Analysis of morphological impacts on cooling effects of urban water bodies in five cities of zhejiang

Can a picture speak a thousand words? A longitudinal photo-elicitation exploration of football coaches’ well-being experiences and sensemaking

Exploring and evaluating the two-factor model of perfectionism in sport

Why isn’t flow flowing? Metatheoretical issues in explanations of flow

Enhancing cardiac arrest skills : exploring student nurses’ journey through mental simulation to self-efficacy

Towards an understanding of maltreatment in football

Designing effective scripts and resources to support simulated practice, using basic life support as an exemplar

“Being a woman in the men’s game, it’s brutal”: a longitudinal photo-elicitation exploration of a woman football coach’s well-being

Assessing the influence of supply chain collaboration on the performance of manufacturing SMEs in Rwanda

A surrogate multiscale model for the design of high entropy alloys

Respiratory rate monitoring via a fibre Bragg Grating-embedded respirator mask with a wearable miniature interrogator

The Tree Charter Bell VI

Counselling Socially Disadvantaged Clients (iCeGS Annual Lecture 2024)

Analysis of vibrational resonance in a biophysical system

Sustainable Futures Programme Evaluation

Judgement differences of types of image-based sexual harassment and abuse conducted by celebrity perpetrators and victims

Coming to light: how effective are sediment gravity flows in removing fine suspended carbonate from reefs?

A comparison of the physical characteristics of adolescent female, academy cricket players

An investigation of the barriers and drivers for implementing green supply chain in Malaysian food and beverage SMEs: a qualitative perspective

Utilizing Artificial intelligence to identify an Optimal Machine learning model for predicting fuel consumption in Diesel engines

Creative Parents in a Hybrid World

Cross-Cultural Psychology and Compassion

Enablers of blockchain adoption in organisations: A view of digital assets and organisational capabilities

Predicting the Effects of Urbanisation on Biodiversity with the use of Soundscape Analysis

Bad behaviours because of a dead-end job? Effects of career plateau on counterproductive work behaviours

Future Organizational Identification: Visionary Leadership Gives Me Foresight to Identify With My Organization in the Future

Scenographic Contraptions: Designing uncertainty and orchestrating error for the generation of participatory scenography

Error, glitches, exposure and inefficient aesthetics as methods of enhancing a sense of togetherness within a co-created scenography

Scenographic contraptions: Practice-research methodologies of endurance and duration in a groundless contemporary performance landscape

Barriers to product return in a circular supply chain: a case from a retailing industry

Mechanical Behavior of 3D-Printed Zig-Zag Honeycomb Structures Made of BASF Ultrafuse 316L


“Training – Made in Germany” – Made in Costa Rica Dual Apprenticeship Transfer from the Perspective of State and Parastatal Actors in Costa Rica

Kollegiale Hierarchiebeziehung?! Herausforderungen zwischen Mentor*innen und Lehrkräften im Vorbereitungsdienst an berufsbildenden Schulen

Understanding Plurality, Engagement, and Change in Vocational Education and Training through French Pragmatic Theory

Tertiarization and academization of vocational education and training in China and Germany

Internationale Berufsbildungsgovernance: Konzept und Typologie

Pathways to higher education for vocationally qualified students. The case of Norway

Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in Norway? Validating the Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) with Norwegian Career Counsellors

PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) ‘Faith-based Learning City Development

How we talk about, engage with and understand our built environment, are all matters of inclusion, and that ultimately impacts how we experience it.

A community for expertise development – South African vocational colleges and their internal and external social characteristics

From regional colleges to global universities? The impact of academic drift on Norwegian higher education

What are the “unwritten rules” of academia that health and social care students wish they knew at the start of their journey?

Learning from Civil Society Actors in Turkey: Using Transitional Justice in an Ongoing Conflict

Bund flora in the traditional rice paddy terraces in some foothill landscapes of Guilan Province, N. Iran, towards conservation of phytodiversity in agroecosystems

Cyber Risk Mitigation Through Malware Threat Modelling and A Strategic Implementation Framework

"I came here and it flows": An interpretative phenomenological analysis of low-income residents' experiences with allotment gardening.

Theorizing collective leadership: Lessons from Ekpe, an indigenous African institution

Dark clouds of leadership: causes and consequences of toxic leadership

Sino-German cooperation in vocational teacher training: A macro-micro-macro analysis of good intentions and unintended outcomes in China

An Intelligent Quantum Cyber-Security Framework for Healthcare Data Management

A Global Cybersecurity Standardization Framework for Healthcare Informatics

Board Gender Diversity and Risk Management in Corporate Financing: A Study on Debt Structure and Financial Decision-Making

Organizational Agility within the Context of Environmental Challenges: Assessing the Mediating Effect of Sustainable Prices Procurement

A comparison of the effects of ethics- versus wisdom-based mindfulness practices on prosocial behaviour.

Circular Economy Practices for Net Zero: Analysis of Barriers in Indian Small and Medium Enterprises Context

COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5–11: a systematic review of parental barriers and facilitators in Western countries

Comparative optimism for judgements about online identity theft

Performance boost of an electromagnetic energy harvester using vibrational resonance

Can Locus of Control, Affective, and Cognitive Empathy Levels Predict Public Stigma towards Forensic Patients?

Microbial Use as an Agent to Improve the Durability of Sub-Structure Concrete: A Comprehensive Structured Review

Wellbeing and burnout in schoolteachers: the psychophysiological case for self-compassion

Rapid In-Field Detection of Airborne Pathogens Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)

Online Communities: An Act of Resistance: Mothers' Longitudinal Digital and Physical Lived Experiences of the Universal Credit System

An Exploratory Study on the Practice of Operational Excellence in the Automotive Industry in Morocco

From Badges to Bridges: Building trust and collaboration between law enforcement and communities in the UK through legal reforms and community engagement.

Characteristics of the outdoor environment affording physical activity, motor competence, and social interactions in children aged 3–7 years: a systematic review

Editorial: Translation of Health and Physical Activity Guidelines for Real World Application

‘One of the greatest injustices of our time’: The impact of social representations of modern slavery in the UK—A mixed methods approach

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practice on Financial Performance: Evidence from FTSE Firms in the UK

Increasing timber and declining live plant diversity and volumes in global trade from 2000 to 2020

How does big data influence smart manufacturing in the presence of preventive maintenance? A multi-analytical investigation

Is the interrogating/interviewing of crime perpetrators no longer suspect? A personal commentary on 25 years of progress

Cutting-Edge Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks: A Focus on Ensemble Models

A Subjective Comparison of Virtual Stereo Microphone Techniques for Rendering Ambisonics

The Human Factor in the Architecture Equation

Newborn Sensory Nurturing Intervention

Parenting the Preterm Neonate during Hospitalisation

Conceptual, Ethical and Historical Approaches to Neonatal Care

Psychological and Theoretical Approaches to Neonatal Care

Staff Communication at School and Student-Student Relationship Quality in the Classroom: Direct and Indirect Effects on Students’ Experiences as Bullies, Bullied, and Bully-Victims

Comparative optimism and cyberbullying: The role of previous involvement in cyberbullying and technology

Opportunities and Challenges of Drones and Internet of Drones in Healthcare Supply Chains un-der Disruption

A Self-Learning Robotic System Solution for Industrial Applications Using Imitation Learning

Enhancing robotics learning using imitation learning through visual-based behaviour cloning

Various Active Learning Strategies Analysis in Image Labeling: Maximizing Performance with Minimum Labeled Data

Gatsby Good Career Guidance: Informational Interviews Report

Gatsby Good Career Guidance: Consultation Survey

Taking early careers global: Global employers’ insights survey

Student development survey 2024

Deep Learning Classification of Traffic-Related Tweets: An Advanced Framework Using Deep Learning for Contextual Understanding and Traffic-Related Short Text Classification

Student recruitment survey 2024

Enhanced sound level monitoring at live events by measuring audio program loudness

Notation for mass parallel algorithms: computing Petri net state space on GPU case study

Traffic Detection and Forecasting from Social Media Data Using a Deep Learning-Based Model, Linguistic Knowledge, Large Language Models, and Knowledge Graphs

