FOCM: Spring-Summer (with GLOAM)

Folklore and Nation in Britain and Ireland

IT and Well-Being in Travel and Tourism

Multilevel Inverter for Hybrid Fuel Cell/PV Energy Conversion System

An analysis of social marketing practice: factors associated with success

Self-disgust as a potential mechanism underlying the association between body image disturbance and suicidal thoughts and behaviours

The African continental divide: Indian versus Atlantic Ocean spreading during Gondwana dispersal

Social media and tourists’ behaviors: post-COVID-19

Discourse analysis and emotions

Peatland Plant Spectral Response as a Proxy for Peat Health, Analysis Using Low-Cost Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques

The European Union and global development cooperation: Promoting minority rights?

Seeing beyond the price. An empirical study evaluating experiential marketing factors in UK value-based fashion retailers

Spelling predictors; investigating the role of phonological ability and rapid naming in a large cross-sectional British study

Clothes and the evidences they carry: A perspective on its forensic examination

A Hybrid Latency- and Power-Aware Approach for Beyond Fifth-Generation Internet-of-Things Edge Systems

Post Quantum Public and Private Key Cryptography Optimized for IoT Security

A Real-Time Intrusion Detection System for Bio-Medical and Cyber-Physical Systems

Spray Coated Piezoresistive Bend Sensor for Controlled Movements in Soft Robots

Ultra‐High Gauge Factor Strain Sensor with Wide‐Range Stretchability

Multidirectional strain sensor using multimaterial 3D printing

Flexible interfacing circuits for wearable sensors and wireless communication

Interactive Intelligent Systems and Haptic Interfaces

Biomimetic Skin

Strain sensors for soft robotic applications

Soft Sensors for Electronic Skin

Futures Studies, Mobilities, and the Postdigital Condition: Contention or Complement

An alternative model of online tutoring to accommodate increased student numbers

Developing Online Learning in Health and Social Care through the principles of 4C’s.

Brain Tumor and Glioma Grade Classification Using Gaussian Convolutional Neural Network

Exploratory Data Analysis, Classification, Comparative Analysis, Case Severity Detection, and Internet of Things in COVID 19 Telemonitoring for Smart Hospitals

Computed tomographic evaluation of the acetabulum for age estimation in an Indian population using principal component analysis and regression models

Applicability of the Calce method for age estimation in an Indian population: A clinical CT-based study

Designing uncertainty for generating participatory scenography

Invisible Journeys: practice-research informed teaching

Generating non-egocentric storytelling using a scenography from cord, fabric and trust

Soft Capacitive Pressure Sensor with Enhanced Sensitivity Assisted by ZnO NW Interlayers and Airgap

An RUL-informed approach for life extension of high-value assets

Population density and spreading of COVID- 19 in England and Wales

Case Study: Craig Fisher presentation, Cumulus Contemporary Art Working Group / 21st Century Colour Literacy Project

Microbiome Engineering: A Promising Approach to Improve Coral Health

Making the image of the child

Space-making: the edge of school

Physiological impact of load carriage exercise: Current understanding and future research directions

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic: With hindsight what lessons can we learn?

Physical Activity and Dietary Considerations for Men Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

The experiences of the keyworker scheme from the perspective of men in prison

Stalking and the role of occupational therapy “you’re not living life to the full if you’re stalking”

A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Strut Waviness on the Mechanical Properties of BCC Lattice Unit Cells

Design of multilayered VAT panels by means of higher-order plate elements

‘If you were on your own it wouldn’t be a thing’: Accelerated social ageing in men who have a sexual conviction

Re-claiming the Lost Home: The Politics of Nostalgia and Belonging in Women’s Art Practices in the Middle East

Characterizing the initial conditions of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC with mean transverse momentum and anisotropic flow correlations

Measurement of K⁎(892)± production in inelastic pp collisions at the LHC

UK-Rwanda Memorandum of Understanding Written Evidence

How do I benefit from Open Access & Open Research

Metamorphic (2022)

A scoping review of rehabilitation programmes in higher educational institutions in the United Kingdom: the review protocol

