paradigm
Fingering patterns during droplet impact on heated surfaces
Organizational diversity: making the case for contextual interpretivism
Civil defence pedagogies and narratives of democracy: disaster education in Germany
Using reflection on reading for revalidation
Motivations for sustainability engagement among small tourism enterprises
A linear logic approach to the composition of RESTful web services
Youth Transitions, VET and the ‘Making’ of Class: A European Perspective
Professionalism in Further Education: International Perspectives
Michael Connelly Interview: 9/11, City of Bones, and Lost Light
Acts of Memory: Narratives of Trauma and 9/11 Politics in Michael Connelly’s City of Bones (2002)
Joseph Moxon: A re-fashioned appraisal
Introduction: Redefining Journalism During the Period of the Mass Press, 1880-1920
Edens: A 360 degree digital poem
Inside-outside: 3-D music through tissue conduction
Selecting a disabled embryo can constitute grievous bodily harm
Leadership and collaboration: Further developments for interprofessional education
The wrong harvest: The law on saviour siblings
When is a face a face? Schematic faces, emotion, attention and the N170
Symposium on online practice in counselling and guidance
Ciliate communities consistently associated with coral diseases
Nothing changes: Perceptions of vocational education in a coalition era
Biophilic urban developments following dynamic flows of tree-shaped architectures
Children’s Compensatory Health Beliefs: An exploration of capacity, context, scope and measurement.
Why we've all got to be digital career practitioners
Work based assessment of teamwork: an interprofessional approach.
Fostering effective international collaboration for marine science in small island states
Derby Cathedral as a beacon: the role of the Church of England in tourism management.
Professional identity: what's that and what does it have to do with me?
Diseases in marine invertebrates associated with mariculture and commercial fisheries
Climate, dust, and fire across the Eocene-Oligocene transition, Patagonia
Vehicular cloud networks: Architecture, applications and security issues
Age-Related Shifts in Bacterial Diversity in a Reef Coral
Gender: Stories and Lies: debunking myth and determining reality
Research methods teaching in vocational environments: developing critical engagement with knowledge?
Enhancing professionalism - progressing the career development sector
Delivering NEET policy packages? A decade of NEET policy in England
The personal experience of online learning: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
The odyssey: school to work transitions, serendipity and position in the field
Validação da escala percepção de autoeficácia daparentalidade materna em amostra brasileira
A survey on top security threats in cloud computing
Teachers and Careers: The role of school teachers in delivering career and employability learning
Equine Assisted Activities or Therapy: Towards a Future Curriculum
Biourbanism: Towards a new epistemology in the architects’ education
Ensuring quality in online career mentoring
The D2N2 employability framework: Employers and schools supporting young people's routes to work
Knowledge and discourse matters
Employers' experience of Higher Apprenticeships: benefits and barriers
Careering towards a wall? Careers guidance policy and election 2015
Etherotopia or a country in the mind: bridging the gap between utopias and nirvanas
A novel sponge disease caused by a consortium of micro-organisms
What does good careers advice look like?
Getting the most from your subs
Supporting newly qualified nurse transition: A case study in a UK hospital.
Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: ‘Le Bout du monde’, ‘Inferno’ and ‘Purgatorio’ in landscape
Baseline coral disease surveys within three marine parks in Sabah, Borneo
Vehicular cloud networks: Architecture and security
Customer satisfaction with career guidance: a literature review
White Syndrome in Acropora muricata: Non-specific bacterial infection and ciliate histophagy
Microfinance in Zimbabwe: social performance and coping strategies
Life cycle costing methodology for sustainable commerical office buildings
Acting Alone - Can one person make a difference?
The Kent model of career education and guidance
Not sucking in the seventies: The Rolling Stones and the myth of decline
Innovative curatorial strategies – a consideration of site
Patterns of value change during the life span
Towards human-oriented design, architecture and urbanism: shifts in education and practice.
Making use of icould: learning from practice
Integrated policies: creating systems that work
Who wins the rat race? Social justice and the graduate labour market
Utopias, Magic Realism and Rebellious Spirits: Films of Christine Parker 1990 to 2000
Water efficiency-people and communities
Leadership of Voluntary Aided Schools: An Analysis from the Perspective of Headteachers
Teaching sedimentology: opportunities for interdisciplinary, variety, innovation and employability.
