Technology transfer: enablers and barriers - a review
Student generated and tutor generated web based resuscitation education resources – Mind the gap?
Changes to identity following a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: A narrative analysis
Structural and binding studies of SAP-1 protein with heparin.
Technological culture and the active ageing: A lifetime of technological advances
Anatomical and physiological changes with age: Implications for apparel design
The adoption and nonadoption of new technologies by the active ageing
The Rising of Asian Values and the Financial Crisis: The Cases of Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore
Synergistic effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles and fatty acids on toxicity to caco-2 cells
The role of p53 in lung macrophages following exposure to a panel of manufactured nanomaterials
Role of oxidative stress in carbon nanotube-generated health effects
Measurement of oxidative damage to DNA in nanomaterial exposed cells and animals
Differences in smoking associated DNA methylation patterns in South Asians and Europeans.
Performances of Bartram O'Neill [textual documentation]
Dynamic Capabilities for CSR Management: Towards Identifying Common Processes
Regression analysis for energy and lifetime prediction in large wireless sensor networks
System training and assessment in simultaneous proportional myoelectric prosthesis control
Visuomotor behaviours when using a myoelectric prosthesis
Bridging the gap between robotic technology and health care
Fingermark detection on thermal papers: Proposition of an updated processing sequence
Nanoparticles for fingermark detection: An insight into the reaction mechanism
Social climate in Learning Disability services
Physiological and perceptual demands of high intensity sprinting between the wickets in cricket
Workplace learning, VET and vocational pedagogy: the transformation of practice
Racialised norms in apprenticeship systems in England and Germany
Enhancing School-based Careers Work for Years 7-9
A review of “Education in Parapsychology: Student and Instructor Perspectives” by H. J. Irwin
Get online to learn and be part of a huge global nursing group
"Why do nurses feel unable to challenge doctors' decisions"?
A Hierarchical Geographically Based Routing Model for Improved Localised Routing
Aggregation Loss Bandwidth in the Last Mile Residential Internet
Social identity in people with multiple sclerosis: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research
Linguistic extension for group multicriteria project manager selection
Dis(en)abled: the lived experiences of inclusion policies amongst disabled young people
Characterisation of the biological activity of xenin-25 degradation fragment peptides
Disruptive Conclusions: The Future of Australian Educational Publishing
Paperless Mark-Up: Editing Educational Texts in a Digital Environment
Educational Publishing: An Industry in Transition in the Digital Age
Introduction: Digital newspaper archive research
Comfort radicalism and NEETs: a conservative praxis
Using social media to promote the radiography subject area
The evidence base on lifelong guidance (Extended Summary)
Professional accountants’ perceptions of servant-leadership: contexts, roles and cultures
Advancing ambitions: the role of career guidance in supporting social mobility
A critical review of the routing protocols in opportunistic networks
Competencies and frameworks in interprofessional education: A comparative analysis
Preloaded Time Trial to Assess Load Carriage Performance
Assessing sustainability support to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
Past and future of science fiction theatre
The psychology of dynamic balance and peak performance in sport: correction theory
Attributes of effective interprofessional placement facilitation
Lusitania: Beneath the surface.
Thoracic load carriage-induced respiratory muscle fatigue
Does corporate social responsibility pay?
Teaching in the VET Sector in Australia
'They got to go': SKA versus America
Evaluating an interprofessional disease state and medication management review model
A data dependency recovery system for a heterogeneous multicore processor
iMIG: Toward an adaptive live migration method for KVM virtual machines
Reflective Practice for VET Teachers
Subverting the romance: The fiction of Sarah Waters
Leadership development for interprofessional education and collaborative practice
Inquiring Teachers, Inquiring learners
Volunteers: their role in the management of the visitor and pilgrimage experience
Professional Identity: what I call myself defines who I am
The effects of anxiety on visual attention for emotive stimuli in primary school children
Achieving dynamic load balancing through mobile agents in small world P2P networks
Radio 2.0: How Facebook is enhancing audience participation for Irish radio audiences.
Curriculum renewal for interprofessional education in health
The neural correlates of belief-bias inhibition: The impact of logic training
Going further and higher together
Influence of variable resistance loading on subsequent free weight maximal back squat performance.