Toward a Bourdieusian Perspective on the Tribe and Organisations

Coopetition strategy as naturalised practice in a cluster of informal businesses

How to stay creative whilst living through a pandemic

Blaming Helen in Twenty-First Century Myth Writing: A Response to Lena Linne

Wetland Dwellers: Sharing Assembly

Claiming Authorship Through The Painted-On-Photograph

Unveiling the heart of young offenders: Testing the tripartite model of affect regulation in community and forensic male adolescents

Dimensionality and measurement invari ance of the Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale in adolescents from community and residential youth care

No safety without emotional safety

The Role of Likeability in Discriminating Between Kindness and Compassion

The Compassionate Engagement and Action Scales for Self and Others: Turkish Adaptation, Validity, and Reliability Study

SafeSpace: what is the feasibility and acceptability of a codesigned virtual reality intervention, incorporating compassionate mind training, to support people undergoing cancer treatment in a clinical setting?

Nurturing self-compassionate performers

The Tree Charter Bell Ceremony IV

The value of events in times of uncertainty: insights from balcony performances in Italy during the COVID-19 lockdown

User experiences of digital prostheses in daily functioning in people with an amputation of thumb or finger

Does firm-level political risk affect cash holdings?

Cash-rich Firms and Carbon Emissions

Firm-level Political Risk and Distance-to-default

Do all institutional investors care about corporate carbon emissions?

Benefits of group compassion-focused therapy for treatment-resistant depression: A pilot randomized controlled trial

A randomized controlled feasibility trial of online compassion‐focused self‐help for psoriasis*

Innovations in practice-based learning in diagnostic radiography – a new approach to pre-registration students’ placements?

Floating Charges and Moral Hazard: Searching for Fairness for Involuntary and Vulnerable Stakeholders

Nurturing compassion in schools: A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of a Compassionate Mind Training program for teachers.

Measurement of the groomed jet radius and momentum splitting fraction in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV

Production of Λ and K 0 S in jets in p–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV

Prompt D0, D+, and D*+ production in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Measurement of prompt D+ s -meson production and azimuthal anisotropy in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Measurement of inclusive charged-particle jet production in pp and p–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV

Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC

Measurement of Prompt D 0 , Λ + c , and Σ 0 , + + c ( 2455 ) Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √ s = 13 TeV

Nuclear modification factor of light neutral-meson spectra up to high transverse momentum in p–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 8.16 TeV

Production of light (anti)nuclei in pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV

Quantum Machine Learning Driven Malicious User Prediction for Cloud Network Communications

Life-courses, social change and politics: Evidence for the role of politically motivated structural-level influences on individual criminal careers

Theory Paper: Suggesting Compassion-Based Approaches for Treating Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Any Good Reading? The Changing Reception of Early Modern Travel Writing

The Internal Representations Questionnaire: Measuring modes of thinking

The Effects of Individual Differences in Internal Representations on Conscious Processing and Performance in a Motor Task

The interplay of wasta and formal institutions in Lebanon

Picking Up the Pieces: Social Capital, Psycho-Social Support and Livelihood Recovery of Displaced Populations in Northeast Nigeria

Towards advancing African management scholarship

Exploring the Links Between Parental Attachment Style, Child Temperament and Parent-Child Relationship Quality During Adolescence

Retreat to the Future: The Role of Apocalyptic Thought in Current Ethno-Nationalist Extremism

‘Our Community Could Start Our Own Traditions’: The Commingling of Religion, Politics and the Folkloresque in a Far-Right Groupuscule

Patients’ experiences of cannulation of arteriovenous access for haemodialysis: A qualitative systematic review

Realising Art and Design Research in Policy Making Decisions

Gamified Mobile Applications in Tourism

The Guinea Pig Club: Forces and factors that revolutionised burns plastic surgery

Reaching hard to engage groups with physical activity and exercise referral interventions

An Introduction to Cyberbullying

Critical Dialogue

NCACE Publication: Case Study S.H.E.D.

