Modern Corporations and Strategies at Work
Utilising the learning in development research framework in a professional youth football club
Using video docuseries to explore male professional football head coaches’ well-being experiences throughout a season
Coaches’ experiences of job crafting through organizational change in high-performance sport
You wouldn’t let your phone run out of battery: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of male professional football coaches’ well-being
The blurred line in elite sport: exploring UK media reporting of bullying and banter
Improved angelization technique against background knowledge attack for 1:M microdata
Imagining transitional justice in Turkey’s ongoing Kurdish conflict
Understanding the implications of victimhood identity in Turkey’s Kurdish conflict Kurds in Turkey Book Subtitle Critical Perspectives on Identity, Narratives, and Resistance
A review of advancements in synthesis, manufacturing and properties of environment friendly biobased Polyfurfuryl Alcohol Resin and its Composites
Tourism Innovation and Resilience during Uncertainty
100380865 Thesis 2nd submission
Student development survey 2023: Developing students in the age of hybrid working
Student recruitment survey 2023
Building capacity to deliver Net Zero enterprise support provision in the East Midlands
Analysis of MRC-funded non-academic impacts submitted to REF2021
Examination of Driver Behaviour and Provision of Training Program Recommendations: a Case Study DHL Automotive
Perceptions of 'Prague': Film and Fantasy In The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Daisies and The Grand Budapest Hotel
Uncovering the Wedding of the Dead: Biomolecular investigations of Transylvanian children with s(Cu)rvy
Online Polyglot Programming Education with LFT (Lingua Franca Transformer)
Peptide Co-Agonists for Combined Activation of the APJ and GLP-1 Receptors with Insulinotropic and Satiety Actions Show Potential for Alleviation of Metabolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes †
Concepts and Practices in Chaplaincy
Community-based participatory research: Understanding how women of the Global Majority cope with cancer.
A novel damage evaluation of CFRPs under mode-I loading by using multi-instrument structural health monitoring methods
An experimental multi-instrumental approach to understand the size effect on the damage propagation of plain-woven CFRP composites under shear loading
Buckling and fracture analysis of thick and long composite cylinders with cutouts under axial Compression: An experimental and numerical campaign
Comparing 3D Matrix Rich Zones in Ceramic Matrix Composites Using Orthogonal Decomposition
The effect of additively and subtractively created center internal features on microstructure and mechanical performance of inconel-718 parts
A novel intrusion detection system for internet of things devices and data
Acute COVID-19, the Lived Experience, and Lessons to Learn for Future Pandemics
From Chemotherapy to Phototherapy – Changing the Therapeutic Action of a Metallo-Intercalating RuII-ReI Luminescent System by Switching its Sub-Cellular Location
El juego en la primera infancia y su relación con el bienestar infantil. Una revisión de la litaratura internacional.
Embedding person centred care in everyday practice workshop
Person-centred care: global perspective & international community of practice
Personalised Care and the Personalised Care Institute
Engagement with communities and individuals using Personalised Care
Micropolitics and working as a performance analyst in professional sport
Patient perceptions and understanding of pressure ulcer risk in the community: Empirical Research Qualitative
On the Dynamic Geometry of Kasner Triangles with Complex Parameter
What will people say?
Victim opinions of police responses to reports of domestic violence and abuse in Greece
A systematic approach to the Design, Implementation and Visualisation of a Quadcopter Controller for Autonomous Navigation
English Nationalism, Folklore and Indigeneity
Enhanced clustering based routing protocol in vehicular ad‐hocnetworks
Machine learning and regression analysis for age estimation from the iliac crest based on computed tomographic explorations in an Indian population
Applicability of the six-phase method for auricular age estimation in an Indian population: A CT-based study
An evaluation of the three-component pubic symphyseal human age estimation method: a CT-based exploration in an Indian population
McKern-Stewart method as a technique for analysing age related pubic symphyseal changes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Computed tomographic age estimation from the iliac crest and ischial tuberosity in an Indian population using supervised machine learning approaches
An evaluation of the Gilbert-McKern pubic symphyseal age estimation method using Bayesian statistics and principal component analysis: A computed tomographic exploration in an Indian population
Age estimation from iliac auricular surface using Bayesian inference and principal component analysis: a CT-based study in an Indian population
Holding Stories
When The Autumn Leaves Fell in Finsbury Park 2023
Shedding Light on Long Covid Conference
FUTURE MACHINE: Making Myths & Designing Technology for a Responsible Future: Making Myths and Entanglement: Community engagement at the edge of participatory design and user experience
FNMD: An Evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Fake News Detection
The effect of leg dominance on the frequency and 3D kinematics of soccer passing in female academy players
Evaluating goal threat in football using player and ball locations
The Role of Freshwater Mussels in River Bed Dynamics and Sediment Flux
Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads
From Online to Offline: translating screen-based interactions into studio practices.
Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the good death inventory (GDI-A) questionnaire tested on Palestinian family members of deceased adult cancer patients
Catcalling victims’ long-term psychological impacts: A qualitative study
Literary influence and legal precedent Censorship in the Court of Chancery, 1710–1823
A narrative review on increased prevalence of cardiovascular complications following a COVID-19 infection: The risks and considerations for effective management and practice
A critical review of windcatcher ventilation: Micro-environment, techno-economics, and commercialisation
Patients’, families’ and healthcare providers’ perspectives on end-of-life communication in Chinese hospital settings: A qualitative study protocol
Multi-factor analysis and optimization design of a cascaded packed-bed thermal storage system coupled with adiabatic compressed air energy storage
A Meta-Ethnographic Review of Paid Staff and Volunteers Working together in Palliative Care
The Influence of Unstable Load and Traditional Free-Weight Back Squat Exercise on Subsequent Countermovement Jump Performance
2023 Updated MASCC/ESMO Consensus Recommendations: prevention of radiotherapy-and chemoradiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
Modular reactors: What can we learn from modular industrial plants and off site construction research
Effect of Powder Bed Fusion Laser Sintering on Dimensional Accuracy and Tensile Properties of Reused Polyamide 11
Analysis of vibrational resonance in an oscillator with exponential mass variation
Approaches for describing processes of fuel droplet heating and evaporation in combustion engines
The High’s and Low’s of COILs in Action: A case study from Qatar, the UK, and the UAE: Extended Abstract
Attention Enhanced Siamese Neural Network for Face Validation
Strengthening the evidence to support and enable women to breastfeed beyond infancy
Effective Working with Parents
Promoting students’ interest through culturally sensitive curricula in higher education
Sustainable Growth for ‘Robert’: Constructive Alignment and Student Activity in Enterprise Education
The Yin-Yang of Spirituality: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Stalking Behaviour
Effect of Grain Structure on Machinability of LPBF Inconel 718: A Critical Review
Neurotechnological solutions for post-traumatic stress disorder: A perspective review and concept proposal
Career Development as Freedom
Long COVID – integrated approaches to chronic disease management?
Pre-COVID-19 physical activity status does not protect against reductions in post-covid-19 symptoms: a correlation relativistic analysis during the lockdown
The acute and chronic implications of the COVID-19 virus on the cardiovascular system in adults: A systematic review
Evolution, Compassion, and Wellbeing
Can windcatcher's natural ventilation beat the chill? A view from heat loss and thermal discomfort
The Effect of Pollen on Coral Health
Soiling in Solar Energy Systems: The Role of the Thresholding Method in Image Analysis
The experiences of people with intellectual disabilities who have been convicted of sexual offences of being recalled back to prison
Stalking and the impact of labelling “There’s a difference between my offence and a stalker”
Stalking: Issues of deterrence “When I was stalking, I was so dedicated to it. Nothing would stop me. It was my focus.”
Introduction “stalking: what do we know about working with people who stalk and where do we go?”
Stalking, narcissistic vulnerability and the application of schema therapy “I was punishing her for me not being good enough”
Classifying Stalking Among Adolescents: Preliminary Considerations for Risk Management
Life Before and After: Editors’ Work and Place in the COVID-19 Gig Economy
A Reflection on the Legacy of Ronald Sultana
Research Trends in Dry Port Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis
An exploration of the lived experience of male Health Visitors: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.
Stress, coping and job satisfaction in UK academics during the COVID-19 pandemic
Calmer, Kinder, Wiser: A Novel Threefold Categorization for Mindfulness-Based Interventions
Co-designing a nature-based intervention to promote postnatal mental health for mothers and their infants: a complex intervention development study in England
Politics, Culture, Urban Elites and Townscapes in Georgian England: A Case Study of Derby c.1720-1800
An assessment framework to evaluate the critical success factors to Quality 4.0 transition in developing countries: a case experience of sustainable performance of Indian manufacturers
The role and relevance of pedagogic contexts in training adult careers professionals
Exposure to climate change information on affect and pro-environmental behavioural intentions: A randomised controlled trial
How the Mitigation of Environmental Impacts affect Economic Performance in UK Manufacturing and Construction Companies
The Role of Education in Preventing Honour-Based Abuse in England
Does the institutional quality matter for renewable energy promotion in the OECD economies?
