The 50 great books on education

Case study based approach to integration of sustainable design analysis, performance and building information modelling

The Million Mask March: Language, legitimacy, and dissent

Growth in oral reading fluency of Spanish ELL students with learning disabilities

Understanding the behaviours and actions of others during organisational change in professional youth football

Thermal stress analysis of laminated structures by a variable kinematic MITC9 shell element

Analysis of laminated composites and sandwich structures by trigonometric, exponential and miscellaneous polynomials and a MITC9 plate element

A variable kinematic doubly-curved MITC9 shell element for the analysis of laminated composites

The Informal Sector: A Review and Agenda for Management Research

Anisotropic Flow of Charged Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at √ s N N = 5.02  TeV

Centrality dependence of ψ(2S) suppression in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders and a Silvicultural Tradition

Discovery of short linear motif-mediated interactions through phage display of intrinsically disordered regions of the human proteome.

Systematic discovery of Short Linear Motifs decodes hippo pathway signalling

Inflammation and vascular effects after repeated intratracheal instillations of carbon black and lipopolysaccharide

Impact of serum as a dispersion agent for in vitro and in vivo toxicological assessments of TiO2 nanoparticles

Integrin Targeting and Toxicological Assessment of Peptide-Conjugated Liposome Delivery Systems to Activated Endothelial Cells

Atherosclerosis and vasomotor dysfunction in arteries of animals after exposure to combustion-derived particulate matter or nanomaterials

A Multilaboratory Toxicological Assessment of a Panel of 10 Engineered Nanomaterials to Human Health - ENPRA Project - The Highlights, Limitations, and Current and Future Challenges

An Overview of Nanoparticle Biocompatibility for Their Use in Nanomedicine

Repair activity of oxidatively damaged DNA and telomere length in human lung epithelial cells after exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes.


Risk Pooling, A Technique to Manage Risk in Supply Chain Management

No seconds out - no blow in sight

Carrion, exhibited as part of Imagistic, Hillyer Art Space, Washington DC, 9 September 2016.

Tea boxing

Be your dog (re-worked footage)

Performance of grey level statistic features versus Gabor wavelet for screening MRI brain tumors : a comparative study

Mining the crime survey to support crime profiling

Segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images using three-dimensional active contour without edge

Validating the learning outcomes of an e-learning system using NLP

A methodology for biomedical ontology reuse

An item/user representation for recommender systems based on bloom filters

A new strategy for case-based reasoning retrieval using classification based on association

Juvenile “black teatfish” in Maldives

A discourse-based approach for Arabic question answering

Automated screening of MRI brain scanning using grey level statistics

Extracting Arabic causal relations using linguistic patterns

Automated segmentation of tumours in MRI brain scans

Isotopic profiling of diet, health, and mobility amongst the non-adult Gepid population buried at the Archuid Cemetery in Transylvania, Romania (4th–7th centuries AD).

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) digital communication in small independent restaurants.

A pluralistic framework for the analysis of corporate social responsibility and its application to small and medium enterprises

Coral responses to anthropogenic stress in the twenty-first century: an ecophysiological perspective

Is Acropora palmata recovering? A case study in Los Roques National Park, Venezula

Evaluation of one-step luminescent cyanoacrylate fuming

Can contamination occur in body bags? The example of background fibres in body bags used in Australia

Authors’ response to comments on “Evaluation of one-step luminescent cyanoacrylate fuming”

Functionalised silicon oxide nanoparticles for fingermark detection

Further investigations into the single metal deposition (SMD II) technique for the detection of latent fingermarks

Movements Towards Desistance via Peer-Support Roles in Prison

Responding to Categorical Denial, Refusal, and Treatment Drop-Out

"they Treat Us Like Human Beings"- Experiencing a Therapeutic Sex Offenders Prison

Route 57 Issue 12: If Anything Younger


Physiological responses of batsmen during a simulated One Day International century

Strength and Conditioning Practices of University and High School Level Cricket Coaches: A South African Context

The Simpsons in Higher Education

Indentation recovery threshold using the Electrostatic Detection Apparatus®

Undermining belief in false memories leads to less efficient problem-solving behaviour

A Formal Model of the Safety-Critical Java Level 2 Paradigm

Safety-Critical Java: level 2 in practice

Dual Reasoning Processes and the Resolution of Uncertainty: The Case of Belief Bias

Fostering institutional existentialism in the search for legitimacy

National culture and organizational behavior: Why Fanakalo in the South African mining industry is a bone of contention

Volunteering, social cohesion and race: The German Technical Relief Service

Community response in disasters: an ecological learning framework

Jucu de Sus excavations. Punct: Râtul boilor (parcul industrial TETAROM III).

'Til Poison Phosphorous Brought them Death': A potentially occupationally-related disease in a post-medieval skeleton from north-east England.

An interpretive phenomenological pilot study: The male nurse perception of career development.

The Origin of the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester

Congressional Hearings on Northern Ireland and the “Special Relationship,” 1971–1981

Principles of Minimum Force and the Parachute Regiment in Northern Ireland, 1969–1972

Social identity in people with multiple sclerosis: a social identity approach to the role of the family in identity reconstruction

Recovery is no laughing matter - or is it?

Effectiveness of alternative listening devices to conventional hearing aids for adults with hearing loss: a systematic review protocol

Comparing individual and group intervention for psychological adjustment in people with multiple sclerosis: a feasibility randomised controlled trial

Can Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Improve Strategic Planning by Balanced Scorecard?

Book Symposium on James Avis (2015) Social Justice, Transformation and Knowledge: policy, workplace learning and skills. Abingdon/New York Routledge

Editorial networks in practice: Early-modern style guides and the editing of 'Piers Plowman'

Reappraising Journalism's Normative Foundations

'Value for money' and the restaurant experience: a case study of supply and demand stakeholders.

Online learning as a vehicle for social change.

Education, ethics and experience: essays in honour of Richard Pring

Music festivals: how are people encouraged to be mindful in their uses of finite resources and not waste water? Where does water go after use?

Developing badge eco-systems to support engagement in class-based and online learning

Evaluation of the Chrysalis Summer School - 2008-2015

'The Impact of Culture on Tourists' Online Information Search Behaviour: Evidence from the UK and China

The host#1

Mobilising the dome

The city of future: biourbanism and constructural law

Now For Tomorrow II

The Impact of Children’s Connection to Nature. A Report for the Royal Society of the Protection of Birds (RSPB)

Discipline-based political theatre solo performance "Acting Alone" - Artist-led research exploring boundaries of performer/audience relationships

Effects of load mass carried in a backpack upon respiratory muscle fatigue

Opening up the debate: the phenomenon of transnational cultural public spheres on Irish radio station Facebook pages

Emotional Resilience and the Professional Capabilities Framework: Identifying what Emotional Resilience is, in the Context of Social Work Education, Training and Practice.

