Evaluating the human resource related soft dimensions in green supply chain management implementation

A Qualitative Study on Cancer Care Burden: Experiences of Iranian Family Caregivers.

On generalised multi-index non-linear recursion identities for terms of the Horadam sequence.

On the notion of mathematical genius: rhetoric and reality.

New proofs of linear recurrence identities for terms of the Horadam sequence.

Managing the transition into retirement for elite athletes

Researching the Deep State: Surveillance, Politics, and Dissent.

Design and development of 5-DOF robotic arm manipulators

Implementing Industry 4.0: Exploring the literature in a systematic way using text mining

Navigating the “space between” the Black/White binary: A call for Jewish multicultural inclusion.

Microscopic analysis of failure in woven carbon fabric laminates coupled with digital image correlation and acoustic emission

A Grey Wolf Optimization Based Algorithm for Optimum Camera Placement

Adaptive Mobile Sink for Energy Efficient WSN Using Biogeography-Based Optimization

A Grey Wolf Optimization Approach for Improving the Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks

A Self-Configurable Event Coverage Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks

Nature-Inspired Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks

The micropolitics of organisational change in professional youth football

Staging dis-placement

To You <-> To Me: Generating Non-Egocentric Habits of Embodied, Embedded, Enactive and Extended Spectating

Design of a noise reduction passive control system based on viscoelastic multilayered plate using PDSO

Sound Transmission Analysis of Viscoelastic Composite Multilayered Shells Structures

Analytical frequency response solution for composite plates embedding viscoelastic layers

An alternative approach for modal analysis of stiffened thin-walled structures with advanced plate elements

Using reflective diaries to evaluate a multi-engagement outreach programme: A case study

An Organizational Ethnography of Strategic Networking Practice in an Under-Researched and Potentially Difficult to Access Setting: The Roles of the Researcher, the Researched, and Context

Contemporary Meets Ancient, Queer Meets Myth, Girl Meets Boy.

The importance of inter-individual Kupffer cell variability in the governance of hepatic toxicity in a 3D primary human liver microtissue model

Processing time not modality dominates shift costs in the modality-shifting effect

The Prism of Lyra: UFO Consciousness and Portals to Cosmic Awareness

Synthetic toolbox adapted from bacterial superglues to staple proteins in modular assemblies

Orthogonal toolbox of bacterial superglues for covalent interactions

Relationship continuity and person-centred care: An exploratory mixed-methods investigation of spousal partners’ responses to the challenging care needs of those with acquired brain injury

Demon? Disorder? Or none of the above? A survey of the attitudes and experiences of evangelical Christians with mental distress

Goal measures for psychotherapy: A systematic review of self‐report, idiographic instruments.

The variances in cytokine production profiles from non- or activated THP-1, Kupffer cell and human blood derived primary macrophages following exposure to either alcohol or a panel of engineered nanomaterials

Polylactic acid, a sustainable, biocompatible, transparent substrate material for Organ-On-Chip, and Microfluidic applications

Assessment of nanomaterial-induced hepatotoxicity using a 3D human primary multi-cellular microtissue exposed repeatedly over 21 days - the suitability of the in vitro system as an in vivo surrogate

The policy discourse of social investment and the impact on socialising childcare in South Korea and Taiwan

Not too much and not too little: a comparison of free childcare between the UK and South Korea

Copper on the Northwest Coast, a biographical approach

Combining Deep and Handcrafted Image Features for MRI Brain Scan Classification

Exploring the Effects of Consumers’ Trust: A Predictive Model for Satisfying Buyers’ Expectations Based on Sellers’ Behavior in the Marketplace

A Methodology for Ontology Reuse

Assessment of perceptual distortion boundary through applying reversible watermarking to brain MR images

A computer-aided diagnosis system for glioma grading using three dimensional texture analysis and machine learning in mri brain tumour

‘It Doesn’t Matter What You’ve Done You’re Accepted Here’: A Multi-Site Qualitative Exploration of the Experiences of Being Incarcerated in Prisons for Individuals with Sexual Convictions

Ultrasound reports standardisation using rhetorical structure theory and domain ontology

Early childhood technoference threat is predicted by authoritative parenting, but not parental knowledge of digital risks.

Childhood “stress” and stable isotope life‐histories in Transylvania

Delivering transformative tourism experiences

Blood pressure lowering effects of a novel isometric exercise device following a 4-week isometric handgrip intervention

Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search.

Improving detection capabilities of a critically endangered freshwater invertebrate with environmental DNA using digital droplet PCR

Analyzing Objective and Subjective Data in Social Sciences: Implications for Smart Cities

Editorial: One health: The well-being impacts of human-nature relationships

The Negative Impact of a Three Good Things Intervention on Perceived Stress and Psychological Health

Huntington’s Disease Quality of Life Battery for Carers--Short Form

An Expert Ranked List of Pro-nature Conservation Behaviours for Public Use

Message from the workshop chairs

Nanoparticles used for fingermark detection—A comprehensive review

Controlling fingermark variability for research purposes: A review

Potential application of liquid dye penetrants for serial number restoration on firearms

Paper characteristics and their influence on the ability of Single Metal Deposition to detect fingermarks

Single metal deposition versus physical developer: A comparison between two advanced fingermark detection techniques

Latent fingermark detection using functionalised silicon oxide nanoparticles: Method optimisation and evaluation

The frequency of fingerprint patterns separated by ethnicity and sex in a general population from Sydney, Australia

Supporting Desistance Through Ambiguous Practice: What Can Be Learned From the First Prison-Based Model of CoSA in England and Wales?

“This Time It’s Different” Preparing for Release Through a Prison-Model of CoSA: A Phenomenological and Repertory Grid Analysis

The Power of AI in IoT : Cognitive IoT-based Scheme for Web Spam Detection

Upper- and lower-limb amputees show reduced levels of eeriness for images of prosthetic hands

Hospitality in a Changing World

Dracula’s fangs

The Dictionary of Neoliberal Terms

Exploring the dominant features of social media for depression detection

The impact of a fast bowling spell on physiological, perceptual and performance responses in non-elite cricketers

Strength and conditioning practices of high school rugby coaches: A South African context

Strength and Sprint Time Changes in Response to Repeated Shuttles Between the Wickets During Batting in Cricket

Workloads placed on adolescent cricket players: A pilot study

Drawing ability and its determinants: A conceptual model

A proposed conceptual framework of drawing ability: implication for research in design education

Psychological treatment of problematic sexual interests: cross-country comparison

Tabletop Gaming in Wildlife Conservation—‘Park Life’

The Experimental Sciences

Brain activation in highly superior autobiographical memory: The role of the precuneus in the autobiographical memory retrieval network

Continental selections? Institutional actors and market mechanisms in post-16 education in England

Technologisation of nursing education

Understanding interpersonal relationships and psychopathy

Personality, Belief in a Just World, and Attitudes Toward Criminal Responsibility Defenses: A Preliminary Study