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2024

New Directions in Compassion Curricula and the Science of the Pedagogy

Comprehending the role of soft skills in current work scenarios among Engineering domain

SOAR School of Arts Student Journal

Social enterprises and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Means to an End

A Circular economy model for measuring the circularity readiness of UK Manufacturing SMEs

Photoresponsive Surfactants for Controllable and Reversible Emulsion Systems

Effects of burning on vegetation, soil physicochemistry and prokaryotic microbial communities in surface and subsurface peat

Deep Learning-Driven Anomaly Detection for IoMT-Based Smart Healthcare Systems

A controlled trial comparing the impact of guided forest bathing or a mindful urban walk on heart rate, blood pressure, and mood in young Thai adults

A Replication and Development of the Short Cognitive Mediation Beliefs Questionnaire (CMBQ-S)

Transformer-based active learning for multi-class text annotation and classification

Positive Psychology Interventions to Increase Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Confidence and Decrease Anxiety among Students with Dyslexia: A Narrative Review

Two-way photoswitching norbornadiene derivatives for solar energy storage

“What you say in the lab, stays in the lab”: A reflexive thematic analysis of current challenges and future directions of digital forensic investigations in the UK

Can compassion impact us on a cellular level? Preliminary findings on the effects of a compassion focused intervention on immunological markers and CTRA gene expression

Associations Between Brain Structural Connectivity and 1-Year Demoralization in Breast Cancer: A Longitudinal Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study

Constructions of "female autism" in professional practices: A Foucauldian discourse analysis

Cell cycle traverse rate predicts long-term outcomes in a multi-institutional cohort of patients with triple-negative breast cancer

Irradiation of Drosophila melanogaster Leads to Increased Autophagy in Multiple Adult Tissues

Cast from the Past? Microbial Diversity of a Neolithic Stone Circle

Half of Atlantic reef-building corals at elevated risk of extinction due to climate change and other threats

On the Use of Muscle Activation Patterns and Artificial Intelligence Methods for the Assessment of the Surgical Skills of Clinicians †

Bio-Magneto Sensing and Unsupervised Deep Multiresolution Analysis for Labor Predictions in Term and Preterm Pregnancies †

Exploring the Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Higher Education Students’ Utilization of Library Resources

Sensory processing sensitivity, transliminality, and boundary-thinness as predictors of anomalous experiences, beliefs, and abilities

Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Drivers of Grassland NEP in the Muri Region, 2000 to 2022

Does multifactorial inspiratory muscle training improve postural stability and quality of life of patients with diabetes in Pakistan? A randomised controlled trial

The career difficulties of university students in the UK: a qualitative study of the perceptions of UK HE career practitioners

Machine learning based tuberculosis (ML-TB) health predictor model: early TB health disease prediction with ML models for prevention in developing countries

Balancing priorities: A configurational Framework to achieve strategic benefits from Sustainable Industry 4.0 enablers in Operations and Supply Chain

Awareness and perception of prevention and management options of sexually transmitted infections among students at secondary school in Rivers State, Nigeria

Limpet shell oxygen isotopes as markers of seasonality in shell middens: The case of Molène Archipelago (Brittany, France) from Late Neolithic to Early Middle Age

Tarenaya spinosa (Jacq.) Raf. (Cleomaceae): a new addition to the naturalized alien flora of Iran

Vegetation of the southern slopes of Mt. Damavand, Iran: a comprehensive phytosociological classification

Raw data and noise in spectrophotometry

IranVeg – the Vegetation Database of Iran: current status and the way forward

Green Entrepreneurs Fund Programme Evaluation Report

Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2024 Report

Enhancing Carbon Trading Mechanisms through Innovative Collaboration: Case Studies from Developing Nations

The environmental strategy, performance and impact of SMEs: A practice-based approach towards supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy

Application of DSP2 for biological sex estimation in a Spanish sample: analysis based on sex and side

When Methodological Innovation Changes the Game: A 10-Year Review of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Applied to Crayfish

Cushion sea-star removal enhances coral restoration practices and limits background mortality on recovering reefs

Illuminating the dark web market of fraudulent identity documents and personal information: An international and Australian perspective

The Mediating Role of Circular Economy in the Relationship between Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Performance in the Manufacturing Industry

A Framework to Minimize Environments Risks and to Identify Repurposing Operations in the Commercial Aviation Sector

Bee-friendly Interventions: The Barriers and Opportunities Affecting Urban Residents’ Conservation of Wild Bees in Gardens

Empirical analysis of barriers to implement Blockchain Technology in manufacturing environment: A developing economy perspective

Followership is not following: reframing followership in western higher education

Vaccine Logistics Management Information System at Public Health Facilities in Amhara Region, Ethiopia: A Performance Evaluation

Assessment of Organizer Model and Conventional Teaching Method for improved student learning performance: A gamification-based perspective

Physical Literacy and Physical Activity in Early Years Education: What’s Known, What’s Done, and What’s Needed?"

The application of DNA metabarcoding to explore shark ecology on micro and macro scales

Managing Emotions and Occupational Demands: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experiences of Child Exploitation Support Workers

(D)rifting in the 21st century: key processes, natural hazards, and geo-resources

High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imaging Using Low-Cost Components: Application within Environmental Monitoring Scenarios

Beyond subjects and skills or crossing the divide? From additionality to complementarity in college enrichment

Leading countries and research networks advancing clean production and environmental sustainability in Southeast Asia

Numerical analyses of acoustic vibrational resonance in a Helmholtz resonator

Exploring the practice learning experiences and disaster preparedness of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic

New insights into impact-induced removal of the deposited droplet

Career and sustainability

Facilitating entrepreneurship in higher education through practitioner integration: A closer look at the ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ initiative

Identifying stakeholder preferences for communicating impact from medical research: a mixed methods study

Unlocking Opportunities: How Women Navigate Informal Networks in Saudi Arabia's Evolving Workplace

Self-compassion improves barrier self-efficacy and subsequently physical activity: A test of longitudinal mediation using a representative sample of the United Kingdom

Selective breeding enhances coral heat tolerance to marine heatwaves

Using geophysical subsurface data for the reconstruction of valley-scale spatio-temporal floodplain evolution: Implications for upland river restoration

Enhancing Soil-Grown Strawberry Fruit Quality through the Synergistic Influence of Beneficial Microorganisms and Digestate

Application of Metaverse in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis

Cover story for Lubricants issue 'Clean coolants to decarbonise the manufacturing of hard alloys'

Converging Views in Buddhism and Quantum Mechanics: Advancing Understanding of the Self, Reality and Mental Suffering

Collaboration for the sustainable food supply chain: A bibliometric analysis

Global decoupling of functional and phylogenetic diversity in plant communities

Inclusive Environments: Environmental Justice Framework

Current Trends and Challenges in EEG Research on Meditation and Mindfulness

Progressive Reform of African States’ Investor-State Dispute Settlement policy: A Proposal for a Pan-African Investment Court

Lean Six Sigma practices supported by Industry 4.0 technologies: Evidence from heavy vehicle manufacturers

Inclusive Environments: Designing a Framework for Environmental Justice (Final Report)

Relative age effect in male and female elite international amateur boxing

An Investigation into the Major Barriers to the Adoption of Electric Vehicles in Last Mile Deliveries for Sustainable Transport

Density scaling laws and rural-to-urban transitions 1


Editorial: Near-surface geophysics in Latin American contexts: its applications, education, and societal perspectives as a whole

Investigating the relationship between nature exposure, nature connectedness and wellbeing in individuals with cancer

Insights into coaching effectiveness: Perspectives from coaches and players in South African Women's Rugby

Fatigue Damage Evolution in SS316L Produced by Powder Bed Fusion in Diferent Orientations with Reused Powder Feedstock

A module layout design tool for off-site factory construction: Reactor Auxiliary balance of plant systems case study

The 1829 fallacy: A re-examination of the popular myth surrounding the existence of ‘professional policing’ in Britain

Direct entry and Fast-track promotion, a brief history and the current position

Corona Cero and the Olympics

Practice learning facilitators as roaming assessors

A comprehensive toxicological analysis of panel of unregulated e-cigarettes to human health

Why do female lead auditors charge a fee premium? Evidence from the UK audit market