Religion and belief, equality and inequality in UK higher education

Baseline reef health surveys at Bangka Island (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) reveal new threats

Discursive psychology and emotion

Introducing the individual teamwork observation and feedback tool (iTOFT): Development and description of a new interprofessional teamwork measure

An investigation into first year diagnostic radiography students' preparedness to deal with ill people in two UK universities

Towards conceptualizing reverse service supply chains

Archaean crustal evolution in West Africa: A new synthesis of the Archaean geology in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast

Individual differences and rating errors in first impressions of psychopathy

Cloud BI: A Multi-party Authentication Framework for Securing Business Intelligence on the Cloud

Acting alone

Expectancy of ergogenicity from sodium bicarbonate ingestion increases high-intensity cycling capacity.

The role of viruses in coral health and disease

Spatial frequency based video stream analysis for object classification and recognition in clouds

RVLBPNN: A workload forecasting model for smart cloud computing

Second-life retailing: a reverse supply chain perspective

Maximising the impact of careers services on career management skills: a review of the literature

The electrophysiological correlates of maths anxety: Exploring the role of gamma activity

Easing the transition: the importance of high quality mentorship in placement support

An investigation of the views, understanding, knowledge, experience and attitudes of sixth form teachers in regard to the preparedness of their students for the transition to university

NAHT Aspire Pilot Evaluation (Executive Summary)

One story, many journeys: an auto/biographic narrative case study of a community-university partnership

What teachers need to know

Teacher quality and effectiveness: Challenges and opportunities

Split identity implications: perception of identity and future orientation of Maronite Christian adolescents in Israel

Cetacean frustration: the representation of whales and dolphins in picture books for young children

Molecular changes in skin pigmented lesions of the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus

Applied theatre solo performance: “Acting Alone” – artist led research exploring boundaries of performer / audience relationships

Curriculum renewal in interprofessional education in health: establishing leadership and capacity

Developing a new generation of careers leaders: An evaluation of the Teach First Careers and Employability Initiative

Parental self-efficacy in managing food allergy and mental health predicts food allergy related quality of life

CCLBR: Congestion control-based load balanced routing in unstructured P2P systems

Conflict in the Niger Delta and corporate social responsibility of multinational oil companies: An assessment

New model writer

The Impact of the Storyline Method on the Foreign Language Classroom: An Action Research Case Study with Military Linguist Cadets

Identifying critical success factors in Key Account Management, along with characteristics of Key Account Managers, in order to develop a new model and approach to implementation

'They've got their backs to the sea': Careers Work in Kent's coastal schools

Do student nurses experience Imposter Phenomenon? An international comparison of Final Year Undergraduate Nursing Students readiness for registration

Using images and deep emotions in marketing strategy in higher education.

Developing a new generation of careers leaders: Executive summary

How religion or belief frame participation and access in UK higher education

Huthwaite play project

The Comprehensive Digital Forensic Investigation Process Model (CDFIPM) for Digital Forensic Practice

To use or not to use enough water in Travellers’ sites? What does the new planning framework do about water uses and misconceptions?

Good looks and good practice: the attitudes of career practitioners to attractiveness and appearance

Stress and risky decision making: Cognitive reflection, emotional learning or both.

Graduate Careers in the Post-Brexit World

Singing as an adjunct therapy for children and adults with cystic fibrosis

Public health careers: mapping information, informing practitioner needs

Mental representations of the supernatural: A cluster analysis of religiosity, spirituality and paranormal belief

Razzle dazzle

Recognition of subtle and universal facial expressions in a community-based sample of adults classified with intellectual disability

Part-time higher education in English colleges: Adult identities in diminishing spaces

Combined degrees & employability: A comparative analysis of single and joint honours graduates of UK universities

Chain-loaded variable resistance warm-up improves free-weight maximal back squat performance.

The impact of career guidance on progression in learning and work: a literature review

Introducing the LEADER Framework for Careers (1.0)

Influence of Resource Availability on the Foraging Strategies of the Triangle Butterflyfish Chaetodon triangulum in the Maldives

Peer tutoring on Facebook to engage students with flipped classes: A correlational experiment on learning outcomes

Seeing in: Two-fold, three-fold?

Music Festivals: How are people encouraged to be mindful in their uses of finite resources and not waste water? Where does water go after use?

The city of the future and the laws of physics: Biourbanism and constructal law

Small Sculpture Show

AmbiFreeverb 2 - Development of a 3D ambisonic reverb with spatial warping and variable scattering

New disease outbreak affects two dominant sea urchin species associated with Australian temperate reefs

Dealing with the ever changing policy landscape: Learning from international practice

Surprises from the top of the mantle transition zone

The poet as sage, sage as poet in 1816: Aesthetics and epistemology in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’

Woman's Work

Acting alone

Rory Williams: The boy who waited

An efficient algorithm for partially matched services in internet of services

The Right Start in Life: Exploring an innovative new online career solution

Evaluation of the Legacy Careers Project

A review of ghost gear entanglement amongst marine mammals, reptiles and elasmobranchs

Is Acropora Palmata recovering? A case study in Los Roques National Park, Venezuela

Sampling and Describing Glacier Ice

World-class apprenticeship standards: Report and recommendations

Developing creativity in early childhood studies students.

Stretching of active muscle elicits chronic changes in multiple strain risk factors.

The role of brokerage within career guidance: a literature review

‘ … and now it’s over to you’: recognising and supporting the role of careers leaders in schools in England

Teacher quality and effectiveness: Challenges and opportunities

Exploring the factors associated with MOOC engagement, retention and the wider benefits for learners

Interrogating Europe’s Voids: Holocaust Trauma between the National and the Transnational

High performance video processing in cloud data centres

Forsøk å be noen som ser stygge ut om å ta en ansiktsløfting

Troublesome learning journey

Creating feminised critical spaces and co-caring communities of practice outside patriarchal managerial landscapes

Geology of Caphouse Colliery, Wakefield, Yorkshire, UK

Towards an epistemically neutral curriculum model for vocational education: from competencies to threshold concepts and practices

What works in careers and enterprise?

Virtual cultural tourism: six pillars of VCT using co-creation, value exchange and exchange value

Gettin' the Heart Ready

On the structure of periodic complex Horadam orbits

Management Practices for the Development of Religious Tourism Sacred Sites: Managing expectations through sacred and secular aims in site development; report, store and access

Academics’ understandings of the authorial academic writer: a qualitative analysis of authorial identity

Investigating the relationship between consultation length and patient experience: A cross-sectional study in primary care

Caught Between Theory and Practice? Expert and Practitioner Views of the Contributions made by Universities and Schools to Initial Teacher Preparation in England.

Only qualifications count: Exploring perceptions of continuing professional development (CPD) within the career guidance sector.


Formulating a model for personal and professional development using a research methodology in solo autobiographical performance

Metabolome-mediated biocryomorphic evolution promotes carbon fixation in Greenlandic cryoconite holes

Do graduate entry nursing student’s experience ‘Imposter Phenomenon’?: An issue for debate

Heuristic Methodology in Arts-Based Inquiry of Autobiographical Therapeutic Performance

Stability of protein-based drugs: Herceptin a case study

A systematic approach for cyber security in vehicular networks

Dis(en)abled: Legitimating discriminatory practice in the name of inclusion?

