Heart rate variability during exercise: A
comparison of artefact correction methods
Hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory predictors of sport rock climbing performance
Lived places of anarchy: Colin Ward’s social anarchy in action
Behavioural competencies of sustainability leaders: An empirical investigation
Female entrepreneurial networking in the marketing services sector
Measuring the value of placements to employers: A cost-benefit approach
Early childhood studies: Principles and practice, 2nd ed.
Cognitive development
The early years professional
Language development
Leadership and management of early years settings.
Promoting and protecting coach psychological well-being and performance
Using a mixed method audit to inform organizational stress management interventions in sport
Investor-state arbitration and African states: advancing the proposal for a Pan- African Investment Court
African Continental Free Trade Area: Promises and Perils
Stretch imposed on active muscle elicits positive adaptations in strain risk factors and exercise-induced muscle damage
Variable, but not free‐weight, resistance back squat exercise potentiates jump performance following a comprehensive task‐specific warm‐up
The muddy waters of multicultural acceptance: A qualitative case study on antisemitism and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
Willful Ignorance and the Death Knell of Critical Thought
A Psychological Analysis of the Role of Expressive Writing in Trauma
Where the Shoe Pinches -Tackling Current Market Challenges for Recycling Plastics from WEEE
Tracking HOCl concentrations across cellular organelles in real time using a super resolution microscopy probe
Polysulfide-triggered fluorescent indicator suitable for super-resolution microscopy and application in imaging
Mitochondria-localising DNA-binding biscyclometalated phenyltriazole iridium(iii) dipyridophenazene complexes: syntheses and cellular imaging properties
A Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Organelle-Specific Imaging of Nucleoside Polyphosphate Dynamics in Living Cells
Two photon excitable graphene quantum dots for structured illumination microscopy and imaging applications: lysosome specificity and tissue-dependent imaging
Mitochondria Targeting Non-Isocyanate-Based Polyurethane Nanocapsules for Enzyme-Triggered Drug Release
Optimizing and Enhancing the Lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network Using Biogeography Based Optimization
Tactile Communication System for the Interaction between Deafblind and Robots
Capacitive-Piezoelectric Tandem Architecture for Biomimetic Tactile Sensing in Prosthetic Hand
Inductance-Based Flexible Pressure Sensor for Assistive Gloves
Ambiguity, manageability and orchestration: implementing and coping with complex organisational change in elite soccer
Analysis of laminated composites and sandwich structures by variable-kinematic MITC9 plate elements
Higher-order shell element for the static and free-vibration analysis of sandwich structures
Electro-mechanical analysis of composite and sandwich multilayered structures by shell elements with node-dependent kinematics
Modal analysis of delaminated plates and shells using Carrera Unified Formulation–MITC9 shell element
Multilayered plate elements with node-dependent kinematics for electro-mechanical problems
Classical, higher-order, zig-zag and variable kinematic shell elements for the analysis of composite multilayered structures
Analysis of multilayered structures embedding viscoelastic layers by higher-order, and zig-zag plate elements
A variable ESL/LW kinematic plate formulation for free-vibration thermoelastic analysis of laminated structures
π0 and η meson production in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV
Production of deuterons, tritons, 3 He nuclei, and their antinuclei in p p collisions at √ s = 0.9 , 2.76, and 7 TeV
Λ+ c production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Systematic studies of correlations between different order flow harmonics in Pb-Pb collisions at√ sNN= 2.76 TeV
First measurement of jet mass in Pb–Pb and p–Pb collisions at the LHC
National renewal in the discourse of neoliberal transition in Britain and Chile
Tales of Migration from the Global South. The Civilized and Uncivilized Migrant in the Narratives of La Tercera and El Mercurio
Parental perception of listening difficulties: an interaction between weaknesses in language processing and ability to sustain attention
Hearing without listening: attending to a quiet audiobook
Remarks on Forest Scenery: North and South and the 'Picturesque'
Erratum to: 150,000-year palaeoclimate record from northern Ethiopia supports early, multiple dispersals of modern humans from Africa (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (1077), 10.1038/s41598-018-19601-w)
An extended and revised Lake Suigetsu varve chronology from ∼50 to ∼10 ka BP based on detailed sediment micro-facies analyses
Institutional Development and the Astana International Financial Centre
Prospective memory, working memory, planning, and attention in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A comparative study
Measuring outcomes using goals
Association between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and peripheral blood mononuclear cell DNA damage in human volunteers during fire extinction exercises.
Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure, lung function, systemic inflammation, and genotoxicity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from firefighters before and after a work shift.
Inhalation of House Dust and Ozone Alters Systemic Levels of Endothelial Progenitor Cells, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Elderly Subjects.
Substantial modification of the gene expression profile following exposure of macrophages to welding-related nanoparticles.
The socio and political conundrum around the policy initiative of free childcare in South Korea
ECEC Discourses in England, Germany, Japan and Korea: Framing the Departure from the Male-Breadwinner Ideology
Systematic identification of genetic influences on methylation across the human life course.
Dual Role of CREB in The Regulation of VSMC Proliferation: Mode of Activation Determines Pro- or Anti-Mitogenic Function.
The impact of trusted and secured transactions in an e-commerce environment on consumers’ behaviour : the case of Saudis in the UK
Building a causation annotated corpus : the Salford Arabic Causal Bank-proclitics
Query expansion using medical information extraction for improving information retrieval in French medical domain
Exploiting Past Users’ Interests and Predictions in an Active Learning Method for Dealing with Cold Start in Recommender Systems
An adaptable and personalised E-learning system applied to computer science Programmes design
Automated glioma grading based on an efficient ensemble design of a multiple classifier system using deep iteration neural networks matrix
Fast flux botnet detection framework using adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm
Learning Causality for Arabic - Proclitics
ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images
A POS-based preordering approach for English-to-Arabic statistical machine translation
The influence of advanced and secure e-commerce environments on customers behaviour: The case of Saudis in the UK
A reversible and imperceptible watermarking scheme for MR images authentication
Arabic Query Expansion Using WordNet and Association Rules
Hospitableness: driving Social Responsibility (SR) in hospitality businesses
Exploring the Consistency and Value of Humour Style Profiles (Registered Report Stage 2 Accepted)
Violence inhibition mechanism functioning mediates the relationship between dietary eicosapentaenoic acid intake and physical aggression
Control options for upper limb externally powered components
Investigating an A-star algorithm-based fitness function for mobile robot evolution
Characterisation of the Clothespin Relocation Test as a functional assessment tool
Numerical simulation of delamination under mixed mode loading of woven fabric reinforced composites through cohesive zone elements
A pilot study mapping citizens' interaction with urban nature
HFE in biophilic design: Human connections with nature
A Demographic Analysis of Urban Nature Utilization
Dataset of coded handwriting features for use in statistical modelling
An effective Physical Developer (PD) method for use in Australian laboratories
Metal-Organic Frameworks for fingermark detection — A feasibility study
Impact of one-step luminescent cyanoacrylate treatment on subsequent DNA analysis
Using handwriting to infer a writer’s country of origin for forensic intelligence purposes
Investigation of some of the factors influencing fingermark detection
Comment on “Linkage analysis of a model quantitative trait in humans: Finger ridge count shows significant multivariate linkage to 5q14.1” by Medland et al., “Common Genetic Variants Influence Whorls in Fingerprint Patterns” by Ho et al. and “Hot on the Trail of Genes that Shape Our Fingerprints” by Walsh et al .