Holocene glacial landscapes of the Balkans
International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2023 - 25th Anniversary
Career guidance for social justice: Webinar, March 11, 2022
A Roadmap for Intelligent Agriculture in Africa - A Case Study of Sub-Saharan Africa
Review of the Russia-Ukraine War and its Impact on Public Health
The Lived Experience of Weight Loss Maintenance in Young People
How Features of Autism may Provide the Context of Vulnerability to Engage in Offending, and Recommendations for Improving Support for Individuals with Autism
Using play and story-telling in a clinical setting to improve well-being for people with long term conditions.
Transmitting affective job insecurity (AJI) within teams: Layoff effects of AJI convergence on intrateam power struggles and team outcomes
Design optimisation for cold rolled steel beam sections with complex stiffeners considering cold working effects
How to Teach Mechanical Engineering Design Using Industry Methods While Still Assessing to University Criteria
The Impact of Breed Specific Legislation on Perceptions of Canine Characteristics
Evaluation of the DigiBete App, a Self-Management App for Type 1 Diabetes: Experiences of Young People, Families and Healthcare Professionals
Economic-Environmental Interplay in Central Asia
Sexual Offending, Language and Probation Practice
Lattice Core FEM Simulation with a Modified-Beam Approach
How does the “war on woke” perpetuate harm towards those with a criminal conviction?
Advancing Prison Education Through Partnership Working and Public Criminology
Could Briseis Consent? A Critical Comparison of Contemporary Women Writers’ Adaptations of Briseis’s Narrative
“Turbulence even in a bubble”: A reflexive thematic analysis with family caregivers of people with dementia in the United Kingdom during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic
Art of Research Conference 2023 (exhibition and presentation)
Disentangling the Evolution of Cognition: Learning in Cnidaria
Enrichment of Forensic Science Employability Skills through a Turing Placement Opportunity in Brazil
Referencing for nursing, health, and social care undergraduates; what do students understand and what do academics know?
Unveiling the Petal Path: Exploring the Cut Flower Industry's Global Supply Chain
The History of Special Education in England: Divisions, divergences and coalitions
Why study the history of education?
Evaluation of the impact of implementing a new digital communication platform in hospital workflow
Placemaking as a driver for co-creation in cultural tourism in rural Zimbabwe - the scope for creative entrepreneurs and tour operators
Challenges for co-creation in Zimbabwe's cultural and creative industries
Stakeholder shared value creation: a strategic analysis of academic publishing and UK higher education in the context of developing digital technologies
Using appreciative inquiry in business research
Social marketing as a behaviour change strategy to increase tourists' pro-environmental behaviour
The importance of appearing trustworthy in the workplace: Performance analysts’ perspectives
UK Nurses Delivering Physical Activity Advice: What Are the Challenges and Possible Solutions? A Qualitative Study
A Phenomenological Inquiry of Building and Living in European Earthship Homes
Implementing ISO 14001 in the engineering and construction sectors: a systematic review
Pseudorapidity densities of charged particles with transverse momentum thresholds in pp collisions at √ s = 5.02 and 13 TeV
Post-Activation Performance Enhancement (PAPE) After Resisted Sprinting in Recreationally Active Participants: A Double-Blind Randomised Crossover Trial
What does implication mean? An exploration of undergraduates’ vocabulary size and academic achievement
An Efficient Feature Selection and Explainable Classification Method for EEG-based Epileptic Seizure Detection
Towards Adequate Policy Enhancement: An AI-Driven Decision Tree Model for Efficient Recognition and Classification of EPA Status via Multi-Emission Parameters
A Multi-Dataset Characterization of Window-based Hyperparameters for Deep CNN-driven sEMG Pattern Recognition
Analysis of Artifactual Components Rejection Threshold towards Enhanced Characterization of Neural Activity in Post-Stroke Survivor
An Attention-based Bidirectional LSTM Model for Continuous Cross-subject Estimation of Knee Joint Angle during Running from sEMG Signals
Enhanced Deep Transfer Learning Model based on Spatial-Temporal driven Scalograms for Precise Decoding of Motor Intent in Stroke Survivors
Banking Research in the GCC Region and Agenda for future research – A bibliometric examination
Violence Analysis Through Deep Learning: An Approach using Virtual Environments
Deep labeller: automatic bounding box generation for synthetic violence detection datasets
Performance evaluation of wind tower natural ventilation with passive solid tube heat recovery based on CO2 levels
CFD simulation of pumping ventilation in a three-story isolated building with internal partitioning: Effects of partition widths, heights and locations
Predicting Audit Opinion by a new Metaheuristic Algorithm: Water Cycle Algorithm
A C-LEAN Framework for Deploying Circular Economy in Manufacturing SMEs
Integrating Lean Management with Industry 4.0: An Explorative Dynamic Capabilities Theory Perspective
An investigation into the effect of sweat and moisture on the performance of in-ear monitors
The ICOSSA Project - An improved omnidirectional sound source for room acoustic testing
Towards a subjective quantification of noise annoyance due to outdoor events
The effect of purported acoustically transparent materials on sound propagation
Inaudibility criteria and alternative methods for controlling music noise levels from late night entertainment
Interplay between Absorptive Capacity, Analytics Competence and Sustainable Economic Per-formance of MSMEs in Supply Chain: The Mediating Role of Risk Resilience
Strangeness production analysis in simulated proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the new ALICE Run 3 computing environment
The factors influencing on employees’ perceptions of their contributions to the business growth: focused on employees' characteristics and attitudes
Evaluation of The Careers & Enterprise Company’s teacher encounters programme.
A taxonomy of critical factors towards Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management 4.0 in developing countries– A systematic review and fuzzy group decision-making
Presenza straniera e politiche migratorie nell'Unione Europea: una fortezza in campagna elettorale.
Carbonate sediment dynamics in the Abu Dhabi lagoon - implications for low-angle inner-to-middle ramp models
Listening to Unheard Voices: Exploring Salespeople’s Perspective on The Value of Corporate Heritage
Sciatica in primary care – a case discussion
Alcohol-related dementia
Leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behaviour: The moderator effects of subordinates’ horizontal collectivism orientation and team-member exchange
How to pretest non-psychometric tools: A field research example of exploring the acceptability, face validity and utility of Emotioncubes: A novel tool to support therapeutic working with emotions
Do sociodemographic characteristics of SME entrepreneurs influence their tax (non)compliance behaviour?
An Improved Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression for Surface Ozone Estimation from Satellite-Based Precursor Data
An Industry 4.0 Maturity and Readiness for ConditionBased Maintenance in O&G Companies: a Delphi StudyBased Approach for Development and Validation
Understanding the attitudes towards breastfeeding amongst staff and students in a UK higher institutional setting–a mixed-method cross-sectional study
Exploring the role of compassion, self-criticism and the dark triad on obesity and emotion regulation
Characterisation of impact resistance of composite reinforced by hybridised carbon-flax fibres in polyfurfuryl alcohol resin
A survey on midwives/nurses’ knowledge and application of clinical guidelines in the midwifery care of women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGMC) in Nigeria
Does economic freedom enhance quality of life in Africa?