Phase diagram for nanodroplet impact on solid spheres:From hydrophilic to superhydrophobic surfaces

Countering Holocaust Trivialization: How Educational Resources Support Teachers in the Context of Political Extremism

A Review of Toxicological Profile of Fentanyl—A 2024 Update

A statistical evaluation of the sexual dimorphism of the acetabulum in an Iberian population

Emic and Etic Perspectives on HR Practice for Managing Human Resource Issues Affected by the Prevalence of Informal Networks in Arab Countries

Prioritizing Industry 4.0 Technologies (I4.0T) through an Interpretive Ranking Process (IRP): A Design and Manufacturing Perspective

Unmasking BDSM: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis of gender politics within Domination and Submission

Deter, detect, disrupt. An analysis of Nottinghamshire Police’s knife crime team

Concrete poetry and Conceptual art: connections, communication and interrelationships in text-image movements from 1953-1980

Ethics, Animals and Art

Co-Culture of Gut Bacteria and Metabolite Extraction Using Fast Vacuum Filtration and Centrifugation

Examining flight time, cognitive reflection, workload, stress and metacognition on decision making performance for pilots during flight simulation

From negotiation to integration: Mastering the art of idiosyncratic deals

The Impact of Heat Exposure on the Health and Performance of Soccer Players: A Narrative Review and Bibliometric Analysis

Planting for “posterity”: Wordsworthian tree planting in the English Lake District

Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing: An Editorial

Experiences of autism in UK prison-based offending behaviour programmes to address sexual offending

Evaluating the Thinking Skills Programme (TSP): A Qualitative Study

The Open Book Environment (OBE) Dashboard: An Author Resource and a Living Inventory for the Scholarly Community

The Pathogenesis of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Cancer of the Oropharynx

Climate change anxiety among parents of school-aged children in the UK: Experience as a common predictor of cognitive-emotional and functional impairments

A Review of Buddhist Concentration-, Ethics-, and Wisdom-Based Meditation Practices for Prevention and Recovery from Gambling Harm

Self-transcendence through the lens of ontological addiction: Correlates of prosociality, competitiveness and pro-nature conservation behaviour

RSA x CivicLAB - acting locally: impacting globally

Dynamic characterisation of a linearised transfer function of non-ideal buck converters

Inspiring a Sustainability Mindset in Enterprise Education

How women navigate the use of social networks in the new Saudi workplace

Extreme temperature influence on low velocity impact damage and residual flexural properties of CFRP

Generation of Novel Tumour-Selective SEA Superantigen-Based Peptides with Improved Safety and Efficacy for Precision Cancer Immunotherapy

A critical evaluation of the sustainability of building codes and policy when embodied carbon is considered for the construction of three-bedroom houses in the United Kingdom

“Liberated” ethnic studies: Jews need not apply

Evaluation of Post 19 Benchmarks

Implementing Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy through the Developmental Culture Perspective – Driving a Competitive Advantage in the Manufacturing Industry

Safety Nets: A Social Prescribing Intervention to Support Young People on CAMHS Waiting Lists

Student nurses’ perceptions of preparedness for palliative care delivery at the point of registration

Inclusivity in prostate cancer and exercise research: a systematic review

A multidisciplinary team and multiagency approach for AI implementation: A commentary for medical imaging and radiotherapy key stakeholders

The use of Performance Analysis and data-driven techniques within men’s football recruitment

Developing a structural model for supply chain viability: a case from a developing country

Multi stakeholder Perspectives of the Determinants of Family Fundamental Movement Skills Practice: A Qualitative Systematic Review

An exploration of the Rape myths effect on the #MeToo movement acceptance in the UK

A Pilot Study Investigating the Feasibility, Reach-Out, Acceptability, Fidelity, and Efficacy of a Group Laughie Prescription on the Well-Being of Earthquake Survivors in Türkiye

Architecture influence on acoustic performance, EMI shielding, electrical and thermal, properties of 3D printed PLA/graphite/molybdenum disulfide composites

The Power of Place Making: Exploring The Role of Sense of Place in Sustainable World Heritage Tourism Development at the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site (DVMWHS)

Handbook for career development: Introduction to the ILO framework for career development in low- and middle-income countries

A guide to work experience: Using the ILO's career development framework to support work experience in education and training in low- and middle-income countries

Developing a career development framework for low- and middle-income countries: Underpinning research for the ILO's career development framework

The Platformisation of Career

Assessment of nominal and off-nominal parameters of a soluble boron free small modular reactor design

Factors Influencing the Adoption of IFRS in the MENA Region: A Neo-Institutional Approach

Non-traditional banking: Current state of knowledge and future research directions

How I quit writing: spontaneity and creative writing

Profiling the physiological and psychological effectiveness of singlet oxygen in the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in populations with higher education: insights from a cross-sectional study among university students in Malawi

The effect of hydrogen fuel on the performance and emissions of 3 kWe natural gas fuelled microturbine

A Bibliometric Analysis of Soccer Biomechanics

Mechanical Properties of Eco-Friendly, Lightweight Flax and Hybrid Basalt/Flax Foam Core Sandwich Panels

Understanding how nurses can effectively utilise social media for increasing public involvement, recruitment, and impact dissemination of Clinical Research Trials

Smartphone-based hyperspectral imaging for ice sheet and proglacial applications in South-West Greenland

Experimental identification of yield surface for additively manufactured stainless steel 316L under tension–compression-torsion conditions considering its printing orientation

The “depraved killers” penalty: A commentary on the August 2023 UK sentencing changes to individuals charged with sexually motivated or sadistic murders.

Effects of Five Serial Apnoeas Prior to a Running Time Trial in Competitive Athletes

A New Algorithm for Variational Inequality Problems in CAT(0) Spaces

Patient-centered care measures through the eyes of South African Radiographers and patients: A survey approach

The Elephant in the Room’–does actual or perceived biodiversity elicit restorative responses in a virtual park?

Central Afar: An analogue for oceanic plateau development

In vitro degradation of a chitosan-based osteochondral construct points to a transient effect on cellular viability

Forensic Anthropology

Forensic Entomology

Engaging the Public in regulating for ethical journalism. Part Two: Focus Groups

Exploring LGBTQ+ teacher professional identity through the power threat meaning framework

Blood Biomarkers of Long COVID: A Systematic Review

Decarbonised closed-loop supply chains resilience: examining the impact of COVID-19 toward risk mitigation by a fuzzy multi-layer decision-making framework

Exploring the user experience, quality, and provision of urban greenspace: A mixed-method approach


Compassion as an integrative and integrating therapeutic process

An Evolution and Compassion Informed Biopsychosocial Approach to the Challenge of Building an Integrated Science for Psychotherapy

Development of the Japanese Version of the Original and Short Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale

Dimension Reduction using Dual-Featured Auto-encoder for the Histological Classification of Human Lungs Tissues

Parents’ Experiences after Their Child’s Autism Diagnosis: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis

Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About End-of-Life Doulas

A systematic review of the literature on the use of information technologies in supply chain management

Addressing the psychological impact of infertility risk arising from breast cancer treatment: Education and self-compassion interventions

Neoarchaean and Palaeoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic events along the southern margin of the Zimbabwe craton: Insights from muscovite 40Ar/39Ar geochronology from rare-metal pegmatites, Zimbabwe

Use of magnetic fluids in process system for pipe isolations

A Narrative Review of Compassion Focused Therapy on Positive Mental Health Outcomes

What are the skills, attributes and knowledge for group singing facilitators? A systematic review

Behind the Code: Identifying Zero-Day Exploits in WordPress

Microplastic-induced hepatic adverse effects evaluated in advanced quadruple cell human primary models following three weeks of repeated exposure

On Some Properties of the Equilateral Triangles with Vertices Located on the Support Sides of a Triangle

Advances in clinical application of lipidomics in healthy ageing and healthy longevity medicine

Geochemical characterization and paleo-burial history modelling of unconventional resources: A case study from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) in the UK North Sea

Enrichment in colleges after COVID: Spaces for agency and/or cultural reproduction

A deep neural network-based approach for seizure activity recognition of epilepsy sufferers