Design of trust based context aware routing protocol in vehicular networks
Engaging small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the low carbon agenda
Gillick, bone marrow and teenagers
The curriculum: Anyone can teach a dog to whistle
The human tissue authority and saviour siblings
Shoreline change and sea level rise at the Muni-Pomadze coastal wetland (Ramsar site), Ghana
Career guidance and inspiration in schools
The Minoritisation of Higher Education Students
Karri Pratt: Our treasure houses
The survival and development of UK public libraries under the global financial crisis
Getting it down on paper: the importance of letter writing for young people's employability
The rise and demise of the 14-19 diploma
Engaging in pedagogic and artistic practice in a learning theatre
Text, cases and materials on medical law
Attentional biases towards familiar and unfamiliar foods in children. The role of food neophobia
Holocaust Remembrance as 'Civil Religion': The Case of the Stockholm Declaration
‘Wuthering Heights’ and the Othering of the Rural
Surveying the religious and non-religious online
Internal Coaching: critical reflections on success and failure in workplace coaching
Professionalising careers work: The view from Europe
The economic benefits of career guidance
Socioeconomic Impact of Disability on Caretakers in Ghana
An Inter-Cloud Meta-Scheduling (ICMS) simulation framework: architecture and evaluation
Reduced topologically real-world networks: a big-data approach
An influence assessment method based on co-occurrence for topologically reduced big data sets
A career of choice: attracting talented young people into house building
Automated analysis of security requirements through risk-based argumentation
Ambiguity, uncertainty and new realities: perspectives of creative value, utility and authenticity
Project management and music in education and related fields
Conformity, deformity, and reformity: considering the domain-idiolect creativity dynamic
Reflective self-attention: A more stable predictor of connection to nature than mindful attention.
Care of the person with dementia : interprofessional practice and education
GASP: Guitars with ambisonic spatial performance
Police Officers with degrees: the plan, challenges and (missing) evidence
To design or to draw. Two different verbs, two different abilities, one result
Conformity, deformity and reformity
Creativity and authenticity: perspectives of creative value, utility and quality
Ambiguity, uncertainty and new realities: perspectives of creative value, utility and authenticity
Construction costs and value management: study of multinational practices in Nigeria
Conformity, deformity and reformity
Lost in translation? Inter-cultural exchange in art therapy
Mothers make art: using participatory art to explore the transition to motherhood
Interrogating women’s experience of ageing: reinforcing or challenging clichés?
Assessment and formulation in cognitive behavioural psychotherapy (2nd Ed.)
Palliative Care in Nursing and Healthcare
The effects of distortion on the perception of loudness in live sound
A method for detecting abnormal program behavior on embedded devices
Challenges of data provenance for cloud forensic investigations
Exploring ICMetrics to detect abnormal program behaviour on embedded devices
Pattern recognition in narrative: Tracking emotional expression in context
Cryptic female choice in crickets and relatives (Orthoptera: Ensifera)
Validity of the Polar V800 heart rate monitor to measure RR intervals at rest
Accessible tourism futures: the world we dream to live in and the opportunities we hope to have
Education to employment: complicated transitions in a changing world
Cyanotype and Anthotype: Eco-patterning with mineral and natural dyes
Managing Reverse Exchanges in Service Supply Chains
Seeking best practice for education and training in the recording studio
Developing a collaborative research partnership.
Lean and green – a systematic review of the state of the art literature
To flip or not to flip: a critical interpretive synthesis of flipped teaching
The good, the bad, and the distant: soundscape cues for larval fish
The ravages of social catastrophe: striving for the quest of 'Another World'
Probation in England: a culture in a state of flux
A real-time Active Routing approach via a database for airport surface movement
The state of play: securities of childhood - insecurities of children
Understanding employers' graduate recruitment and selection practices. BIS Research Paper 231.
Police interrogation practice in Slovenia
A utilitarian antagonist: the zombie in popular video games
Anti social behaviour, community and radical moral communitarianism
Changing employer practices in graduate recruitment: implications for career development
Innovative learning from simulated patient complaints
Towards cloud based big data analytics for smart future cities
Career development policy and practice: the Tony Watts reader
Manufacturing and trade liberalisation of India: The continuing debate
Art therapy theories: A critical introduction
Rebuttal from Raymond Reynolds, Callum Osler, Linda Tersteeg and Ian Loram
Crosstalk opposing view: Fear of falling does not influence vestibular-evoked balance responses
Diatreta Cups, Light in Roman Dining Spaces
An investigation into the ways in which art is taught in an English Waldorf Steiner school
Non-invasive measurement of Systemic Haemodynamics by Finometry in patients with Cirrhosis
Increased gravitational force reveals the mechanical, resonant nature of physiological tremor
Are training and education mutually exclusive?