Microborings reveal alternating agitation, resting and sleeping stages of modern marine ooids
IoTBDH-2023: The 5th International Workshop on Internet of Things of Big Data for Healthcare
Analysis of a non‑integer order mathematical model for double strains of dengue and COVID‑19 co‑circulation using an efficient finite‑difference method
Exploring Critical Success Factors for LSS 4.0 Implementation: A Combined Systematic Literature Review and Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach
Drilling of Cross-Ply UHMWPE Laminates: A Study on the Effects of the Tool Geometry and Cutting Parameters on the Integrity of Components
A tale of one pandemic outliving another: Are even lower physical activity patterns following the COVID-19 pandemic the new norm?-A commentary
Türkiye-Africa Relations: A Case Study of Somalia, Nigeria and Libya from Humanitarian and Security Perspectives
The Great Powers and the Palestine-Israel Issue
# DryLabsRealScience: Redefining Practical Pedagogy Post-Pandemic
Bending performance and failure mechanisms of hybrid and regular sandwich composite structures with 3D printed corrugated cores
Compassion-Focused Therapy and Schizotypy: An Exploration of an Evolution-Informed Biopsychosocial Approach
Adaptive Feature Selection and Hyper-spectral Image Classification using Manifold Learning Techniques
Environmental management systems in the architecture, engineering and construction sectors
Horizon scanning the application of probiotics for wildlife
Evaluating the Risks of Human Factors Associated with Social Media Cybersecurity Threats
Unexpected changes and associated factors of care burden among caregivers of cancer patients one year after COVID-19 outbreak
A Deeper Picture: A Realist Semiotics of Non-Fiction Film
Archive Film Collage and the Mediation of Marginalised Places
Educating for Entrepreneurial Leadership: From Didacticism to Co-creation
Principles for transformative ocean governance
A multi-perspective qualitative study about working with autistic individuals in prison-based interventions to address sexual offending
Predicting Adolescents’ Intentions to Support Victims of Bullying from Expected Reactions of Friends versus Peers
Experimental analysis of Tufting Parameter for Enhancing 3D Composites
Automatic Bi-LSTM Architecture Search Using Bayesian Optimisation for Vehicle Activity Recognition
The transformation of geographical and scientific education in eighteenth-century England
Metamorphosis: reflections on marble and photo-sculpture
Proximity at Bloc Studios
Proximity: reflections on how collective enquiry informs artistic pedagogy
Long COVID quality of life and healthcare experiences in the UK: a mixed method online survey
Stakeholder perceptions of the benefits and barriers of implementing environmental management systems in the Maldivian construction industry
Remarks on the Coefficients of Inverse Cyclotomic Polynomials
Studying the Regional Transmission of Air Pollution Based on Spatiotemporal Multivariable Data
Investigating Feminicide in Mexico. The Conversation Management Approach proposal
The Great Unknown: The Floating Stage as a Neglected Aspect of Social Systems
When we met by the newly planted trees
Learning and Therapeutic Spaces in Dramatherapy and Education
“The Confused Practitioner”: A critical reflection of the professional identity of a youth worker
Autism in prisons: an exploration of lived experiences, challenges and needs
The Role of Agri-Food 4.0 in Climate-Smart Farming for Controlling Climate Change-related Risks: A Business Perspective Analysis
The Optimal Strategies to Be Adopted in Controlling the Co-Circulation of COVID-19, Dengue and HIV: Insight from a Mathematical Model
“FLIPPED ASSESSMENT”: Proposal for a Self-Assessment Method to Improve Learning in the Field of Manufacturing Technologies
The media image of China in Africa: a frame analysis of Kenyan, Nigerian, and Zimbabwean newspapers
The Human–Nature Relationship as a Tangible Target for Pro-Environmental Behaviour—Guidance from Interpersonal Relationships
Are People Willing to Take Regular COVID-19 Vaccines? Prevalence and Determinants of Hesitancy for Regular COVID-19 Vaccination: A Random Population-Based Survey in Hong Kong
Stories of restitution: Family experiences of diagnosis and help-seeking for a child with cerebral palsy
Physiological correlates of the tripartite model of affect regulation: HRV differences between community and forensic male adolescents
Production of artificial fingermarks. Part II – The use of a modified inkjet printer for the deposition of synthetic secretions
The International Centre for Guidance Studies
Bearing performance and damage characteristics of rein-infused thermoplastic 3D woven composites bolted joints
Bio-self-healing of cementitious mortar incubated within clay soil
The use of outcome measures and factors affecting use in adult social care occupational therapy services in the UK
Moving Through Speech - In Real Time
12 Opportunities on the Journey to Net Zero
Pathways to online infidelity: the roles of perceived online dating success, perceived availability of alternative partners, and mate value discrepancy
Exploring Lean Team Development from the Tuckman's Model Perspective
How was it for you? A study exploring sense of belonging and lived experiences of black students on programmes with consistently high awarding gaps at the University of Derby
Perceptions of student officers of the police constable degree apprenticeship
A Systematic Review of Lean Implementation Frameworks and Roadmaps: Lessons Learned the Way Forward
Socio-digital disadvantage within management education: a study of MBA students’ experiences of digital technologies
Secret-keeping in therapy by clients who are sexually attracted to children
A Design and Implementation of a New Control Based on Petri Nets for Three Phase PWM-Rectifier
Tribes and Proxy Wars
The management of ankyloglossia and implications for breastfeeding: A review of the literature.
Exploring the healthcare experiences and support needs of chestfeeding or breastfeeding for trans and non-binary parents based in the United Kingdom
Understanding how children are coping with climate change anxiety by exploring coping strategies and supportive interventions.
The effects of inspiratory muscle training on balance and functional mobility: a systematic review
Rethinking Learning Practices in the Covid-Era: Indications for Teachers and Educators
Developing novel life skills and experiences: a pilot study with Functional Advanced Didactics
A Systems Thinking Based Conceptual Model for Analysing Business Performance in Supply Chain Organisations
A review of advancements in synthesis, manufacturing and properties of environment friendly biobased Polyfurfuryl Alcohol Resin and its Composites
Post-Authoritarianism, Truth-Seeking and the Judicial Accountability-Gap: Lessons from Nigeria
“Men make terrible pigs”: Teaching Madeline Miller’s Circe and the New Feminist Mythic Archetype
Carol Ann Duffy
‘Girl against the world’: Antigone’s Afterlives in Contemporary Women’s Myth Writing
Margaret Atwood, ‘Dearly’.
Short bowel syndrome: a clinical review
Rassismuskritik und (Post-)Kolonialismus
Assessing Risk and Sustainability Factors in Spice Supply Chain Management
The Influence of Artificial Intelligence Techniques on Disruption Management: Does Supply Chain Dynamism Matter?
Decentralized Receiver-based Link Stability-aware Forwarding Scheme for NDN-based VANETs
A Secure and Privacy Preserved Infrastructure for VANETs based on Federated Learning with Local Differential Privacy
Research into Early-Stage Identification of Entrepreneurs and Innovators with Development of an Identification Guidance Framework
Problematizing Strategic Alliance Research: Challenges, Issues and Paradoxes in the New Era
Deep-sea sponge derived environmental DNA analysis reveals demersal fish biodiversity of a remote Arctic ecosystem
Archaeological Science and Experimental Archaeology Can Inform Sustainable Innovative Craft
ENAS-B: Combining ENAS with Bayesian Optimisation for Automatic Design of Optimal CNN Architectures for Breast Lesion Classification from Ultrasound Images
Automatic Detection of Thyroid Nodule Characteristics From 2D Ultrasound Images
Classification of breast lesions in ultrasound images using deep convolutional neural networks: transfer learning versus automatic architecture design
Migration Policy and Welfare Chauvinism in the United Kingdom: European Divergence or Trend-Setting?
Prediction of carbon nanotubes reinforced interphase properties in fuzzy fibre reinforced polymer via inverse analysis and optimisation
A reflection on the teacher education curriculum and the decolonising agenda
Everybody is talking about ChatGPT: Should educators be excited or apprehensive?
Feedback digitalization preferences in online and hybrid classroom: Experiences from lockdown and implications for post-pandemic education
Exploring Department Store Offerings: A ZMET Study
The Development Of Death Competency In Healthcare Professionals: The Role Of Patient Death Event Appraisal
Incorporating End-User Feedback in the Development and Validation of a Smart Textile for assessing Sports Training and Performance
Drug induced liver injury - a 2023 update.
Curating the Animal: ethics and care of the non-human within art exhibitions
Touching the Sore: Older Caribbean women's memories of migration, kinship and settlement in England
Key factors influencing the sustained growth of high-tech SMEs in South Korea - the perspectives of founder owner-managers
Energizing compassion: using music and community focus to stimulate compassion drive and sense of connectedness
Can We End the Dyslexia Debate?
A phenomenological analysis of the role and well-beingchallenges experienced by professional International SchoolCounsellors
The house as symbolic representation of the self
Reconceptualising the Third Teacher: A study of trainee experiences of work-based learning on Level 3 Early Years programmes
Climate Litigation: Access to Judicial Review in National Courts
Effective methods for detecting fraudulent financial reporting: practical insights from Big 4 auditors
Exploration of Higher Education Delivery of Artistic Sport Curriculum in the UK and China
Promoting a compassionate motivation in detained youth: A secondary analysis of a controlled trial with the PSYCHOPATHY.COMP program
Fears and Resistances to Mindfulness: Development of a Self‑Report Scale
Enterprise policies and R&D support for high-tech SMEs - a multi-perspective approach
Farewell to the term ‘non-alcoholic fatty liver disease’
Sculpting for Utopia PhD Thesis (R Crowther Library Oct 2023)
Lead independent director, managerial risk-taking, and cost of debt: Evidence from UK
Two-stage taxonomy for measuring success in social marketing practice
Bell Weather Day
The Tree Charter Bell Ceremony V
Revisiting Corporate Governance and Financial Risk-Taking
Regional and Global Repercussions of the Niger Coup
Decolonising Marketing: Five Fundamental Decisions for Customer Engagement
Methods and Applications of Data Mining in Business Domains
Exploring Awareness and Resistance to Nonattachment in Relation to Mental Health: A Qualitative Study in a UK-Based Yoga Community
Inspection of EEG Signals for Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring in Prediabetes Diagnosis
A Novel Duo-Stage driven Deep Neural Network Approach for Mitigating Electrode Shift Impact on Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Systems
Key Factors to Maintaining Treatment Fidelity in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Model of CBT
‘Peter László Péri in Britain, 1933-1967: reforming “Socialist Realism” for Western Europe’
Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2023
AIMS: An Automatic Semantic Machine Learning Microservice Framework to Support Biomedical and Bioengineering Research
Long-term glacial and fluvial system coupling in southern Greece and evidence for glaciation during Marine Isotope Stage 16
Laurillard's six types of learning in the contemporary HEI landscape: an institutional analysis of student digital learning experiences
'Phototaxis' in the absence of light? Locomotory patterns in unionid mussels.