A Transfer Learning-Based Approach for Brain Tumor Classification

Unequal-Radius Clustering in WSN-Based IoT Networks : Energy Optimization and Load Balancing in UDCOPA Protocol

How to Interpret a CRF Assessment – Key Measures that Provide the Best Picture of Health, Disease Status and Prognosis

The Fitness Fortress - All Are Welcome, But Far Too Few Choose to Enter and Stay

Catching Hope, Shifting Identity: An Adhder Study of The Bottom End Fishing Community And The Impact of Brexit

A review of Industry 5.0: From Key Facets to a Conceptual Implementation Framework

Developing an evidence base for the use of Art Psychotherapy within an inpatient perinatal mental health service

Reducing the Risk of Drowning in the Bath for People with Epilepsy through product Development

Chaos synchronization of two coupled map lattice systems using safe reinforcement learning

Multi-perspective analysis of adiabatic compressed air energy storage system with cascaded packed bed latent heat storage under variable conditions

Magma mingling in plagiogranites of the Oman ophiolite suggests an origin by fractional crystallisation

Integrating Lean Six Sigma with Life Cycle and Value Stream Level of RAMI 4.0

Combining ancient and modern: The power of Intention in increasing engagement in Pranayama practice

Editorial: Biological soil crusts: spatio-temporal development and ecological functions of soil surface microbial communities across different scales

Storage aware data management system for Genomics

Oxidation Driven Damage on SiC/BN/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite Aero-Engine Structures: An Iterative Computational Framework

Development and initial validation of the Engagement in Athletic Training Scale

Think, Reflect, Succeed: Analysis of the University of Derby's approach to effective attainment raising outreach with secondary-age learners

GraphX-Net: A Graph Neural Network-Based Shapley Values for Predicting Breast Cancer Occurrence

Coaching for Student Engagement and Success in Personal Academic Tutoring

Coaching as universal critical pedagogy: the transformative impact of treating students as 'thinking equals' in tutorials.

Student empowerment through coaching in tutorials: the impact of a university-wide culture change

Diferentiation of SH‑SY5Y neuroblastoma cells using retinoic acid and BDNF: a model for neuronal and synaptic diferentiation in neurodegeneration

Retrieval of hourly aerosol single scattering albedo over land using geostationary satellite data

Causes of sleep deprivation in competative athletes: A scoping reviewCauses de la privation de sommeil chez les athlètes de competition: étude de la portée

Quantifying the traverse: a comprehensive kinematic analysis of climbing technique

Striking the balance: addressing the results of supportive work environments on stress and conflict management in emergency care

Echo ‘Our’ Voice? The influences of team members on the voice behavior of focal employees

Destinies: An Exploration of Co-creative Methods Creating Connection and Communities of Practice with Vulnerable Young People

Destinies: Uses of Co-creation processes contributing to increased well-being

Destinies: An applied theatre co-creation with vulnerable groups producing inter-relational communities of practice

Next Generation Risk Assessment approaches for advanced nanomaterials: Current status and future perspectives

Robust Epileptic Seizure Detection Based on Biomedical Signals Using an Advanced Multi-View Deep Feature Learning Approach

Capacitive Sensors based on Recycled Carbon Fibre (rCF) Composites

Can leaders use informal networks ethically in networked societies? A qualitative investigation in the Lebanese industrial sector

The Treatment Needs and Experiences of Pedohebephiles: A Systematic Review

A qualitative exploration of experiences of gender identity and gender questioning among adults with Klinefelter syndrome/XXY

Exploring purposeful outdoor physical activity and mindfulness for wellbeing: a practitioners' perspective

The late Archaean granite paradox: A case study from the Zimbabwe Craton

The bacterial microbiome of symbiotic and menthol-bleached polyps of long-term aquarium-reared Galaxea fascicularis

A Theory and Evidence-Based Artificial Intelligence-Driven Motivational Digital Assistant to Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy: Intervention Development and Validation

Effective Transitions Fund evaluation

Effect of government expenditure on real economic growth in ECOWAS: assessing the moderating role of corruption and conflict

Green Lean Six Sigma Practices: A Scale Development and Measurement Model from an Engineers Perspective

Scalability Analysis of the UDCOPA Protocol in Large and Massive IoT Environments

Assessing the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) in prioritising CT head interpretation: study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial (ACCEPT-AI)

Environmental DNA can inform the trade-off between proactive and reactive strategies for crayfish conservation

Malaria vaccination in Africa A mini-review of challenges and opportunities

The Critical Role of Procurement in the Emergence of Circular Business Models: Insights from Multiple Cases of Vietnamese Manufacturers

Quantitative Scalability of Nodes and Geographical Coverage in LEACH Protocol

EDCOPA : Enhancing DCOPA Protocol by Exploring New Criteria for Improved Clustering

Lung CT Image Segmentation Using VGG-16 Network with Image Enhancement Based on Bounded Turning Mittag-Leffler Function

LICA-CS: Efficient Lossless Image Compression Algorithm via Column Subtraction Model

Bloodstain classification methods: A critical review and a look to the future

Chief Constable Sue Fish Highlighting Misogyny, Menopause and Misconduct

Introduction to Women in Policing: A History through Personal Stories

Reimaging Subjugated Voice in Africa: A Battle for Hearts and Minds in Terrorism Studies

In-silico Codon Context and Synonymous Usage Analysis of Genes for Molecular Mechanisms Inducing Autophagy and Apoptosis with Reference to Neurodegenerative Disorders.

Enhanced heat transfer and thermal storage performance of molten K2CO3 by ZnO nanoparticles: A molecular dynamics study

What’s in a word? An Interdisciplinary Critical Discourse Analysis of ‘Skill’ in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in England

The Davis Strait proto-microcontinent: The role of plate tectonic reorganization in continental cleaving

The Tree Crier and The Future Machine

Sustainable performance and disaster management in the oil and gas industry: An intellectual capital perspective

A case report on the physiological responses to extreme heat during Sicily's July 2023 heatwave

Brain Connectomics Improve the Prediction of High-Risk Depression Profiles in the First Year following Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Beneath the surface: A historical exploration of trepanation practices across cultures and eras

Investigating the predictors of COVID-19 vaccine decision-making among parents of children aged 5–11 in the UK

Using the Repertory Grid Technique in a Co-design Process for Learning Analytics: Conceptualisation and Connection to 21st Century Skills

Let’s Talk About Sex: “BAD” Approaches to Teaching the Histories of Gender and Sexualities

Development of an Integrated Framework for Condition-Based Maintenance and Industry 4.0 in Oil and Gas Plants

Reflections on the past, present, and potential futures of knowledge hierarchies in ocean biodiversity governance research

Integrating Digital Transformation with Sustainability: How to Define a Net-Zero Performance Measurement System

Collaborative forecasting model in supply chain

Enabling distributed manufacturing through digital skills development

Tested Instructions for the 1-Minute Laughie Laughter Prescription

"I spend my whole life worrying": The experience of student mothers working in the Early Childhood Sector.

CivicLAB Conference 2024

Westminster Higher Education Forum policy conference Next steps for university spin-outs and commercialisation

Shedding Light on Long Covid: Panel / Roundtable

Musculoskeletal pain and working practices in the UK early childhood education workforce

Exploring the life stories of autistic men convicted of sexual crimes

Fingermark Quality, A Survey of Examiners and Researchers

Suicide Predictors and Statistics

An experimental implementation of inverse finite element method for real-time shape and strain sensing of composite and sandwich structures

Comprehensive Analysis of Damage Progression in High-performance Thermoplastic Composites Through Multi-instrumental Structural Health Monitoring Approaches

Characterizing damage evolution of CF/PEKK composites under tensile loading through multi-instrument structural health monitoring techniques

Towards automated characterisation of fatigue damage in composites using thermoelastic stress analysis

A robust feature adaptation approach against variation of muscle contraction forces for myoelectric pattern recognition-based gesture characterization

Adaptive Stepwise Feature Selection Approach for EEG-Based Epileptic Seizure Classification

Exploring EEG Signals for Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring in Prediabetes Diagnosis

Modern Myoelectric Control – Is it Time to Change the Algorithmic Focus?