E-government iImplementation and adoption: the case study of Botswana Government
Learning on the margins: experiencing low level VET programmes in a UK context
Children and the doctrine of substituted judgement.
‘Hidden agenda in the last decade: localism and Housing Acts in UK.
Easing the transition from classroom to clinical placement
Is UK Financial Reporting Becoming Less Prudent?
A smoother ride: facilitating the transition between classroom and clinical placement
Evaluating the Legacy Careers Project.
Communities that care: an insight into male career patterns in a small neighbourhood
Project JUST/2011/Frac/AG/2716-"WE: Wor(l)ds which exclude-National Report UK"
A novel investigation of a blister-like syndrome in aquarium Echinopora lamellosa
The evidence base on lifelong guidance (Brief Summary)
How and when peers' positive mood influence employees' voice
Managing knowledge transfer partnership for a rural community: the outcomes at Wirksworth, UK.
Journeys, pathways and track plans
A novel approach to the control of quad-rotor helicopters using fuzzy-neural networks
Preceptorship Research Project Report: Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS foundation trust
Issues, applications and outcomes in interprofessional education
The student practitioner as future leader
The evidence base on lifelong guidance
Emotion based attentional priority for storage in visual short-term memory
Tissue-conducted spatial sound fields
‘Performing in Corso Palladio’ in DAS 2013-VICENCE
Great Expectations: youth transitions in troubled times
Leadership in early childhood: Leader's views on their role
Decadal environmental ‘memory’ in a reef coral?
Modelling institutional values transmission through a comparative case study of three schools
Exploring real world learning through Company Aside
Singing as an adjunct therapy for children and adults with cystic fibrosis
Jonathan Vickers and Kerri Pratt
Managing knowledge transfer partnership for a rural community: the outcomes at Wirksworth, UK
Career guidance in communities
Understanding how people choose to pursue taught postgraduate study
The global graduate: developing the global careers service
William Melville: The Queen's detective.
BartramONeill Actions 2009 - 2014 [iBook]
Engaging Leaders: The challenge of inspiring collective commitment in universities
Canoodling with careers: cross-team working in information literacy
No Lectures From Western Works
Drama education and dramatherapy: Exploring the space between disciplines
Establishing Croatia’s lifelong career guidance service
The international symposia on career development and public policy: retrospect and prospect
Think global, collaborate local: cross-team working to develop students' employability skills
Revised guidance for colleges: Careers England policy commentary 28
The Ukrainian crisis, the Crimean referendum and security implications for the European Union
British invasion: The crosscurrents of musical influence
Mechanisms of interpersonal sway synchrony and stability
Even extremists have a right to freedom of speech on campus
Why important education research often gets ignored
NHBC Foundation: improving recruitment of young people into home building : a literature review
Interventions in exclusive breastfeeding: a systematic review
Evaluation criterias for trust management in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)
Higher Education Academy Fellowship
Work-based learning and lifelong guidance policies
Employers and schools: how Mansfield is building a world of work approach
Conflict of interest and privilege in clinical and medicolegal photography: a short summary.
Changing conceptions of students' career development needs
A snapshot of the lives of women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A photovoice investigation.
Online research methods: An interview with Dr Neil Coulson
Creative dynamics: artistic production as a model of creative interaction
Unpacking gender in art therapy: The elephant at the art therapy easel
The introductory guide to art therapy
Habitat quality affects sound production and likely distance of detection on coral reefs
Designing Big Data Analytics Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes for Employability
Planning in the Cloud: Massively Parallel Planning
Matching Services with Users in Opportunistic Network Environments
Policing as a Service in the Cloud (Extended)
On some functions involving the lcm and gcd of integer tuples
Efficient computation of hashes
Introduction to special issue on risk and trust in embedded critical systems
Scent-marking investment and motor patterns are affected by the age and sex of wild brown bears
Emerging issues in the evolution of animal nuptial gifts
Personal qualities of effective sport psychologists: a sports physician perspective
Manipulating cardiovascular indices of challenge and threat using resource appraisals.