The impact of board gender composition on loan covenant violations
Bringing the Inside Out and the Outside in: The Therapeutic Relationship in Compassion Focused Therapy Chairwork
Living Well on Haemodialysis: feasibility and acceptability trial of an online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) programme for people receiving kidney haemodialysis
Modeling Barriers to Social Responsibility Accounting (SRA) and Ranking its Implementation Strategies to Support Sustainable Performance – a study in an emerging market
Why do Process Improvement Projects Fail in Organizations? A Review and Future Research Agenda
Maximising the impact of cross-sector partnerships for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Cyberbullying in School: The Role of Teachers
Understanding and rehabilitating men with sexual convictions: theory, intervention, and compassion
Local stock liquidity and local factors: fresh evidence from US firms across states
At the heart of change: Differences in young offenders’ HRV patterns after the delivery of the PSYCHOPATHY.COMP program
At Engagement's Edge: Heritage Experts and Holocaust Education in Belarus
Corporate reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals: A structured literature review and research agenda
Supporting local students. An evaluation of the Office for Students Challenge Competition: Industrial strategy and skills support for local students and graduates'
Editorial Introduction - Inter-Religious and Inter-Convictional Dialogue: Overview of a Dialogical Process and Its Products
Doing What, by Whom, for Whom and How?: An Essay on Interests, Modes, Methods and Other Dynamics in “Theology” and/or “Religious Studies”
Adoption of Industry 4.0 in Different Sectors: A Structural Review using Natural Language Processing
Scenographic Contraptions: The importance of error, exposure of process and inefficient aesthetics for orchestrating conversation
Narratives in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: Publishing stories in an academic journal
Psychopathic Personality as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Atypical Sexuality and Sexual Coercion Proclivity in the General Population
Investigating Theories of Belief Bias: Individual Differences in Interpretation, Strategy Selection and Performance
Revolutionizing Healthcare Organizations with Operational Excellence and Healthcare 4.0: A Systematic Review of the State-of-the-Art Literature
Public Art, Dance and Music and the Politics of Culture in East and Central Africa Interview with Faisal Kiwewa of Bayimba International Festival of the Arts, Uganda
Rememory, resistance and the geographical: adult and community education as spaces of possibility.
Steps on the Journey to Net Zero
The Impact of Strategic Environmental Management Capabilities on the Competitiveness of an Oil and Gas Industry’s Supply Chain: An Empirical Evaluation of the Natural Resource-Based View of Firms
Regional logistics, carbon emission index and green financial performance enhancement configuration: a comparative study based on 30 Chinese provinces
An Environmental-Based Perspective Framework: Integrating IoT Technology into a Sustainable Automotive Supply Chain
A Tool to Assist in the Analysis of Gaze Patterns in Upper Limb Prosthetic Use
A Quantitative Analysis of Gender Impact in Judgements of Offenders with Mental Illnesses
Measuring the readiness level for Kaizen projects: A multi-layer Bayesian decision-making framework
Browser-Based Webcam Head-Tracked Ambisonics (WHAM)
Transitional justice from above and below: Exploring the potential glocalising role of non-governmental organisations through a Northern Ireland case study
Systematic review of Industry 5.0 from main aspects to the execution status
Measuring categorisation in pre-school children: new toolkit, new insights
Experiences of autism in prison-based interventions to address sexual offending
Cohort-based kernel principal component analysis with Multi-path Service Routing in Federated Learning
An Efficient and Privacy-preserving Blockchain-based Secure Data Aggregation in Smart Grids
Transitional Justice and Colonialism
A case series study of compassion-focused therapy for distressing experiences in psychosis
Comprehensive geriatric assessment delivered by advanced nursing practitioners within primary care setting: a mixed-methods pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial
Theorising VET: European Differences, Commonalities and Contestation
Dissecting Girls: Exploring Feminine Identification in Contemporary Horror Television
Exploring the Subjective Experiences of Peer-Led Social Support Groups for Individuals Bereaved by Suicide
Machinability of 3D printed peek reinforced with short carbon fiber
High thermal conductivity of porous graphite/paraffin composite phase change material with 3D porous graphite foam
Place-based business support towards net zero: enabling through the place-policy-practice nexus
Low- cost management interventions and their impact on multilevel trade- offs in agricultural grasslands
Modeling and Analyzing Logic Vulnerabilities of E-Commerce Systems at the Design Phase
Pursuing Equity, Vocational Education and Training and Social Justice
Reflections on bwp@ Special Issue 19
Education policy and refugees in England and Germany: racist nativism and the reproduction of white supremacy
The association between pain self-efficacy and patient-reported outcome measures for hand disorders: a cross-sectional study
Data Provenance in Healthcare: Approaches, Challenges, and Future Directions
Changing Patterns of Domestic Homicide During Lockdown: Interrupted Time-Series Analysis in England and Wales
The Impact of Swimming on Fundamental Movement Skill Development in Children (3–11 Years): A Systematic Literature Review
The significance of ultrasound features of sub-chorionic haemorrhage as a predictor of adverse perinatal outcome: A retrospective review
Alkaline-Silicate REE-HFSE Systems
Hybrid multi power sources PEMFC/battery/supercapacitor real time setup energy conversion system
Variability and associated uncertainty in image analysis for soiling characterization in solar energy systems
Emissions-based options appraisal for modular building foundations – a case study
Explaining normative–deliberative gaps is essential to dual-process theorizing
The Epidemiology of War and Its Impact on Public Health: A Case Study of the Ukraine-Russia Crisis
“I don't have relationships anymore…” Navigating licence conditions and transition into the community for men with sexual convictions
Evaluating design features to support inclusive, self-directed, and active healthy living behaviours
Forming a consensus opinion to inform long COVID support mechanisms and interventions: a modified Delphi approach
Escape Rooms for Secondary Mathematics Education: Design and Experiments
Self-Compassion during COVID-19 in Non-WEIRD Countries: A Narrative Review
An experimental validation of unified mechanics theory for predicting stainless steel low and high cycle fatigue damage initiation.
The Language of Lust Murder: Investigating Neutralisation Theory and Dennis Nilsen’s Paraphilic Disorders
COPI-regulated mitochondria-ER contact site formation maintains axonal integrity
Compassion as a skill: A comparison of contemplative and evolution-based approaches.
Vulnerability theory and insolvency law
A Robust Unified Graph Model Based on Molecular Data Binning for Subtype Discovery in High-dimensional Spaces
Analysis of factors influencing Circular-Lean-Six Sigma 4.0 implementation considering sustainability implications: An exploratory study
Septic pulmonary emboli: a case discussion
Application of Machine Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening Final (2)
Investigation of the Metabolic Effects of Liraglutide on Patients with Overweight and Obesity
Gender and Entrepreneurship in Tourism
What determines social service workers’ wages: A cross-country analysis using a Luxembourg Income Study
Mind the Gap: DBA students, knowledge generation, transfer and impact
Upper limb kinematics of an elite climber during a power slap task
Further evidence for the role of temporal contiguity as a determinant of overshadowing
Can Industry 5.0 Technologies Overcome Supply Chain Disruptions? - A Perspective Study on Pandemics, War, and Climate Change Issues
Optimization of bio based glass polyfurfuryl alcohol prepreg for composite applications
Theorising VET without ‘VET theory’? Foundations and fragmentation of Anglophone VET research
The development of the Japanese version of the full and short form of Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale (J-(S) ATMHPS)
Childhood predictors of successful self-reported delinquents
Sustainability as a competitive advantage: IKEA as a case study
Industry 4.0 Challenges Facing the Agri-Supply Chain: A Literature Review
The Role of Female Rape Myth Acceptance, Homophobia Towards Gay Men, Age and Gender as Predictors of Male Rape Myth Acceptance
An empirical investigation on the deployment of Operational excellence in SMEs
Proximity: reflections on how collective enquiry informs artistic pedagogy
Analyzing the integrated effect of Circular Economy, Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 on sus-tainable manufacturing performance from a practice-based view perspective
Judgemental Adjustments in Forecasting Uncertain Product Demand
Business Analytics and Visualisation in the Supply Chain: Literature Survey and Case study
Exploring Inventory Leanness on Firm Performance with a Non-linear Empirical Leanness Indicator using Kernel Regularized Least Squares (KRLS) Regression
Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Internationalization of Curriculum: Globalization and Localization, a Comparative Study
Gallbladder Cancer
Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler of Quick and Effective Production Repurposing Manufactur-ing: An Exploratory Review and Future Research Propositions
Essential organizational variables for the implementation of Quality 4.0: empirical evidence from the Indian furniture industry
Depletion through social reproduction and contingent coping in the lived experience of parents on Universal Credit in England
Note Taking in VR: The Forearm Keyboard
The Role of Technology in Undergraduate Bioscience Laboratory Learning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
End-of-life doulas: international reflections on a transnational movement
Managing the risk of torsades de pointe when prescribing antipsychotic medication
State of science: refitting the human to nature
Front and Back Views Gait Recognitions Using EfficientNets and EfficientNetV2 Models Based on Gait Energy Image
The Psychology of Erectile Dysfunction
Hyperosmolar, hyperglycaemic state: a case study
Q-commerce or E-commerce? A systematic state of the art on comparative last-mile logistics greenhouse gas emissions literature review
Improving the Interviewing of Suspects Using the PEACE Model: A Comprehensive Overview
Novel SPEA Superantigen Peptide Agonists and Peptide Agonist-TGFαL3 Conjugate. In Vitro Study of Their Growth-Inhibitory Effects for Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy
The Multimorbidity and Lifestyle Correlates in Chinese Population Residing in Macau: Findings from a Community-Based Needs Assessment Study
Passive Heat Recovery Wind Tower: Assessing the Overheating Risk in Summertime and Ventilation Heat Loss Reduction in Wintertime
Measuring sport fantasy proneness and deflated reality in sport and performance: Development and validation of two context-specific instruments
Abusive Relationships Within The Family
Parenting Of The Preterm Newborn During Hospital And Childhood
Modern Parenting: Ideologies, Identity & Experiences
Attachment and Attachment Disorders within the Family
Carlton Marshes Visitor Centre Report. An evaluation report for Suffolk Wildlife Trust 2023.