'Reality fragments' - Found footage, video collage and non-fiction
Dramatherapy, Tai Chi & Embodiment
Between drama education and drama therapy: international approaches to successful navigation
State vs non-state armed groups - a political economy of violence
Rabbit Chain and Run Rabbit Run 1
Night Circus; An artists publication
Medical Ephemera; A series of six screen-printed illustrations
Curious Apothecary; A screen-printed artists publication
Scent of a Woman; A screen-printed artists publication
Energy efficiency and comfort in the workplace: Norwegian cellular and British open plan
Numerical Analysis of a Wind Catcher Assisted Passive Cooling Technology.
Numerical Analysis of a Wind Catcher Assisted Passive Cooling Technology
Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in a Naturally Ventilated Office: CFD, BES and a Field Study
Health, Energy and Thermal Comfort.
Effects of hygrothermal stress on the failure of CFRP composites
The effects of unequal compressive/tensile moduli of composites
Mechanics and materials in the design of a buckling diaphragm wave energy converter
The effect of initial etching sites on the morphology of TiO2 nanotubes on Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Advances in control engineering
What can we do to prevent a repeat of Paris in the UK?
Large-eddy simulation: Past, present and the future
Emil Schlagintweit und die Tibet-Forschung im 19. Jahrhundert
Cosmopolitan highlanders: Region and nation in Anglo-German encounters in the Himalayas, 1903-1945
Optimal speed profile generation for airport ground movement with consideration of emissions
Multifunctional unmanned reconnaissance aircraft for low-speed and STOL operations
Afterword: from affect to landscape and back
Unravelling Space and Landscape in Leisure Identities
A cloud resource management model for the creation and orchestration of social communities
Performance of aquatic plant species for phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated water
The yips in sport: A systematic review
A lesson on interrogations from detainees: Predicting self-reported confessions and cooperation
Evaluation of an educational website for parents of children with ADHD
The role of co-creation in corporate branding: the case of a Higher Education Institution
ECG security identification system on the Zynq SoC Platform
Data aggregation in wireless sensor networks for lunar exploration
Tools and technologies for the implementation of Big Data
A survey on constructing rosters for air traffic controllers
Privacy and trust in smart camera sensor networks
On horadam sequence periodicity: A new approach
On the phenomenon of masked periodic Horadam sequences
Toward a flexible and fine-grained access control framework for infrastructure as a service clouds
An adaptive secure communication framework for mobile peer-to-peer environments using Bayesian games
An Efficient SDN load balancing scheme based on variance analysis for massive mobile users
A smart 3D ultrasonic actuator for unmanned vehicle guidance industrial applications
3D sustainable renewable micro power station for smart grid industrial applications
Efficient matching of services with users in opportunistic network environments
Editorial note: Robotics and industrial automation technology
A comparison of OSPFv3 and EIGRPv6 in a small IPv6 enterprise network
Big-Data analytics and cloud computing: Theory, algorithms and applications
Guide to security assurance for cloud computing
Application of Big Data for national security: A practitioner's guide to emerging technologies
Location based services analytics: Students as co-producers and partners in research
Optimising student achievement in Collaborative Partnerships
Smart device location services:- A reliable analytics resource?
The structure of argument: Semantic mapping of US supreme court cases
"A large can of worms": Teachers' perceptions of young people's technology use
Well-quasi-order for permutation graphs omitting a path and a clique
Thanatourism: Case studies in travel to the dark side
Virtual assembly for complex aerospace products- a case study on the assembly of an aircraft wing.
In search of an authorial identity
Microstructural analysis of TRISO particles using multi-scale X-ray computed tomography
Experimental and simulation analyses for synthetic and biodegradable impellers
Smartphone use, addiction, narcissism, and personality: A mixed methods investigation
Hydroxyapatite/Carbon nanotubes composite bone implants - Biocompatibility Vs Toxicity Analysis
Antibacterial coating made of strongly adhered nanosilver to titania nanotubes for dental implants
Multi-scale analysis of moisture diffusion coupled with stress distribution in CFRP composites
Advanced nanocomposite coating for offshore threaded connections
Real estate student satisfaction in Australia : what matters most?
Physiological demands of indoor wall climbing in children
Active recovery of the finger flexors enhances intermittent handgrip performance in rock climbers
Only a "scrap of paper": The prison reading of British conscientious objectors, 1916-1919
Ultraviolet fluorescence eggs: goose, duck and hen and rockhopper penguin
Conversations towards change [Editorial]
Lord of the Rings – the Musical as a world musical product or just a British export?