Gender differences in coping strategies of elite athletes during COVID-19

The impact of critical comments from teammates on athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology

Design and Manufacture of One-Size-Fits-All Healthcare Face Shields for the NHS During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kinetic and kinetic asymmetry during Wingate wheelchair sprinting in elite and sub-elite Wheelchair rugby players

Schlaglicht Brexit: the United Kingdom leaves the European Union: what implications for academia?

Schlaglicht: Flucht und Gefluechtete in der EU


Rotavirus Genotypes in Hospitalized Children With Acute Gastroenteritis Before and After Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Blantyre, Malawi, 1997–2019

Hepatitis B Vaccination Impact and the Unmet Need for Antiviral Treatment in Blantyre, Malawi

A clinical and molecular epidemiological survey of hepatitis C in Blantyre, Malawi, suggests a historic mechanism of transmission

Infection with the hepatitis C virus causes viral genotype-specific differences in cholesterol metabolism and hepatic steatosis

Leveraging Beneficial Off-Target Effects of Live-Attenuated Rotavirus Vaccines

A comparative analysis of public educational needs in the rehabilitative care of individuals who have committed serious criminal offences: A cross cultural study

The Relationship Between Sex Addiction and Shame Moderated by Overt and Covert Narcissism in a Gender-Balanced Adult Sample

Reducing the Awarding Gap

A systematic review on the current conceptualisations of successful psychopathy

Development and validation of the Beliefs about Revenge Pornography Questionnaire

Polypeptides that interact with peptide tags at loops or termini and uses thereof

An investigation of proprioception illusion using a stimulator with feedback control

Outcome measures

Review of John Preston (2022). Artificial Intelligence in the Capitalist University: Academic Labour, Commodification, and Value

Harnessing the microbiome to prevent global biodiversity loss

Harnessing the Power of Model Organisms To Unravel Microbial Functions in the Coral Holobiont

Negative Self-referential Emotional Measures for use with Child and Youth samples and the Construction/Validation of ‘Self-criticism’ Emotional Measures for Child and Adolescent populations

Factors associated with nature connectedness in school-aged children

The Relationship Between Nature Connectedness and Human and Planetary Wellbeing: Implications for Promoting Wellbeing, Tackling Anthropogenic Climate Change and Overcoming Biodiversity Loss

Editorial: The Marketization of Higher Education: The State of the Union Between the Student as Consumer and the Free Market


Weak Pseudoprimality Associated with the Generalized Lucas Sequences

Modelling equilibrium for a multi-criteria selfish routing network equilibrium flow problem

O(t−β) -Synchronization and Asymptotic Synchronization of Delayed Fractional Order Neural Networks

The potential of using the forensic profiles of Australian fraudulent identity documents to assist intelligence-led policing

Production of artificial fingermarks. Part I – Synthetic secretions formulation

Latent fingermark detection using functionalised silicon oxide nanoparticles: Investigation into novel application procedures

Personal Construct Psychology and Repertory Grids: Acknowledging and Exploring Perspectives

‘It’s ok if you were in for robbery or murder, but sex offending, that’s a no no’: a qualitative analysis of the experiences of 12 men with sexual convictions seeking employment

Pedophile, Child Lover, or Minor-Attracted Person? Attitudes Toward Labels Among People Who are Sexually Attracted to Children

Cardiorespiratory fitness as a vital sign of CVD risk in the COVID-19 era.

A compassionate intervention for individuals with problematic sexual interests: Group and individual outcomes in the UK

“I thought in order to get to God I had to win their approval”: a qualitative analysis of the experiences of Muslim victims abused by religious authority figures

‘You can have a bit of my pain, see how it feels’ – understanding male prisoners who engage in dual harm behaviours

Alien Invasion: Negotiating Performative Complexities of British Identities in the Mojave Desert

It's all Greek! Navigating the Complexities of Multidimensional Pedagogy and Leadership

Prison Climate and Rehabilitating Men with Sexual Convictions

“Grieving someone who’s still alive, that’s hard”: the experiences of non-offending partners of individuals who have sexually offended – an IPA study