Correlates of genetic monogamy in socially monogamous mammals: insights from Azara's owl monkeys
Double effort: parental behavior of wild Azara's owl monkeys in the face of twins
Usability requirements for accessible tourism systems
Renewing Criminalized and Hegemonic Cultural Landscapes
Educating Britain? Political Literacy and the Construction of National History
Masters with a purpose: summary report
The student practitioner in Early Childhood studies: an essential guide to working with children
Increasing aeronautic electric propulsion performances by cogeneration and heat recovery
Exploring the Relationship Between Mathematics Anxiety and Performance: An Eye-Tracking Approach
Aircraft taxi time prediction: Comparisons and insights
Collaborative cognition: Co-creating children's artwork in an educational context
Rebirth: a light and sound show. Animation projection mapped onto the windows of Strutt’s North Mill
Current understanding in climbing psychophysiology research
Jane Eyre's Arrival at Thornfield Hall: Illustration of Jane Eyre’ arrival at Thornfield Hall
A collection of ten illustrations covering a variety of themes
Adapting Buildings to meet the Energy Challenge
Radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption strategy for strategic supply chain
3D FEA modelling of laminated composites in bending and their failure mechanisms
Numerical study of effusion cooling flow and heat transfer
Numerical simulation of spray combustion of conventional fuels and biofuels
Large-eddy simulation: a glance at the past, a gaze at the present, a glimpse at the future
An Ecology of Values: critically interpreting John Newling's art
The cause of late Cenozoic mass extinction in the western Atlantic: insights from sclerochronology
The leader ship is sinking: A temporal investigation of narcissistic leadership
Cryopreservation of quince (Cydonia oblonga mill.)
A nurse-led sleep service for children and young people with disability
Exploring the UK high street retail experience: is the service encounter still valued?
Drivers and technology-related obstacles in moving to multichannel retailing
Marketing women in Iceland: challenges of establishing a company
An exploratory investigation of aberrant consumer behaviour in Libya: a sociocultural approach
An exploration of Icelandic marketing entrepreneurs
New options for placement provision
Multi-sensor data fusion in wireless sensor networks for planetary exploration
Space Wireless Sensor Networks for planetary exploration: Node and network architectures
Detecting compromised programs for embedded system applications
Big data analytics: a threat or an opportunity for Knowledge Management?
Scheduling air traffic controllers
Governance strategies for the cloud, Big Data, and other technologies in education
The Asymptotic Form of the Sum $\sum_{i=0}^{n} i^{p} { n+i \choose i }$: Two Proofs
Generalised Catalan polynomials and their properties
Some factorisation and divisibility properties of Catalan polynomials
On cyclicity and density of some Catalan polynomial sequences
A non-linear identity for a particular class of polynomial families
An adaptive multilevel indexing method for disaster service discovery
Closed form evaluations of some series involving Catalan numbers
Cloud BI: Future of business intelligence in the Cloud
Virtual vignettes: the acquisition, analysis, and presentation of social network data
A horadam-based pseudo-random number generator
An integrated approach to developing self-adaptive software in open environments
Enhanced timeline analysis for digital forensic investigations
A critical comparative evaluation on DHT-based peer-to-peer search algorithms
Local maximum points of explicitly quasiconvex functions
On the characterization of periodic generalized Horadam sequences
Influence discovery in semantic networks: An initial approach
Micro-hydro generator using eco-wheel system for domestic and industrial building applications
Analysis of HEp-2 images using MD-LBP and MAD-bagging
Reframing petrol heads – encouraging motorsport students to think about sustainability
Traffic monitoring using video analytics in clouds
On certain series expansions of the sine function: Catalan numbers and convergence
Conditions governing cross-family member equality in a particular class of polynomial families
Concurrent processing in cloud-based AppInventor development environment
From concept to laboratory testing: the development cycle of a novel wave energy converter
Reinforcement of sol-gel processed calcium phosphate cement using functionalised CNTs
A cross-country comparison on the use of blended learning in property education
Competency expectations for property professionals in Australia
Commercial awareness in real estate courses
The relevance of taxation in middle income economies
Students’ views on the incorporation of commercial awareness in real estate education
The thoughtful potter and the politics of pots
An exploration of children's experiences of art in the classroom
Teaching in higher education: An interpretive phenomenological analysis
A stakeholder centric approach
From Beijing to Rio: Funding UK elite sport through the ‘No Compromise’ Policy
Volunteers in social enterprise events: Triple bottom line benefits
Characteristics of the peanut chain in Europe – Implications for peanut allergy
The effects of anxiety on temporal attention for emotive and neutral faces in children
Effects of time pressure and maths anxiety on solving mental arithmetic problems
Women in the marketing profession: an exploration
Career transitions in marketing: from corporate life to self-employment
Marketing career transitions: women marketers embedded in the profession?