‘Better as a Buddhist’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Reflections on the Religious Beliefs of Buddhist Men Serving a Prison Sentence for a Sexual Offence
Sector Well-Being Differences Among UK Police Custody Staff
“It’s Not Something I Chose You Know”: Making Sense of Pedophiles’ Sexual Interest in Children and the Impact on Their Psychosexual Identity
“It’s Sort of Reaffirmed to Me That I’m Not a Monster, I’m Not a Terrible Person”
FS2RNN: Feature Selection Scheme for Web Spam Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks
User behavior analysis-based smart energy management for webpage ranking: Learning automata-based solution
Cognitive spammer: A Framework for PageRank analysis with Split by Over-sampling and Train by Under-fitting
QAIR: Quality Assessment Scheme for Information Retrieval in IoT Infrastructures
‘The guy might not even be able to remember why he's here and what he's in here for and why he's locked in’: residents and prison staff experiences of living and working alongside people with dementia who are serving prison sentences for a sexual offence
Investigating the Uncanny Valley for Prosthetic Hands
A survey on evolutionary-aided design in robotics
Reconsidering the links between Tourism, Health, Wellbeing and Protected Areas
Introduction to Tourism, Health, and Wellbeing and Protected Environments.
A multimodal deep log-based user experience (UX) platform for UX evaluation.
Effect of expertise on pacing strategies and sprint performance in batsmen
A novel intervention program (cricfit) for the strength and conditioning of adolescent cricket players
Injury Prevention Strategies in Cricket
Circles of Support and Accountability, Assisted Desistance and Community Transition.
Future Directions: Alternative Circles of Support and Accountability Models and Minority Groups.
"I kind of find that out by accident": probation staff experiences of pharmacological treatment for sexual preoccupation and hypersexuality
Exposing latent fingermarks on problematic metal surfaces using time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy.
Robotics and Integrated Formal Methods: Necessity Meets Opportunity
Verifiable Self-Certifying Autonomous Systems
Videogame Production: How the Capitalist Socius and Platformization Subjectivate
On the move alobe (OMA): a practical tool for case management of uncaccompanied migrant children in southern Africa
Judith Butler, Race and Education
School surveillance: primary and secondary schools
Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Social Audit in Bangladesh
Creation and validation of the belief in the supernatural scale
Towards Another Level of Borderlessness: Qualitative Investigation into Online Learning Experience of Students with Disabilities
A Practice Orientated Framework to Support Successful Higher Education Online Learning
Online Activity Design within the UDOL Academic Framework
Trapped like a butterfly in a spider's web: Experiences of female spousal caregivers in the care of husbands with severe mental illness.
Maintaining student enrolment after the removal of bursaries
Challenges in the clinical education of the nursing profession in Iran: A qualitative study
The Bioarchaeology of Infectious Disease
‘Make Do and Mend’: Crafting a Scottish Underdog in The Flying Scotsman (2006)
The BBC Asian Network, the Search for Younger Digital Listeners
P25 Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) for adults discharged from hospital with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) – a feasibility study
Examining engagement and achievement in learners with individual needs through robotic‐based teaching sessions
Alcohol audio-visual content in Formula 1 television broadcasting
Social Identity in People with Multiple Sclerosis: An Examination of Family Identity and Mood
A systematic review and meta-analysis assessing the effectiveness of alternative listening devices to conventional hearing aids in adults with hearing loss.
Population exposure to smoking and tobacco branding in the UK reality show ‘Love Island’
Content analysis of tobacco content in UK television
A content analysis of alcohol content in UK television
Introduction: Redefining Journalism During the Period of the Mass Press, 1880-1920
The vision and the mission of the International Journal of Spa and Wellness
Defining the female artist: Marion Adnams and surrealism
The influence of caffeine expectancies on sport, exercise and cognitive performance.
Barriers to Family Caregivers’ Coping With Patients With Severe Mental Illness in Iran
The usefulness of psychopathy in explaining and predicting violence: discussing the utility of competing perspectives.
A new career in higher education careers work.
Cloud-based video analytics using convolutional neural networks.
A framework for orchestrating secure and dynamic access of IoT services in multi-cloud environments.
Me, myself, and I: Women’s perceptions of their body-image using clay making as a tool for exploration.
The impact of freshwater mussels (order Unionoida) on river bed characteristics and sediment flux: A flume-based study.
Lean readiness – the case of the European pharmaceutical manufacturing industry
Tourism, Health, Wellbeing and Protected areas
The host#4
Simulation-based impact analysis for sustainable manufacturing design and management
Defining the nature of blended learning through its depiction in current research
The host#3
The journey to adopt a child – A mixed methods study comparing aspiring parents’ perceptions of the adoption process with those of social workers and social work managers.
Sustainable stochastic production and procurement problem for resilient supply chain
Man-In-The-Middle attacks in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Evaluating the impact of attackers’ strategies.
Student mental health: The role and experiences of academics.
A circularity measurement toolkit for manufacturing SMEs.
Entries on the L word and true blood
Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants.
Challenges to recruitment for the career development sector
Decisional and emotional forgiveness scales: Psychometric validity and correlates with personality and vengeance
Renaturalising the water courses: dynamic interactions between communities and nature
Active recovery strategy and lactate clearance in elite swimmers
Rediscovering the playful learner.
Appropriating, adapting and performing: new considerations of identity, genre and authorship in the Fiction of Sarah Waters.
Technology challenges in accounting and finance.
Performance Under Stress: An Eye-Tracking Investigation of the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT)
An investigation into the impacts of task-level behavioural heterogeneity upon energy efficiency in Cloud datacentres.
Opening up the debate: Irish radio, Facebook, and the creation of transnational cultural public spheres.
Repairing a shield tunnel damaged by secondary grouting.
A phenomenological study of students with hidden disabilities in higher education: A cross sectional study of learning support needs in a University in the UK.
Twenty-seven years of controversy: The perils of PGD
Mental wellbeing of caring profession students: relationship with caregiver identity, self-compassion, and intrinsic motivation.
The relationship between work motivation and worker profile in UK hospitality workers.
A Fuzzy Multi-Layer Assessment Method for EFQM
Mental health attitudes, self-criticism, compassion and role identity among UK social work students.
Pragmatic Randomised controlled trial of a trauma-focused guided self-help Programme versus InDividual trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID): trial protocol.
Should we expect exemplary integrated reporting to increase organisational ESG ratings?
Numeracy apprehension in young children: Insights from children aged 4-7 years and primary care providers
The influence of trees, shrubs, and grasses on microclimate, soil carbon, nitrogen, and CO2 efflux: Potential implications of shrub encroachment for Kalahari rangelands.
Understanding the educational needs of joint honours degree students in a post Brexit United Kingdom higher education sector.
Employability outcomes for university joint honours graduates.
A therapeutic intervention in a primary school.
The legal status of the Sulha in the criminal law of the State of Israel.
The light ages: An investigation into the relationship between photography and the hegemony of light.
Deep learning hyper-parameter optimization for video analytics in clouds.
How men experience, understand, and describe masculinity: A phenomenological psychological analysis and photovoice exploration.
Apelin-13 analogues show potent in vitro and in vivo insulinotropic and glucose lowering actions
A study of the uses of a blog-based critical incident questionnaire in further education.
Edge enhanced deep learning system for large-scale video stream analytics.
Ethical judgement in UK business students: relationship with motivation, self-compassion and mental health.
Involving recreational snorkelers in inventory improvement or creation: a case study in the Indian Ocean
Schools and employers must work together.