The regeneration of minor historical centres: Neighbourhood Agreement II in San Lorenzo Maggiore (Benevento)

Learning Translation Succeeding A Leadership Development Programme: A Network Social Capital Perspective

High Voltage Optical Fibre Sensor for Use in Wire Relay Electrical Protection Systems

Understanding the careers cold spots.

Validation of the English version of the scale for psychosocial factors in food allergy and the relationship with mental health, quality of life, and self-efficacy

Biological Activity and Antidiabetic Potential of C-Terminal Octapeptide Fragments of the Gut-Derived Hormone Xenin

How teachers conceive their role when working with Generation Z pupils in a technological learning environment

Fitness to practise: Incident reporting and professional behaviour

Arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure on co-existing tropical legume trees in French Guiana

Combined degrees & employability: a comparative analysis of single and joint honours graduates of UK universities.

Feminine men and masculine women: in/exclusion in the academy

Understanding career management skills: findings from the first phase of the CMS LEADER project

Social media networks: Rich on-line data sources

Environmental regulations, innovation and firm performance: A revisit of the Porter hypothesis

Characterizations of Generalized Exponential Trichotomies for Linear Discrete-time Systems

Career guidance for social justice

Do student samples provide an accurate estimate of the general public?

Coral responses to anthropogenic stress in the 21st Century – An ecophysiological perspective.

From the surface of the image to the surface of the psyche: A practice-based research into the ontology of painting onto photographs

Don’t worry, be emotionally intelligent Hotel functional managers’ trait emotional intelligence and its relation to task and contextual performance within organisational culture in Hungary

Contact, Emotion, Meaning, Compassion, and Beauty as Pathways to Nature Connectedness

Limitations and trainability of the respiratory system during exercise with thoracic loads

Biophilic urban developments following dynamic flows of tree-shaped architectures

A critical analysis of the continued use of Georgian buildings: a case study of Darley Abbey Mills, Derbyshire.

Effective employer mentoring: Lessons from the evidence

Quintavalle: The quandry in bioethics

A novel context-based risk assessment approach in vehicular networks

Be/come closer to home: Narratives of contested lands in the visual practices of Katerina Attalidou and Alexandra Handal

Evaluation platform for trust in vehicular ad hoc networks

The impact of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) on quality of life: exploration, measurement and intervention.

Towards a drama therapy pedagogy: An a/r/tographic study using dramatic improvisation

Professionalism in Careers

To use or not to use enough water in Travellers’ sites? What does the new planning framework do about water uses and misconceptions?

How do hand therapists conservatively manage acute, closed mallet finger? A survey of members of the British Association of Hand Therapists.

Prevalence and Incidence of Black Band Disease of Scleractinian Corals in the Kepulauan Seribu Region of Indonesia

When Choreography Marries Digital Projection

Comment on ‘Podiform chromitites do form beneath mid-ocean ridges’ by Arai, S. and Miura, M.

The interfamilial principle and the harvest festival

Designing a curriculum for the assistant practitioner of the future: Ensuring interprofessional care aspects and other stakeholder requirements are met.

Do Cardiovascular Responses to Active and Passive Coping Tasks predict Future Blood Pressure over a 10-Month Later?

The Evolution of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine: A Case of Diplomacy in International Human Rights Adjudication?

Development of the critical thinking toolkit (CriTT): A measure of student attitudes and beliefs about critical thinking

A novel chemically modified analogue of xenin-25 exhibits improved glucose-lowering and insulin-releasing properties

Room acoustics and virtual reality: An implementation of auralisation and 360 degree image techniques to create virtual representations of spaces

Postactivation potentiation of horizontal jump performance across multiple sets of a contrast protocol.

Friends and feelings: the appropriation of Facebook by Irish radio stations to enhance audience engagement through affective media experiences

Conclusion: Education - what's the point

Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing internet gaming disorder: a critical commentary on Petry et al . (2014)

H.E. Careers & Employability Services’ use of resources: Summary report

‘The self-improving primary school’: understanding and approaching teacher inquiry: a pilot study

Trust matters: Distrust in an external evaluation of a public sector program

A lean thinking and simulation-based approach for the improvement of routing operations

Lean road transportation – a systematic method for the improvement of road transport operations

Improving road transport operations through lean thinking: A case study

30 days wild: development and evaluation of a large-scale nature engagement campaign to improve well-being

Nature: A New Paradigm for Well-being and Ergonomics.

You're Hired! Job Hunting Online: The Complete Guide

A Lean Six Sigma Framework for the Reduction of Ship Loading Commercial Time in the Iron Ore Pelletising Industry

Forensic investigation of cyberstalking cases using Behavioural Evidence Analysis

Probation, people and profits: the impact of neoliberalism

Profiting from the Poor: Offender-funded probation in the USA

Probation occupational cultures for the future

A new aircraft architecture based on the ACHEON Coanda effect nozzle: flight model and energy evaluation

Nanotoxicology: Focus on nanomedicine

Evaluation of Careers Yorkshire and the Humber: inspiration activity and good practice guide.

Who do you want me to be? An exploration of female and male perceptions of imposed gender roles in the early years

Resolving forward-reverse logistics multi-period model using evolutionary algorithms

The uncertain story of career development

A resource based approach in the context of the emerging craft brewing industry

"Nurses who become ACPs should not be mini medics"

Perceptions of psychological coercion and human trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to know the unknown

Enhanced wide-area low-frequency sound reproduction in cinemas: effective and practical alternatives to current calibration strategies

Defending a communicative theory of punishment: the relationship between hard treatment and amends

Performance matters more than masculinity: violence, gender dynamics and mafia women

Lean and green in the transport and logistics sector: A case study of simultaneous deployment

A conceptual framework for the implementation of sustainability business processes

Measuring the level of lean readiness of the Hong Kong's manufacturing industry

The role of supply chain integration in achieving competitive advantage: A study of UK automobile manufacturers

New strategy to transform the quality of careers education, advice and guidance for young people

Another way for student exchanges: A Google + community for collaborative learning related to European public health issues

In response to the Prisons and Courts Reform Bill

An efficient approach to understanding and predicting the effects of multiple task characteristics on performance

Micro/Nanostructure and tribological characteristics of pressureless sintered carbon nanotubes reinforced aluminium matrix composites

An effective mesh strategy for CFD modelling of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Making projects sing: a musical perspective of project management

Conserving natural heritage: shifting perceptions of culture and nature.

Brief report: Self-compassion, physical health and the mediating role of health-promoting behaviours.

Arts, health & wellbeing: reflections on a national seminar series and building a UK research network

Video stream analysis in clouds: An object detection and classification framework for high performance video analytics

Social media, social justice? Consideration from a career development perspective

Redefining Journalism in the Era of the Mass Press

Computational fluid dynamics model of a quad-rotor helicopter for dynamic analysis

A cage for the muse and the limits of invention

Staying creative: creative technique, habit and experience

Creative inhibition: how and why

How supplier selection criteria affects business performance? A study of UK automotive sector

“Age is just a number, init?”: Interrogating perceptions of age and women within social gerontology

Postgraduate Placement Toolkit

Employee as Student Toolkit

Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Oespahgeal Varicies Using Systemic Haemodynamic Measurements by Finometry: Comparison with other Non- Invasive Predictive Scores

Advanced liver training: where are the courses

Non-Cyanide Electrodeposited Ag–PTFE Composite Coating Using Direct or Pulsed Current Deposition

Attentional bias towards threatening and neutral facial expressions in high trait anxious children.