An Efficient Deep Transfer Learning Network for Characterization of Stroke Patients’ Motor Execution from Multi-Channel EEG-Recordings

Harmony in Health: Leveraging Civic Pedagogy through the Long Covid Diaries Dance Film Project

Harmony in Hues: Navigating Work-Life Balance for Creative Parents in the UK's Hybrid Landscape

Dancing Through Long Covid: An Innovative Tale of Public Engagement

The Creative Parent Symposium

Mental wellbeing, but not prison climate, mediates the association between autistic traits and treatment readiness among men with sexual convictions

Untangling the Mystery of Intuitive-Analytic Interactions in Crisis Response Operations: A Dual-Process Perspective

Effectiveness of creative arts therapy for adult patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A Sign Language Recognition System Using Artificial Intelligence

Breast Tumor Prediction Using SVM with Rain Fall Optimisation Algorithm

An Integrated Web Based and Application Programming Interfaces for Disease Prediction Through Self Diagnosis

Operational Practices for Integrating Lean and Industry 4.0 - a Dynamic Capabilities Perspective

Surface functionalized perovskite nanocrystals: a design strategy for organelle-specific fluorescence lifetime multiplexing

Evidence on green guidance: A review of the literature

Mind the gap: What are national assessments really telling us about vocabulary and disadvantaged students?

Exploring non-medical referrers, radiographers and final year radiography students’ knowledge, awareness, and perception of radiation and risk in relation to the risk benefit discussion.

Unveiling heteronormativity: a visual exploration of LGBT+teachers’ experience using photo elicitation

What is the future for nuclear fission technology? A technical opinion from the Guest Editors of VSI NFT series and the Editor of the Journal Nuclear Engineering and Design

Chief executive officer narcissism, power and sustainable development goals reporting: An empirical analysis

Risk Driven Innovation in the Not So Boring Accountancy Profession

Ending the stigma of male domestic violence and abuse victims: A mixed-methods study

Tourism and uncertainty: a machine learning approach

The impact of a massive open online course on levels of awareness of patient centred care in UK-based diagnostic radiographers

Slovenia - Economy

Analysis and Modelling of Human Impact on Sound Reinforcement and Reproduction in Large Spaces

Beyond dependent development? The unlikely emergence of an upgrading alliance in the case of InoBat in Slovakia

The Pistacietea verae: a new class of open, deciduous woodlands in Middle and Southwestern Asia

Untangling the Taxonomy of Rorida (Cleomaceae) in Iran

Time to re-define ‘normal’ in the context of Post-Acute COVID-19 biomarkers in the assessment of patient outcomes?

Bodies: Art, Architecture & Archaeology

Becoming Part of the Architecture: Embedded Artistic Research

Optimizing Aerospace Product Maintenance A Novel Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph and LLM Approach for Enhanced Decision Support

Disturbing the Weather: How Women Have Been Written and Viewed in Nature and Place

Science fiction theatre

Future Opportunities for Port City Development: A Reciprocal Evaluationfor Competitive Advantage for Malaysian Seaports

Storage, Ageing and Processing of Pulverised Fuel Ash for the Manufacture of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Production of nano-protein particles in living cells

Direct Parent Engagement to Improve Fundamental Movement Skills in Children: A Systematic Review

The Impact of Swimming on Fundamental Movement Skill Development in Children (3-11 years): A Systematic Review

Mechanical Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Lattice Metal Composite Cores

'You're really going to be fine': celebrity cameos, toast (2010) and the British biopic

A convenient model of serum-induced reactivity of human astrocytes to investigate astrocyte-derived extracellular vesicles

Community Engagement in Vaccination Promotion: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Meeting Stakeholder Needs: Who Should Managers Pay Close Attention To? Evidence from Listed Chinese Manufacturing Companies

Embracing drones and the Internet of drones systems in manufacturing – An exploration of obstacles

Strengthening the implementation of biodiversity treaties through environmental law education

Sisters in Arms: A Creative Study of Queer Female Protagonists in Urban Fantasy Fiction

La Política Nacional de Educación Inicial (PNEI) en México. Retos y limitaciones del derecho a la educación en su implementación en el Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (SNDIF). Un estudio de caso en una estancia infantil DIF, su personal y las actividades con las infancias.

Education or indoctrination? An exploration of the resistance towards making policing a degree-level profession

Japanese Martial Arts practice is an effective wellbeing strategy in post-COVID: A qualitative appraisal

Enhancing Wellness through Martial Arts: Restoring Body-Mind Connection - A Qualitative Analysis

Participatory culture, creative dialogue, and civic practice.

President's Conference 2024: People make places

New blood brings change: Exploring the link between rookie independent directors and corporate cash holdings

Exploring pathways to sexual offending for autistic individuals and considerations for prevention

Parenting in a changing climate: the relationship between talking to children aged 5-11 about climate change, family eco-behaviours and climate change anxiety

Risk factors associated with oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence within a young adult population

Practitioners' perspectives on green guidance: An international survey

The Learnt Curriculum: Adapting Culturally Sensitive Curricula Scales to Develop a Module Level Curriculum Toolkit

Referring clients to Stoic writing practices: Exploring principles, techniques, and challenges

Comparing Buddhist, Stoic, and existential analytical frameworks to enrich Philosophy as a Way of Life: Towards a common factors approach

"Will I ever be good enough?": Using feedback constructively

Unmasking the Dark Triad: Exploring its Relationship with Attitudes Towards Intimate Partner Violence

Representations of Disability in Qur’anic Narratives

Russell Brand is on to something

Understanding social judgments of and proclivities to commit upskirting.

Homelessness amongst Students in Higher Education: Time for a New Research Agenda?

Advancing Mobile Open Learning through DigiBot technology: a case study of using WhatsApp as a scalable learning tool

A rapid literature review of the effect of alcohol marketing on people with, or at increased risk of, an alcohol problem

Creative writing and researcher development: ten years of the Journal of Imaginary Research

Toward Greater Clarity in Defining and Understanding Nonattachment

Recognising and measuring mathematics anxiety and resilience.

Managerial ability and debt choice

UK midwives delivering physical activity advice; what are the challenges and possible solutions?

Supporting Green Business Growth: Towards a Transformative Approach

Evaluating the impact of implementing a multi-functional digital communication platform (Mobile communication apps) on the performance of healthcare professionals (HCPs) and on the operational efficiency of the hospital.

Eile's Fiction Ecologies

Policies for a green transition: Exploring contemporary environmental and sustainability policies for green guidance

Zero power reactors in support of current and future nuclear power systems

The Sustainable Configuration of a Circular Economy in the Agri-food Supply Chain: A Case Study of the Sugar Cane Supply Chain

Field collections and environmental DNA surveys reveal topographic complexity of coral reefs as a predictor of cryptobenthic biodiversity across small spatial scales

Martial Arts Interventions for Inclusion and Wellness: A Case of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Promoting Teachers’ Wellbeing Using a Compassionate Mind Training Intervention: Exploring Mechanisms of Change

Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Vegetation on the Aero-Thermal Performance of Buildings with Courtyards in Hot Climates

Overshadowing and salience attribution in relation to cannabis use

Hardware Implementation of a Solar-Powered Buck-Boost Converter for Enhanced Cathodic Protection Using Texas Instruments C2000 Board

A Transformative Learning Experience: An Undergraduate Research Conference as Authentic Assessment

The influence of news and investor sentiment on exchange rate determination: new evidence using panel data in the banking sector

Integration of very Small Modular Reactors and Renewable Energy Resources in Microgrid

The implementation of Lean Six Sigma for the optimization of Robotic Process Automation systems in financial service operations

3D-Printed Perceptive Robotic End-Effectors with Embedded Multimodal Sensors

Examining and Extending the ‘Robert and Susan Problem’: Exploring the Associations of Deep Approaches to Learning, Level of Student Activity and Use of Formative Feedback within HE Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education

Halokinetically overprinted tectonic inversion of the Penobscot 3D volume offshore Nova Scotia, Canada

The use of the term Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic in The Voice and Eastern Eye newspapers, a discourse analysis of Covid news stories in the UK press

Energy-aware Successor Tree Consistent EDF Scheduling for PCTGs on MPSoCs

Two-Level Dynamic Programming-Enabled Non-Metric Data Aggregation Technique for the Internet of Things