A strategic framework for performance measurement in local government: an empirical study of three district councils in the UK
Personal guidance: What works?
Ensuring an independent future for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): a critical examination of the impact of education, health and care plans in England.
Moving from information provision to co-careering: Integrated guidance as a new approach to e-guidance in Norway
Evaluation of shared placements between MSc Pre-Registration and BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography students.
Early education
Towards a more circular economy: exploring the awareness, practices, and barriers from a focal firm perspective
A lean transportation approach for improving emergency medical operations.
Problematizing motherhood: Oppression, empowerment and ‘being good enough’.
The future of accountancy – beyond the numbers.
‘Making voices heard …’: index on censorship as advocacy journalism
Key skills and training needs of the D2N2 low carbon and environmental goods and services (LCEGS) sector
Understanding the educational needs of joint honour United Kingdom higher education sector.
Cross-cultural differences and similarities in human value instantiation.
Understanding the place of Australian English: exploring folk linguistic accounts through contemporary Australian authors
Mass mortality hits gorgonian forests at Montecristo Island.
Problematic painkiller use in the general population: a multi-national comparison exploring the role of accessibility of painkillers and psychological factors
Flexible professional development.
The internet science fiction theatre database
The host revisited.
Recent experiences of urban ritual performances, inspired by Dimitris Pikionis's walkways in Athens.
Advanced nurse practitioners: the NHS England framework.
Impacts of lagoon opening and implications for coastal management: case study from Muni-Pomadze lagoon, Ghana
Implementing sustainability initiatives in business processes
Guest introduction: Making sense of event experiences.
Maintaining natural spawning timing in Acropora corals following long distance inter-continental transportation.
Why do men rape? Understanding the determinants of rapes in India.
Simplified and accurate stiffness of a prismatic anisotropic thin-walled box.
New Age visitors and the tourism industry.
#whitegenocide, the alt-right and conspiracy theory: How secrecy and suspicion contributed to the mainstreaming of hate.
Values-based practice (VBP) training for radiographers.
The contemporary corporate tax strategy environment.
Topographic shading influences cryoconite morphodynamics and carbon exchange.
Laon and Cythna and The Revolt of Islam: revisions as transition.
Who is fit to serve? person–job/organization fit, emotional labor, and customer service performance
Improving students' behaviour and academic achievement through a counselling intervention programme.
Rediscovery of the critically endangered ‘scarce yellow sally stonefly’ Isogenus nubecula in United Kingdom after a 22 year period of absence.
Challenges in teaching gifted students with special learning difficulties: Using a strategy model of 'Asking, Analysing and Answering Questions' (AAA) to improve the learning environment.
Long-term treatment with acylated analogues of apelin-13 amide ameliorates diabetes and improves lipid profile of high-fat fed mice.
The use of gamification in the teaching of disease epidemics and pandemics.
A novel service discovery model for decentralised online social networks.
Collaborative development of an accelerated graduate entry nursing programme outside of traditional funding mechanisms
Interest-aware content discovery in peer-to-peer social networks.
Spatial-existential authenticity and the production of heterotopia: The case of second homes in China.
Is there a role for simulation based education within conventional diagnostic radiography? A literature review
An efficient indexing model for the fog layer of industrial Internet of Things.
Spa services and wellness activities within the surf tourism experience; the case study of Jersey, Channel Islands.
Attributes of Iranian new nurse preceptors: A phenomenological study
Evaluation and improvement on service quality of Chinese university libraries under new information environments.
A lean-TOC approach for improving emergency medical services (EMS) transport and logistics operations
A case study of a school in Zimbabwe: Investigating challenges faced by rural O-level students and strategies used by teachers in the English Reading- comprehension classes.
Standing in my customer’s shoes: effects of customer-oriented perspective taking on proactive service performance
Is ultrasound screening for vasa praevia clinically justified and a financially viable screening test? A literature review
Further development of the Children’s Mathematics Anxiety Scale UK (CMAS-UK) for ages 4–7 years
Workforce needs of the career development sector in the UK
The applications of neuro-linguistic programming in organizational settings: A systematic review of psychological outcomes.
Motivation types and mental health of UK hospitality workers.
A comparison of methods of quantifying and assessing the behaviour and welfare of Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus): a case study at Twycross Zoo
The 'duality' of fraud in English law and practice
Topographic shading influences cryoconite morphodynamics and carbon exchange.
Logistics and supply chain management investigation: A case study.
The Monty Hall problem revisited: Autonomic arousal in an inverted version of the game.
Dying matters - What can we do in our communities?
The margin of appreciation doctrine and the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights as a living instrument
‘Am I a student or a Health Care Assistant?’ A qualitative evaluation of a programme of pre-nursing care experience.
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) co-product-derived protein hydrolysates: A source of antidiabetic peptides
Influencing attitudes, changing behaviours and embedding a pro-sustainability mindset in the workplace: An innovation diffusion approach to persuasive communications.
An a/r/tographic exploration of engagement in theatrical performance: What does this mean for the student/teacher relationship?
'It all kind of symbolises something doesn't it?' How students present their career image online.
Spatial and economic smart strategies for the 21st-Century metropolitan city of Naples
Twofoldness/threefoldness: Marc Lüders' photopicturen
International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2018.
A framework for orchestrating secure and dynamic access of IoT services in multi-cloud environments
Why are there no great women artists? The positioning of women artists within fine art and craft.
What is acceptance, and how could it affect health outcomes for people receiving renal dialysis?
An approach to optimise resource provision with energy-awareness in datacentres by combating task heterogeneity.
Risk-taking and expenditure in digital roulette: Examining the impact of tailored dynamic information and warnings on gambling attitudes and behaviours.
The Development of the Numeracy Apprehension Scale for Children Aged 4-7 Years: Qualitative Exploration of Associated Factors and Quantitative Testing
Renaturalising the water courses: dynamic interactions between communities and nature
Morbidity and mortality in coeliac disease.
Maintaining natural spawning timing in Acropora corals following long distance inter-continental transportation.
Event-related potentials support a dual process account of the Embedded Chinese Character Task
Numerical study of flow over a bluff body with drag reduction devices
Computer aided design of 3D of renewable energy platform for Togo's smart grid power system infrastructure
Self-criticism and self-reassurance as mediators between mental health attitudes and symptoms: Attitudes towards mental health problems in Japanese workers.
Technology challenges in accounting and finance.
Students' learning experience in flipped classes using social media
The micro-politics of organizational change in professional youth football: towards an understanding of the “professional self”.
A prescriptive analytics approach for energy efficiency in datacentres.
The archaea: painting digital photography.
Sense and Sentimentality: The Soldier-Horse Relationship in the Great War.
Exploring the lived experience of being an occupational therapy student with additional support requirements.
Sustainability, the triple bottom line and corporate social responsibility.
Why do we need to measure performance? A local government perspective.
Potential implications of degree apprenticeships for healthcare education
Transitional response model for post-crisis tourism: A case study of Libya
Trigeminal neuralgia: Imaging and the patient experience of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain: Findings from an on-line survey of patient experience of MRI imaging.
Memory screens: The body and technology in time and space
Strategic alignment or non-alignment: the management of human capital in Dubai
Ontological addiction theory: Attachment to me, mine, and I.
The Reliability, Practicality and Acceptability of Using Ultrasonography to Monitor the Progress of Labour and Delivery
The micro-politics of organisational change in professional youth football: Towards an understanding of “actions, strategies and professional interests”.