Evaluating social pedagogy training and development in Lincolnshire

Personal qualities of effective Sport Psychologists: Coping with organisational demands in high performance sport

GASP v2: Guitars with Ambisonic Spatial Performance

The GASP project: Guitars with ambisonic spatial production.

Communicating choice: an exploration of mothers’ experiences of birth

Investigation into the effect of uncertainty of CPT-based soil type estimation on the accuracy of CPT-based pile bearing capacity analysis

Chemically Modified Bodies: The Use of Diverse Substances for Appearance Enhancement

Moisture effects on the bending fatigue of laminated composites

Sustainable Sourcing and Innovative Use of Building Materials: Case Study of Energy Plus House, Hieron's Wood, Derbyshire UK

Journals and CPD

Leading Research and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Focus Stacking: Extending depth of field in close-up photography

Sparse p-adic data coding for computationally efficient and effective big data analytics

Moving Landscapes

The shape of my thoughts

The brick eater

Mass incarceration: the juggernaut of American penal expansionism

Ceramic sculpture of animals and birds

Electrical power and energy systems for transportation applications

Antarctica: Live surround exploration

DNA / The hour we knew nothing of each other

Joy and calm: how an evolutionary functional model of affect regulation informs positive emotions in nature

Routledge international handbook of dramatherapy

Young Enterprise: Evaluating the impact of the Team programme

Drama Education and Dramatherapy: Exploring the space between discipline

Layers of meaning, layers of truth: fragmented histories and composited video collage

Life Goes On

‘The Found Footage Composite: History, Hybridity and the Animated World’

A Mixed History: Colliding Realities and the Hybrid Aesthetic

Deformed Electronic Dance Music

An evalaution of BookTrust additional needs resources

Diplomacy and the politics of fear: the 21st century challenges to the theory and practice of Diplomacy and International Relations

Dramatherapy and theatre: Current interdisciplinary discourses

Has Childcare Become Less of a Burden in South Korea? Exploring the nature of pre and post reform childcare provision

Using YouTube as an assessment tool: facilitating student creativity for Public Health improvement

Adam Roberts: Critical Essays

Simulation aided life cycle sustainability assessment framework for manufacturing design and management

The zones of fragility: outlaws and the forms of violence in the Ottoman Empire

The relationship between pain beliefs and physical and mental health outcome measures in chronic low back pain: direct and indirect effects

Exploring the benefits of surround sound in contemporary live music performances

The Mountain of dead selves

Do We Need a New Legal Framework for Fighting Non-Conventional Wars? The International Law of War, Human Rights and the Global Fight Against Extremism and Terrorism

Towards a Deeper Understanding of 21st Century Global Terrorism

Curious Apothecary; An artists publication

The need for new criminal justice & criminological approaches to end the ‘War on Terror’


Political discontent and the 21st Century's threats to global peace, security and human progress

Thermal comfort and indoor air quality analysis of a low-energy cooling windcatcher.

The effectiveness of intrapartum  ultrasonography in assessing cervical dilatation, head station and position: A systematic review and meta-analysis

The Accuracy of Thermal Comfort Zone, ASHRAE Standard 55-2013. CIBSE Technical Symposium 2016

Analysis of the Impact of Urban Configuration on Road Solar Collectors.

Thermal Comfort and Energy: CFD, BES and Field Study in a British Open Plan Office with Displacement Ventilation

Numerical and Experimental Analysis of a Multi-Directional Wind Tower Integrated with Vertically-Arranged Heat Transfer Devices (VHTD).

Building Related Symptoms, Energ, and Thermal Comfort in the Workplace: Personal and Open Plan Offices

Computational and field test analysis of thermal comfort performance of user-controlled thermal chair in an open plan office

Energy and Comfort in Contemporary Open Plan and Traditional Personal Offices

Gender mainstreaming in South Korea – a critical analysis through discursive institutionalism around the issue of childcare

Meshing Strategy for PEM Fuel Cells CFD Modelling– A Systematic Approach

Numerical study of separated boundary layer transition under pressure gradient

Sustainable geotechnics

Design optimisation of passive humidification device for intensive care medical applications

Deployment of assisted living technology using intelligent body sensors platform for elderly people health monitoring

An intelligent anti-collision system for electric vehicles applications

A multi degree of freedom actuation

Forensically-sound analysis of security risks of using local password managers

Quickening - A digital exhibition at Pickford House

The Carer

Home-range use of wild solitary Azara's owl monkeys (Aotus azarae) in relation to group ranges in Formosa, Argentina

The academics vs the bureaucracy

The tyranny of expectations of post-natal delight: gendered happiness

Evidence, cause and consequence of exceptionally rapid growth in Pliocene scallops of the US eastern seaboard

Comparative Assessment of Copper, Iron, and Zinc Contents in Selected Indian (Assam) and South African (Thohoyandou) Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Samples and Their Infusion: A Quest for Health Risks to Consumer

3D EDM (Electronic Dance Music)


An expression of multiple values: The relationship between community, landscape and natural resource

The application of games in higher education

Pilot study investigating the prevalence of oral Human Papilloma Viral (HPV) infection in young adults

Relationship between moonlight and nightly activity patterns of the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and some of its prey species in Formosa, Northern Argentina

Optimization of water content for the cryopreservation of allium sativum In vitro cultures by encapsulation-dehydration

Higher harmonic flow coefficients of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

International perspectives on social media guidance for nurses: a content analysis

Development and evaluation of an online, interaction information and advice tool for pre-registration nursing students

An exploration of impact and engaged scholarship among DBA students

The Sustainability of donor-funding towards non-governmental organisations and their socio-economic impact in Botswana

Sparse image and signal processing: Wavelets and related geometric multiscale analysis

MLP neural network based gas classification system on Zynq SoC

Efficient data-processing algorithms for wireless-sensor-networks-based planetary exploration

Heterogeneous implementation of ECG encryption and identification on the Zynq SoC

HD Qatari ANPR system

OCR based feature extraction and template matching algorithms for Qatari number plate

Reducing packet delay through filter merging

Outstanding student achievement: A journey of pedagogy informed and confirmed by analytics

Big Data applications: Making them deliver value

Big Data applications: Making them deliver value

From DOOM to duty: The evolution of design patterns in first person shooters


Grid workflow validation using ontology-based tacit knowledge: A case study for quantitative remote sensing applications

The influence of discrete arriving reflections on perceived intelligibility and STI measurements

The influence of discrete arriving reflections on perceived intelligibility and speech transmission index measurements

Defining true propagation patterns of underwater noise produced by stationary vessels

Fast and effective embedded systems design: Applying the ARM mbed (2nd Edition)

A socioecological model for advanced service discovery in machine-to-machine communication networks

Dust aerosol optical depth retrieval and dust storm detection for Xinjiang Region using Indian National Satellite Observations

Technical note: Intercomparison of three AATSR Level 2 (L2) AOD products over China