Formal specification and verification of autonomous robotic systems: A survey

A Summary of Formal Specification and Verification of Autonomous Robotic Systems

Motivation to Change Lifestyle for Dementia Risk Reduction Scale--Brief

Career education and guidance and race (in)equality in England

Post-levy apprenticeships in the NHS – early findings

Exceptional Experiences: CEP's 20th Annual Conference (Review)

Advancing Conservation Planning for Western Chimpanzees Using IUCN/SSC A.P.E.S. – The Case of a Taxon-Specific Database

Characteristics of Positive Deviants in Western Chimpanzee Populations

A global risk assessment of primates under climate and land use/cover scenarios

The effects of 8 weeks of inspiratory muscle training on the balance of healthy older adults: a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study

Keynote: Applied Philosophy in Online Higher Education

Comparing intrapartum ultrasound and clinical examination in the assessment of fetal head position in African women

A model of gross primary productivity based on satellite data suggests formerly afforested peatlands undergoing restoration regain full photosynthesis capacity after five to ten years

Changes in carbon flux and spectral reflectance of Sphagnum mosses as a result of simulated drought

Measurement of the inclusive isolated photon production cross section in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV

‘Sometime the Hating Has to Stop’: Liberation and Reconciliation in The Railway Man (Teplitzky, 2013)

‘It’s Spiritual Man’: Eddie the Eagle (2016) and English Amateurism.

‘Mother Says I’m Just an Odd Duck’: Alan Turing, The Imitation Game (Tyldum, 2014) and the ‘Gay Boffin’

Teammate influences and relationship quality are associated with eating and exercise psychopathology in athletes

Teammate influences on the eating attitudes and behaviours of athletes: A systematic review

A critical analysis of small business social responsibility in independent foodservice businesses

A review of inspiratory muscle training. When and why does it work?

A Heterogeneous and Interactive Big Earth Data Framework

Low-Cost and Data Anonymised City Traffic Flow Data Collection to Support Intelligent Traffic System

Semantic Lifting and Reasoning on the Personalised Activity Big Data Repository for Healthcare Research

Quantifying tobacco and alcohol imagery in Netflix and Amazon Prime instant video original programming accessed from the UK: a content analysis.

Experience of identity change in people who reported a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Exposure to ‘smokescreen’ marketing during the 2018 Formula 1 Championship.

Corrigendum: A content analysis of tobacco and alcohol audio-visual content in a sample of UK reality TV programmes

Mining Symptom and Disease Web Data with NLP and Open Linked Data

Social Justice and Education

Dismantling Bodies: The War on Terror, and the Wound Aesthetic of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000-2015)

Defining sustainability criteria for emerging market multinationals

Measurement of Υ ( 1 S ) Elliptic Flow at Forward Rapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at √ s N N = 5.02 TeV

3 H and 3 H lifetime measurement in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV via two-body decay

Multiplicity dependence of light (anti-)nuclei production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Measurement of prompt D0 , D+, D∗+, and D+ s production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Coherent J/ψ photoproduction at forward rapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Measurement of charged jet cross section in pp collisions at √ s = 5.02 TeV

Investigations of Anisotropic Flow Using Multiparticle Azimuthal Correlations in pp, p-Pb, Xe-Xe, and Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC

Study of the Λ–Λ interaction with femtoscopy correlations in pp and p–Pb collisions at the LHC

Inclusive J/ψ production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV

Charged-particle production as a function of multiplicity and transverse spherocity in pp collisions at s√=5.02 and 13 TeV

Two-particle differential transverse momentum and number density correlations in p − Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

On the road to the standardisation of the printed page: the legacies of John Degotardi and Benjamin Fryer

Judicial Cooperation in Economic Recovery (JCOERE)

10 Years of YANIL: Restructuring across Europe and the EU Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency

Moral Hazar, Path Dependency, and Failing Franchisors: Mitigating Franchisee Risk through Participation

Restructuring Europe – The EU Preventive Restructuring Framework: a hole in one?

Party Autonomy and Third-Party Protection in Insolvency Law


A measure of nature connectedness for children and adults: Validation, performance, and insights

Early detection of an emerging invasive species: eDNA monitoring of a parthenogenetic crayfish in freshwater systems

Sexuality and sexualization in childhood (Mexico).

Reimagining the blues: A new narrative for 21st century blues music

Epistemology, theory and Jung: Towards an analytical sport psychology

Beyond brexit

Patient and clinician engagement with health information in the primary care waiting room: A mixed methods case study

First observation of an attractive interaction between a proton and a cascade baryon

Government, policy, and the role of the state in secondary education (Mexico).

A preservice teacher’s learning of instructional scaffolding in the EAL practicum

Towards a trusted unmanned aerial system using blockchain (BUAS) for the protection of critical infrastructure

C-Lean, an Integrated Approach to Achieve Circularity in Manufacturing Operations of SMEs

Pathways to sex addiction: Relationships with adverse childhood experience, attachment, narcissism, self-compassion and motivation in a gender-balanced sample

Supporting service children in school: An organisational improvement framework

The different skills of apprentices and graduates

An Agenda for Best Practice Research on Group Singing, Health, and Well-Being

Afterword: Reading mad men in the era of Trump

The longitudinal association between resting heart rate and psychopathic traits from a normative personality perspective

Effect of adding a compassion-focused intervention on emotion, eating and weight outcomes in a commercial weight management programme

Environmental, social and economic growth indicators spur logistics performance: from the perspective of South Asian Association for regional cooperation countries.

A comparative analysis of trust models for safety applications in IoT-enabled vehicular networks

Surveillance of modern motherhood: An exploration of the experiences of mothers that have attended a universal parenting course

Untangling the origin of ghost gear within the Maldivian archipelago and its impact on olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) populations

Invoking humanism in modernity: architecture and spectacle in fascist Italy

Compositional homogeneity in the pathobiome of a new, slow-spreading coral disease

Do parents have a right to determine where a child patient dies?

Blueprint for school improvement: The 'To Be With You' initiative.

A survey of deep learning solutions for multimedia visual content analysis.

Social and environmental sustainability model on consumers’ altruism, green purchase intention, green brand loyalty, and evangelism

Social network analysis of dementia wards in psychiatric hospitals to explore the advancement of personhood in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Developing a professional leadership identity during organisational change in professional youth football

Young children’s views on play provision in two local parks: A research project by early childhood studies students and staff

Educational advantage and employability of UK university graduates

How the lessons we learned become lessons we can learn: Understanding memories of primary school experiences using narrative inquiry

Managing tourism across boundaries through Communities

The impact of pop-up warning messages of losses on expenditure in a simulated game of roulette: A pilot Study

The influence of caffeine expectancies on simulated soccer performance in recreational individuals

The effects of weaponry and mating experience on the level and outcome of agonistic interactions in male field crickets, gryllus bimaculatus (orthoptera: gryllidae)

Customized medicine for corals

Business Leaders: Career Capital and Role Transitions

Appeals to semiotic registers in ethno-metapragmatic accounts of variation

NLP for Japanese workers’ mental well-being: pilot study

Functional training of the inspiratory muscles improves load carriage performance

Singing as an adjunct therapy for children and adults with cystic fibrosis

A GRU-based prediction framework for intelligent resource management at cloud data centres in the age of 5G

An odd “foreign policy couple”? Syria and Saudi Arabia 1970-1989

Special educational needs and disabilities in early childhood education (Mexico).