Découverte de l’artiste’ (discovering the artist): Finding Marion Adnams through her work with a focus on ‘Infante égarée
First detection of a highly invasive freshwater amphipod (Crangonyx floridanus) in the United Kingdom
Parental involvement in career education and guidance in senior general secondary schools in the Netherlands
Assessing the credibility of online social network messages.
Local community attitudes and perceptions towards thermalism.
Ensuring quality in career guidance: a critical review
Born this way: Challenging and addressing educational inequality for LGBTI pupils in the United Kingdom
The effect of cognitive and emotion-based processes on the Iowa Gambling Task
Against all odds: Embedding new knowledge for event continuity and community well-being
Wicca, witchcraft and the Goddess revival: An examination of the growth of Wicca in post-war America.
Boarfish (Capros aper) protein hydrolysate has potent insulinotropic and GLP‐1 secretory activity in vitro and acute glucose lowering effects in mice
What is the Impact of University Work-Based Learning for Early Years Practitioners in Norway and England? Examples of Processes, Outcomes and Impact from the Undertaking of Work-Based Projects
Pain responses in athletes: the role of contact sports
Literature 1780–1830: the Romantic Period.
Contemporary issues in accounting - An introduction
How younger elderly realize usefulness of cognitive training video games to maintain their independent living.
Effects of short-term, medium-term and long-term resistance exercise training on cardiometabolic health outcomes in adults: systematic review with meta-analysis.
The costs of choice in the New Zealand history curriculum
Best supply chain management practices and high-performance firms
Are you using simulation in radiography? If not, why not?
TEAM: A trust evaluation and management framework in context-enabled vehicular ad-hoc networks.
Mental health of UK university business students: Relationship with shame, motivation and self-compassion
Exploring emptiness and its effects on non-attachment, mystical experiences, and psycho-spiritual wellbeing: a quantitative and qualitative study of advanced meditators.
Development and validation of the inspirational leaders survey.
City rhythms and events.
Competitive product pricing extended producer responsibility and the circular economy.
On Locky ransomware, Al Capone and Brexit
Dry January: the damaging effects of alcohol on your liver.
Thinking digitally in a digital world.
The origins of disordered eating and childhood food neophobia: Applying an anxiety perspective.
Researching reciprocal leadership: using the consciousness quotient inventory (CQ-i) as a pilot methodology to explore leadership with the context of a school–university partnership.
Repositioning interprofessional education from the margins to the centre of Australian health professional education - what is required?
Capturing habitus: theory, method and reflexivity.
Coping strategies, vision-related quality of life, and emotional health in managing retinitis pigmentosa: a survey study.
Embodying self-compassion within virtual reality and its effects on patients with depression.
Ascites: drainage and management.
Neutral thermal sensation or dynamic thermal comfort? Numerical and field test analysis of a thermal chair.
Sonographic parameters for diagnosing fetal head engagement during labour
Efficacy of “attachment-based compassion therapy” in the treatment of fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial.
Mindfulness and nature
Effects of attachment-based compassion therapy (ABCT) on self-compassion and attachment style in healthy people.
Sustainable supply chain quality management: A systematic review.
A PDCA-based approach to Environmental Value Stream Mapping (E-VSM)
Rapid deployment modular building solutions and climatic adaptability: Case based study of a novel approach to “thermal capacity on demand” and building management systems.
Alcohol: is it all that bad?
Problematic smartphone use, nature connectedness, and anxiety.
Personality, internet addiction, and other technological addictions: A psychological examination of personality traits and technological addictions.
Impact assessment in higher education : A strategic view from the UK.
They think I'm stupid: Dealing with supervisor feedback.
A conceptual framework for combining artificial neural networks with computational aeroacoustics for design development.
Lean manufacturing adoption in the transport and logistics sector of Thailand - An exploratory study
Innovation and growth in family-owned Mexican SMEs
Using the Delphi method to verify a framework to implement sustainability initiatives.
Investigating the benefits and challenges of the implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in the aerospace industry
Unsavoury thoughts
Head space and Dark days.
Matrimony, The Fall and A Moment in Time.
Framework for a chemical substance reporting system.
Written evidence from Dr Michael Teague, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Derby.
Towards a life cycle sustainability analysis: A systematic review of approaches to sustainable manufacturing.
Current issues: patient perception of clinical photography.
Control of spray evaporative cooling in automotive IC engines.
Brain activity and mental workload associated with artistic practice
Marion Adnams symposium
Talk about success: BU women academics speak.
Telephone-supported computerised cognitive–behavioural therapy: REEACT-2 large-scale pragmatic randomised controlled trial.
Reduce turnaround time through waste elimination.
A conceptual framework for women’s business survival in the handicraft industry in Malaysia.
Corporate social responsibility in a burgeoning industry: a stakeholder analysis.
Strengths, innovation, and opportunities in a burgeoning industry: An exploratory study.
Understanding mega-events success and customer satisfaction.
The interrelationship between place symbolism, memory and voluntary income schemes (VIS): The ‘stick up for Stanage’ campaign.
Complex interventions - Exploring the application of behaviour change theory to doctoral supervisor training.
Meditation-induced near-death dxperiences: a 3-year longitudinal study.
Production of deuterons, tritons, 3 He nuclei, and their antinuclei in pp collisions at √s = 0.9, 2.76, and 7 TeV.
D-Meson Azimuthal Anisotropy in Midcentral Pb-Pb Collisions at ffiffi s p NN = 5.02 TeV.
Search for collectivity with azimuthal J/ψ -hadron correlations in high multiplicity p–Pb collisions at View the MathML source and 8.16 TeV.
Advanced personal comfort system (APCS) for the workplace: A review and case study.
Identification and alignment of the social aspects of sustainable manufacturing with the theory of motivation.
'It was noticeable so I changed': Supergirls, aspirations and Bourdieu.
Understanding the role of the careers leader.
Live sound subwoofer system performance quantification.
Trapped particle makes 3D images.
Virtually home: Feasibility study and pilot randomised controlled trial of a virtual reality intervention to support patient discharge after stroke.
Evaluation for what purpose? Findings from two stakeholder groups
Student mentoring and peer learning.
A brain-based pain facilitation mechanism contributes to painful diabetic polyneuropathy.
Career capital: Building our mobility within an evolving world of work.
Crime concentrations: Hot dots, hot spots and hot flushes.
Measurement of Z0-boson production at large rapidities in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV.
Ontogeny of juvenile freshwater pearl mussels, Margaritifera margaritifera (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae).
The effect of lean methods and tools on the environmental performance of manufacturing organisations.
Post-feeding activity of Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on common domestic indoor surfaces and its effect on development.
A critical response to Hooley’s Seven Cs of digital literacy.
The didactic diamond - An information literacy model to explain the academic process in higher education.
Social unrest in the UK and Turkey: Rethinking police violence against dissident communities.
An exploration of power asymmetry in the apparel industry in the UK and Turkey.
Exploring the experience of novelty when viewing creative adverts: An ERP study.
Impact of the truck wave region to the aerodynamics of saloon car.
Optimisation nozzle design for mixing fluid using computational fluid dynamics.
Addressing robustness in time-critical, distributed, task allocation algorithms.
Portable inflated solar power cold storage house technology as a supporting facility to increase the production and marketing of fishery fishermen.
Gender leadership and inequality study on higher education in Indonesia.
Integration model of maritime and tourism in the regional areas to enhancing economy in East Indonesia.
Unifying local-global type properties in vector optimization.