SecureEngine: Spammer classification in cyber defence for leveraging green computing in Sustainable city

SecureIIoT Environment: Federated Learning Empowered Approach for Securing IIoT From Data Breach

A long road to recovery? Reduced quality of life, impaired functional status and the lived experience of Long COVID patients, a cohort analysis

A strengthened and sensorised custom silicone glove for use with an intelligent prosthetic hand

Sensory experience modulates the reorganization of auditory regions for executive processing

Fostering Inclusion for Minority Communities

Conflict, Structural Discrimination & Minorities: Towards a Roadmap of Inter-Agency Cooperation

Mapping, Meeting and Modulating Stress and Emotion: Combining Mindfulness and the Workable Ranges Model.

Data-Driven Based Modelling of Pressure Dynamics in Multiphase Reservoir Model

Integrating communities' customary laws into marine small‐scale fisheries governance in Ghana: Reflections on the FAO Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small‐Scale Fisheries

Transformative Governance for Ocean Biodiversity

Real For Me: Co-creation drama negotiating safe sexual boundaries

Monochromatic arithmetic progressions in binary Thue–Morse-like words

Under the spotlight: exploring the challenges and opportunities of being a visible LGBT+ teacher


The effect of time of day on adolescent fast bowling performance: A pilot study

Impact of a two day ‘Introduction to Motivational Interviewing’ training

Wild Wellbeing Hub. An Evaluation Report for Derbyshire Wildlife Trust.

Wild at Heart. An Evaluation Report for Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Performance analysis practice within Olympic and Paralympic sports: A comparison of coach and analyst experiences.

Natural Connections. An Evaluation Report for Birmingham and the Black Country Wildlife Trust

Creating Nature Networks in North Manchester. An Evaluation Report for The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside.

A summary report of the four Wildlife Trust projects funded by Cadent

The role of debriefing in enhancing learning and development in professional boxing

The dark side of humanity scale: A reconstruction of the Dark Tetrad constructs

The Impact of a “Three Good Things in Nature” Writing Task on Nature Connectedness, Pro-nature Conservation Behavior, Life Satisfaction, and Mindfulness in Children

Seeking refuge while living with cancer: The psychological and spiritual underpinnings of women’s solitude experiences

Realising the East African Community's Development Vision Through Progressive Private Sector Development Policies

Data from an International Multi-Centre Study of Statistics and Mathematics Anxieties and Related Variables in University Students (the SMARVUS Dataset)


SMEs respond to climate change: Evidence from developing countries

Identifying and working with appropriate treatment targets with people who are sexually attracted to children

“Falling Through the Cracks”: A Retrospective Exploration of the Barriers to Help-Seeking Among Men Convicted of Sexual Crimes

Primary Health Professionals’ Beliefs, Experiences, and Willingness to Treat Minor-Attracted Persons

Peripatetic Printers of Early Nineteenth-Century Australia: The Interconnected Stories of Howe, Bent, and Fawkner

“At least we have somewhere to go”: an exploration of adjustment experiences among people with chronic kidney disease who continued attending in-centre haemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic

Transitioning to advanced practice

Exploring the roles, qualifications and skills of career guidance professionals in schools. An international review

Profesjonell karriereveiledning i skolen: Undersøkelse av utdanningstilbudet innen karriereveiledning

Interviewing in virtual environments: Towards understanding the impact of rapport-building behaviours and retrieval context on eyewitness memory

Rapport building with offenders in probation supervision: The views of English probation practitioners

Obstinate memory: Working-class politics and neoliberal forgetting in the United Kingdom and Chile

Multimodal Biometric Systems for Personal Identification and Authentication using Machine and Deep Learning Classifiers

Educación Inicial. Cambios y prospectiva

The BCAT1 CXXC Motif Provides Protection against ROS in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Cells

Moving through motherhood: Co-designing dance for maternal wellbeing

Spiteful Spirits: Projection and Blaming in Women's Lives and Mother-Daughter Narratives