Microstructure Effects on the Machinability of AM-Produced Superalloys
Does Human Papillomavirus Play a Causative Role in Prostate Cancer? A Systematic Review Using Bradford Hill’s Criteria
Sustainable Careers under Spiritual Leadership and Workplace Spirituality: A Subordinates’ Perspective during Covid 19
Compositional constraints and selection forces dictate codon usage in human bocavirus
Comparison of carbon and iron oxide based powder suspension formulations
Fingermark quality assessment, a transversal study of subjective quality scales
Rapport-Building in Multiple Interviews of Children
Investigating the Memory Reports of Retractors Regarding Abuse
Slovenia - Economy
The Impact of Western Sanctions on Global Supply Chains and the Green Transition: The Case of EV Battery Manufacturing in South Korea and the EU
Discoveries from recent excavations of the Jucu de Sus Cemetery (Cluj County)
SecureFed: federated learning empowered medical imaging technique to analyze lung abnormalities in chest X‑rays
Menu Design in the UK Food Service Sector: Nudging Consumers towards More Environmentally Sustainable Food Choices (Study Protocol)
Human-induced salinity changes impact marine organisms and ecosystems
In pursuit of equity vocational education and training and social justice
Self-Compassion Interventions to Target Secondary Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review
Developing employability skills through working in a law clinic
Environmental toxicants and health adversities: A review on interventions of phytochemicals
Embedding wellbeing in career development practice: trialling a new structure for guidance conversations in Scotland and Wales
Human Migration in Post-Pandemic World
Far-Right Movements in the Covid-19 Era
Humanitarian Supply Chains in Covid-19 Era
Examining the Impact of a Third Culture Kid Upbringing: Wellbeing, Attachment and Ethnic Identity Strength in Adult Third Culture Kids
Alternative Relative Discrimination Criterion Feature Ranking Technique for Text Classification
A Game of Politics? International Sport Organisations and the Role of Sport in International Politics
Generative AI for Immersive Experiences: Integrating Text-to-Image Models in VR-Mediated Co-design Workflows
The impact of COVID-19 on the social determinants of cardiovascular health
Sexualising characteristics of adolescent on TikTok. Comparative study Great Britain–Spain
Consequences of local culinary memorable experience: Evidence from TikTok influencers
Experiment and Numerical Investigation of a Novel Flap Fin Louver Windcatcher for Multidirectional Natural Ventilation and Passive Technology Integration
Using a professional skills module to develop student confidence
'But to whose charge shall I lay it? Your printer is alreadie loaden' The Rhetoric of Printers' Errors in Early Modern Religious Disputes
The Hidden Pandemic: A Qualitative Study on How Middle-Aged Women Make Sense Of Managing Their Long Covid Symptoms
Green Innovation and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Sustainability in the Automotive Industry
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Based on Hybrid Features Extraction in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
“Impressive Miniature Scenes Full of Life and Humour”: The Interpretation of Netsuke at the Museum Folkwang 2010 to 2021
A multi-objective Flexible Manufacturing System design optimization using a hybrid response surface methodology
Engaging parents on universal credit to help resolve workforce shortages
Healthcare 4.0 digital technologies impact on quality of care: A systematic literature review
Developmental Theories and the Family
Classic Parenting Theories
Síndrome do impostor, autoeficácia e apoio social em mães de primeira viagem do Reino Unido
Work-based learning: expansive learning and social justice
Investing in careers: What is career guidance worth?
Developing interculturally competent graduates: meeting employer needs in Europe.
Embracing diversity at work through developing employees in intercultural competencies
Placing the Rule of Law and Environmental Justice in the Resource-Conflict Nexus in Nigeria
Direct Parent Engagement to Improve Fundamental Movement Skills in Children: A Systematic Review
The Malice of Maladaptation: Is Teleworking Enabling Behavioural Addiction?
Questioning the Appropriateness of Examining Guanxi in a Wasta Environment: Why Context Should be Front and Center in Informal Network Research. A Commentary on “De-Linking From Western Epistemologies: Using Guanxi-Type Relationships to Attract and Retain Hotel Guests in the Middle East
An Exploration of Successful Psychosocial Adjustment to Long-Term In-Centre Haemodialysis
Employing the Internet of Things to Attain Resilience Across Supply Chain
Sustainable Warehouse Features: A Systematic Literature Review
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Drivers and Barriers in the Ethiopian Manufacturing Sec-tor
Achieving Circularity is a Distant Dream: Entrepreneurial Barriers to Circular Business Models in SMEs of Emerging Economies
Unequal Clustering Protocol in IoT Networks Based on Multiple Criteria Processing
Joyful Stoic Death Writing: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Newcomers Contemplating Death in an Online Group
Multi-species Ethnography and Artistic Methods (MEAM) special session on Artful Publishing
Empowerment of care home staff through effective collaboration with healthcare
Longitudinal influence of self-compassion and fears of compassion on prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport: A conditional latent growth curve modelling analysis
Digital Asset Marketing: Traceability as a competitive advantage in a low carbon economy
CSP2Turtle: Verified Turtle Robot Plans
It is not what you think it is how you think: a critical thinking intervention enhances argumentation, analytic thinking and metacognitive sensitivity
Energising compassion: Using music and community focus to stimulate compassion drive and sense of connectedness
Investigating the role of knowledge-based supply chains for supply chain resilience by graph theory matrix approach
Virtual mobility to enhance intercultural competencies for a more sustainable future
A Pilot Math Anxiety Storybook Approach to Normalize Math Talk in Children and to Support Emotion Regulation
Biodiversity and environmental stressors along urban walking routes
A qualitative exploration of black psychotherapists’ personal experience of racism and the challenges that exist for black therapists who work with clients in therapy who have also experienced racism. A pilot study using interpretive phenomenological analysis
The non-stranger rapist-oriented interview for complainants: Eliciting high-quality accounts
An efficient attention-driven deep neural network approach for continuous estimation of knee joint kinematics via sEMG signals during running
Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter Using Self-tuning Fuzzy-PI Controller
Design and Implementation of a Robust 6-DOF Quadrotor Controller Based on Kalman Filter for Position Control
Robust intuition? Exploring the difference in the strength of intuitions from perspective of attentional bias
Do South African international cricket pace bowlers have similar bowling volume and injury risk associates compared to other elite fast bowlers?
Lean Readiness of Organizations – A Systematic Scientometric Review
Prescribing intravenous fluids: a review
Digital Game Making and Game Templates Promotes Learner Engagement in Non-computing Based Classroom Teaching
Employee silence, job burnout and job engagement among teachers: the mediational role of psychological safety
‘Tree Mountaineers’: Arboreal Materiality on the Fells in the Lakeland Guides of William Wordsworth and Harriet Martineau
Care in the community for patients with advanced liver disease
Consent in Surgey
Pulsed ventricular tachycardia: a case study
Conceptualizing, Embracing, and Measuring Failure in Social Marketing Practice
Battery - Ultracapacitor Energy Storage System Set Up Control through Fuzzy Logic Algorithm
Sliding Mode Control of the PUMA 560 Robot
Does the Integration of Lean Production and Industry 4.0 in Green Supply Chains Generate a Better Operational Performance?