Towards Multi-layer Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT Platforms: The INTER-IoT Approach
Resilience of Video Streaming Services to Network Impairments
Transmission power control in WSNs: from deterministic to cognitive methods
Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Integration, Interconnection, and Interoperability of IoT Systems
Finance and growth: Evidence from South Asia
Effect on the hardness paving block by adding gomuti and pumice stone.
Creep properties of intact and fractured muddy siltstone.
High fidelity numerical simulations of gas turbine flows
Robust generalized Mittag-Leffler synchronization of fractional order neural networks with discontinuous activation and impulses.
The Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme: A co-created approach to transforming student learning.
Preference-based evolutionary algorithm for airport surface operations.
Effect of the building maintenance and resource management through user satisfaction of maintenance.
Modelling of waste material costs on road construction projects.
Substitution local resources basalt stone scoria Lampung, Indonesia, as a third raw material aggregate to increase the quality of portland composite cement (PCC).
Portable urban agriculture technology and soil nutrient drive app that support farmers profit.
Inflated portable cold storage house with solar cells as facilities to support the fisheries production and marketing.
Approaching development of a new education programme in diagnostic radiography.
Buckling analysis of piezo-magnetoelectric nanoplates in hygrothermal environment based on a novel one variable plate theory combining with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory.
Real-time automated image segmentation technique for cerebral aneurysm on reconfigurable system-on-chip.
Twittering away - Is Twitter an appropriate adjunctive tool to enhance learning and engagement in higher education?
An exploration into transfer of knowledge acquired from taught MSc Human Resource Management (HRM) programmes into workplace Human Resource (HR) Departments and wider dissemination across intra-organisational boundaries.
Character Toolkit for Teachers: 100+ Classroom and Whole School Character Education Activities for 5-to 11-year-olds
Digital interventions to promote self-management in people with osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis - Study protocol
"Penny's plan" - Dying matters what can we do?
Achieving Data Completeness in Electronic Medical Records: A Conceptual Model and Hypotheses Development
Is drinking becoming socially unacceptable?
Exploiting in-memory systems for gnomic data analysis.
21 Real talk – a novel evidence-based, video-based communication skills training resource.
Development and preliminary evaluation of a new anatomically based prosthetic alignment method for below-knee prosthesis.
A tutorial introduction to IoT design and prototyping with examples.
Laughter and humour interventions for well-being in older adults: A systematic review and intervention classification.
Physical activity and sport evaluation toolkit.
Towards an efficient indexing and searching model for service discovery in a decentralised environment.
Posting selfies and body image in young adult women: The selfie paradox.
The challenges of the circular economy
We may unknowingly consume dangerous levels of alcohol.
Thresholds of size: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of childhood messages around food, body, health and weight.
Fractal dimension links responses to a visual scene to its biodiversity.
Written evidence submitted to the House of Commons select committee: The Women and Equalities Committee 'Sexual harassment of women and girls in public places inquiry'.
Finance and accounting—Beyond the numbers with self-leadership.
Higher fees, higher debts: Unequal graduate transitions in England?
Revisiting the retrospective of the work of Jordan McKenzie.
Guest talk: Be your dog.
Documents, alternatives - a symposium of artistic process and practice.
A boundary class for the k-path partition problem.
Conjugate heat transfer predictions for subcooled boiling flow in a horizontal channel using a volume-of-fluid framework.
Examining legitimatisation of additive manufacturing in the interplay between innovation, lean manufacturing and sustainability.
Music, public health, and health promotion: Can music be a social determinant of health?
Hotel social media metrics: The ROI dilemma.
Rostering air traffic controllers.
A Lean Implementation Framework for the Mining Industry
Illustrating Corsica: The modernist landscape of John Minton's Time Was Away.
Supply chain risk perception: understanding the gap between theory and practice.
Oral nutritional supplements in care homes and the community: Nutrition review and staff education.
Investigating supply chain performance and supply chain integration linkage in Jordanian manufacturing firms.
Improve an emergency medical system capacity with theory of constraints.
Leadership in nursing: default not design.
Contingent coping? Renegotiating ‘fast’ disciplinary social policy at street level: Implementing the UK Troubled Families Programme.
A hypnosis framing of therapeutic horticulture for mental health rehabilitation.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and early maladaptive schemas: A single case study.
Empowering women through the positive birth movement.
Pauper inventories, social relations, and the nature of poor relief under the old poor law, England, c. 1601–1834.
Development of materials to support parents whose babies cry excessively: findings and health service implications.
Mental health and wellbeing in parents of excessively crying infants: prospective evaluation of a support package.
Concordance to pressure relief regimen for pressure injury prevention in seated spinal cord injury -- A new measurement tool.
Critical Pedagogy in Nursing: Transformational Approaches to Nurse Education in a Globalized World
Satellite-like CdS nanoparticles anchoring onto porous NiO nanoplates for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic properties.
3D multilayered Bi4O5Br2 nanoshells displaying excellent visible light photocatalytic degradation behaviour for resorcinol.
Anodised TiO 2 nanotubes as a scaffold for antibacterial silver nanoparticles on titanium implants.
Evaluation of a web-based self-compassion intervention to reduce student assessment anxiety.
Learning as a creative and developmental process in higher education: A therapeutic arts approach and its wider application.
Liminality in higher education--gaps and moments of uncertainty as legitimate learning spaces.
Assessing the Arts, and student response, within the creative expressive therapies in higher education.
Genetic haemochromatosis.
Evaluating the role of patient facing pharmacists in a GP practice setting.
Exploration of support workers and volunteers initiation of advance care planning and quality of life conversations in palliative care.
Innovation capabilities and performance: Are they truly linked in SMEs?
There's no ethics here!
Evolution of high-Arctic glacial landforms during deglaciation.
Controlled antenatal thyroid screening II: Effect of treating maternal suboptimal thyroid function on child cognition.
Managing higher education brands with an emerging brand architecture: the role of shared values and competing brand identities.
The development of accounting practices and the adoption of IFRS in selected MENA countries.
Graduate gap years: Narratives of postponement in graduate employment transitions in England.
Evaluation of a measure of sickle cell disease patients’ satisfaction with hospital care: A student researcher’s perspective.
Learning to be employable.
External agents, providers and specialists: an exploration of the other individuals invited to be involved in schools and classrooms.
HD number plate localization and character segmentation on the Zynq heterogeneous SoC.
Education, health and care plans: A qualitative investigation into service user experiences of the planning process.
Haemochromatosis: what is it and could you have it?
Digitally-social genre fiction: Citizen authors and the changing power dynamics of writing in digital, social spaces.
Intrapartum ultrasound assessment of cervical dilatation and its value in detecting active labor
ENDM Proceedings for TREPAM'17: Preface
On the ratios and geometric boundaries of complex Horadam sequences.
On some results concerning generalized arithmetic triangles.
A sense of becoming and alienation: the retrospective in the work of Jordan McKenzie.
A study on finite element of pre damaged stress concentration factor for a composite laminate member with central circular.
Mindful networks? Navigating and negotiating life and work in academia.
Working together.
PaintingDigitalPhotography: Synthesis and difference in the age of media equivalence
Evidence-based teaching: A critical overview for enquiring teachers.
My future: Developing career education and guidance at school.
Give yourself the edge: Evaluation report.
30 days wild and the relationships between engagement with nature’s beauty, nature connectedness and well-being.
The impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chains and sustainability.
Jail inmates’ perspectives on police interrogation.
Is it just a guessing game? The application of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) to predict burglary.
Progress and challenges in large eddy simulation of gas turbine flows
A typology of environmental capabilities of SMEs: uncovering capabilities for a transition towards sustainability.