On the jacobsthal, horadam and geometric mean sequences

A new formulation of a result by McLaughlin for an arbitrary dimension 2 matrix power

A polynomial based construction of periodic Horadam sequences

A short monograph on exposition and the emotive nature of research and publishing

On a scaled balanced-power product recurrence

On the evaluation of sums of exponentiated multiples of generalized Catalan number linear combinations using a hypergeometric approach

A scaled power product recurrence examined using matrix methods

Alwyn Francis Horadam, 1923-2016: A personal tribute to the man and his sequence

Effect of crosslinking in cartilage-like collagen microstructures

A constituent-based preprocessing approach for characterising cartilage using NIR absorbance measurements

Design of Self-tuning PID Controller Parameters Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Quad-rotor Helicopter

An ultrasonic atomisation unit for heat and moisture exchange humidification device for intensive care medicine applications

Computational fluid dynamics model of a quad-rotor helicopter for dynamic analysis

Evaluation of 3D renewable micro power station for smart grid applications

Editorial note: The key elements of the future smart cities

A review of solutions for SDN-Exclusive security issues

Finding innovative solutions to engineering problems using CES and TRIZ

Correlated event-by-event fluctuations of flow harmonics in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

ISBN-13 is better than ISBN-10: Fact or fiction?

Green transport planning paradoxes

Facilitating soft skill excellence in STEM subjects leads to outstanding achievements

Using TRIZ in teaching and learning

Learning to program using immersive approaches: A case study learning SAS®, IBM Bluemix and Watson Analytics

Giving effective academic presentations

Assessing undergraduate and postgraduate hard and soft skills in analytics and data science courses

Inspiring undergraduates to high achievement in STEM (and other) subjects

Students learning software programming: Innovative strategies for learning and assessment

TRIZ - Helping engineers solve measurement and detection problems

Measurement of transverse energy at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Multiplicity dependence of charged pion, kaon, and (anti)proton production at large transverse momentum in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

“People think it’s a harmless joke”: young people’s understanding of the impact of technology, digital vulnerability and cyberbullying in the United Kingdom

Examining the roles young people fulfill in five types of cyber bullying

Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Linear clique-width for hereditary classes of cographs

Measurement of D-meson production versus multiplicity in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Digital video source identification based on green-channel photo response non-uniformity (G-PRNU)

Video authentication based on statistical local information

The effect of potential fall distance on hormonal response in rock climbing

Forearm muscle oxidative capacity index predicts sport rock-climbing performance

Differences in oxygenation kinetics between the dominant and non-dominant flexor digitorum profundus in rock climbers

Alterations in autonomic cardiac modulation in response to normobaric hypoxia

Condition parameter estimation for photovoltaic buck converters based on adaptive model observers

Re-imagining Bertolt Brecht, redefining British Theatre: Oladipo Agboluaje's Mother Courage

Pseudorapidity dependence of the anisotropic flow of charged particles in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis in high secure services: An exploratory hermeneutic review of the international literature

A framework for the integration of green and lean six sigma for superior sustainability performance

Developing a scale to measure the presence of possible prejudicial stereotyping in police interviews with suspects: The Minhas Investigative Interviewing Prejudicial Stereotyping Scale (MIIPSS)

InDialogue 2016 Live

Symptoms of anxiety and depression are related to cardiovascular responses to active, but not passive, coping tasks

Smartphone addiction and associated psychological factors

The effect of performance stages on subwoofer polar and frequency responses

An exploration of Icelandic marketing women entrepreneurs

Professional doctorate curriculum design: A resource dependency analysis of DBA stakeholders

The Birth Project: Using the Arts to explore birth. Interim report

Employment outcomes and patterns of real estate graduates: is gender a matter?

Relationships between demographic factors and employment prospects of architecture, construction and urban planning graduates

A study of the impacts of variable factors on built environment graduates’ prospects

A study of real estate student satisfaction in Australia

An investigation of characteristics affecting employment outcomes and patterns of real estate graduates

Engaging sustainability good practice within the curriculum design and property portfolio in the Australian higher education sector

Comparative grading scales, statistical analyses, climber descriptors and ability grouping: International Rock Climbing Research Association position statement

The Digital House of Care: information solutions for integrated care

Theory on theory.

Direct reading algorithm for hierarchical clustering

Professional Language: Understanding and being understood

Impacted third molar

The influence of variations in eating disorder-related symptoms on processing of emotional faces in a non-clinical female sample: An eye-tracking study

Evaluating the effects of caffeine and sodium bicarbonate, ingested individually or in combination, and a taste-matched placebo on high-intensity cycling capacity in healthy males

The influences of capital development strategies choice on international management students' collaborative knowledge creation: Turkey and Ecuador

Social capital development strategy and collaborative knowledge creation in higher education: the UK and Turkey

The impact of walking environment and connectedness to nature, mindfulness and empathy: A comparison of natural and urban locations

Children’s well-being and nature connectedness: Exploring the impact of a ‘3-good-things’ writing task on nature connectedness and well-being.

Influence of different stool types on muscle activity and lumbar posture among dentists during a simulated dental screening task

The multi-functional foot in athletic movement: extraordinary feats by our extraordinary feet

The production and reproduction of inequality in the UK in times of austerity

Disciplinary social policy and the failing promise of the new middle classes: the troubled families programme

Sounds and spaces leading to heterotopia [Editorial]

Dimensions of European wellness: contemporary design and the visions of life and the self: ‘The New Apothecary’s Cabinet II’, mind-body-spirit

Pilot study : can inspiratory muscle training relieve symptoms ff dyspnoea and improve quality of life for advanced cancer patients ?: 1872 Board #24 June 2, 3: 30 PM - 5: 00 PM.

Functional inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves load carriage performance greater than traditional IMT techniques: 1652 Board #305 June 2, 9: 00 AM - 10: 30 AM.

The role of communities in counter-terrorism: analysing policy and exploring psychotherapeutic approaches within community settings

Occupational therapists and assertive outreach

Muslim communities, crime, victimisation and criminal justice

A review of evaporative cooling system concepts for engine thermal management in motor vehicles

Housing infrastructure: contemporary issues in timber adoption

Head tracked audio for all - the 3D audio VR revolution

Using media based case studies to create spaces for students to practice theory

Microbial effects on the development of forensically important blow fly species

The effect of high-intensity cycling training on postural sway during standing under rested and fatigued conditions in healthy young adults.

Preschool and parental influences on physical activity and fundamental movement skills in preschool children from low socio-economic backgrounds: A qualitative study.

Choosing not to reconstruct- post mastectomy: Exploring younger women’s experiences

Toward a more realistic, cost-effective, and greener ground movement through active routing: A multiobjective shortest path approach

Construction, storage, despatch: The work of Martin Rogers

The impact of growth promoters on muscle growth and the potential consequences for meat quality

Ground-control networks for image based surface reconstruction: An investigation of optimum survey designs using UAV derived imagery and structure-from-motion photogrammetry

The relationship between paranormal belief and the HEXACO domains of personality

British urban trees: A social and cultural history, 1800-1914

The same sky - A musical

Internal structure and significance of ice-marginal moraine in the Kebnekaise Mountains, northern Sweden

Liposomal nanotechnology - A new frontier for sport and exercise nutrition?