A systematic review on the effects of group singing on persistent pain in people with long‐term health conditions

Changing attitudes with a MOOC on dementia

Why higher apprenticeships are critical to business


Roles of positive psychology for mental health in UK social work students: self-compassion as a predictor of better mental health

Olivia Dunham and the new frontier in fringe

Exploring educational advantage in the UK via graduate employment of joint honours degrees by examining pre-university tariff and degree classification

The use of simulation and moulage in undergraduate diagnostic radiography education: A burns scenario

An overview of the types and applications of simulation-based education within diagnostic radiography and ultrasound at two higher education institutions

How can arts-based research in dramatic performance illuminate understanding of the therapeutic relationship?

Access to early childhood education (Mexico).

Celebrity science culture: Young people's inspiration or entertainment?

How Japanese managers use NLP in their daily work

To agree or disagree? An analysis of CSR ratings firms

Our teachers: Collected memories of primary education in Derbyshire schools from 1944 - 2009

Professionalisation of the Martial Arts: the perspectives of experts on the concept of an independently awarded teaching qualification.

International centre for guidance studies (iCeGS) annual review 2019

Ex situ co culturing of the sea urchin, Mespilia globulus and the coral Acropora millepora enhances early post-settlement survivorship

Overview of childhood (Mexico).

S.H.E.D launch research event

Intrasexual competition as a predictor of women’s judgements of revenge pornography offending

Losing people: a linguistic analysis of minimisation in First World War soldiers’ accounts of violence

HIgh attaining pupils programme

Confronting social risk factors for liver disease

Effects of the graphene on the mechanical properties of fibre reinforced polymer - a numerical and experimental study

Evaluation of a compassionate mind training intervention with school teachers and support staff

Which behavioural and exercise interventions targeting fatigue show the most promise in multiple sclerosis? A systematic review with narrative synthesis and meta-analysis

Career Guidance and the Changing World of Work: Contesting Responsibilising Notions of the Future

Japanese managers’ experiences of neuro-linguistic programming: a qualitative investigation

Green and lean: a Gemba–Kaizen model for sustainability enhancement

Bilingualism and multilingualism in early childhood education (Mexico).

Surface stability in drylands is influenced by dispersal strategy of soil bacteria

Mental Models or Probabilistic Reasoning or Both

Factors affecting consumers’ purchase intention of eco‐friendly food in China: The evidence from respondents in Beijing

An inductive content-augmented network embedding model for edge artificial intelligence

Optimisation of a distribution system in the retail industry: An Australian retail industry

Positive psychology of Malaysian students: impacts of engagement, motivation, self-compassion and wellbeing on mental health

PhotographyDigitalPainting symposium

Influence of accuracy, repeatability and detection probability in the reliability of species-specific eDNA based approaches

Our Story: A History of the Irish in Derby (promo edit)

The development of categorization in early childhood: a review

Student reflections on the place of creativity in Early Years practice: Reflections on second year work placement experience

Acting Alone: exploring by-stander engagement through performer/audience relationship

Acceptability of intrapartum ultrasound by mothers in an African population

Spatial justice – the final frontier for diversity and inclusion?


Exploring the reliability and validity of the Huntington’s Disease quality of life battery for carers (HDQoL-C) within a Polish population

S.H.E.D This is Derby

An international validation of a clinical tool to assess carers’ quality of life in Huntington’s Disease.

Using eye tracking to explore Facebook use and associations with Facebook addiction, mental well-being, and personality

A living inquiry: activating and integrating the multiple identities of dramatherapist, researcher, artist and teacher

Quality Assurance Standards A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries. Summary report.

The circular economy impact on small to medium enterprises

Holocaust Education and Contemporary Anti-Semitism

What makes Geography a worthwhile school subject? An exploration of the current controversy in geography teaching

Towards another kind of borderlessness: online students with disabilities

From linear to circular manufacturing business models

Dimensions of publicness: 24 Gabrovo biennial of humour and satire

Health and welfare at the boundaries: community development through tourism

Decent work in the UK: Context, conceptualization, and assessment

Assessing Domain Specificity in the Measurement of Mathematics Calculation Anxiety

Quality Assurance Standards : A synthesis of quality standards across partner countries.

Introducing a fellowship scheme for the CDI

Proposing a framework for organisational sustainable development: integrating quality management, supply chain management and sustainability

Roles and responsibilities in integrated care for dementia.

Realization of blockchain in named data networking-based internet-of-vehicles

Y v A Healthcare Trust and the Mental Capacity Act 2005: taking gamete retrieval to the bank

“It affects me as a man’: Recognising and responding to former refugee men’s experiences of Resettlement

Do individuals with Chronic Pain show attentional bias to pain-related information? An early stage systematic review of the eye-tracking evidence.

Managing student mental health: The challenges faced by academics on professional health care courses

Development and validation of the satisfaction with treatment for pain questionnaire (STPQ) among patients with sickle cell disease

Dynamic collaboration and secure access of services in multi-cloud environments

Conserving Italian world heritage sites through live music events: Exploring barriers and opportunities

Singing for people with Parkinson's disease

Contested cultures of care: research with and for the plus one community on the plus one experience - evaluation report

Know your mean from your median

Leading change for survival: The rural flexi-school approach

Determining the factors which positively affect the intra-family chief executive officer succession of UK small and medium-sized companies

Rights, resources and relationships: A ‘three Rs’ framework for enhancing the resilience of refugee background youth

Improving the Reliability of Warehouse Operations in the 3PL Industry: An Australian 3PL Case Study

Patient involvement in pressure ulcer prevention and adherence to prevention strategies: An integrative review

Parallaxical identities: Architectural semantics of contemporary arts institutions and the curation of cultural identity

Quantitative impacts of mandatory integrated reporting

Expressing suchness: on the integration of writing into a dance practice

Comparative evaluation of neuro-linguistic programming

Sweating the small stuff: a meta-analysis of skin conductance on the Iowa gambling task

Factor and reliability analysis of a brief scale to measure motivation to change lifestyle for dementia risk reduction in the UK: the MOCHAD-10.

On some results concerning the polygonal polynomials

Work-life balance of UK construction workers: Relationship with mental health

Can simulation impact on first year diagnostic radiography students' emotional preparedness to encounter open wounds on their first clinical placement: A pilot study

Careers leadership in practice: a study of 27 careers leaders in English secondary schools

Archaea and Rejoicing the Sun

The transparency of binaural auralisation using very high order circular harmonics

The good things children notice in nature: An extended framework for reconnecting children with nature.

Cross-sectional study of patient-reported fatigue, physical activity and cardiovascular status in men after robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy.