Plant species or flower colour diversity? Identifying the drivers of public and invertebrate response to designed annual meadows.
The narrative nightclub.
Bruno Schulz.
Like a ghost out of nowhere.
On going out and the experience of students.
Role of the consultant pharmacist in clinical practice.
Traffic assignment: methods and simulations for an alternative formulation of the fixed demand problem
Investigating the benefits and challenges of Total Quality Management implementation in the pharmaceutical companies
A further modification of Dioni’s mounting media to allow staining,clearing and mounting of Acari
Integrated quality and supply chain management business diagnostics for organizational sustainability improvement.
Beyond comparative institutional analysis: a workplace turn in English TVET
Decision modeling for evaluating risks in pharmaceutical supply chains
Mapping repeated interviews
Development of a compassion-based training for cancer (CforC) curriculum for female breast cancer patients in stages I-III and cancer survivors. Origins, rationale and initial observations.
30 Days Wild: who benefits most?
Stratified realities: convergence and mediation in non-fiction collage film.
Evaluating connection to nature and the relationship with conservation behaviour in children
School belonging among young adolescents with SEMH and MLD: the link with their social relations and school inclusivity
Assessing the inclusivity of three mainstream secondary schools in England: challenges and dilemmas
An exercise-induced improvement in isolated skeletal muscle contractility does not affect the performance-enhancing benefit of 70μM caffeine treatment.
Validation of aerosol products from AATSR and MERIS/AATSR synergy algorithms—Part 1: Global Evaluation.
Dust detection and intensity estimation using Himawari-8/AHI observation.
A physically based PM 2.5 estimation method using AERONET data in Beijing Area
Evaluation of the AVHRR DeepBlue aerosol optical depth dataset over mainland China.
Lean, green practices and process innovation: a model for green supply chain performance.
Damped forced vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes resting on viscoelastic foundation in thermal environment using nonlocal strain gradient theory
Deep ocean minerals minimize eccentric exercise-induced inflammatory response of rat skeletal muscle.
Electromagnetic forced vibrations of composite nanoplates using nonlocal strain gradient theory.
Remote working in academia: a site of contested identities.
Automatic emotion perception using eye movement information for E-Healthcare systems.
Effects of mindfulness training on sleep problems in patients with fibromyalgia.
The British Espernatist 10.
The journal of imaginary research. Volume 3.
Teaching an old dog new tricks.
Body-worn cameras: determining the democratic habitus of policing.
Joint retrieval of aerosol optical depth and surface reflectance over land using geostationary satellite data.
Management of ascites in patients with liver disease
Blockchain application in supply chain chemical substance reporting.
Predictors of problematic smartphone use: an examination of the integrative pathways model and the role of age, gender, impulsiveness, excessive reassurance seeking, extraversion, and depression.
How small suppliers deal with the buyer power in asymmetric relationships within the sustainable fashion supply chain.
Re-odorization, disease and emotion in mid-nineteenth century England
Exploring the interplay between passive following on Facebook, fear of missing out, self-esteem, social comparison, age, and life satisfaction in a community-based sample.
A load-balancing mechanism for distributed SDN control plane using response time.
A systematic review of variables used to assess clinically acceptable alignment of unilateral transtibial amputees in the literature.
Fatigue interventions in long term, physical health conditions: a scoping review of systematic reviews.
Ephemeral art and documenting the un-documentable.
Longitudinal asymmetry and its effect on pseudorapidity distributions in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
A novel application of sustainable material sourcing and building performance monitoring: case study based approach.
“Does that mean I have to hump Monica?”: the sexual dynamics of a human / nonhuman dog pack.
Navigating drugs at university: normalization, differentiation & drift?
An empirical analysis of supply and manufacturing risk and business performance: a Chinese manufacturing supply chain perspective.
Shape grammar and kinetic façade shading systems: a novel approach to climate adaptive building design with a real time performance evaluation.
A critical review of the impact of global warming on overheating in buildings.
International licensing agreements: IP, technology transfer and competition law.
Exploring the potential role of coaching skills.
Share your experience
Documenting an educational imaginary – representations of schooling in British documentary films.
Documents, Alternatives #2
Documents, Alternatives #3
Record, pause, rewind: a low tech approach to teaching communication (and other) skills.
Student Mentoring and peer learning: a partnership approach.
Predicting the effect of voids on mechanical properties of woven composites
Forming low-cost, high quality carbon tows for automotive application
Sustainable infrastructure delivery in Nigeria: implementation of the analytic network process for contractor selection.
An evaluation of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Collaborative Outreach Programme: interim evaluation.
Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants.
Dogs and the elderly: the significance of end of life interspecies companionship.
The psychosocial impact of caregiving in dementia and quality of life: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research.
Secondary instability of separated shear layers.
Towards digital scholarship services in China’s university libraries
Paradoxical invitations: challenges in soliciting more information from child witnesses
Sustainable infrastructure delivery in Nigeria: implementation of the analytic network process for contractor selection.
Gender representation, power and identity in mental health and art therapy.
Unsatisfactory Devices: Legacy and the Undocumentable in Art
Mapping the human resource focused enablers with sustainability viewpoints in Indian power sector.
Globalisation, economic growth and energy consumption in the BRICS region: the importance of asymmetries.
Does renewable energy consumption and health expenditures decrease carbon dioxide emissions? Evidence for sub-Saharan Africa countries.
Effects of export concentration on CO2 emissions in developed countries: an empirical analysis.
When risks need attention: adoption of green supply chain initiatives in the pharmaceutical industry
Micro enterprises, self-efficacy and knowledge acquisition: evidence from Greece and Spain.
Dynamic diffuse signal processing for sound reinforcement and reproduction.
The political economy of public employment services: measurement and disempowered empowerment?
“This is my cheating ex”: gender and sexuality in revenge porn.
Decoding the Australian electricity market: New evidence from three-regime hidden semi-Markov model.
Is CAPM a Behavioral Model? Estimating Sentiments from Rationalism
Home to us all: how connecting with nature helps us care for ourselves and the Earth.
Growth in emerging economies: is there a role for education?
The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Quality of Life scale (PCOSQOL): development and preliminary validation .
The behaviour of interest rate spreads prior to and after the financial crisis: evidence across OECD countries.
Design for plant modularisation: nuclear and SMR.
Exploring industry 4.0 technologies to enable circular economy practices in a manufacturing context: a business model proposal.
Influence of upstream turbulence on the wake characteristics of a tidal stream turbine.
A plate model for compressive strength prediction of delaminated composites
The lived experiences of experienced Vipassana Mahasi meditators: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.
DUSP10 negatively regulates the inflammatory response to Rhinovirus through IL-1β signalling.
Live sound loudspeaker array optimization for consistent directional coverage with diffuse radiation characteristics.
Investigation into the relationship between standing audience density and absorption.
On secondary instability of a transitional separation bubble.
Application of Two-Constant Feedback Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Block Coding in MIMO Communication Systems
A computational strategy for damage-tolerant design of hollow shafts under mixed-mode loading condition.
Timing error detection and correction for power efficiency: an aggressive scaling approach
Measuring the lean readiness of Kuwaiti manufacturing industries.
Towards wireless technology for safety critical systems.
Development of ambisonic microphone design tools - Part 1
Development of ambisonic microphone design tools – Part 1.
The body of work as a legitimate form of independent scholarship.