Mitigation of Popularity Bias in Recommendation Systems

Microbial communities and biogeochemical functioning across peatlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Canada: Implications for reclamation and management

Realising Economic and Social Rights Beyond COVID-19: The Imperative of International Cooperation

Undergraduate student nurses perceptions of health visiting as a future career choice

Customer delight, engagement, experience, value co-creation, place identity, and revisit intention: a new conceptual framework

Adoption of Entrepreneurial Behaviours in Sports Tourism in Developing Countries

Is there a role for professional supervision in supporting the professional and personal wellbeing of the sonographic workforce? A literature review

Clinically Meaningful Change in 6 Minute Walking Test and the Incremental Shuttle Walking Test following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

Signature assessments in Initial Teacher Training: what kinds of assessment proliferate? A content analysis of assessment practices across higher education institutions in England

What is nursing in the 21st century: results of a pilot survey on attitudes towards nursing

Understanding the Long-Term Impact that Imprisonment in Prisons has on Adults Diagnosed with a Specific Cognitive Neuro Diversity

Business Email Compromise Phishing Detection Based on Machine Learning: A Systematic Literature Review


Neither Online, Nor Face-to-Face, But Integrated Career Guidance

Gendered violence and sexualized representations in video games: (Lack of) effect on gender-related attitudes

Dark Triad traits, engagement with learning and perceptions of employability in undergraduate students

Deep Learning in Sentiment Analysis: A Survey of Recent Architectures

"An Inventory of Echoes” Worlding the Western in Trump Era Fiction

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A community-based study

An Abstract Architecture for Explainable Autonomy in Hazardous Environments

Modelling the Turtle Python library in CSP

Bridging the gap between single- and multi-model predictive runtime verification

Formal Verification of a Map Merging Protocol in the Multi-agent Programming Contest

Evolution of the IEEE P7009 Standard: Towards Fail-Safe Design of Autonomous Systems

Towards Refactoring FRETish Requirements

FRETting About Requirements: Formalised Requirements for an Aircraft Engine Controller

Here and Now, There and Then: Two Mycobacterial Diseases Still with Us Today

An equivalent property of a Hilbert-type integral inequality and its applications

Social retfærdighed og karrierevejledning: 5 pejlemærker for en kritisk emancipatorisk tilgang

WBL expansive learning RWL 12 version

Community Involvement and Public Engagement in Early Childhood Education (Mexico)

Study to investigate the prevalence of human papillomavirus in Barrett’s oesophagus using a novel screening methodology

Tackle Your Feelings: Experience of Help-Seeking for Mental Well-Being Concerns in Professional Rugby Union Players

The 4th Industrial Revolution, post-capitalism, waged labour and vocational education

Playback Theater as Pedagogy: A Qualitative Research Study on the Use of PT in Education toward the Self-development of Future Teachers

Innovative Mobile Technology in Hotels and the Use of Gamification

Does authentic self-esteem buffer the negative effects of bullying victimization on social anxiety and classroom concentration? Evidence from a short-term longitudinal study with early adolescents


Development and validation of Fears of Compassion in Sport Scale (FCSS)

The ‘selves’ in banned performance enhancement: Investigating narcissism and compassion in the context of doping

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2022

Why are childcare costs expensive in the UK?

Supporting student success in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning Design Perspective

The reef-building coral Galaxea fascicularis: a new model system for coral symbiosis research

Nanomaterial-induced toxicity in pathophysiological models representative of individuals with pre-existing medical conditions

A critical review of debates surrounding race/ethnicity and TVET

Anti-work, TVET and employer engagement

Analysis of the energy dissipation characteristics of a nonlinear vehicle suspension system

An Interference Management System for a Shared Spectrum Access Network

Digital Twinning remote laboratories for online practical learning, Production & Manufacturing Research

Strategic Leadership and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Ambidexterity in Professional Services SMEs

‘This is what the colour green smells like!’: Urban Forest Bathing improved adolescent nature connection and wellbeing",

Pets’ impact on people`s well-being in COVID-19: A quantitative study

Defining the diagnostic criteria of TKS: Unique culture-bound syndrome or sub-categories of existing conditions?