The new apothecary's cabinet II
Impact of loads on power flow in power systems using PowerApps and ETAP
The development of a best practice internal coaching framework
Nocturnal oviposition behavior of forensically important Diptera in Central England
Review of established methods in event research
Rising to the challenge of sustainability - Community events by the community, for the community
Event management research: A consensus of experience
The state of the art in student engagement
Construction, storage, despatch
Challenging the concept of risk in relation to women's entrepreneurship
Government intervention in women's entrepreneurship development: the Bumiputera craft industry
Poetry in motion: creative networking in micro retail
What the Dickens? Representations of women's entrepreneurship in the work of Charles Dickens
Exploring interaction between young people of faith: Tools for understanding
Adaptation and developments in Western Buddhism: Socially engaged Buddhism in the UK
Analysis and design of cold-formed dimpled steel columns using Finite Element techniques
Vibro-acoustic performance of different steel studs in double-leaf walls by Finite Element analysis
Enabling occupation at the end of life: A literature review
Inclusive practice in the primary school
Assessment of structural integrity of subsea wellhead system: analytical and numerical study
Manage, develop, collaborate: Evidence-based decision making for collection management.
High-throughput geocomputational workflows in a grid environment
The evolution and social dynamics of compassion
Affiliative and prosocial motives and emotions in mental health
Cruelty, evolution, and religion: The challenge for the new spiritualities
Spirituality and the evolution of compassion.
Alcohol use disorder and the sibling relationship: A phenomenological enquiry
International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Report 2014
The philosophy of perception and stupidity
Ophyiulus in Victoria: results of millipede surveys from south-eastern Australia
The role of radical reflexivity in academics' meaning-making of career development.
The political economy of competitiveness and continuous adjustment in EU meta-governance.
Self-disgust, self-hatred, and compassion focused therapy.
On the association between routine activities and the decline in stranger and acquaintance violence.
The Durotriges project, phase two: an interim statement.
The use of unequal randomisation in clinical trials — An update.
Micro-analytical perspectives on the Bishop Tuff and its magma chamber.
An evolutionary approach to emotion in mental health with a focus on affiliative emotions.
Portraits from green fingered.
The theory of planned behavior in the context of a food and drink event: A case study.
The theory of planned behaviour in the context of cultural heritage tourism.
Trends and developments in PES partnership working.
Precision measurement of the mass difference between light nuclei and anti-nuclei.
Tools and technologies for the implementation of Big Data.
Archivist, cataloguer, historian.
Corruption and management practices: Firm level evidence.
Juxtaposition of system dynamics and agent-based simulation for a case study in immunosenescence.
A novel distributed scheduling algorithm for time-critical multi-agent systems.
SPOTLIGHT: Piano player 'Manny' Vass
Digital methodologies in the sociology of religion.
On alternative approaches to 3D image perception: Monoscopic 3D techniques.
Digitally enhanced learning: Facing up to the camera.
Ethical and professional issues: Reflections on course evolution, innovation and student engagement.
Flourishing Scale: Evidence of Its Suitability to the Brazilian Context
Greg: A case study of chronic pain.
On whom does the burden of crime fall now? Changes over time in counts and concentration.
Distributive justice and the crime drop.
Quantitative evaluation of voids in lead free solder joints.
Measurement of dijet kT in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Measurement of jet suppression in central Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
Coherent ψ(2S) photo-production in ultra-peripheral PbPb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
Charged jet cross sections and properties in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV
One-dimensional pion, kaon, and proton femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
CFD simulation of solder paste flow and deformation behaviours during stencil printing process.
The European Economic interest grouping - A chance for multinationals?
Violent extremism: Naming, framing and challenging.
The Gülen Movement in the United Kingdom.
Religion and state in marriage, cohabitation and civil partnership
Statistical inference for intelligent lighting: a pilot study
Cognitive No-Reference Video Quality Assessment for Mobile Streaming Services
Data Driven Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor Networks
Factored four way conditional restricted boltzmann machines for activity recognition
Redundancy reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks via Centrality Metrics
Cognitive streaming on android devices
Network analysis on Skype end-to-end video quality
Enhancing internet and distributed computing systems with wireless sensor networks
Accuracy of no-reference quality metrics in network-impaired video streams
Reduced reference image quality assessment via boltzmann machines
Interference mitigation through adaptive power control in wireless sensor networks
QoE modelling for VP9 and H. 265 videos on mobile devices
Ensembles of incremental learners to detect anomalies in ad hoc sensor networks
Towards ABAC Policy Mining from Logs with Deep Learning
CFD simulation for predicting the wind effect on the high rise building NET Tower Surabaya.