Predicting changing pattern: building model for consumer decision making in digital market
Developing textile entrepreneurial inclination model by integrating experts mining and ISM-MICMAC
ISO 9001 and supply chain integration principles based sustainable development: a Delphi study.
Antioxidative effects of flavonoids and their metabolites against hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced oxidative stress in a human first trimester trophoblast cell line.
Investigating the role of social media in polio prevention in India: a Delphi-DEMATEL approach
Construction of capital procurement decision making model to optimize supplier selection using Fuzzy Delphi and AHP-DEMATEL
Creating Suburbia: the gardenesque, place, association and the rustic tradition; the landscape gardening philosophy and practices of Edward Kemp (1817–91)
‘Preceptorship support is an effective way to invest in NQNs’
Understanding the evaluation of access and participation outreach interventions for under 16 year olds.
Evaluation of outreach interventions for under 16 year olds: Tools and guidance for higher education providers.
The Alternative Document
Some remarks on 3-partitions of multisets.
On some new arithmetic functions involving prime divisors and perfect powers.
On an arithmetic triangle of numbers arising from inverses of analytic functions.
Self-belief in education
Creative ageing: the social policy challenge.
A few thoughts on the aesthetics of mathematics in research and teaching.
On two derivative sequences from scaled geometric mean sequence terms.
A new non-linear recurrence identity class for Horadam sequence terms.
A note on two rational invariants for a particular 2 x 2 matrix.
Coral reef carbonate budgets and ecological drivers in the central Red Sea: a naturally high temperature and high total alkalinity environment.
Crime, bandits, and community: how public panic shaped the social control of territory in the Ottoman Empire
A generating function approach to the automated evaluation of sums of exponentiated multiples of generalized Catalan number linear combinations.
"The Seam of Something Else Unnamed": Sebastian Barry's Days Without End
Literature review of clinical benefits and reasons to prescribe palliative oxygen therapy in non-hypoxaemic patients
Evaluating the environmental dimension of material efficiency strategies relating to the circular economy.
Family Entanglements
A novel one variable first-order shear deformation theory for biaxial buckling of a size-dependent plate based on the Eringen's nonlocal differential law.
A Literature Review on the Experience of Long-Term Mental Illness
Building career mobility: A critical exploration of career capital
Evaluation of the Good Life Festival: a model for co-produced dementia events
In situ observations of coral bleaching in the central Saudi Arabian Red Sea during the 2015/2016 global coral bleaching event.
A New Gentleness: Affective Ficto-Regionality
Identification and characterisation of NANOG+/ OCT-4<sup>high</sup>/SOX2+ doxorubicin-resistant stem-like cells from transformed trophoblastic cell lines
Performance Efficiency Measurement of Airports: A Comparative Analysis of Airports Authority of India and Public Private Partnership
The institutional repository and the library catalogue: adventures in data conversion.
Under the Western Sky: Essays on the Fiction and Music of Willy Vlautin
Capturing user sentiments for online Indian movie reviews.
Walukagga the Black Smith
Citizenship, community and democracy in India: from Bombay to Maharashtra, c. 1930 to 1960.
Marine climate and hydrography of the Coralline Crag (early Pliocene, UK): isotopic evidence from 16 benthic invertebrate taxa.
LQR controller design for quad-rotor helicopters.
Framework for a chemical substance reporting system.
Understanding key motivations for using a hotel gamified application.
Monetary policy rules and the equity risk premium: Evidence from the US experience.
Analytical tools for blockchain: review, taxonomy and open challenges.
A place of their own
Socialization and generational political trajectories: an age, period and cohort analysis of political participation in Britain.
Emilie Taylor's beating the bounds: a citical essay.
The factor structure of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen distinct populations.
Audiovisual border fictioning (of the body & territory): the Eile project, AV body conference, Huddersfield University.
Fragile cartographies of border fictioning: a place of their own
The invisible child: sibling experiences of growing up with a brother with severe haemophilia - an interpretative phenomenological analysis.
To get there: designing together
Institutional patronage of central and Eastern European émigré sculptors in Britain, c1945-65: moderate modernism for the social-democratic consensus.
Political socialization, worry about crime and antisocial behaviour: an analysis of age, period and cohort effects.
Mindfulness in schools: a health promotion approach to improving adolescent mental health.
An exploration of formal and informal mindfulness practice and associations with wellbeing.
Behavioural Digital Forensics Model: Embedding Behavioural Evidence Analysis into the Investigation of Digital Crimes
Dying from liver disease: the importance of end-of-life discussions
Potential of Retrofitting Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Using an Integrated Geographical Information System Remote Sensing Based Approach
Spatio-temporal dynamics and aetiology of proliferative leg skin lesions in wild British finches
Molecular identification of papillomavirus in ducks
Endemicity and climatic niche differentiation in three marine ciliated protists
Addressing ill health: Sickness and retirement in the Victorian post office
Competitiveness through responsible supply chains and resource efficiency: a regional outlook
Slips, trips and falls in crowds
A behavioral modeling approach to bicycle level of service
Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) for adults discharged from hospital with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) – a feasibility study
Learning to hope and hoping to learn: a critical examination of young refugees and formal education in the UK.
Whatever happened to repeat victimisation?
'But now we float': Cowper, air-balloons, and the poetics of flight
Community clinicians’ views about patient adherence to osteoporosis medication
Developing your leadership skills
Do employment services need to be neoliberal
Frontal view gait recognition with fusion of depth features from a time of flight camera
Compassionate faces: Evidence for distinctive facial expressions associated with specific prosocial motivations
Self-reassurance, not self-esteem, serves as a buffer between self-criticism and depressive symptoms
Blind image watermark detection algorithm based on discrete shearlet transform using statistical decision theory
Exploring lean manufacturing practices' influence on process innovation performance
Direct photon elliptic flow in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density in Xe–Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV
ϒ suppression at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV
Explorations into the nature and function of compassion
Jane Austen free indirect style, gender and interiority in literary fiction
A proof‐of‐concept pilot randomized comparative trial of brief Internet‐based compassionate mind training and cognitive‐behavioral therapy for perinatal and intending to become pregnant women
Petri net-based methods for analyzing structural security in e-commerce business processes
Brecht in pidgin: Oladipo Agboluaje's mother courage in Africa
Imagining one's compassionate self and coping with life difficulties
Old ways, new ways: Theatre artists peopling the media in Uganda
Effects of a brief online mindfulness intervention on mindfulness, psychological distress and parenting stress in preschool parents.
An energy efficient routing scheme by using GPS information for wireless sensor networks
Alcohol- is it all that bad?
TrustVote: Privacy-preserving node ranking in vehicular networks
Solar patterning: The employment of fast and fugitive colorants via the historical: anthotype, cyanotype and leuco vat: Solar dye patterning processes.
The revival of the ancient technique of printing with mordants and dyeing in bi-colourants to achieve contemporary poly-chromic designs
M2M-REP: Reputation system for machines in the internet of things.
PriVeto: a fully private two round veto protocol.
Problematic social networking site use and comorbid psychiatric disorders: a systematic review of recent large-scale studies.
Student-generated video creation for assessment: can it transform assessment within Higher Education?
Machine-learning-based side-channel evaluation of elliptic-curve cryptographic FPGA processor.
Jane Austen, free indirect style, gender and interiority in literary fiction.
Colonialism and dilemmas of transitional justice in Nigeria.
Managing managerialism – how the 21st Century manager can truly thrive.
Gender, employment and careers in Pakistan
Music, public health, and health promotion: Can music be a social determinant of health?