Disintermediation in the apparel supply chain
Sedimentology of the Late Cretaceous in the Western Aude Valley, Southern France
Relationship between starting and finishing position in World Cup BMX racing
Dimpling process in cold roll metal forming by finite element modelling and experimental validation
Dementia and stigma: a review of the literature on the reality of living with dementia.
Student life - First port of call at college
Feeling our way in ecopsychology
The contested and contingent outcomes of Thatcherism in the UK
How trigger warnings shoot down free debate
The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy
Kitchen living in later life: Exploring ergonomic problems, coping strategies and design solutions
Fears of compassion in a depressed population: Implication for psychotherapy
Measurement of external shame: An inside view
Rank perception and self-evaluation in eating disorders
Embodying compassion: A virtual reality paradigm for overcoming excessive self-criticism
Negotiating in the world of mixed beliefs and value systems: A compassion-focused model
Compassionate care: The theory and the reality.
Shyness, social anxiety, and social phobia
Challenges and solutions during analysis in a longitudinal narrative case study
Why do student nurses want to be nurses?
Learner identities in the context of undergraduates: a case study
Location independent working in academia: Enabling employees or supporting managerial control?
The design of compassionate care.
Lecturing, working with groups and providing individual support.
Gallstone disease: diagnosis and management.
Area and individual differences in personal crime victimization incidence.
Fabrica-tactilis, skilful production, structure - Fabric that may be touched, tangible
The role of event characteristics and actors’ behavior on the outcome of violent events.
Violence trends project: Homicide and other criminology research.
The external and internal context.
Puff of smoke: Curator's symposium.
32 significant moments: An artist's practice as research.
Exploring the relationship between entheseal changes and physical activity: A multivariate study.
Neue Erkenntnisse zur frühmittelalterlichen Separatgrablege von Niederstotzingen, Kreis Heidenheim
The impact of lean methods and tools on the operational performance of manufacturing organisations.
Compassion-focused therapy: Preface and introduction for special section.
Relevance theory, syntax and literary narrative.
A synergistic approach to process innovation.
Data classification using the Dempster–Shafer method.
La transición del preescolar a la primaria: El papel de las familias y el rol activo de los niños.
Using modeling to predict and prevent victimization.
Preventing crime and evoking altruism.
A situational approach to heritage crime prevention.
What have criminologists done for us lately?
J/ψ production and nuclear effects in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV.
Printing morphology and rheological characteristics of lead-free Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu (SAC) solder pastes.
Effect of reflow profile parameters on surface mount chip resistor solder joint shear strength.
HD-Video Streaming over an Inexpensive In-Building Radio-over-MMF System
Online fusion of incremental learning for wireless sensor networks
Data Mining for Monitoring and Managing Systems and Networks
Inexpensive user tracking using boltzmann machines
A Task-Oriented Framework for Networked Wearable Computing
Network performance assessment with quality of experience benchmarks
Node centrality awareness via swarming effects
A report on the First IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Quality of Experience Centric Management (QCMan 2013)
Optimizing route prior knowledge for map-aided fingerprint-based positioning systems
Deep learning for objective quality assessment of 3D images
A learning-based mac for energy efficient wireless sensor networks
When does lower bitrate give higher quality in modern video services?
A Report on the First IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Quality of Experience Centric Management (QCMan 2013)
Assessment of proactive transmission power control for wireless sensor networks
End-to-end performance evaluation in high-speed wireless networks
Relevance prevails: missing data treatment in intelligent lighting
Improving RSS fingerprint-based localization using directional antennas
An investigation into the effect of drag coefficient on overtaking of car.
Developing green supply chain management taxonomy-based decision support system.
A conceptual framework for the implementation of quality management systems
Prioritisation of operations improvement projects in the European manufacturing industry.
Optimising mobility outcome measures in Huntington's disease.
A survey of cloud monitoring tools: Taxonomy, capabilities and objectives.
Maximising leadership capacity and school improvement through re-alignment of children's services.