‘Addressing (and) inequality’. Subjectivation and desubjectivation in education, and how inequalities can be addressed

Parental perspectives on the management of online learning and school readjustment for children with SEN during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons and applications for possible school closures

Unpacking the triple Nexus: Environmental performance, economic performance and servitization – A systematic review and theoretical reflections

‘Making you Aware of your Own Breathing’: Human Data Interaction, Disadvantage and Skills in the Community

Parental Responses to Online Sexual Grooming Events Experienced by Their Teenage Children

Comparing Bio-Ester and Mineral-Oil Emulsions on Tool Wear and Surface Integrity in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy

Effect of crustal stress state on magmatic stalling and ascent: case study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile

The impact of predation by domestic cats (Felis catus) on British wildlife populations

Performance evaluation of the global airline industry under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A dynamic network data envelopment analysis approach

Training for movement, physical activity and health theatre and dance performance

‘It was a whole other world’: the impact of residential outdoor trips on nature connectedness and wellbeing in young people

Threat, safety, safeness and social safeness 30 years on: Fundamental dimensions and distinctions for mental health and well-being

Life With and Without Animals: Humanimalia Special Issue

Translation of Health and Physical Activity Guidelines for Real World Application

Older Humans and Their Dogs: Interspecies Companionship and Anticipating Loss

Spatio-temporal variation in progression rates of black band disease between Pramuka Island and Pari Island of the Seribu Islands, Indonesia

A systematic review of research into career guidance policy in the Nordic countries (2008-2022)

An Evolution and Compassion Informed Biopsychosocial Approach to the Challenge of Building an Integrated Science for Psychotherapy

Can Induced Awe Reduce Anti-Gay Prejudice in Heterosexual Adults and Does the Need for Closure Moderate this Effect?

An Exploration of People Living with Parkinson’s Experience of Cardio-Drumming; Parkinson’s Beats: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study

Artistic sports activities effectiveness for enhancing students’ academic performance among left-behind children: mediating effects of loneliness

Effective leadership practice among senior leaders working from home and in the hybrid workplace across COVID-19

Exploring the Experience of Healthcare-Related Epistemic Injustice among People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

An investigation into the effect of surfactants on iron oxide powder suspension formulations for fingermark development

The interplay effects of digital technologies, green integration, and green innovation on food supply chain sustainable performance: An organizational information processing theory perspective

Hybrid Non-Technical-Loss Detection in Fog-enabled Smart Grids

Evaluation of shale oil and gas plays - Part I: Shale reservoir property modelling of the North Sea Kimmeridge Clay Formation

Exploring cultural dynamics of Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) women in addiction recovery: a comparison of three women from different ethnic backgrounds

Psychometric testing of the Chinese version of the Perceived Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale among postpartum women

From bloodthirsty parasites to surgical superstars: The humble leech, a suck-cess story in surgical history

“Squinting through Gunsmoke”: William Burrough’s Errant, Worlded West

The Power, Capacity, and Resiliency of Women in Substance Use Disorder Recovery to Overcome Multiple and Complex Housing Transitions

Attenuating post-exertional malaise in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and long-COVID: Is blood lactate monitoring the answer?

Changes in nitrogen functional genes and microbial populations in soil profiles of a peatland under different burning regimes

Spatial organisation of fungi in soil biocrusts of the Kalahari is related to bacterial community structure and may indicate ecological functions of fungi in drylands

Physiological and Perceptual Demands During a Simulated “The Hundred” Batting Work-Bout in Female Cricketers

Adopting Quality Management Practices in the Industry 4.0 Era: An Investigation into the Challenges

Parallel representations: Career development in media and academic literature

Molecular dynamics study on interfacial diffusion characterization of nanoparticle TiO2 and metal Fe in high-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage system

Transforming assessment principles and practices through collaboration: A case study from a primary school and university

Developing a Measurement Framework for Ethiopian Dry Port Sustainability: An Empirical Study

Enhancing vessel arrival time prediction: A fusion-based deep learning approach

Explainable DCNN Decision Framework for Breast Lesion Classification from Ultrasound Images Based on Cancer Characteristics

Patient safety climate research in primary care dentistry: a systematic scoping review

Combining environmental DNA and visual surveys can inform conservation planning for coral reefs

A Pilot on the use of Stride Cadence for the Charac-terization of Walking Ability in Lower Limb Ampu-tees

Person Centred Care

Heartfelt conversations: the art of compassionate communication.

A graph based named entity disambiguation using clique partitioning and semantic relatedness

“There's a Six-Foot Monkey That’s Not Being Talked About” Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT): Cognitive Behavioural supervisors’ and supervisees’ experiences of interpersonal processes in the supervisory relationship. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

The power of partnership: National Tutors Conference, National Saturday Club

The Effect of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Carbon Neutral Supply Chain Performance: The Mediating Role of Logistics Ecocentricity

Barriers to healthcare access and experiences of stigma: Findings from a coproduced Long Covid case-finding study

Consequence of habitat specificity: a rising risk of habitat loss for endemic and sub-endemic woody species under climate change in the Hyrcanian ecoregion

Dispositional greed and life satisfaction: the role of social comparison for well-being

Pressure Gain Combustion: Fuel Spray and Shockwave Interaction

Career guidance reform in Norway: A critical account of the last twenty years

Karriereveiledning for sosial rettferdighet - Hva kan det bety for norske karriereveiledere

On the Dynamic Geometry of Kasner Polygons with Complex Parameter

Inertial Krasnosel’skiĭ-Mann iterative algorithm with step-size parameters involving nonexpansive mappings with applications to solve image restoration problems

A legacy of solidaric critique and hope for a better world: A meditation on the scholarly contribution of Ronald Sultana

Using community interaction theory to understand the effects of group mentoring on adolescents

I married a Traveller: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the lived experiences of women marrying into the Travelling community and its impact to their identity’

A comparative analysis of public educational needs in the rehabilitative care of individuals who have committed serious criminal offences: A cross cultural study.

Romeo & Juliet Laws: Investigating UK Public Perceptions of Young Consensual Sex and the Effects of Age Gaps and Perpetrator and Respondent Gender.

Integrating Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0: developing a design science research-based LSS4.0 framework for operational excellence

Numerical Simulation of the Interaction between a Planar Shock Wave and a Cylindrical Bubble

The Future of Wellbeing through Contemporary Art Practice and Research Cumulus Contemporary Art Practice Working Group roundtable: Shedding Light on Long Covid

Placemaking and social equity: Going up, or coming down?

Women in Leadership in Higher Education

Towards Connected Places: Insights into Actions St George’s House,Windsor Castle

Place-based problems facing local government: the academics' point of view.

Women in Leadership: Working paper with Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD)

The effects of internal representations on performance and fluidity in a motor task

Drawing Inspiration from the UDHR: Lessons about Understanding the Role of Law in Protecting Minority Rights

From Roman Table to Anglo-Saxon Grave: An Archaeological Biography of the Scremby Cup

STK3 higher expression association with clinical characteristics in intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer invasive ductal carcinoma patients

Using cardiorespiratory fitness assessment to identify pathophysiology in long COVID – Best practice approaches

The physiologic benefits of optimizing cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity – From the cell to systems level in a post-pandemic world

Developing effective strategies to optimize physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in the long Covid population- The need for caution and objective assessment

Does Entrepreneurship Education Deliver? A Review of Entrepreneurship Education University Programmes in the UK

Global Health Commodities Supply Chain in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Impacts, and Prospects: A Systematic Review

Children and Practitioners as Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers: Innovative, Counter-Hegemonic Approaches to Evaluating National Inclusion Policies

The feasability of inertial measurement units (IMU) in capturing basic upper body motion

Kinematic Profiles and Performance Insights of National-level Speed Climbers

Utilising 241Am as burnable poison in proliferation resistant PWR

Burnup-Dependent Neutron Spectrum Behaviour of a Pressurised Water Reactor Fuel Assembly

Destructive fishing: An expert-driven definition and exploration of this quasi-concept

Blockchain for Secure Payments: A Bibliometric Review

Effectiveness of dance movement therapy and dance movement interventions on cancer patients’ health-related outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Optimizing DC Microgrid Systems for Efficient Electric Vehicle Battery Charging in Ain El Ibel, Algeria

Work-based learning: Expansive learning, désoeuvrement, social justice and VET

Charged-particle production as a function of the relative transverse activity classifier in pp, p–Pb, and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC

Utilizing Artificial intelligence to identify an Optimal Machine learning model for predicting fuel consumption in Diesel engines

Mental health in athletes: Does authentic leadership matter?