‘Youth Working’ youth workers: Filling the student support void
Testing the Governance-Productivity Nexus for Emerging Asian Countries
Intelligent augmented keyword search on spatial entities in real-life internet of vehicles
Role of ethnic cultural events to build an authentic destination image
Social customer relationship management: an integrated conceptual framework
Transformation of destination leadership networks
Religious minorities and freedom of religion or belief in the UK
Internal financial management in smaller, entrepreneurial businesses
On the productive efficiency of Australian businesses: firm size and age class effects
Differential expression of Lp-PLA2 in obesity and type 2 diabetes and the influence of lipids
Telmisartan reverses antiretroviral-induced adipocyte toxicity and insulin resistance in vitro
Identification of the splice variants of Recepteur d'Origine nantais (RON) in lung cancer cell lines
Bridging the gap: 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic eruptions from the ‘Age of Discovery’
Gaining more than just vocational skills: Evaluating women learners’ aspirations through the capability approach
Assessment: Evidence-based teaching for enquiring teachers
Gaining more than just vocational skills: Evaluating women learners’ aspirations through the capability approach
Alternative research methods: introducing marketing sensing, a qualitative and interpretive perspective on research
A systems engineering hackathon – a methodology involving multiple stakeholders to progress conceptual design of a complex engineered product
Learning rounds: What potential for teacher Inquiry?
Jetting off on another flying faculty visit: what have we learned?
The Jan Mayen microplate complex and the Wilson cycle
Evidence for basement reactivation during the opening of the Labrador sea from the Makkovik province, Labrador, Canada: insights from field data and numerical models
The determinants of CEO turnover: evidence from French listed companies
The “Three Ps” (perfecting, professionalization, and pragmatism) and their limitations for understanding Cuban education in the 1970s
Use of environmental management systems to mitigate urban pollution
A community-based evaluation of population growth and agro-pastoralist resilience in Sub-Saharan drylands
Sisterly guidance: elite women, sorority and the life cycle, 1770–1860 ; Women and the Country House in Ireland and Britain
“Another story for another time": The many-strandedness of a Jewish woman's storytelling tradition
Taste à-la-Mode: Consuming foreignness, picturing gender
Craft(ing) narratives: Specimens, souvenirs, and “morsels” in A la Ronde’s specimen table
Reflective and reflexive forms: Intimacy and medium specificity in British and American sentimental Albums, 1780-1850
The Great War and British identity
Attempts on post-representation
The predictive scenographer: Performance design as predictive affordance-o-graphy
Shared futures: Early career academics in English studies
Environmentally and financially sustainable tourism
Bringing cross-disciplinarity to the fore: a methodological framework for leadership in destination management organisations
Keeping it in the family: exploring Igbo ethnic entrepreneurial behaviour in Nigeria
Social policy discourses around caring society in Europe
Institutions and economic growth in Asia: The case of mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia
Law-Finance-Growth Nexus in the Context of Africa
The regulation of illegal fundraising in China
A defining moment in personal tutoring: reflections on personal tutoring definitions and their implications
Effective personal tutoring in higher education
Personal tutoring – boundaries in student support and success
'"How can I be an effective personal tutor and what is out there to help me do this?” Enhancing the role of the personal tutor at the Univ'ersity of Lincoln through funded research on the role and the influence of key resource
Beginning with hope: widening undergraduate participation, belonging and relationship building
The rise of the comics künstlerroman, or, the limits of comics acceptance: the depiction of comics creators in the work of Michael Chabon and Emily St. John Mandel
Automatic extraction and detection of characteristic movement patterns in children with adhd based on a convolutional neural network (cnn) and acceleration images
Nutritional hormesis in a modern environment
Bio-inspired evolutionary game dynamics in symmetric and asymmetric models
Bio-inspired evolutionary dynamics on complex networks under uncertain cross-inhibitory signals
Breast compression techniques in screening mammography – A Maltese evaluation project
Thirteenth annual international academic conference on European Integration Europe and the Balkans
Energy management and control system with mobile application interface
Nonlinear damper design for a vibration isolation system
Geometric nonlinear damper design — A frequency based approach
Nonlinear design and optimisation of a vibration energy harvester
The use of an e-learning module on return to work advice for physiotherapists - A prospective cohort study.
Anxiety and fear in sport and performance
The patterns of homicide offence characteristics and their associations with offender psychopathology
The relationship between empathy and prison bullying in a sample of Croatian prisoners
Understanding the quality of life of family carers of people with dementia: Development of a new conceptual framework
The social functioning in dementia scale (SF‐DEM): Exploratory factor analysis and psychometric properties in mild, moderate, and severe dementia
A study of women rough sleepers in four European countries
The impact of the homelessness reduction act 2017 on women survivors who have experienced domestic abuse, Part I
The impact of the homelessness reduction act 2017 on women survivors who have experienced domestic abuse, Part II
Charlie Hebdo and the prophet Muhammad: a multimodal critical discourse analysis of peace and violence in a satirical cartoon
Lattce Boltzmann mdoelling of natural convection of power-law fluids under wall vibrations
Influence of travelling surface waves on nanofluidic viscosity
A test of the effectiveness of pore scale fluid flow simulations and constitutive equations for modelling the effects of mineral dissolution on rock permeability
‘I didn’t know you could read': questioning the legitimacy of Kim Kardashian-West’s status as a cultural and literary intermediary
Soot volume fraction measurements over laminar pool flames of biofuels, diesel and blends
Chemical mechanism of exhaust gas recirculation on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation based on laser-induced fluorescence measurement
Soot measurement in diluted methane diffusion flames by multi-pass extinction and laser-induced incandescence
Soot reduction effects of dibutyl ether (DBE) addition to a biodiesel surrogate in laminar coflow diffusion flames
Destination spas and the creation of memorable guest experiences
Workplace wellness: measuring the success
Steps forward: the journey of wellness education in the UK
Supporting student transition to higher education through the application of a model of wellness
What can a graduate do for you?
Supporting student transition to higher education through the application of a model of wellness
Bio-colours sustainable colour: Material, colour and patterning, choice for textiles that can have a positive impact on our well-being.
An investigation uncovering how students and how tutors design learning objects for novice students to use when acquiring established resuscitation knowledge.
Does anthropometry influence technical factors in competitive mixed martial arts?
“It’s all about work”: New times, Post-Fordism and vocational pedagogy
Socio-technical imaginary of the fourth industrial revolution and its implications for vocational education and training: a literature review
Identification of an effective nondestructive technique for bond defect determination in laminate composites—A technical review
Analysis of parameters influencing build accuracy of a SLM printed compressor outlet guide vane
When do frontline hospitality employees take charge? Prosocial motivation, taking charge, and job performance: the moderating role of job autonomy
A novel structure of a modular interleaved DC/DC converter for renewable street lighting systems
When The Future Comes
Tackling the inescapable: Mental ill health in later life. Report on a series of conversations
A Wireless communication system for a quadrotor helicopter
Experimental characterisation of quad rotor controller based on Kalman Filter
The implementation of performance analysis and feedback within Olympic sport: The performance analyst's perspective
Elite coaches’ use and engagement with performance analysis within Olympic and Paralympic sport
ISE Annual Student Recruitment Survey 2018
UK physical activity guidelines: developing options for future communication and surveillance
Comparing Early Adolescents’ Positive Bystander Responses to Cyberbullying and Traditional Bullying: the Impact of Severity and Gender
Perceptions and responses towards cyberbullying: A systematic review of teachers in the education system
Perineal Trauma & Suturing