On the Lubricity and Comparative Life Cycle of Biobased Synthetic and Mineral Oil Emulsions in Machining Titanium Ti-6Al-4V at Low Cutting Speed

Using cognitive psychology and neuroscience to better inform sound system design at large musical events

Multi-phase techno-economic framework for energy wheeling via generation capacity design of microgrids and virtual power plants

Blockchain Technology for Viable Circular Digital Supply Chains: An Integrated Approach for Evaluating the Implementation Barriers

Investigating the Influence of Total Productive Maintenance Key Success Factors on the Social Sustainability Dimension of Manufacturing SMEs

The Integration of Lean and Human Resource Management Practices as an Enabler for Lean Deployment- A Systematic Literature Review


A Systematic Literature Review of the Concept of Circular Economic Readiness and a Proposed Circular Economy Readiness Scale

Systematic Literature Review of Industry 4.0 Implementation Frameworks Focussing on Applicability in Manufacturing SMEs

Sustainability assessment of electricity generation technologies: a transition pathway for Pakistan

A Systematic Review of Industry 4.0 Maturity Models: Applicability in the O&G Upstream Industry

Children as experiencers: increasing engagement, participation and inclusion for young children in the museum

The Feasibility and Impact of Practising Online Forest Bathing to Improve Anxiety, Rumination, Social Connection and Long-COVID Symptoms: A Pilot Study

Analysing the Adoption Barriers of Low-Carbon Operations: A Step Forward for Achieving Net-Zero Emissions

Interrelationships among Lean HRM Practices and their Impact on Firm Performance: A Comparison between the Jordanian and German Models

Radiaxial fibrous calcite forms via early marine-diagenetic alteration of micritic magnesium calcite

Preserving Privacy of High-Dimensional Data by l-Diverse Constrained Slicing

Fuzz-classification (p, l)-Angel: An enhanced hybrid artificial intelligence based fuzzy logic for multiple sensitive attributes against privacy breaches

Fault-Tolerant Secure Data Aggregation Schemes in Smart Grids: Techniques, Design Challenges, and Future Trends

Young adults' financial well-being: current insights and future directions

Nanoparticles for super-resolution microscopy: intracellular delivery and molecular targeting

When and How Workplace Ostracism Leads to Interpersonal Deviance: The Moderating Effects of Self-control and Negative Affect

Mental Well-Being of Czech University Students: Academic Motivation, Self-Compassion, and Self-Criticism

Mental health of Indonesian university students: U.K. comparison and relationship between mental health shame and self-compassion.

Evaluation of the impact of the STEM Ambassadors programme upon STEM Ambassadors

A Shorter Form of the Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale: Construction and Factorial Validation

Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering

Is long COVID the next global health crisis?

Operational Excellence Methodologies in the Energy Sector: A Systematic Literature Review

Human Papillomavirus as a Risk Factor for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

The Important Role of System Dynamics Investigation on Business Model, Industry and Performance Management

Advanced downstream purification of high value biopharmaceuticals

Positive and negative effects of graphite flake and monolayer graphene oxide templates on protein crystallization

Coupling to short linear motifs creates versatile PME-1 activities in PP2A holoenzyme demethylation and inhibition

DogCatcher allows loop-friendly protein-protein ligation

On wind turbine loading induced by non-uniform approaching flow at high Reynolds numbers

Action Research for ISEND: Guidance Resource and Templates Resource

Does Acceptance in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) differ for younger patients?

Supply Chain Resilience Strategies and their Impact on Sustainability: An Investigation from the Automobile Sector

Motivations for Change in Drug Addiction Recovery: Turning Points as the Antidotes to the Pains of Recovery

Career Development in Children: A Review of Business and Industry Partnerships

Supporting Career Development in Children: Curriculum and Policy Review

Supporting Career Development in Children: Literature Review

A critical evaluation of the organisational factors influencing the potential of the parish churches in the church of England to develop their income from individual givers a case study of one of the dioceses in the church of England

‘Cops and clobbers’: an attempted “knock-out for politics” between inter-war Britain and Germany

Guitars with Ambisonic Spatial Performance (GASP) An immersive guitar system

Country-level factors in a failing relationship with nature: Nature connectedness as a key metric for a sustainable future

Is it possible to measure good science?