Post COVID-19 trends in simulation use within diagnostic radiography and radiation therapy education
Integrated Green Lean Six Sigma-Industry 4.0 approach to combat COVID-19: from literature review to framework development
Physical Activity Clinical Champions: A Peer-to-Peer Physical Activity Education Programme in England.
Application of theoretical domains framework to explore the enablers and barriers to physical activity among university staff and students: a qualitative study
Bridging attentional control and reinvestment: A test of the interactionist hypothesis in an E-sport context
Ethnic Minorities’ Experiences of Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review
Healthy eating: Evaluating the peer influence of vlogs produced by 6–16-year-olds and their families.
Evaluating the energy-saving potential of earth-air heat exchanger (EAHX) for Passivhaus standard buildings in different climates in China
Time Reversal to Localise Multiple Partial Discharges in Power Cables
Trauma Related Psychological Distress, Acculturative Stress, and Psychosocial Treatment Needs in Syrians Refugees Resettled in the UK: A Mixed-Method Study
why are surgical never events still occurring: A Delphi study research sample across NHS England operating theatres.
Perceptions and Understanding of Digital Self-Harm: A Qualitative Analysis of Mental Health Practitioners and Parents of Adolescents
British Academy Talk: Midlands Hub: The S.H.E.D: From ECR project to Community Interest Company
When Will Employees Accept Remote Working? The Impact of Gender and Internet Skills
Contemporary Art Practice: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict
Electromagnetic time reversal applied to online partial discharge location in power cables: influence of interfering reflections from the cable circuit
Chinese Capital Market Development and Stock Connect
Real-time Energy Flow Mapping: a VSM-based proposal for energy efficiency
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education in the UK
An Empirical Study on Convective Drying of Ginger Rhizomes Leveraging Environmental Stress Chambers and Linear Heat Conduction Methodology
Guest editorial: Transparency, accountability and the role of control mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a future research agenda in the context of emerging economies
How do German Police Officers of Varying Empathy Levels React to Different Styles of Interviewing a Suspected Sex Offender?
Interrelationships between Circular Economy and Industry 4.0: A Research Agenda for Sustainable Supply Chains
Elucidation of Short linear motif based interactions and dynamics of the ezrin, radixin, moesin and merlin FERM domains
Monitoring the bio-self-healing performance of cement mortar incubated within soil and water using electrical resistivity
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through Net Zero Emissions: Innovation-Driven Strategies for Transitioning from Incremental to Radical Lean, Green and Digital Technologies
Data-driven precision determination of the material budget in ALICE
Full body joint kinematics of experienced climbers during a standardised traverse
'A Challenging but Rewarding Path'; Working with Disability Populations
Wheelchair rugby players maintain sprint performance but alter propulsion biomechanics after simulated match play
A Critical Examination of Post-colonial Punjabi Shakespearean Translations
Exploration and Mitigation of Green Lean Six Sigma Barriers: A Higher Education Institutions perspective
Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Health Assessment: State-of-the-Art, Open Challenges and Future Directions
Intrusion Detection Framework for Industrial Internet of Things Using Software Defined Network
Intelligent Transportation Systems in Smart City: A Systematic Survey
Editorial: 30 Jahre und kein Ende der Geschichte (30 years since The End of History)
The phenomenon of why Human Resource Directors do not progress to be Chief Executive Officers in the FTSE350
On Embracing Automation and Loving Work: Or Why We Should Not Be Afraid of Our Washing Machines
Perceptions from the British Pakistani Muslim community towards mental health
The superhero effect: How enclothed cognition can impact on the perceptions and actions of serving UK police officers
English Nationalism, Folklore and Indigeneity
Approaches to the critical component in UK creative writing PhDs
The doctrine of survivals
Mechanical properties of BCC lattice cells with waved struts
Thermo-Mechanical Structural Optimisation of a Chemical Propulsion Satellite Thruster Using Lattice Structures
A Hybrid Strategy-based Ultra-narrow Stretchable Microelectrodes with Cell-level Resolution
On the prediction of premature births in Hispanic labour patients using uterine contractions, heart beat signals and prediction machines
Surface Electromyogram, Kinematic, and Kinetic Dataset of Lower Limb Walking for Movement Intent Recognition
Sustainable and Resilient Supplier Selection in the Context of Circular Economy: An Ontology-Based Model
A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals
The Effects of Physical Activity on Academic Performance in School-Aged Children: A Systematic Review
Promotion of research culture among radiographers in one UK NHS trust through journal club activities – An autoethnographic study
How does digitalization alter the paradox of supply base concentration? The effects of digitalization intensity and breadth
The Perversion of Holocaust Memory: Writing and Rewriting the Past after 1989
Developing culturally competence in caring for people with mental health conditions
Reading Horse Theory to a Horse in Miami Performance International Festival ’23
Art and Animals and the Ethical Position
Shared Brains, Proprioceptiveness, and Critically Approaching the Animal as the Animal in Artworks
Improving Fundamental Movement Skills during Early Childhood: An Intervention Mapping Approach
Proposing an #EASIER cardiopulmonary rehabilitation protocol for coronavirus disease 2019 survivors
Landscape ecology of microbes in peatlands under different management regimes
Regulation of proteolysis in bovine cumulus cells with possible inclusion of proton pump activators
Lean-sustainability Assessment Framework Development: Evidence from the Construction Industry
The Moderating Effect of Hypersexuality on the Relationship Between Psychopathic Traits and Sexual Coercion
Exploring converging and diverging opinions of rehabilitative interventions for individuals who have committed serious criminal offences: The need for forensic-specific education in the general public.
Hospitality that cares: a qualitative investigation into small foodservice businesses’ social responsibility
Low cycle fatigue predictions of a space thruster built with a new refractory high entropy alloy
Industry 4.0 Benefits, Challenges, Critical Success Factors: Comparative analysis through the lens of Resource Dependence Theory across continents and economies
A content analysis of tobacco content in season 1 of ‘And Just Like That’
A content analysis of alcohol imagery in season 2 of The Kardashians
Smart city development, blockchain for the vehicle registry: a study in Romania
Elucidation of Short Linear Motif-Based Interactions of the FERM Domains of Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin, and Merlin
Seismic signatures and site characterization of an intermittent stream in dry and flood conditions: an implication for soil losses and landslide triggering
Was a 3D-printed firearm discharged? - Study of traces produced by the use of six fully 3D-printed firearms
On some links between the generalised Lucas pseudoprimes of level k
Predicting Bitcoin Prices Using Machine Learning
Stakeholder Opinions of Implementing Environmental Management Systems in the Construction Sector of the U.S.
International Law in Ghana: A Study of the Attitudes, Knowledge and use of International Law by Judges and Lawyers
‘Skip the Warts’: Personal Branding and Pornification in The Look of Love (2013).
Biodegradable plastics and their impact on fingermark detection methods
Experimental and numerical evaluation of a novel dual-channel windcatcher with a rotary scoop for energy-saving technology integration
Cardiovascular disease prevention and management in the COVID-19 era and beyond: An international perspective.
COVID-19 and elite sport: Cardiovascular implications and return-to-play.
Lived experience of patients with Long COVID: a qualitative study in the UK
Anthropometric and morphological characteristics of elite male cricket bowlers and batters over time: A systematic review
Placebos: A Psychological and Biological Perspective
Molecular dynamics study on the kinematic viscosity, density and structure of fuel blends containing n-decane and biofuel compound of ethyl decanoate or ethyl dodecanoate
An interpretative phenomenological analysis for the experience of the unconscious and conscious conflict in Greek adults: The trauma response of conscious self-rejection, projective understanding of anxiety, and the oxymoronic experience of emotion.
Conditioned place avoidance in the planaria Schmidtea mediterranea: A pre-clinical invertebrate model of anxiety-related disorders
Microstructure and geometry effects on the compressive behavior of LPBF-manufactured inconel 718 honeycomb structures
Towards a Combined Physical and Social Evaluation of Climate Vulnerability in Coastal Urban Megacities
A Visceral Revolution
How to give a barnstorming speech on what photography can be
Digital arts – refugee engagement
Testing the social validity of the CATZ cross-age teaching zone anti-bullying intervention among school students
Rehabilitation following extra-articular proximal phalangeal fractures of the fingers in adults: a scoping review
Cross-cultural perspectives on mental health shame among male workers
A Fuzzy-based approach to Enhance Cyber Defence Security for Next-generation IoT
Impact on habitual crossfit participant's exercise behavior, health, and well-being: A cross-sectional survey of UK COVID-19 lockdowns
‘People don’t like you when you’re different’: exploring the prison experiences of autistic individuals
Navigating wasta in business practices in Lebanon
A new approach to the stylistic analysis of humour
Category relevance attenuates overshadowing in human predictive learning
Exploring Cognitive Biases in Pain: Investigating Attention, Interpretation and Memory Bias..