"Events in a changing world": Introductory remarks

The determination of finger flexor critical force in rock climbers

Earth, water, air: Children meaning making: Using ceramics to give form to children’s ideas

Evaluating the impact of lean practices on environmental performance: evidences from five manufacturing companies

Relationships Between Creativity, Wellbeing, and Learning and Their Implications for Students in Higher Education

InDialogue symposium 2019

The eastern French Pyrenees: from mountain belt to foreland basin

Mental health of therapeutic students: relationships with attitudes, self-criticism, self-compassion, and caregiver identity

English translation and validation of the Ikigai-9 in a UK Sample

The development of an eDNA based detection method for the invasive shrimp Dikerogammarus haemobaphes

Mental health shame of UK construction workers: Relationship with masculinity, work motivation, and self-compassion.

Accelerometer-based physical activity levels differ between week and weekend ways in British preschool children

University of Derby year 10 white working-class boys pilot programme

Combining ddPCR and environmental DNA to improve detection capabilities of a critically endangered freshwater invertebrate

Geohazard assessment of landslides in south Brazil: Case study

Big earth data: a comprehensive analysis of visualization analytics issues

Pre-nursing care experience and implications for its role in maintaining interest and motivation in nursing

The digital dilemma: An investigation into social media marketing within organisations

Group singing has multiple benefits in the context of chronic pain: an exploratory pilot study

A heuristic model of supervision using small objects to develop the senses

Informed & educated: when public service radio learns from the commercial radio sector

Thematic analysis of the learning experience of joint honours students: their perception of teaching quality, value for money and employability

Measuring operational excellence: an operational excellence profitability (OEP) approach.

Sort of in Australian English: The elasticity of a pragmatic marker

Experimental data of bio self-healing concrete incubated in saturated natural soil

The economic, social & cultural impact of the social network site Facebook on the Irish radio industry 2011-2016

Becoming a master of education: a case study of part-time students undertaking continuing professional development

Surveillance of Modern Motherhood: An exploration of the experiences of mothers that have attended a Universal Parenting Course.

A case study on sound level monitoring and management at large-scale music festivals

International approaches to quality in career guidance

Managing knowledge in supply chains: a catalyst to triple bottom line sustainability

Leadership and ministry, lay and ordained: Insights from rural multi-church groups

Estimating physical activity in children aged 8–11 Years using Accelerometry: Contributions from fundamental movement skills and different Accelerometer placements

Industry 4.0 as enabler of sustainability diffusion in supply chain: analysis of influential strength of drivers in emerging economy

From key account management to strategic partnerships: critical success factors for co-creation of value

Careers work in higher education in Pakistan: current practice and options for the future

High Performance Time Series Quantitative Retrieval from Satellite Images on a GPU Cluster

Acquisition, development and maintenance of maths anxiety in young children

The role of the debt-service ratio as a leading indicator of households consumption.

Blockchain-Based Distributed Marketplace.

Do gold prices respond to real interest rates? Evidence from the Bayesian Markov switching VECM model

Exorcising an ethnography in limbo.

Financial experts on the board: does it matter for the profitability and risk of the u.k. banking industry?

The impact of fracking activities on Oklahoma’s housing prices: a panel cointegration analysis.

Executive functioning as a predictive measure of offending behaviour.

Border field/apparatuses.

Styles of leadership, fears of compassion, and competing to avoid inferiority.

Exploring New Voices: Future Practice in Applied Theatre

The role of rumination in adjusting to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: rumination as a predictor and mediator of posttraumatic growth.

'Civis Indianus Sum': ambedkar on democracy and territory during linguistic reorganisation (and partition).

Searching for synergies, making majorities: the demands for Pakistan and Maharashtra.

Managing Religious Tourism

The mental health needs of child and adolescent refugees and asylum seekers entering Europe.

The impact of books on social inclusion and development and well-being among children and young people with severe and profound learning disabilities: recognising the unrecognised cohort

Innovative approach to sustainable material sourcing and its impact on building performance

The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education

Life history, environment and extinction of the scallop Carolinapecten eboreus (Conrad) in the Plio-Pleistocene of the U.S. eastern seaboard.

Do office workers adjust their chairs? End-user knowledge, use and barriers to chair adjustment.

A dinuclear ruthenium(II) phototherapeutic that targets duplex and quadruplex DNA

Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education

A shape grammar approach to climatically adaptable facade systems with real time performance evaluation.

Stock price reactions to wire news from the European Central Bank: evidence from changes in the sentiment tone and international market indexes.

The challenges of GSCM implementation in the UK manufacturing SMEs

Prescribing laughter to increase well-being in healthy adults: an exploratory mixed methods feasibility study of the Laughie

Challenges for third sector organisations in cutback management: a sporting case study of the implications of publicness.

A new macro stress testing approach for financial realignment in the Eurozone

Gatsby careers benchmark north east implementation pilot: interim evaluation (2015-2017)

The adoption of operational environmental sustainability approaches in the Thai manufacturing sector

The dynamic linkage between renewable energy, tourism, CO2 emissions, economic growth, foreign direct investment, and trade.

Digital false colour infrared

Optimizing wide-area sound reproduction using a single subwoofer with dynamic signal decorrelation

Validation of electrokinetic stabilisation of M5 Junction 7

Compassion Focused Approaches to Working With Distressing Voices

Liver disease presentation and red flags in urgent, primary and community care

Commentary Regarding Wilson et al. (2018) 'Effectiveness of ‘Self-Compassion’ Related Therapies: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” All Is Not as It Seems

Sexual Crime and the Experience of Imprisonment

A Trust Evaluation Framework in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

Building routines for non-routine events: Supply chain resilience learning mechanisms and their antecedents.

Prediction of financial distress for multinational corporations: Panel estimations across countries.

High Performance Video Stream Analytics System for Object Detection and Classification

Mittag-Leffler state estimator design and synchronization analysis for fractional order BAM neural networks with time delays

Prospectivity Mapping for Epithermal Deposits of Western Milos Using a Fuzzy Multi Criteria Evaluation Approach Parameterized by Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data

Exploring teachers’ and pupils’ behaviour in online and face-to-face instrumental lessons

The relationship between lean and environmental performance: practices and measures

Measuring K0sK± interactions using pp collisions at √s=7 TeV

Multiplicity dependence of light-flavor hadron production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV

Exploration of volunteers and support workers initiation of quality of life conversations in hospice palliative day care

Disassembly and deconstruction analytics system (D-DAS) for construction in a circular economy

Real talk facilitator manual: Engaging patients with end of life talk

An efficient evolutionary user interest community discovery model in dynamic social networks for internet of people

Shmapped: development of an app to record and promote the well-being benefits of noticing urban nature

On bypass transition in separation bubbles: a review

Exploring well-being and creativity through collaborative composition as part of Hull 2017 city of culture

Prospectivity mapping for high sulfidation epithermal porphyry deposits using an integrated compositional and topographic remote sensing dataset

Parents’ experiences of having an excessively crying baby and implications for support services

Pervasive blood pressure monitoring using Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Sensor

Lean readiness within emergency departments: A conceptual framework

Aerospace industry in México and biofuels: a sustainability approach

Are victims of crime mostly angry or mostly afraid?

Apprenticeship teaching in England: new practices, roles and professional formation for educators.

Continental selections? Institutional actors and market mechanisms in post-16 education in England

Higher/degree apprenticeships and the diversification of transitions in England

The relationship between investments in lean practices and operational performance: exploring the moderating effects of operational intellectual capital

Circular economy in the manufacturing sector: benefits, opportunities and barriers

Reflections on working with the gang: A journey towards computational fluency?