Engaging practitioners as co-researchers in national policy evaluations as resistance to patriarchal constructions of 'expertise': the case of the end-of-three- year evaluation of the Access and Inclusion Model

Paleo-denudation rates suggest variations in runoff drove aggradation during last glacial cycle, Crete, Greece

‘Our Global Family’: Using Storytelling to Develop Compassion and Acceptance of Cultural Others in Primary School Pupils

Using academic podcasts to facilitate engagement, motivation, and satisfaction in university students

360° Virtual Reality Nature Immersion elicit the same psychological affect as the physical outdoors?

Public understanding of and judgements towards physical health-related interventions in forensic service users

A scoping review of the literature pertaining to burnout and leadership in mental health clinicians

Mental Wellbeing of Indonesian Students: Mean Comparison with UK Students and Relationships with Self-Compassion and Academic Engagement

Rationalities that underpin employability provision in higher education across eight countries

Visible Garden Biodiversity Leads to an Increase in Noticing Nature, Which in Turn Leads to an Increase in Nature Connectedness

Coordination in a Closed-Loop Sustainable Supply Chain Considering Dual-Channel and Cost-Sharing Contract: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

Exploring the outcomes of enterprise and entrepreneurship education in UK HEIs: An Excellence Framework perspective

The role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in educating future leaders with social impact contributing to the sustainable development goals

What makes supported internships an effective approach to VET?

Anthropogenic noise may impair the mating behaviour of the Shore Crab Carcinus Maenas

Perceived God support as a mediator of the relationship between religiosity and psychological distress

Improving Nature Connectedness in Adults: A Meta-Analysis, Review and Agenda

Describing Pulmonary Nodules Using 3D Clustering

Process, Inviting Failure and Committing to the Moment

The effects of COVID-19 on respiratory muscle performance: making the case for respiratory muscle testing and training

Breathing Exercises, Cold-Water Immersion, and Meditation: Mind-Body Practices Lead to Reduced Stress and Enhanced Well-Being

Cultural Competency in Dramatherapy Training

The Balkans: glacial landforms during the Younger Dryas Stadial

The Balkans: glacial landforms from the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial

Competitiveness of Global Apparel Industry: A Study Based on Transaction Cost Theory

Graph-based Data Integration for System Integrity and Scalable Analytics

Unveiling coordination contracts’ roles considering circular economy and eco-innovation toward pharmaceutical supply chain resiliency: evidence of an emerging economy

Lost in Work

Off-axis tensile performance of notched resin-infused thermoplastic 3D fibre-reinforced composites

Off-Axis and On-Axis Performance of Novel Acrylic Thermoplastic (Elium®) 3D Fibre-Reinforced Composites under Flexure Load

Integrating Green Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0: A Conceptual Framework

The Fifth National Career Leaders Conference

European transnational education in the Middle East: Conceptual highs, lows, and recommendations

A naturalistic decision-making approach to managing non-routine fire incidents: evidence from expert firefighters

Failure of crisis leadership in a global pandemic: some reflections on COVID-19 and future recommendations

Explaining deep neural networks: A survey on the global interpretation methods

The diagnosis and management of acute hyponatraemia in critical care

Genetic haemochromatosis : diagnosis and treatment of an iron overload disorder

Fueling an investigative mindset: the importance of pre-interview planning in police interviews with suspects

The influence of interview style on SIOs’ responsiveness to the suspect’s alibi

Decision support framework for inventory management combining fuzzy multi-criteria methods, genetic algorithm and artificial neural network

Capsule Calibration Approaches for Low-Cost Higher Order Ambisonic Microphone Arrays

Analysing Critical Factors of Strategic Alignment Between Operational Excellence and Industry 4.0 Technologies in Smart Manufacturing

The internal dialogue of a Black Dramatherapist: ‘Am I the only one who feels like this?’