GC Insights: Nature stripes for raising engagement with biodiversity loss
Impartiality: A critical review
Ukraine Lives (FORMAT23 Conference presentation)
The effects of Latino Dance intervention on academic and general self-efficacy with left-behind children: An experimental study in China
What guides guided self‐help? Recognising the role of formulation in Low Intensity CBT
Real work opportunities in the curriculum: three different approaches
Mind the gap: employers' and students' perceptions of skills and knowledge needed by accounting graduates in Greece
Completing a Ph.D. – Does it have to be a lonely existence?
Virtual Forest Bathing Programming as Experienced by Disabled Adults with Mobility Impairments and/or Low Energy: A Qualitative Study
A Multi-Country Study Assessing the Mechanisms of Natural Elements and Sociodemographics behind the Impact of Forest Bathing on Well-being
Low Throughput Direct Cycle Sequencing of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Products
3D Printing in LMICs: Functional design for upper limb prosthetics in Uganda
Slip Detection Strategies for Automatic Grasping in Prosthetic Hands
Social action art therapy and the enhancement of political imagination
Early Awareness Stalking Intervention (EASI) Evaluation Report
Re-claiming the Lost Home: The Politics of Nostalgia and Belonging in Women’s Art Practices in the Middle East
A united approach to promoting healthy living behaviours and associated health outcomes: a global call for policymakers and decisionmakers
Beyond the Symbiodiniaceae: diversity and role of microeukaryotic coral symbionts
5S solutions to promote medication efficiency and safety. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2023; 130: e416–8
Circular and Digital Systems in SMEs: An Assessment of the Past and Present Literature for Future Research Directions
Marine carbonate sedimentation in volcanic settings
Protecting peatlands requires understanding stakeholder perceptions and relational values: A case study of peatlands in the Yorkshire Dales
Privacy Preservation in the Internet of Vehicles using Local Differential Privacy and IOTA Ledger
Guest editorial: Performance measurement in supply chains during disruptions: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Animals in the creative process: embracing interspecies collaboration and learning from others within creativity
Urinary tract infection in an older patient: a case study and review
“The People Who Leave Here Are Not the People Who Arrived.”: A Qualitative Analysis of the Therapeutic Process and Identity Transition in the Offender Personality Disorder Pathway
Minorities, Self-Determination and Secession
A Table-Top Role-Playing Game (TTRPG) for Developing Higher Education Employability Skills
Who stole the biscuits? A forensic science activity for the primary school science curriculum
PhD Research Findings - Theatres and Decontamination Conference 2023
Have yourself a ‘merry’ little Christmas: Alcohol adverts and alcohol content within adverts in the run up to Christmas
AI-Guided Computing Insights into a Thermostat Monitoring Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Breast cancer understanding among university students: A rapid review of cross-country comparisons
“Load Every Rift”: Power, Opposition, and Community in Romantic Poetry and Heavy Metal
BCAT1 redox function maintains mitotic fidelity
Multiscale damage modelling of notched and un-notched 3D woven composites with randomly distributed manufacturing defects
Drama and dementia
Explanatory Risk Factors for Psychopathic Symptoms in Men and Women: Results from Generation 3 of the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development
Industry 4.0 Maturity and Readiness Assessment: An Empirical validation using Confirmatory Composite Analysis
Classification Model of Breast Masses in DCE-MRI Using Kinetic Curves Features with Quantum-Raina’s Polynomial Based Fusion
Mindfulness of happiness
Unveiling the Role of Sustainable Supply Chain Drivers Toward Knowledge-Based Economy via a Novel Permutation Approach: Implications from an Emerging Economy
Outside Your Comfort Zone
Event Innovation and Resilience During Times of Uncertainties
Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Stability of Stored Grains: Implications for Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security
The Big Challenge: A case study presenting interdisciplinary development of employability skills.
Flexural Strength of Partially Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes Subjected to Lateral Loads by Experimental Testing and Finite Element Modelling
Autism in Prisons: An Overview of Experiences of Custody and Implications for Custodial Rehabilitation for Autistic Prisoners
Evaluation Report for Generation Green. Assessing the Impact of Short Residential Courses for Young People.
Social Constructs of Online Feminine Identities in Social Media: A Thematic Analysis
New Roots. An Evaluation Report for St Ann’s Allotments 2023
UK physiotherapists delivering physical activity advice: what are the challenges and possible solutions? A qualitative study
Wild Tots and Wild Babies: An evaluation report for Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
Evaluation Report for Generation Green. Assessing the Impact of Single Day Short Courses for Young People
Young Wardens’ Voices: An Evaluation Report for Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
An analysis of specific batting demands in the women’s The Hundred competition
The role of selected pre-match covariates on the outcome of One-day International (ODI) cricket matches
Population and Public Health
Physical Activity
Embedding Compassion in Schools: The What’s, the Why’s and the How’
“I don’t really see any kind of change” – multi-perspective analysis of a circle of support and accountability for young people who have previously demonstrated harmful sexual behaviour
Doing without knowing: an exploration of knowledge management in think tanks
A systematic literature review of performance measurement systems in health sector of Pakistan
The development of language: An overview and a preview
Is Suffering an Obstacle to or Pre-Condition for Flourishing? A Multidisciplinary Exploration
Educational technology, gamified pedagogy, and vectoralist control in K-12 education
Industry 4.0 Maturity Assessment: A multi-dimensional indicator approach
The Impact of Arabic Diacritization on Word Embeddings
Research developments in Sustainable Supply Chain Management considering Optimization and Industry 4.0 Techniques: A Systematic Review
Beyond Lean Manufacturing and Sustainable Performance: Are the Circular Economy practices worth pursuing?
Bank Failure prediction: corporate governance and financial indicators
Decreased methylglyoxal-mediated protein glycation in the healthy aging mouse model of ectopic expression of UCP1 in skeletal muscle
The Efficient Activity of Glabridin and its Derivatives Against EGFR-mediated Inhibition of Breast Cancer
Predicting self-harm in survivors and perpetrators of domestic abuse
Commissioning groupwork for carers
Supremacy of Value-Added Tax: A Perspective from South Asian Nations
On Horadam Sequences with Dense Orbits and Pseudo-Random Number Generators
Music as an alternative self-regulation strategy to snack foods following a negative mood induction in 5-7-year-old children: Interactions with parental use of food as a reward
Power Besieged and Power Protected’: Conservative Uses of COVID-19 to Attack Black Lives Matter
Creating a sport and exercise medicine undergraduate syllabus: a delphi study
Industrial Revolution and Environmental Sustainability: An Analytical Interpretation of Research Constituents in Industry 4.0
Targeting hPKM2 in cancer: a bio isosteric approach for ligand design
Collaborative closed-loop supply chain framework for sustainable manufacturing: Evidence from the Indian packaging industry
Lessons for career guidance from return-on-investment analyses in complex education-related fields
Relations between math achievement, math anxiety, and the quality of parent–child interactions while solving math problems
Effects of reflow profile and miniaturisation on integrity of solder joints in surface mount chip resistor
Investigation of the Caregivers’ Quality of Life in Patients with Renal Failure
Bacterial Interactions Affecting Chemotherapy Effectiveness
Being unwanted and other very early predictors of adult psychopathy
Digging DEEP: Futuristic building blocks of omni-channel healthcare supply chains resiliency using a machine learning approach
Characterising Solder Materials from Random Vibration Response of their Interconnects in BGA Packaging
Parental involvement in child protection services and parenting experience as a drug or alcohol using parent: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Practice implications of phenomenological research with substance-using parents whose children were subject to social care interventions
Bad Parents? Evaluating Judgments of Infant Homicides
30 Jahre und kein Ende der Geschichte (30 years since The End of History)
Students feedback analysis model using deep learning-based method and linguistic knowledge for intelligent educational systems
The Level of Islamic Religiosity of the Local Community and Corporate Environmental Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Iran
IPO valuation in an emerging market – a study in Iran
An insight into the application of gradations of circularity in the food packaging industry: A systematic literature review and a multiple case study
Funding a Model of Inclusive Pre-school Education: A focus on stakeholder perspectives
Initiating end-of-life care
Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: a clinical review
Are Emerging Technologies Unlocking the Potential of Sustainable Practices in the Context of a Net Zero Economy? An Analysis of Driving Forces
Nudging smokers away from lighting up: A meta-analysis of framing effect in current smokers
Regenerating the Logistics Industry through the Physical Internet Paradigm: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Orchestration
‘A Unique Situation in the History of Cinema’: Crowhurst (2018), The Mercy (2018) and the Biopic Too Much
The 1975: Is tobacco promotion through music making a comeback?
A preliminary study into internet related addictions among adults with dyslexia
What digital-enabled dynamic capabilities support the circular economy? A multiple case study approach
Increasing physical activity and fundamental movement skills in early childhood by using school-based interventions
The Fears of Compassion in Sport Scale a short context specific measure of fear of self compassion and receiving compassion from others validated in
How Messages about COVID-19 May Have Affected People’s Sense of Threat and Mental Health
Manuscript Improvements in compassion and fears of compassion throughout the COVID 19 pandemic 22.12.22
Seds Online Student Webinars – Creating impactful opportunities for students to share their geoscience research
A Privacy-Enabled, Blockchain-Based Smart Marketplace
Abiogenic aragonite crystal habit – Novel archive of precipitation environment?