Mathematicians can also write, right?

Challenges in managing peripheral workers within diverse environments.

The stakeholder sandwich - a new stakeholder analysis model for events and festivals

The importance of personal values and hospitableness in small foodservice businesses’ social responsibility

Watching the watchers: oversight channels and the democratisation of South Africa's foreign policy.

Searching compassion in a crowd: Evaluation of a novel compassion visual search task to reduce self-criticism

Global projective lag synchronization of fractional order memristor based BAM neural networks with mixed time varying delays

A new formula for the coefficients of Gaussian polynomials

An international study of analgesic dependence among people with pain in the general population

Building an integrative science for psychotherapy for the 21st-century: Preface and introduction

20 Real talk - beyond advanced communication skills: outcomes of a residential workshop for palliative care doctors

“Learning to Walk”: Qing constitutional reform and Britain’s imperial pedagogy, 1901-1911

Investigating innovation capability and organisational performance in service firms

‘The natural foundation of perfect efficiency’: Medical services and the Victorian post office

Review of survey methods in events management research

CSR communication research: A theoretical-cum-methodological perspective from semiotics

Convergence in condominium prices of major U.S. metropolitan areas

A multicriteria approach for modeling small enterprise credit rating: Evidence from China

Mindfulness for addressing key public health concerns in young people: Preventative applications and safety concerns.

Exploring the role of meditation and dispositional mindfulness on social cognition domains: a controlled study.

The persistence of colonial constitutionalism in British overseas territories

Techno-economic assessment of the horizontal geothermal heat pump systems: A comprehensive review

Contagion across US and EU financial markets: Evidence from the CDS markets

Facilitating students’ (doctoral) transition to the workplace: A critical review

Acceptance and identity change: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of carers’ experiences in myalgic encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome

'I felt like I was doing something wrong': A qualitative exploration of mothers' experiences of breastfeeding

Psychotherapy for the 21st century: An integrative, evolutionary, contextual, biopsychosocial approach

Validation of a scale for assessing social validity in mindfulness-based education programs

Human evolution and culture in relationship to shame in the parenting role: Implications for psychology and psychotherapy

Dynamic modeling of non-cylindrical curved viscoelastic single-walled carbon nanotubes based on the second gradient theory

Evaluation of the INSPiRED teenager programme

A Statutory youth service proposal: Multi-professionally located to build on the past yet equipped for the future

Classroom challenges for teaching about and addressing anti-semitism in the OSCE region

Adolescent problem gambling requires community-level health promotion approaches

The Relationship Between Nature Connectedness and Eudaimonic Well-Being: A Meta-analysis

Money Laundering

Understanding what makes a positive school experience for pupils with SEND: Can their voices inform inclusive practice?

Ludwig's angina: a multidisciplinary concern.

The Indian film industry in a changing international market.

Is tourism really affected by logistical operations and environmental degradation? An empirical study from the perspective of Thailand.

Electrokinetic treatment of desiccated expansive clay

Monitoring of Sobradinho landslide (Brasilia, Brazil) and a prototype vertical slope by time-lapse interferometry

Typological analysis of slidequakes emitted from landslides: experiments on expander body pile and Sobradinho landslide (Brasilia, Brazil)

Genetic Haemochromatosis: research question

Building an online research profile

The evolution of prosocial and antisocial competitive behaviour and the emergence of prosocial and antisocial leadership styles

Coalescing the Lean and Circular Economy

How sustainable is short food supply chains? A comprehensive systematic review

Aerospace industry in Queretaro, Mexico: a perspective of regional innovation system

Analysis forecast production model: a Mexican family firm proposal

Modeling the time varying volatility of housing returns: Further evidence from the U.S. Metropolitan condominium markets

Consumer-facing technology fraud: Economics, attack methods and potential solutions

Applying best practice: the venesection clinics of the future

Patient experience of venesection: results from a small cohort study

Career guidance for social justice: contesting neoliberalism

Sickle cell disease


Beyond restoration: considering emotion regulation in natural well-being

Stability and pinning synchronization analysis of fractional order delayed Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discontinuous activations

The development of the compassion focused therapy therapist competence rating scale

Multiple group IRT measurement invariance analysis of the forms of self-criticising/attacking and self-reassuring scale in thirteen international samples

What drives prioritized visual processing? A motivational relevance account

The effects of flavonoids on human first trimester trophoblast spheroidal stem cell self-renewal, invasion and JNK/p38 MAPK activation: Understanding the cytoprotective effects of these phytonutrients against oxidative stress

Accelerometer-based physical activity levels, fundamental movement skills and weight status in British preschool children from a deprived area

Domestic violence and suicide attempt among married women: A case‐control study

'A new normal with chemobrain': Experiences of the impact of chemotherapy-related cognitive deficits in long-term breast cancer survivors

Raising the profile of health psychology training, consultancy and practice issues through the new Health Psychology Update sub-section.

The experiences and meanings of recovery for Swazi women living with ‘Schizophrenia’

Mapping McCarthy in the age of neoconservatism, or the politics of affect in The Road

Mental contrasting for health behaviour change: a systematic review and meta-analysis of effects and moderator variables

Case 13: Exploring employees experiences of remote working practices

Oral ingestion of deep ocean minerals increases high-intensity intermittent running capacity in soccer players after short-term post-exercise recovery: A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial

Teaching intelligence: putting Wikipedia at the heart of a class.

Using GIS-linked Bayesian Belief Networks as a tool for modelling urban biodiversity.

Smart City: A Traffic Signal Control System for Reducing the Effects of Traffic Congestion in Urban Environments

The use of animal-borne cameras to video-track the behaviour of domestic cats.

Syrian foreign policy. The alliances of a regional power.

Intelligent agriculture: developing a system for monitoring and controlling production.

Stresses, challenges, and rewards of home-based applied behaviour analysis intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder.

Migration and Mobility in Childhood (Mexico)

Agency and rights in childhood (Mexico).

Special needs and disabilities in childhood (Mexico).

Friendship and peer cultures in childhood (Mexico).

Future Frontiers: The impact of career coaching on career readiness and indicators of successful transitions in Year 11 pupils.

The UN Committee of 24’s dogmatic philosophy of recognition: toward a Sui Generis approach to decolonization.

The role of compassionate and self-image goals in predicting psychological controlling and facilitative parenting styles.

Steve Baker: Fieldwork

Pride and Prospects: Developing a socially just level 1 curriculum to enable more positive school to work transitions

Treasuring detritus: Reflections on the wreckage left behind by artistic research

Muscle-tendon unit parameter estimation of a Hill-type musculoskeletal model based on experimentally obtained subject-specific torque profiles.

Right hypochondrial pain leading to a diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice and cholecystitis: a review and case study.

Perspectives on musical time in the development of performance systems for live electronic music.

Primary biliary cholangitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Monetary policy and the gender pay gap: Evidence from UK households

Social media: blurred lines between personal and professional behaviour

Do altruistic and egoistic values influence consumers’ attitude and purchase intention towards eco-friendly packaged products? An empirical investigation.