No picnic: Explorations in art and research.
Roundtable: (Re)presenting the archive.
Swaying for the lens: the Haxey Hood.
Recto Verso: Redefining the Sketchbook
Alcohol health literacy in young adults with Type 1 diabetes and its impact on diabetes management.
Reinforcing users’ confidence in statutory audit during a post-crisis period: An empirical study.
Increased knowledge of the effects of smoking and second-hand smoke encourages smoke-free homes.
Mitigation processes – antecedents for building supply chain resilience.
Conflict management styles used by nurses in Jordan
Clientelism, community and collaboration: loyalism in nineteenth-century colonial India.
Family activist network performance
Dynamics of U.S. state cigarette consumption: evidence from panel error correction modeling.
Drawing-through maternal subjectivity
The bank lending channel and monetary policy rules for Eurozone banks: further extensions
Banking development and energy consumption: Evidence from a panel of Middle Eastern countries
Can gold prices forecast the Australian dollar movements?
Internal lean practices and performance: The role of technological turbulence.
Criminal Careers in Transition: The Social Context of Desistance from Crime
Is the ‘shadow of sexual assault’ responsible for women’s higher fear of burglary?
Increasing the impact of mathematics support on aiding student transition in higher education.
100 years of Bollywood part 1 & 2: queens of melody.
Clare's mutterings, murmurings, and ramblings: the sounds of health
Modeling emergent patterns of dynamic desert ecosystems
Prevalence of heat and perspiration discomfort inside prostheses: literature review.
A DMAIRC approach to lead time reduction in an aerospace engine assembly process
Targeted transgene integration overcomes variability of position effects in zebrafish.
S.A.S v France : supporting 'living together' or forced assimilation?
Getting Qualified in Woodwork: Young peoples reasons for choosing VET programmes in the UK
Colonial and post-colonial constitutionalism in the commonwealth: Peace, order and good government
Building bridges? South African foreign policy and trilateral development cooperation
Theological ethics and interreligious relations: A baptist christian perspective
Visitor satisfaction and place attachment in national parks
The relationship between environmental worldviews, emotions and personal efficacy in climate change
Evaluating the effectiveness of wipe for wildlife and its campaign elements
Authenticity as a value co-creator of tourism experiences.
Proenvironmental behavior: the link between place attachment and place satisfaction.
The relationship between latent inhibition and performance at a non-intentional precognition task.
Access to finance for innovative SMEs since the financial crisis
Maternal inheritance of circulating irisin in humans.
Elevated cord leptin from low B12 mothers predicts birth weight
Tunicamycin-induced ER stress mediates mitochondrial dysfunction in human adipocytes
A culture of youth: young people, youth organisations and mass participation in Cuba 1959-62.
Cultural Connections: the role of the arts and humanities in Competitiveness and Local Development
The impact of mergers and acquisitions on shareholders’ wealth: evidence from Nigeria
An Evaluation of Management Perspectives of Sustainability Reporting In The Nigerian Oil Industry.
The redescription of the world
How do we speak about art about animals?
Uncovered – performing everyday clothes
Can accessible tourism be sustainable? A link between accessibility and sustainability
The crafting of queer domestic space in Jaime Hernandez’s love and rockets
Not everything in textbooks is true: teaching discourse analysis to undergraduate business students
The Europe of tomorrow: creative, digital, integrated
High spatial resolution laser cavity extinction measurements of soot in low soot producing flames
Justifying sexual harassment through moral disengagement: the role of in-group identification
Two approaches to modelling the heating of evaporating droplet
Fiber to the home: considerations associated with a successful deployment
Effects of rain attenuation on satellite communication links
Active and experiential learning: Examples from sport, outdoor and spa
Digital warp blue part of silken threads exhibition
NICE public health guidance 54: Exercise referral schemes to promote physical activity
Reducing CVD risk factors for men/hard-to-reach men using English premier league soccer clubs
Initial effects of a free swimming pilot programme on the physical activity levels of young people
Health improvement for men and hard-to-engage-men delivered in English Premier League football clubs
A model for predicting clinician satisfaction with clinical supervision
TEN – Crossing Borders to Border Crossing
An old dog and new tricks: Genetic analysis of a Tudor dog recovered from the Mary Rose wreck.