The development of the Japanese version of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale (J-FSCRS): implications for cross-cultural research on self-criticism and self-reassurance

Virtual, augmented reality and learning analytics impact on learners, and educators: A systematic review

Suicide Interventions in Spain and Japan: A Comparative Systematic Review

Microstructure Evolution in AM Produced Superalloy Thin Struts at Low Plastic Strain

Exploring the experiences of an autistic male convicted of stalking

Impact and Implementation of an Early Years Fundamental Motor Skills Intervention for Children 4–5 Years


Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location over time

“I one-hundred thousand percent blame it on QAnon”: The impact of QAnon belief on interpersonal relationships

Burning out in silence: unmasking the impact of microaggression and racial bias in the workplace

Emotion Regulation and Psychological Dependence on Pain Medication among Hospital Outpatients with Chronic Spinal Pain: The Influence of Rumination about Pain and Alexithymia

Molecular analysis of multidrug-resistant E. coli in pediatric UTIs: findings from a Nigerian Hospital

Conservation volunteers’ experiences of connecting with nature during the COVID-19 pandemic: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Unlocking the potential: a study on the role of operational excellence in Oman’s energy sector

THE GOLDEN THREAD OF INFORMATION AND FIRE SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION: Making our buildings safer through the development of a Robust Design Specification Strategy and BIM Framework Integration.

An action research investigation into how school nursing evolved to improve the sexual and mental health of school children between 1999 and 2018 to meet the challenges of the modern world

The relationship between nature connectedness and eudaimonic wellbeing: the role of childhood nature experiences, perceptions of naturalness and biodiversity, and fascination and awe.

A systematic literature review with bibliometric analysis of Quality 4.0

A Heteroscedastic Bayesian Generalized Logistic Regression Model with Application to Scaling Problems

Impact of Financial Inclusion on SME Growth: A Bibliometric Analysis of OIC and Non-OIC Countries

Pain Attitudes and Pain Outcomes among People with Bleeding Disorders: Results from Community Voices in Research

Disrupted Biographies and Gendered Identities: A Qualitative Study

Implementation of International Economic Law: Nigeria’

Entrepreneurialism in Digital Journalism Education: The Niche Model

Exploring Legal and Non-Legal Approaches to Eliminating Child Labour in the Cocoa Industry in Ghana

Applicability of the Suchey-Brooks method for age estimation in an Indian population: A computed tomography-based exploration using Bayesian analysis and machine learning

Implementation of additive manufacturing in the healthcare supply chain for circular economy goals: Paradoxical tensions and solutions from an Industry 5.0 perspective

Exploring Practitioners’ Pedagogic Stances in Relation to Integrated Guidance: A Q-Method Study

Helping School Students Deal with Peer Provocations and Avoid Hostile Attribution Bias with the CATZ Cross-Age Teaching Zone Intervention

Connecting Families with Nature: A Nature Connectedness Activity Handbook

Another way to do ethics: Uses of the landscape in the far-right cultural milieu and the ethics of researching them

Praxis in guidance and counselling: New frontiers

Contributions of environmental management systems (ISO 14001) towards the delivery of sustainable development goal 12

An exploration of mock juror experience during the deliberations of a defendant diagnosed with a personality disorder

Scenographic Contraptions: Designing Uncertainty and Orchestrating Error for the Generation of Participatory Scenography

Enhancing life cycle product design decision-making processes: insights from normal accident theory and satisficing framework

El juego y el juguete como actividades culturales y sus implicaciones para la descolonización: Una revisión histórica

Privacy-Preserving V2I Communication and Secure Authentication Using ECC With Physical Unclonable Function

2023 MASCC and ESMO guideline update for the prevention of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting

Performance comparison of CSP system with different heat transfer and storage fluids at multi-time scales by means of system advisor model

Biodiversity–production feedback effects lead to intensification traps in agricultural landscapes

COVID-19 and Christian Faith-Based Organizations in Great Britain: A Research and Resource Review of Organizational, Financial and Human Contributions and Impacts in the Context of a Wider “Christian Ecology”

Connection for conservation: The impact of counting butterflies on nature connectedness and wellbeing in citizen scientists

Orientation effects on the fracture behaviour of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L subjected to high cyclic fatigue

Thin-walled LPBF-manufactured Inconel 718 honeycomb structures: Multiscale characterization

Investigation of Artifact Contamination Impact on EEG Oscillations Towards Enhanced Motor Function Characterization

Wisdom-Based Buddhist-Derived Meditation Practices for Prosocial Behaviour: A Systematic Review

Challenging Social Inequality Through Career Guidance: Insights from International Data and Practice

In memory of Ronald Sultana

Derby Book Festival: University of Derby CivicLAB: Alice Marshall (Vale): Entertainment in the Performing Arts

Building connections together: Society and Change

Regenerative leadership through creative practice balanced on the intersection of Sci-Art. 

An Experimental Study of Integrating Fine-tuned LLMs and Prompts for Enhancing Mental Health Support Chatbot System

Preserving Accuracy in Federated Learning via Equitable Model and Efficient Aggregation

Dramaturgical analysis of a coaching team’s interactional performances: an ethnography of video-based coaching in a paralympic sporting context

Deep Recognition of Chinese Herbal Medicines Based on a Caputo Fractional Order Convolutional Neural Network

Evaluation of Integrated XAI Frameworks for Explaining Disease Prediction Models in Healthcare

Exploring Imaging Biomarkers for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Analysis

Return to work, work productivity loss and activity impairment in Chinese breast cancer survivors 12-month post-surgery: a longitudinal study

‘This is my House Now!’ : Fighting with My Family, the Female Underdog and Constructing a Public History of WWE.

Exposure of African ape sites to climate change impacts

Pro-environmental enterprise support: Developing a framework to unlock the potential of SMEs in sustainability transitions.

Digging in the dark: Unveiling the unlikely protagonists in medical science advancements – The grave robbers!

Challenges and facilitating factors in interorganizational knowledge acquisition: Evidence from the Orange Line MetroTrain System and Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit Corridor

Integration of Blockchain and Lean Six Sigma approach for operational excellence: A proposed model

An integrated path-tracking and control allocation method for autonomous racing electric vehicles

Humane interrogation strategies are associated with confessions, cooperation, and disclosure: Evidence from a field study of incarcerated individuals in the United States

A prospective clinical and biomechanical analysis of feet following first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis for end stage hallux rigidus

Effects of carotenoids on mitochondrial dysfunction

Transformative capabilities of MedTech organizations in driving circularity in the healthcare industry: Insights from multiple cases

Identification and support of autistic individuals within the UK Criminal Justice System: a practical approach based upon professional consensus with input from lived experience.

Qualitative analysis of migrants’ network-data: using conceptual reflexivity to reveal the ‘magic trick’

A Mixed-Methods Study of Compassionate Mind Training for Pupils (CMT-Pupils) as a School-Based Wellbeing Intervention

Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals Into Higher Education Institutions’ Marketing Curriculum

A report highlighting the experiences of peer supporters who deliver, and parents who receive, one-to-one perinatal peer support through Connected CIC

Embracing Generative AI in the Classroom Whilst Being Mindful of Academic Integrity

Caught in the web: a meta-analysis of Internet addiction, excessive daytime sleepiness and depressive symptoms in adolescents

Adaptation of Federated Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Efficient and Secure E-Healthcare Systems

La crisi dell'Europa dinanzi alle migrazioni

‘Meeting the Client Where They Are Rather Than Where I'm At’: A Qualitative Survey Exploring CBT and Psychodynamic Therapist Perceptions of Psychotherapy Integration

Validating and Identifying KPIs in ATP/WTA hard court tennis match play (2019-2023) using the PWOL method.