Understanding circular economy awareness and practices in manufacturing firms

Dogs and the elderly

Dogs and the elderly: significant cohabitation and companionship towards the end of life

Neoliberalisation, fast policy transfer and the management of labor market services

Wiki literacy: using Wikipedia as a teaching tool

Witnesses’ verbal evaluation of certainty and uncertainty during investigative interviews: Relationship with report accuracy

The impacts of sustainability, extended producer responsibility and the circular economy on product pricing models

A partnership approach to student mentoring

Opportunities for use of blockchain technology in supply chains: Australian manufacturer case study

Cultivating self-belief

Are we missing a trick? Why is occupational therapy not talking about the role and development of assistant practitioners?

Cochrane systematic review singing for people with parkinson’s: preliminary findings

A group singing program improves quality of life: An international study

Language model-based automatic prefix abbreviation expansion method for biomedical big data analysis

Improved Kalman filter based differentially private streaming data release in cognitive computing.

Primary biliary cholangitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Identification of tourism developmental success factors: Benchmarking the Malawi tourism industry

Organizational learning paths based upon Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study with Brazilian manufacturers

Evaluating clinical placements in Saudi Arabia with the CLES+T scale

‘A definite feel-it moment’: Embodiment, externalization and emotion during chair-work in compassion-focused therapy

Empathy Mediates the Relationship between Nature Connectedness and Both Callous and Uncaring Traits

Response to howard (2018): Comments on ‘a meta-reanalysis of dream-ESP studies’

Setting a framework for organisational sustainable development

Experiences of enhanced recovery after surgery in general gynaecology patients: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.

Urban meadows as an alternative to short mown grassland: effects of composition and height on biodiversity

On Being a Male Dramatherapist

Council house sales, homelessness and contact with the criminal justice system: Evidence from the NCDS and BCS70 birth cohorts.

Mechanical properties and tribological behaviour of electroless Ni–P–Cu coatings on corrosion-resistant alloys under ultrahigh contact stress with sprayed nanoparticles.

Prevalence of pressure ulcers in long term care: A global review.

Pellino-1 regulates immune responses to Haemophilus influenzae in models of inflammatory lung disease.

Liver ultrasound scans.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis: an update on treatment.

Nutrition and malnutrition in liver disease: an overview.

Online research in health

The role of radical economic restructuring in truancy from school and engagement in crime

Market consolidation, market growth, or new market development? Owner, firm, and competitive determinants

Design of heat sinks for wearable thermoelectric generators to power personal heating garments: A numerical study

A flexible framework for planning and evaluating early-stage health interventions: FRAME-IT

International insights: Equality in education

Systematic review and meta-synthesis of coping with retinitis pigmentosa: implications for improving quality of life

Analogue Modeling of Plate Rotation Effects in Transform Margins and Rift‐Transform Intersections

Do human critical success factors matter in adoption of sustainable manufacturing practices? An influential mapping analysis of multi-company perspective

Opening doors to nature: Bringing calm and raising aspirations of vulnerable young people through nature-based intervention

Transport operations optimisation through lean implementation – a case study

Use of clean technologies in agribusiness in Mexico: A literature review

Towards sustainable industrial development - a systems thinking-based approach

Treating hoarding disorder with compassion‐focused therapy: A pilot study examining treatment feasibility, acceptability, and exploring treatment effects

Diatremes act as fluid conduits for Zn-Pb mineralization in the SW Irish Ore field

The significance of metasomatic alteration surrounding carbonatite complexes as a REE-enrichment indicator

The impact of learning orientation on innovation performance: mediating role of operations strategy and moderating role of environmental uncertainty

Airway epithelial cells generate pro-inflammatory tenascin-C and small extracellular vesicles in response to TLR3 stimuli and rhinovirus infection

Parental and health professional evaluations of a support service for parents of excessively crying infants

An investigation of supply chain operational improvements for small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A UK manufacturing case study

The eye of the beholder

Integrated green lean approach and sustainability for SMEs: From literature review to a conceptual framework

Adoption of blockchain technology in supply chain transparency: Australian manufacturer case study

Differential market valuations of board busyness across alternative banking models

Growth rate, extinction and survival amongst late Cenozoic bivalves of the North Atlantic

The Evolution of Editorial Style in Early Modern England

Handbook of vocational education and training

Folklinguistics and social meaning in Australian English.

Two decades of European self-employment: Is the answer to who becomes self-employed different over time and countries?

A lean six sigma framework for continuous and incremental improvement in the oil and gas sector

The application of big data and AI in the upstream supply chain

Supply chain 4.0: Concepts, maturity and research agenda

Lower crustal heterogeneity and fractional crystallisation control evolution of small volume magma batches at ocean island volcanoes (Ascension Island, South Atlantic)

Variation of molecular mean free path in confined geometries

Effective mean free path and viscosity of confined gases

Emirati women’s experiences of consanguineous marriage: A qualitative exploration of attitudes, health challenges, and coping styles

The mediating role of shared flow and perceived emotional synchrony on compassion for others in a mindful-dancing program

SENCO induction pack: Supporting you at the start of your journey

Event portfolio management: theory and methods for event management and tourism

Small cities with big dreams: creative placemaking and branding strategies

Sector-focused approach to business events in Manchester

Marginalisation and events

Multilayered composite coatings of titanium dioxide nanotubes decorated with zinc oxide and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: controlled release of Zn and antimicrobial properties against <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em></p>

Facile template-free synthesis of hierarchically porous NiO hollow architectures with high-efficiency adsorptive removal of Congo red

Slow on the draw: the representation of turtles, terrapins and tortoises in children’s literature

Sensitivity of economic policy uncertainty to investor sentiment

Effects of the graphene nanoplatelets reinforced interphase on mechanical properties of carbon fibre reinforced polymer – A multiscale modelling study

GORTS: genetic algorithm based on one-by-one revision of two sides for dynamic travelling salesman problems

Synthesis and characterization of tungsten and barium co-doped La2Mo2O9 by sol-gel process for solid oxide fuel cells

Privacy verification of photoDNA based on machine learning

Understanding the implications of chemical regulations, circular economy and corporate social responsibility for product stewardship

An English version of the mathematics teaching anxiety scale

Socrates for Teachers

The adoption of IPSAS (accrual accounting) in Indonesian local government: a neo-institutional perspective

Antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles grown in situ and anchored to titanium dioxide nanotubes on titanium implant against Staphylococcus aureus

A smartphone app for improving mental health through connecting with urban nature

State-of-the-art review of 3DPV technology: structures and models

Integration and evaluation of QUIC and TCP-BBR in longhaul science data transfers

Self-injury and self-concept

Community-based tourism in the developing world: Community learning, development & enterprise

A model-based engineering methodology and architecture for resilience in systems-of-systems: a case of water supply resilience to flooding

Use of artificial intelligence to improve resilience and preparedness against adverse flood events

Multiclass disease predictions based on integrated clinical and genomics datasets

Psychopathic traits of corporate leadership as predictors of future stock returns

Blockchain in Supply Chain Management: Australian Manufacturer Case Study

Borderline personality disorder: from understanding ontological addiction to psychotherapeutic revolution

Emotion dysregulation and loneliness as predictors of food addiction

Different schools, same problem: What value teacher research and inquiry?