Current security implications in the Balkans, with a focus on Macedonia

Mental contrasting as a behaviour change technique: a systematic review protocol paper of effects, mediators and moderators on health

Career development training, certification, supervision and professionalization: case examples from four countries.

Evaluating Unity created teaching simulations within occupational therapy

Art elicitation. Exploring the birth experience

Birth professionals make art. Using participatory arts to think about being a birthing professional

Mothers make art

Reflecting the transition from pain management services to chronic pain support group attendance: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Dynamic loops and processing

FibroScan: assessing cirrhosis and advanced fibrosis with vibration-controlled transient elastography

The politics of fear: Religion(s), conflict and diplomacy

Clinical and genomics data integration using meta-dimensional approach

Organizational ambidexterity and the emerging-to-advanced economy nexus: Cases from private higher education operators in the United Kingdom

An assessment of the prevent strategy within UK counter terrrorism and the implications for policy makers, communities and law enforcement

Evaluating Derbyshire community health services trust spiritual and pastoral care provision 2015-16

Erving Goffman

Effect of cadence selection on peak power and time of power production in elite BMX riders: A laboratory based study.

Effect of gear ratio on peak power and time to peak power in BMX cyclists.

The effect of mountain bike wheel size on cross-country performance.

Influence of wheel size on muscle activity and tri-axial accelerations during cross-country mountain biking

Understanding the actions and behaviours of others during organizational change in professional youth football

Highway infrastructure and building information modelling in UK

Experimental and numerical study on crashworthiness of cold-formed dimpled steel columns

Challenges facing the farm animal veterinary profession in England: A qualitative study of veterinarians’ perceptions and responses

Broken biosecurity? Veterinarians’ framing of biosecurity on dairy farms in England



Rabbit Chain and Run Rabbit Run

Night Circus

Co-constructed dyadic illness experience in the discourse of couples living with severe uncontrolled asthma

Sustainable solar surface decoration: the correlation between Anthotype principles with plant extractions as a form of eco-patterning for fabrics

Solar patterning: The employment of fast and fugitive colorants via Anthotype, Cyanotype and other photographic techniques.

Assessment by discussion

Effective inclusive teacher education for special educational needs and disabilities: Some more thoughts on the way forward

Special issue on cyberharassment investigation: Advances and trends

Managing Neoliberalisation Through the EU-ACP Trade Relationship

World Society and a World State in the Shadow of the World Market: Democracy and Global Political Economy

The assessment of dog barking noise from kennels

Determinants of asymmetric return comovements of gold and other financial assets

How gender-expectancy affects the processing of “them”

Still a Palestinian

Defining delivery (@Derby): upgrading support for online learners

Targeting Src in endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer

Identification of multi-style hydrothermal alteration using integrated compositional and topographic remote sensing datasets

Work-based learning and lifelong guidance policies across Europe

An investigation into metal coated additively manufactured polymer lattice structures

Low temperature, authigenic illite and carbonates in a mixed dolomite-clastic lagoonal and pedogenic setting, Spanish Central System, Spain

Explainer: what dust from the Sahara does to you and the planet

UK pension changes in 2015: some mathematical considerations

A day in the life of a subscriptions and document delivery librarian

A tale of two systems – Library Plus and Discover: EDS at the University of Derby

RTS: road topology-based scheme for traffic condition estimation via vehicular crowdsensing

An efficient geosciences workflow on multi-core processors and GPUs: a case study for aerosol optical depth retrieval from MODIS satellite data

D-meson production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV and in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV

'Do you mean I'm not whole?: Exploring the role of support in womens experiences of mastectomy without reconstruction

After Brexit, snowflake professors need to grow up

Behaviour in schools – is it as bad as they say – or is it worse?

Is everyone a Socrates now? A critical look at critical thinking

Teaching in post-14 education & training (5th Edition)

Supporting a design-driven approach to social inclusion and accessibility in transport

Ability to receive compassion from others buffers the depressogenic effect of self-criticism: A cross-cultural multi-study analysis

Dimensionality and measurement invariance of the Other as Shamer Scale across diverse adolescent samples

The early memories of warmth and safeness scale for adolescents: Cross-sample validation of the complete and brief versions

Police strategies and suspect responses in real-life serious crime interviews

Dynamics of repeated interviews with children

Worlds within worlds: a strategy for using interpretative phenomenological analysis with focus groups

Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2015

Cross-disciplinarity in sport (and) psychology

The role of the teacher today

Destroying creativity

Discussing the applicability of soundfield techniques for larger audience entertainment

Ecological role of vertebrate scavengers in urban ecosystems in the UK

Urban biodiversity and landscape ecology: Patterns, processes and planning

An examination of a recovery group in an adult community mental health team

Understanding the customer journey through the prism of service design methodology.

Development of a compassion-focused and contextual behavioural environment and validation of the Therapeutic Environment Scales (TESS).

Attitudes towards mental health problems scale: Confirmatory factor analysis and validation in the Portuguese population.

A descriptive study of feelings of arrested escape (entrapment) and arrested anger in people presenting to an emergency department following an episode of self-harm.

Micromechanical modeling of 8-harness satin weave glass fiber-reinforced composites.

Comparing brief internet-based compassionate mind training and cognitive behavioral therapy for perinatal women: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Cirrhosis in the over 16's: assessment and management

Using recorded sounds in the clinical skills lab.

Delirium: assessment and treatment of patients with cancer PART 2

Inside my head.

People in my world.

Sustainable ARTiculation: Adapting significant interiors to contemporary art galleries.

Igniting imagination through darkness: discovering fear and fantasy through shadows, silence and the invisible.

Violence trends and other criminology research.

Explaining and sustaining the decline in stranger and acquaintance violence.

Trends in violence victimization in the England and Wales.

Risk and protective factors of stranger and acquaintance violence.

Risk and protective factors of stranger and acquaintance violence victimisation in England and Wales.

Trends in violence victimisation: Incidence rates, prevalence and crime concentration of stranger and acquaintance violence.

Dead or alive? The role of personal characteristics and immediate situational factors in the outcome of serious violence. American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, 16-19 Nov.

John Minton’s "Time was away: A notebook in Corsica"

Expecting something for nothing? The trials, tribulations, successes and pitfalls of cross-cultural data collection for an IFTDO/UFHRD funded comparative analysis of HRD practices.

Social Care Service Provision in UK

Operational precise irrigation for cotton cultivation through the coupling of meteorological and crop growth models.

Showman of the screen: Joseph E. Levine and his revolutions in film promotion.

In search of consensus: Terminology for entheseal changes (EC).

Making a rock

Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic.

Green fingered: Seed series

The potential for craft brewing tourism development in the United States: a stakeholder view.

'The self-improving primary school': understanding and approaching teacher inquiry: a pilot study.

The boy who cried wolf [Arabic edition]

Centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √ s N N = 5.02  TeV.

Multi-strange baryon production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV.

Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV.

Development of a STEP-compliant design and manufacturing framework for discrete sheet metal bend parts

Be your dog

Culture, capitals and graduate futures: Degrees of class.