The Effect of Job Rotation on Employee Performance: The mediating role of HR strategy and training in the petrochemical industry

Unveiling the Neglected Wellbeing of Performing Artists: Through the Gaze of Artist Parents

Effects of colour-coded compartmentalised syringe trays on anaesthetic drug error detection under cognitive load

Does increasing biodiversity in an urban woodland setting promote positive emotional responses in humans? A stress recovery experiment using 360-degree videos of an urban woodland

Investigative Study of the Effect of Damping and Stiffness Nonlinearities on an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester at Low-Frequency Excitations

Social rank and compassion: How insecure striving, social safeness and fears of compassion mediate the relationship between masculinity, depression and anxiety

A pricing optimization modelling for assisted decision making in telecommunication product-service bundling

Challenges and barriers for first-year home and international students in Higher Education in the UK and Ireland: A scoping review

Design aspects of a CMC coating-like system for hot surfaces of aero engine components

Integration of Industry 4.0 to the CBM practices of the O&G upstream sector in Nigeria

Elements of person-centred diagnostic imaging care in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review

Continuous Kalman Estimation Method for Finger Kinematics Tracking from Surface Electromyography

Suggesting self-compassion training in schools to stop cyberbullying: a narrative review

Industrial revolution and smart farming: a critical analysis of research components in Industry 4.0

A cluster analysis of European life in recovery data: what are the typical patterns of recovery experience?

Sound Level Measurement, Monitoring and Management in Small Music Venues: Leq Averaging Time Interval

A case study on practical live event sound exposure monitoring

Signal decorrelation for sound reinforcement system crossovers

Global perspectives on operational excellence: unveiling critical failure factors and sustainable pathways

Accounting Information Quality, Free Cash Flow, and Over-Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market – a Study in Iran

UK Digital Diplomacy

‘—and so this tree— / O that such our death may be—’: Shelley’s Last Treescapes

COVID-19 and figures of blame: Discursive representations of blame for COVID-19 and its impacts in UK online news

Business strategy and innovative models in the fashion industry: clothing leasing as a driver of sustainability

A case study exploration of Parkinson's disease

Considering the impact of shift working on health

Intelligent Medical Care Solution for Elderly People Based on Wireless Sensor Network Technology

"It's not a career": Platform work among young people aged 16-19

The Improvement of Block Chain Technology Simulation in Supply Chain Management (Case Study: Pesticide Company)

What Do JNC Youth Workers Conceive of as ‘Professional Maturity’ in Youth Work Practice

A Robust Internet of Drones Security Surveillance Communication Network Based on IOTA

Malnutrition in frail older adults in the United Kingdom and the risk of refeeding syndrome: a clinical review

Compromising allocation for optimising agri-food supply chain distribution network: a fuzzy stochastic programming approach

Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development: Action Research for Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability

Quick Read and Easy Read Summary - End of Three Year Evaluation of the Access and Inclusion Model

Executive Summary. End of Three Year Evaluation of the Access and Inclusion Model - Investigating implementation and Impact.

The applicability of nature-based interventions to support mothers’ postnatal wellbeing: A conceptual review

Sustaining work ability amongst female professional workers with long COVID

Sustainability and Industry 4.0: The role of social, environmental and technological factors in the development of digital manufacturing

Building an empirically grounded conceptual frame for business networking as a mechanism for pro-environmental business growth

Impacts of cross-border equity portfolio flow and central bank transparency on financial development: the role of economic freedom and international bonds

The impact of political uncertainty on the cost of capital

Paradigm challenges to adopt the circular economy

Assessing a Pilot Scheme of Intensive Support and Assertive Linkage in Levels of Engagement, Retention, and Recovery Capital for People in Recovery Housing using Quasi-Experimental Methods

Bio-protection of cementitious materials below ground: The significance of natural soil environments

Space, surveillance, and stress: a Lefebvrian analysis of heteronormative spatial production in schools, using a photo elicitation method with LGBT+ teachers

Is Monetary Policy a Driver of Cryptocurrencies? Evidence from a Structural Break GARCH-MIDAS Approach

Sailing to my Nearest Neighbours for Lockdown Cocktails: Reflections on The Politics of Home and Homemaking During a Pandemic

Unlock the Potential: Unveiling the Untapped Possibilities of Blockchain Technology in Revolu-tionizing Internet of Medical Things-based Environments through Systematic Review and Future Research Propositions

Novel Adaptive DCOPA Using Dynamic Weighting for Vector of Performances Indicators Optimization of IoT Networks

Multi-stakeholder networks as learning settings towards pro-environmental entrepreneurship: learning through the diversity and policy-practice interface

Hyponatraemia post stroke: a case study and review

A Qualitative Comparison of Secular and Buddhist-Informed Mental Health Practitioners’ Perceptions of Non-Attachment

Investigating the barriers to Quality 4.0 adoption in the Indian manufacturing sector: insights and implications for industry and policy-making

Public expectations of police education in England and Wales

Design optimisation for cold rolled steel beam sections with web and flange stiffeners

Entrepreneurial performance and competition within the creative and cultural industries: Challenges for cultural entrepreneurs in a developing country

How do advanced nurse practitioners enhance healthcare outcomes in frail older patients living in care homes?

Bystander intervention to cyberbullying on social media

Navigating life with a sexual conviction: ‘Anticipatory disclosure’ and the impact of living in a perpetual biopsychological state of fight or flight

Sexual Abuse, Safeguarding and Prevention in Sport

Lessons from Public Criminology for the Reintegration of Men with Sexual Convictions Post-Imprisonment

Development and testing of the Night Sky Connectedness Index (NSCI)

'Can you give it to someone who needs it more? Remunerating people who participate in research

Exploring UK sonographers’ views on the use of professional supervision in clinical practice – Stage one findings of a mixed method study

Sustainable Development and Enterprise: Do Foreign Investors Care

Methodological Issues in Real Earnings Management

University makes me angry: Investigating stimulus-response (S-R) and cognitive-mediation (C-M) emotion beliefs in undergraduate students

State Sovereignty and Dispute Settlement in the AfCFTA

Fans as consumers: psychographics and tribalism in Doctor Who fandom

An exploration of operational excellence methodologies implementation in the logistics sectors: a global study

Self-compassion and mental well-being among youth

Narcissism and antisocial behaviour in sport: The moderating role of self-compassion

Tutti – We Can Complete It Together

End of Three Year Evaluation of the Access and Inclusion Model: Research and Technical Report

Molecular subtypes classification of breast cancer in DCE-MRI using deep features

Emily Brontë’s Shelleyan Poetics of Sexual Ambivalence

Climate Change and Multinationals in Nigeria: A Case for Climate Justice

Resisting Legal Convergence

The continuing relevance of customary arbitration in Nigeria: Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Developments

Social Network Theory

Sustainability in practice: a case report of an interdisciplinary online student conference

The Biophilic Healing Index (BHI) as a professional tool for indoors and outdoors active living design


Dreaming of the Tender Earth - Nevada Residency

Analytical Psychology and Sport Epistemology, Theory and Practice

Early Childhood Studies A Student's Guide

Women in Policing: A History Through Personal Stories

Wild Isles Sustainability Show Case

Person Centred Care in Medical Imaging: International Perspectives on High Quality Care.

Dreaming of the Tender Earth - Dubrek Studios

Nature-based Tourism and Wellbeing: Impacts and Future Outlook

An Introduction to Comparative and International Education

Sexual Crime Victims and Survivors.

Online research

Innovations in Teaching History Eighteenth-Century Studies in Higher Education

Our Stories Are Wild

‘Unsettling Stories’ x Empire and the Making of Modern Derby

Machines of the Future - Inspiring Young Innovators

Routledge International Handbook of Investigative Interviewing and Interrogation

Corporate Criminal Liability and Sanctions: Current Trends and Policy Changes

Effective Teacher Education for Inclusion Critical Perspectives on the Role of Higher Education:

Introduction to Effective Teacher Education for Inclusion: Critical perspectives on the role of Higher Education in a Neoliberal Age.

Tender Steps

The Career Development Handbook

Artificial Intelligence and Its Practical Applications in the Digital Economy

Natural Language Processing and Information Systems

Expanding Frontiers of Neonatal Care