Leading change for survival: the rural flexi-school approach

Distinguishing shame, humiliation and guilt: an evolutionary functional analysis and compassion focused Interventions

The efficacy of a compassion-focused therapy–based intervention in reducing psychopathic traits and disruptive behavior: a clinical case study with a juvenile detainee

An efficient security risk estimation technique for Risk-based access control model for IoT

A validation of security determinants model for cloud adoption in Saudi organisations’ context

Student pro-sociality: measuring institutional and individual factors that predict pro-social behaviour at university

Differences in the semantics of prosocial words: an exploration of compassion and kindness

Event portfolios and cultural exhibitions in Canberra and Melbourne

The role of education and training in the development of technical elites: work experience and vulnerability

'Bridging' the gap between VET and higher education: permeability or perpetuation?

Using figured worlds to explore parents' attitudes and influences for choosing the content of primary school packed lunches

Separated boundary layer transition under pressure gradient in the presence of free-stream turbulence

A location aware fast PMIPv6 for low latency wireless sensor networks

Lung clearance index in detection of post-transplant bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome

A software platform for noise reduction in sound sensor equipped drones

This is Derby: dialogic activism

A review of Pangaea dispersal and large igneous provinces – In search of a causative mechanism

Impact of board independence on the quality of community disclosures in annual reports.

Pop-up shops for increasing employability and contributing to civil society in times of austerity

Charged-particle pseudorapidity density at mid-rapidity in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV

Cuba: educationaliImpact of the Cuban revolution

Social reproduction strategies: Understanding compound inequality in the intergenerational transfer of capital, assets and resources

Creep response of various solders used in soldering ball grid array (BGA) on printed circuit board (PCB)

Value chain impacts of EU waste framework directive 2018/851 as a result of reporting substances of very high concern from 2021

Emerging apprenticeship practitioner roles in England: conceptualising the subaltern educator

Remarks on a family of complex polynomials

The Jews, the Holocaust and the Public: The Legacies of David Cesarani

Analysis and optimal design of a vibration isolation system combined with electromagnetic energy harvester

Nurses' knowledge and practice of pressure ulcer prevention and treatment: an observational study

The impacts and benefits of employing a progressive and sustained approach to outreach programmes for universities: a case study – the progress to success framework

Elemental ratios link environmental change and human health

Understanding the use of digital technology in the career development sector

Nudge theory: should career development practitioners have a position?

Preparing students to care for patients at the end of life

Calibration approaches for higher order ambisonic microphones

Genetic haemochromatosis: A qualitative exploration of patients' experience of diagnosis in primary care

Icarus, grannies, black holes and the death of privacy: exploring the use of digital networks for career enactment

Testing real talk: an adaptable evidence-based communication skills intervention in end of life talk

The good things in urban nature: A thematic framework for optimising urban planning for nature connectedness

A step to clean energy - Sustainability in energy system management in an emerging economy context

WikiLiteracy: enhancing students' digital literacy with Wikipedia

Differential qualitative analysis: a pragmatic qualitative methodology to support personalised healthcare research in heterogenous samples

Multiple geophysical techniques for investigation and monitoring of sobradinho landslide, Brazil

Renewable hydrogen anaerobic fermentation technology: problems and potentials

The legacy of Mad Men: cultural history, intermediality and American television

Critical review on social marketing planning approaches

A review on recent developments of thermoelectric materials for room-temperature applications

Graph data modelling for genomic variants

The evolution of turbulence characteristics in the wake of a horizontal axis tidal stream turbine

South Africa's foreign policy and evolving role conceptions: a crisis of international identity

Developing graduate entrepreneurs: exploring the experiences of university entrepreneurs in residence

Routledge international handbook of nurse education

The fundamentals of event design

Birth shock!

Arts therapies and gender issues

Inscribed on the body: gender and difference in the arts therapies

Beyond the Policy Rhetoric: The Limitations of Gender Mainstreaming in South Korea Relating to Women and Childcare

Wasta in Jordanian banking: An emic approach to a culture-specific concept of social networking and its power-implications

‘When there's no underbrush the tree looks taller’: A discourse analytical examination of how men account for genital grooming

Representing camp: Constructing macaroni masculinity in eighteenth century visual satire

Right place right Now

"The widows and orphans of servants are dying": The conflict of family in the design and application of nineteenth-century civil servant pensions

How the university lost its way: Sixteen threats to academic freedom

A new approach for strength and stiffness prediction of discontinuous fibre reinforced composites (DFC)

‘The postman wears out fast’: Retiring sick in London’s Victorian post office

Numerical analysis of flow in the gap of a simplified tractor-trailer model with cross vortex trap device

Exploring the ZMET methodology in services marketing

Creep damage of BGA solder interconnects subjected to thermal cycling and isothermal ageing

A history of nurse education and the clinical nurse educator

Buckling and strength analysis of panels with discrete stiffness tailoring

Pain coping, pain acceptance and analgesic use as predictors of health-related quality of life among women with primary dysmenorrhea

To you, to me: Generation non-eocentric habits of embodied, embedded, enactive and extended spectating.

Exploring the relationship between gamma-band activity and maths anxiety

Decreasing investment-cash flow sensitivity: Further UK evidence

Re-evaluating supply chain integration and firm performance: linking operations strategy to supply chain strategy

A cascade learning approach for automated detection of locomotive speed sensor using imbalanced data in ITS

Authentic-caller: Self-enforcing authentication in a next generation network

Building career capital: Helping workers to enhance career mobility in uncertain times

Run, jump, throw and catch: How proficient are children attending English schools at the fundamental motor skills identified as key within the school curriculum?

Energy assessment and economic sensitivity analysis of a grid-connected photovoltaic system

The role of government intervention in financial development: micro‐evidence from China

Environmentalism in the EU-28 context: the impact of governance quality on environmental energy efficiency

Shifting identities: exploring occupational identity for those in recovery from an eating disorder

Creative marketing

Intelligent data fusion algorithm based on hybrid delay-aware adaptive clustering in wireless sensor networks

Threats to auditor independence: Evidence from Iran

The protectorate playhouse: William Davenant's cockpit in the 1650s

Sustainable tourism as a catalyst for positive environmental change: the case of LUX* resorts and hotels

Migrant workers’ rights, social justice and sustainability in Australian and New Zealand wineries: a comparative context

Health school-based mindfulness interventions for improving mental health: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies

Human school (be your dog!)