To the Ladies Turbutt: Three women, three wills and three legacies.

Human nature and suffering.

Corruption in Ukraine in Comparative Perspective

A new graph construction of unbounded clique-width.

Technical note: A specimen measuring device for the stereo microscope.

Some records of Aphodiini (Scarabaeidae) on carrion.

Insect microscopy.

On the geometry of certain periodic non-homogeneous Horadam sequences.

Spatio-temporal rich model-based video steganalysis on cross sections of motion vector planes.

Volumetric 3D displays.

Introduction to 3D displays.

Education: When investment in technology is not enough.

Integrating additive manufacturing into product design: An aid to assembly and recyclability.

Additive manufacturing in shipping industry: Opportunities and challenges.

Additive manufacturing for maritime spare parts supply: An overview.

Self-selection policing: Theory, research and practice.

Repeat victimisation.

Production of K∗(892)0 and ϕ(1020) in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Measurement of Ds+ production and nuclear modification factor in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV

Centrality dependence of the nuclear modification factor of charged pions, kaons, and protons in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Study of cosmic ray events with high muon multiplicity using the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

3ΛH and 3Λ̅H̅ production in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Multiplicity and transverse momentum evolution of charge-dependent correlations in pp, p-Pb, and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC

Multipion Bose-Einstein correlations in pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Search for weakly decaying Λ̅ n̅ and ΛΛ exotic bound states in central Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Production of light nuclei and anti-nuclei in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Centrality dependence of charged jet production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Jet-like correlations with neutral pion triggers in pp and central Pb–Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV

Event-shape engineering for inclusive spectra and elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Near-side azimuthal and pseudorapidity correlations using neutral strange baryons and mesons in d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV

Elliptic flow of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Measurement of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Charge-dependent flow and the search for the chiral magnetic wave in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Pseudorapidity and transverse-momentum distributions of charged particles in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

Azimuthal anisotropy of charged jet production in √sNN = 2.76 TeV Pb–Pb collisions

Centrality dependence of pion freeze-out radii in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76  TeV

Transverse momentum dependence of D-meson production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Forward-central two-particle correlations in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Differential studies of inclusive J/ψ and ψ(2S) production at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Direct photon production in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

Particle identification in ALICE

Inclusive quarkonium production at forward rapidity in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV

Anisotropic Flow of Charged Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Centrality dependence of ψ(2S) suppression in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02TeV

The Societas Europaea (SE) – Time to start over? Capturing the Zeitgeist of the 21st Century.

Dialogue theories II.

Introduction: How and why should we study dialogue?’

The emerging inter-faith context In society and religious education.

The McDonaldization of higher education revisited.

An experimental survey of no-reference video quality assessment methods

Resource Allocation in Optical Beam-Steered Indoor Networks

Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks with Variable Interference

A regression method for real-time video quality evaluation

Predictive Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines (extented abstract)

Big IoT data mining for real-time energy disaggregation in buildings

Real time 10Gb-ethernet transmission over 2D indoor passive beam steered optical wireless system based on high port arrayed waveguide gratings

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines

Monitoring Network Use of Resources

Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information

Learning networks for complex interconnections

Sample size determination algorithm for fingerprint-based indoor localization systems

Two-dimensional optical beam steering module

The double link between network science and artificial intelligence: a key to scalable learning solutions?

The role of tacit and codified knowledge within technology transfer program on technology adaptation.

New role raises questions.

Student midwives perspectives on the efficacy of feedback after objective structured clinical examination.

Participants' productive disruption of a community photo-elicitation project: improvised methodologies in practice

Using Twitter to tackle peripherality? Facilitating networked scholarship for part-time doctoral students within and beyond the university

Higher fees, higher debts: Greater expectations of graduate futures? A research-informed comic.

Greater expectations of graduate futures? A comparative analysis of the views of the last generation of lower-fees undergraduates and the first generation of higher-fees undergraduates at two English universities.

M11 A randomised controlled feasibility trial of a physical activity behaviour change intervention compared to social interaction in huntington’s disease.

Caregiving in multiple sclerosis and quality of life: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research.

A trust label system for communicating trust in cloud services.

Maths mastery: The key to pedagogical liberation?

Route 57 issue 12: if anything younger

The role of the effective subject leader: perspectives from practitioners in secondary schools.

Grease and sweat: Race and smell in Eighteenth-Century English culture.


On rigidity, Reus and Reich.

The Alternative Document symposium, created and led by Angela Bartram

The Alternative Document exhibition, curated by Angela Bartram

13C or Not 13C: selective synthesis of asymmetric carbon-13-labeled platinum(II) cis-acetylides.

Unsettling action and text: a collaborative experience

Why use mimeograph?

Here and there: two works, ten countries.

International standards on auditing in the international financial services centres

Growth, human development, and trade: the Asian experience.

The effect of the inflation pressure of tyres on motorcycle weave stability: experiments and simulation.

Paula McCloskey’ in Loveless, N.S. Contemporary Mamactivist Artists: A Forum on Maternal Activist Art for the Studies in the Maternal Special Issue on The Everyday Maternal Practice: Activist Structures in Creative Work, Summer 2016

The impact of greenhouse gas emissions on personal well-being: evidence from a panel of 58 countries and aggregate and regional country samples.

Convergence of health care expenditures across the US States: a reconsideration.

A comparison of the performance of the Braden Q and the Glamorgan paediatric pressure ulcer risk assessment scales in general and intensive care paediatric and neonatal units.

International standards on auditing in the international financial services centres: What matters?

Identification of the mechanical properties of tires for wheelchair simulation.

Community Interventions for Health can support clinicians in advising patients to reduce tobacco use, improve dietary intake and increase physical activity.

Year-long monitoring of physico-chemical and biological variables provide a comparative baseline of coral reef functioning in the central Red Sea.

New evidence on the ability of asset prices and real economic activity forecast errors to predict inflation forecast errors.

Distinct bacterial communities associated with the coral model Aiptasia in aposymbiotic and symbiotic states with Symbiodinium.

The role of rare earth prices in renewable energy consumption: the actual driver for a renewable energy world

Integration of regional electricity markets in Australia: a price convergence assessment

Financing clean energy projects through domestic and foreign capital: the role of political cooperation among the EU, the G20 and OECD countries

Postwestern Literature and Criticism.

Affective landscapes in literature, art, and everyday life: memory, place and the senses.

Long-term salinity tolerance is accompanied by major restructuring of the coral bacterial microbiome.

Asymmetric information and employment: evidence from the U.S. banking sector.

Media sentiment and CDS spread spillovers: evidence from the GIIPS countries.

Mood effects in optimal debt contracts.

Asymmetric oil shocks and external balances of major oil exporting and importing countries.

The effect of foreign direct investment and stock market growth on clean energy use across a panel of emerging market economies.

Oil reserve life and the influence of crude oil prices: An analysis of Texas reserves.

A time series analysis of oil production, rig count and crude oil price: Evidence from six U.S. oil producing regions.

The adoption of multiple certification standards: perceived performance implications of quality, environmental and health & safety certifications

Explosive bubbles in the US–China exchange rate? Evidence from right-tailed unit root tests.