Care needs of older patients with advanced cancer
Stress Reduction Interventions for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Focused Literature Review
The benefits of citizen science and nature‐noticing activities for well‐being, nature connectedness and pro‐nature conservation behaviours
Comparing the Mental Health of Healthcare Students: Mental Health Shame and Self-compassion in Counselling, Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Social Work Students
Measurement invariance of the 10-item resilience scale specific to cancer in Americans and Chinese: A propensity score–based multidimensional item response theory analysis
On a Hilbert-type integral inequality in the whole plane with the equivalent forms
Opportunities for Disruptive Digital Technologies to Ensure Circularity in Supply Chain: A Critical Review of Drivers, Barriers and Challenges
Blue, Rather Than Red Light Can Nudge Employees to Choose Delayed But Larger Wage Payment
Authentic mindfulness within mindfulness-based interventions: A qualitative study of participants’ experiences.
Contemplation – The Power to Transform Self and Society?
Short communication: Birth Shock!
Integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into Lean Six Sigma DMAIC: a systematic review
Aspects of microbial communities in peatland carbon cycling under changing climate and land use pressures
Quantifying the economic impact of career guidance in secondary education
Credit rating agency response to appointment of female audit partners: Evidence from the UK
The importance of biophilic design: a person-centred approach
Visions of blended learning: identifying the challenges and opportunities in shaping institutional approaches to blended learning in higher education
Cavitation-induced shock wave behaviour in different liquids
Impact of relatives keeping patient diaries in the intensive care unit
A Critical Analysis of the Energy Requirements of a Commercial Building Based on Various Types of Glass Insulations
Integration of Distributed Generations in Smart Distribution Networks Using Multi-Criteria Based Sustainable Planning Approach
Techno-Economic-Environmental Assessment of an Isolated Rural Micro-Grid from a Mid-Career Repowering Perspective
Tritagonist Theatre: investigating the potential for bystander agency through three interconnected solo performances
Meaning of Fun in Hotel Gamified Applications
Green Lean Six Sigma for sustainability improvement: a systematic review and future research agenda
Higher-order models for the passive damping analysis of variable-angle-tow composite plates
Loneliness, travel nostalgia, subjective well-being and prevention regulatory focus: a moderated mediation model analysis
The Unique Role of ChatGPT in Closing the Awarding Gap
Stories Matter: A Novel Approach to Exploring Perceptions, Discourses, and the Symbolic Social Order in Pastoral Psychology
Numerical analysis of a flywheel energy storage system for low carbon powertrain applications
Proprioceptiveness, and Being Creatively with the Animal as Animal
'Can you show me what it is not? Representations of ‘non-examples’ as a tool for developing pre-service primary mathematics teachers pedagogical content knowledge and intra-mathematical connections
Inside a sediment‐stressed Middle Devonian carpet reef: Cave exposes details of three‐dimensional facies architecture and palaeoecology
“Prayer Is Fine, but Don’t Then Quickly Move on, as If You’re Done and Dusted”: How Can the Evangelical Church Better Support Those with Mental Illness?
Indian Cannabis Farming Policies and Use of FinTech to Improve Related Legalities
The Change in Test Cricket Performance Following the Introduction of T20 Cricket
Experiences of higher education student mothers
The Future Isn’t What It Used to Be! Revisiting the Changing World of Work After Covid- 19
Birth Shock! Arts In the Perinatal Period
Implementing counter hegemonic research approaches to evaluating high-profile, national policies in Early Childhood Education and Care
Response to Ofcom Letter (1) – 15/07/2022 & Response to Ofcom Letter (2) – 27/02/2023
The Joy of birds: the effect of rating for joy or counting garden bird species on wellbeing, anxiety, and nature connection
Carers’ experiences of caring for a friend or family member with dementia during the Covid-19 pandemic
Logistics service providers and Industry 4.0: A systematic literature review
Dual frequency ultrasonic cavitation in various liquids: High-speed imaging and acoustic pressure measurements
An eco-friendly solution for liquid phase exfoliation of graphite
Exploring the lived experiences of mothers of extremely preterm infants within the UK: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Organizational digital literacy and enterprise digital transformation: Evidence from Chinese listed companies
Femininity, Class and Status: The societal devaluation of the female early years workforce.
Introduction: Censorship and Freedom of Expression in Turbulent Times
Free speech, 'Cancel Culture' and the 'War on Woke'
Getting to Chartered Status: An update
Improvements in Compassion and Fears of Compassion throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multinational Study
What are the Affordances of Arts-Based Workshops with Refugee Women and Girls?
Mothers’ accounts of the impact of being in nature on postnatal wellbeing: a focus group study
University mental health and wellbeing: creating an evidence informed, holistic model of action.
Blockchain-based DDoS attack mitigation protocol for device-to-device interaction in smart homes
The impact of the media on tourism development and income inequality
Assessment of Sustainable Development Goals through Industry 4.0 and reconfigurable manufacturing system practices
Getting to Chartered Status: Understanding the views of stakeholders: Final report
Getting to Chartered Status: Understanding the views of stakeholders: Executive summary
Standardised colour-coded compartmentalised syringe trays improve anaesthetic medication visual search and mitigate cognitive load
Building resilience and understanding complexities of event project stakeholder management
The Experience of Self-Compassion in Mothers of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
The Divergent Effects of Resilience Qualities and Resilience Support in Predicting Pre-Competition Anxiety and Championship Performance
Self-Compassion and Physical Activity: The Underpinning Role of Psychological Distress and Barrier Self-Efficacy
Exploring the predictors of physical inactivity in a university setting
Thinking about the future: the fourth industrial revolution, capitalism, waged labour and anti-work
Subgrade reaction for closely spaced raft and isolated foundations on sand: case study
Natural Volatile Organic Compounds (NVOCs) Are Greater and More Diverse in UK Forests Compared with a Public Garden. Forests.
Blockchain Technology and Circular Economy in the environment of Total Productive Maintenance: A Natural Resource-Based View Perspective
In need of a makeover? Image repair and brand apology: A South African brand reality
Engaging employees through employee and employer brand
UnCommon Worlds III Conference – Navigating and Inhabiting Biodiverse Anthropocenes
Epitaphic Readings: Diagrams as (re)incarnations
Working in high performance sport: what it takes
Professional ethics; navigating the challenging moments
Making Reflective Practice More Meaningful: Saying the "unsayable"
The impact of digitalisation on the right to education
Fragile Cartographies of Border Fictioning
A common language and shared understanding of family violence? Corpus-based approaches in support of system responses to family violence
Revisiting Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction in Events: An Overview
How Far So Near, exhibition, in New Orleans
Hello Stranger East Midlands (phase 1) Workshop-National Exhibition of UK Performance Design 2019-2023
Two Queens Exchange Programme with GLOAM
Macedonia’s Long Transition From Independence to the Prespa Agreement and Beyond
The Mediation of Sustainability: Development Goals, Social Movements, and Public Dissent
Littleover Mural
Metamorphic (2023)
How love lives in two places
Jingo Jango
Jingo Jango (II)
Ukraine Lives (FORMAT23 exhibition)
Hello Stranger East Midlands (phase 2), Exhibition, UK Festival of Performance Design
SeeSaw: A series of poems on art
If It Thunders on All Fool's Day
Overcoming the Exploitation of Passion in Videogame Labor: Playing with Passion
Lakharo of Light
Applied Psychology Readings: Selected Papers from the Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2022
Pride and Progress: Making Schools LGBT+ Inclusive Spaces
Back To The Streets
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems
Facade (Balcony)
How to Make (2023)
An Elastic Continuum
The Applied Sport and Exercise Practitioner
Protests, Policing and Mediation during the 2020 Pandemic
TimberFestival and MADFest
Freedom S.H.E.D
Human Data Interaction, Disadvantage and Skills in the Community Enabling Cross-Sector Environments for Postdigital Inclusion
Young People, Stalking Awareness and Domestic Abuse
Offering from the River
The Party's Over: The Rise and Fall of the Conservatives from Thatcher to Sunak
Shedding Light on Long Covid
Person Centred Care in Radiography: Skills for providing effective patient care
Long Covid Diaries
New Studies in the History of Education: Connecting the Past to the Present in an Evolving Discipline
TEES: an exhibition exploring the T-shirt as art form
Lean Six Sigma 4.0 for Operational Excellence Under the Industry 4.0 Transformation
Chinese and Global Financial Integration through Stock Connect A Legal Analysis
A Curriculum for Social Justice: Promoting Success for Low attaining Youth
Family Relationships in the Early Years
The Routledge Companion to Freedom of Expression and Censorship