Second-generation mindfulness-based interventions: toward more authentic mindfulness practice and teaching

The prevalence, communicability and co-occurrence of inverted hallucinations: an overlooked global public health concern

Exploring public perspectives of e-professionalism in nursing

An active deep learning approach for minimally supervised polsar image classification

Distribution of plasma oxidised phosphatidylcholines in chronic kidney disease and periodontitis as a co-morbidity

InDialogue Sunday Supplement at Dance4 in conversation with Hancock and Kelly

The formyl peptide receptor agonist FPRa14 induces differentiation of Neuro2a mouse neuroblastoma cells into multiple distinct morphologies which can be specifically inhibited with FPR antagonists and FPR knockdown using siRNA

A deep reinforcement learning based homeostatic system for unmanned position control

Shareholder Protection in China from a Numerical Comparative Law Perspective

Retinoic acid is a negative regulator of sFLT1 expression in decidual stromal cells, and its levels are reduced in preeclamptic decidua

More important than ever and yet impossible to deliver? Tackling the advising and tutoring conundrum with placement students

The future of student success

Influences of horizontal and vertical build orientations and post-fabrication processes on the fatigue behavior of stainless steel 316l produced by selective laser melting

Deriving a global and hourly data set of aerosol optical depth over land using data from four geostationary satellites: goes-16, msg-1, msg-4, and himawari-8

Sexual dimorphism in the loud calls of Azara’s owl monkeys (Aotus azarae): evidence of sexual selection?

Rain-fed granite rock basins accumulate a high diversity of dormant microbial eukaryotes

Energy law and policy in Nigeria with reflection on the International Energy Charter and domestication of the African Charter

An evaluation of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire collaborative outreach programme

What west? Worlding the western in Hernan Diaz's in the distance

Motor performance during experimental pain: The influence of exposure to contact sports

Using recurrent neural networks to compare movement patterns in adhd and normally developing children based on acceleration signals from the wrist and ankle

Guideline development for technological interventions for children and young people to self-manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: realist evaluation

The Time of The Artist

The effectiveness of group exercise for improving activity and participation in adult stroke survivors: a systematic review

Shaping public opinion in a time of colonial conflict: media allegations of the use of torture by the French army in the first Vietnam war

Supply chain traceability of substances of concern across the electronics supply chain

Lead me to train better: transformational leadership’s moderation of the negative relationship between athlete personality and training behaviors

Membership of Chinese farmer specialized cooperatives and direct subsidies for farmer households: a multi-province data study

Itajime: digital intervention

A design journey across time and five nations

An evaluation of the INSPiRED teenager framework

Investigating homicide offender typologies based on their clinical histories and crime scene behaviour patterns

Measuring the quality of life of family carers of people with dementia: development and validation of C-DEMQOL

Out of sight: social control and the regulation of public space in Manchester

In advance of the broken image: Gerhard Richter and Gustav Metzger’s confrontations with Nazi criminality

Green human resource management and environmental cooperation: An ability-motivation-opportunity and contingency perspective

Why women don’t win literary awards: the saltire society literary awards and implicit stereotyping

‘Eating, sleeping, breathing, reading’: the zoella book club and the young woman reader in the 21st Century

Diversity and opportunity in the UK media industries

The first rule of judging club…: inside the saltire society literary awards

Twenty-first century book studies: the state of the discipline

Fuzzy logic with expert judgment to implement an adaptive risk-based access control model for IoT

The effect of droplets on laminar propagation speed of an acetone-methane flame

Soot measurements over a series of laminar pool flames of biofuels, methyl esters and blends with diesel

Use of social networks by women in the Jordanian banking sector for career development

Wasta: towards an integrated approach

Introduction: the lives and legacies of David Cesarani

After the Holocaust: Facing the Nazi past in British and international perspective—an interview with David Cesarani

Plastics and the spa industry

IoT security, privacy, safety and ethics

Intersections between IoT and distributed ledger

Security, cybercrime and digital forensics for IoT

Experts reviews of a cloud forensic readiness framework for organizations

IoT forensics: A state-of-the-art review, callenges and future directions

Designing privacy-aware internet of things applications

Simulated natural environments bolster the effectiveness of a mindfulness programme: A comparison with a relaxation-based intervention

Territories of Eile, film screening

Border fictioning (Eile project)

Constituent relations across the city: Three perspectives from practice

“Football is pure enjoyment”: An exploration of the behaviour change processes which facilitate engagement in football for people with mental health problems

Professional football clubs’ involvement in health promotion in Spain: an audit of current practices

Pedagogies for developing undergraduate ethical thinking within geography

Myths for a wetlands imaginary

CaCO3 Composite Images

Letters to the editor: Comparative and historical perspectives

Critical dialogues: Dialogue and conflict resolution - special issue

Religion and belief-related hate incidents in higher education: a research and evaluation report

Brexit: A colonial boomerang in a populist world

I wouldn't start from here: The second-generation Irish in Britain

Screening of the territories of Eile

Selective laser melting of stainless steel 316L pressure fittings

Additive manufacturing of graded structures in IN718

Barriers to implementation of SDGs in Africa: the need for effective business and government collaboration

The cryptic and transboundary nature of ghost gear in the Maldivian Archipelago

Pathways to Recovery and Desistance: The Role of the Social Contagion of Hope

The descent of nations: social evolutionary theory, modernism and ethno‐symbolism

Nations as zones of conflict, nations as zones of selection: A Darwinian social evolutionary engagement with John Hutchinson's ‘Culture Wars’

LDBG loan and grant funding recipients

Expanded Studio Project

S.H.E.D panel at InDialogue 2019

Shedding preconceptions of place-shaping through participatory design and research

Gender and bank lending after the global financial crisis: are women entrepreneurs safer bets?

Investment motivations and UK business angels' appetite for risk taking: The moderating role of experience

Regional and spatial issues in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises and new ventures

Eile project presentation of research at: a one-day inaugural symposium for the new ‘postcolonial Europe group’

How do human rights violations affect poverty and income distribution?

S.H.E.D at InDialogue Symposium 2019

S.H.E.D Models

Intelligent price alert system for digital assets - cryptocurrencies

Permeability characterization of braided fabrics made of hemp fibers

S.H.E.D at Departure Lounge Festival 2019

This is Derby Reimagined: S.H.E.D School Tour

Geopower (Spatial Self Organisation Against Injustice in Sheffield)

CHEAD Annual Conference 2020


A Profound Difference: Departure Lounge

Utran Conversations

Cumulus: Contemporary Art Working Group

A profound difference: Installation

River-Film: Cine installation

A profound difference: InDialogue Symposium

Bringing the Blessing of Dimensionality to the Edge

Andersen’s Scissors: Cutting his own shape

Inside student recruitment 2019: Findings of the ISE recruitment survey

Stability, transparency, flexibility and employer ownership. Employer recommendations for improving the apprenticeship system

Student development survey 2019

Pulse survey 2019

Subjective versus objective knowledge of online safety/dangers as predictors of children’s perceived online safety and attitudes towards e-safety education in the United Kingdom

Factors leading to cyber victimization

“It’s so fluid, it’s developing all the time”: pre-service teachers’ perceptions and understanding of cyberbullying in the school environment

Layered Realities and the Narration of History


Wales on Film: Memory, Identity, Politics

Social Software: Archives, The Digital and Radical Histories

Dark Fringes: Complexity and Emergence in Realist Collage

From "blind elation" to "oh my goodness, what have I gotten into"… Exploring the experience of executive coaching during leadership transitions into C-suite roles

Characterization of a newly fallen Nigerian meteorite