An empirical note on entrepreneurship and unemployment: Further evidence from U.S. States

Xestospongia testudinaria nighttime mass spawning observation in Indonesia.

Growing older with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Literature review of post-traumatic stress disorder in the critical care population.

Eile Project: Art and Spatial Research UK/Irish Border (2016 – ongoing)

Riot 1831 1958 1981 2011 in Nottingham.

Across the decades (60 years).

Constructal design of an entropic wall With circulating water inside.

Mathematical model of a constructional coanda effect nozzle.

Penal populism and the public thermostat: crime, public punitiveness, and public policy.

Prevalence and genetic diversity of Avipoxvirus in house sparrows in Spain

Temperature measurement and control system for transtibial prostheses: functional evaluation.

Effects of 4 multitargeted receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors on regional hemodynamics in conscious, freely moving rats.

Temperature measurement and control system for transtibial prostheses: single subject clinical evaluation.

The global crime drop and changes in the distribution of victimisation

A new propelled wing aircraft configuration

A cluster-based decentralized job dispatching for the large-scale cloud.

Developing route optimization-based PMIPv6 testbed for reliable packet transmission.

Distributed degree-based link scheduling for collision avoidance in wireless sensor networks.

Trail-using ant behavior based energy-efficient routing protocol in wireless sensor networks.

A deep-learning-based emergency alert system

Terrorism's footprint of fear

Evolutionary Psychology and Terrorism

Spatio-temporal rich model-based video steganalysis on cross sections of motion vector planes

Politics, modernism, and Bob Dylan's search for a Usable Past in the Rolling Thunder Revue

An SDN-enhanced load balancing technique in the cloud system.

The hands of Beuys and Heidegger

The Odyssey: School to work transitions, serendipity and position in the field

South Africa's two track approach to science diplomacy

Authenticity: the link between destination image and place attachment

Leadership in destination management organisations.

Managing customer relationships in hotel chains: a comparison between guest and manager perceptions

The effects of experimenter-participant interaction qualities in a goal-oriented nonintentional precognition task

The World is your Oyster: The Effects of Knowledge, Human Capital, Technology and Entry Timing on International Growth

You can lead a firm to R&D but can you make it innovate? UK evidence from SMEs

Non-founder human capital and the long-run growth and survival of high-tech ventures

Growth processes of high-growth firms as a four-dimensional chicken and egg

UK credit and discouragement during the GFC

Access to bank finance for UK SMEs in the wake of the recent financial crisis

Surface charge visualization at viable living cells

Short-chain fatty acid acetate stimulates adipogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis via GPR43 in brown adipocytes.

Association of vitamin B12 with pro-inflammatory cytokines and biochemical markers related to cardiometabolic risk in Saudi subjects

Complex subvolcanic magma plumbing system of an alkali basaltic maar-diatreme volcano (Elie Ness, Fife, Scotland)

Youth organizations in revolutionary Cuba, 1959–1962: from Unidad to Vanguardia

Personal characteristics of bullying victims in residential care for youth

Mr Cameron's new language initiative for Muslim women: lessons in policy implementation

An evaluation of Mesozoic rift-related magmatism on the margins of the Labrador Sea : implications for rifting and passive margin asymmetry.

Madagascar's escape from Africa: A high-resolution plate reconstruction for the Western Somali Basin and implications for supercontinent dispersal

Towards being a "Good Cuban": socialist citizenship education in a globalized context.

Education, citizenship, and Cuban identity

Beyond botched taxidermy

Applications of cognitive science in scenographic reception and processes: Scenographic contraptions

The notion of growth: A research agenda for SMEs and entrepreneurs

Defining contextual advantage: exploring the contextual relation between effectuation and entrepreneurial marketing for creating new markets effectually

The role of culture on online search behaviour: A comparative study between British and Chinese travellers

Certainty over Clemency: English Contract Law in the Face of Financial Crisis

Major evolutionary transitions of life, metabolic scaling and the number and size of mitochondria and chloroplasts.

A shot in the arm for teacher education within FE

A holistic approach to teaching and personal tutoring

Cormac McCarthy’s literary evolution editors, agents, and the crafting of a prolific American author

Guest editorial

Psychological correlates of self-reported and objectively measured physical activity among Chinese children-psychological correlates of PA.

2D 2C time-resolved laser induced incandescence sizing of soot particles in a methane diffusion flame

Re-enacting Palestine and the performance of credibility

Female fire-setters: gender-associated psychological and psychopathological features

Molecular Dynamics Study on Fluid Flow in Nanochannels With Permeable Walls

Nanochannel flow past permeable walls via molecular dynamics

Effect of various surface conditions on nanochannel flows past permeable walls

The mining minds digital health and wellness framework

Developing and delivering L&D solutions for international markets

Role of culture in effectuation: exploring the Marwari cultural philosophy and entrepreneurial approach

The emerging conditions of meta-modernism: an observation-based interpretivist perspective on the curious case of Royal Enfield

Selling the total spa product

Thermal and mineral springs

‘Eyeballs In The Sky !’ The Development of the verbal and visual languages of The Perishers Newspaper Comic Strip (1958-1987)

Assessing walking strategies using insole pressure sensors for stroke survivors

A personalized self-management rehabilitation system for stroke survivors: A quantitative gait analysis using a smart insole

A personalized self-management rehabilitation system with an intelligent shoe for stroke survivors: a realist evaluation

Exploring the experiences of living with stroke through narrative

Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): enabling health visitors to communicate future risk of childhood overweight to parents through digital technology

Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): Can UK health visitors deliver a targeted intervention prevention programme?

Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): Communicating future risk of childhood overweight to parents through digital technology.

Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): Using digital technology to raise obesity risk with parents of infants

‘Sorry mate, you’re probably a bit too fat to be able to do any of this’: Men’s experiences of weight stigma and its implications

‘It brings the lads together’: a critical exploration of older men’s experiences of a weight management programme delivered through a Healthy Stadia project

Physical activity and sedentary behavior clustering: segmentation to optimize active lifestyles

A calling for standardised completion criteria in weight management

Engaging families in weight management

Design programmes to maximise participant engagement: a predictive study of programme and participant characteristics associated with engagement in paediatric weight management

The challenge and impact of engaging hard-to-reach populations in regular physical activity and health behaviours: an examination of an English Premier League ‘Football in the Community’ men's health programme

Developing ethical geography students? The impact and effectiveness of a tutorial-based approach

Parallel dialogues

Keynote: Grant Kester in conversation with Rhiannon Jones.

InDialogue Closing Remarks 2016

InDialogue Symposium 2016

Eleventh annual international academic conference on European integration borders: Imagined or real

HE in FE: vocationalism, class and social justice

Data floes: Polar science as catalyst for the arts

Developing a conceptual model to evaluate green suppliers: Decision making method using DEMATEL

Substance use outcomes following treatment: Findings from the Australian Patient Pathways Study

The observational analysis of elite coaches within youth soccer: The importance of performance analysis

Enhancing Primary School Children's Knowledge of Online Safety and Risks with the CATZ Cooperative Cross-Age Teaching Intervention: Results from a Pilot Study

Transition distress: a psychological process