Delirium: a diagnostic dilemma. Part 1.
A multi-agent architecture for outsourcing SMEs manufacturing supply chain.
Towards a conceptual roadmap for statistical process control implementation in the food industry.
Green lean and the need for six sigma.
From measuring overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) to overall resource effectiveness (ORE).
Contemporary analysis and architecture for a generic cloud-based sensor data management platform.
Route 57 issue 11: the feisty font review
Dragging the corpse: Landscape and memory.
Who groks Spock? Emotion in the neoliberal market.
Florian Roithmayr, the authority of other scientists.
Glacial history of Mt Chelmos, Peloponnesus, Greece
Here and There: two works, ten countries.
Here and there: two works, ten countries (displaced)
Here and there: two works, ten countries
Birth shock: exploring pregnancy, birth and the transition to motherhood using participatory arts.
Community Interventions for Health (CIH): A monograph
Repeated observations of cetaceans and carcharhiniformes associations in the Red Sea
Customer integration and operational performance: The mediating role of information quality
Citizenship, Reservations and the Regional Alternative in the All-India Services, ca. 1928–1950
Art and maternal subjectivity: an ongoing relation
The influence of FOMC member characteristics on the monetary policy decision-making process.
Environmental Kuznets curves: New evidence on both panel and country-level CO2 emissions.
Spatial and seasonal reef calcification in corals and calcareous crusts in the central Red Sea.
Resource allocation in multi-class dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity
Reducing health risk factors in workplaces of low and middle-income countries.
Agriculture, trade openness and emissions: an empirical analysis and policy options.
Energy efficiency of selected OECD countries: A slacks based model with undesirable outputs.
Revisiting Margaret Thatcher’s law and order agenda: The slow-burning fuse of punitiveness.
A century of Shope Papillomavirus in museum rabbit specimens
Privacy region protection for H.264/AVC with enhanced scrambling effect and a low bitrate overhead
Taking crime seriously: Playing the weighting game
Determinants of public education expenditure: evidence from Indian states.
Market reaction to the positiveness of annual report narratives
Stock market returns and the content of annual report narratives.
Five heraldic animals (for Eduardo Kac)
Sztuka wspolczesna i prawa zwierzat
How Influencing Behaviours Can Accelerate the Transition to a Water Sensitive City.
Destination marketing and visitor experiences: the development of a conceptual framework
The satisfaction-place attachment relationship: Potential mediators and moderators.
Do rural firms perceive different problems? Geography, sorting, and barriers to growth in UK SMEs
Multiple disadvantage and wage growth: The effect of merit pay on pay gaps
PWE-254 Is the macroscopically normal mucosa (MNM) around colorectal cancer really ‘normal’?
Field cancerisation in colorectal cancer: A new frontier or pastures past?
Basaltic maar-diatreme volcanism in the Lower carboniferous of the Limerick Basin (SW Ireland)
Values production through social and emotional learning
Movement velocity as a measure of exercise intensity in three lower limb exercises.
Scenographic contraptions: An embodied conversation, embodied mind, embodied design
Attempts on Margarita (multiple drafts): A cognitive dramaturgy generated by voice and space
Attempts on staging consciousness: Towards a cognitive scenography
Costume project(ion)-the costume rehearses
Work space I- a scenographic workshop on consciousness: Scenographic artefact
Work space II: attempts on Margarita
Work space III: Phishing things together (the predictive brain)
One Country Two Systems” as Bedrock of Hong Kong’s Continued Success: Fiction or Reality
Becoming an outstanding personal tutor: supporting learners through personal tutoring and coaching
Measure learner performance on a scale of 1 to 10
An exploration of service user involvement in the assessment of students
Exploring the transition from student to practitioner in diagnostic radiography
Psychological and background correlates of bullying in adolescent residential care
Mapping evolution of dynamic web ontologies
Data-driven knowledge acquisition, validation, and transformation into HL7 Arden Syntax
Social capital in Jordan: wasta in employment selection
Physical activity assessment for public health: efficacious use of the single-item measure
Can ‘English premier league’ funding for PE and school sport achieve its aims?
Supporting lifestyle risk reduction: promoting men’s health through professional football