The integration of Industry 4.0 and Lean Management: A systematic review and constituting elements perspective

Covid, schooling and race in England: a case of necropolitics

Connecting the racial to the spatial; migration, identity and educational settings as a third space.

Blowing Water, Critical Care

Interdisciplinary Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries

The Performativity of the Photographic Print (Co-authored Conference Contribution)

Material, Economics & Ecology (Exhibition and Paper)

Material, Economics & Ecology (Conference Convenor)

Offering from the River

Offering from the River (Artist Talk on Exhibition at GLOAM)

When We Die, Where Do We Go?

Computer Aided Design of Self-Learning Robotic System using Imitation Learning

Sustainable Lean Six Sigma project selection in manufacturing environments using Best-Worst Method

Reflections on personal development within a Professional Doctorate: what development framework is appropriate?

Psychological Risk Factors for Depression in the UK General Population: Derailment, Self-Criticism and Self-Reassurance

Stakeholders expectations for CSR-related corporate governance disclosure: evidence from a developing country

ANFIS for risk estimation in risk-based access control model for smart homes

Narcissism, national narcissism, COVID-19 conspiracy belief, and social media use as predictors of compliance with COVID-19 public health guidelines

An exploration of compassion focused therapy chairwork for clients with depression, self-criticism, and shame

Post-acute COVID syndrome (long COVID): What should radiographers know and the potential impact for imaging services

The Psychology of Investigative Interviewing with Suspects of Serious Offences: An Examination of Empathy

Investigating Potential Interventions on disruptive impacts of Industry 4.0 technologies in Circular Supply chains: Evidence from SMEs of an Emerging Economy

A free account or not? Its effect upon information yield in strategic interviews with suspects

Towards a critical realist theory of labour market information

A comparison of the manifestation of psychopathic traits between women with and without Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Earthship buildings: opinions on their contribution towards sustainable alternative housing in the UK

Towards a consensus of expert opinions on implementing ISO 14001 in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction sectors of the UK

Ultrasensitive Reagent for Ratiometric Detection and Detoxification of iAsIII in Water and Mitochondria

Acute Effects of Facial Coverings on Anaerobic Exercise Performance in College-Aged Adults

'I visited the natural history museum, which is very good, and also the mining museum...' Frederick Horniman and his reviews of museum practices at the end of the nineteenth century

Does Circular Economy Affect Financial Performance? The Mediating Role of Sustainable Sup-ply Chain Management in the Automotive Industry

The effects of a custom foot orthosis on dynamic plantar pressure in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis: A randomized controlled trial

The Balkans: glacial landforms during deglaciation

Critical perspectives on agency and social justice in transitions and career development


G(r)eek Theatre: Reflections on Cyborphic & Greek Science Fiction Theatre

Chaordic destination image formulation through gastronomy perspectives: evidence from Greece

The role of Industry 4.0 Technologies on Performance Measurement Systems of Supply chains during Global Pandemics: An Interval-Valued-Intuitionistic-Hesitant-Fuzzy Approach

Revitalising Urban Spaces to the Needs of the Aging Population - Biophilic Healing Index Supporting Active Aging in Inclusive Cities

Modeling the impact of Industry 4.0 base technologies on the development of organizational learning capabilities

Using open access publications to support your professional development

Ontological Addiction Theory and Mindfulness-Based Approaches in the Context of Addiction Theory and Treatment

Flow Meditation Improves Emotion Regulation and Pain Management in Female Fibromyalgia Patients

Metarepresentations of Supernatural Belief and the Effect of Context on Cognition

On the Dynamic Geometry of Kasner Quadrilaterals with Complex Parameter

More depleted, speak up more? A daily examination of the benefit and cost of depletion for voice behavior and voice endorsement

Success Factors for the Adoption of Green Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare facility: An ISM-MICMAC Study

Assessing the transferability and reproducibility of 3D in vitro liver models from primary human multi-cellular microtissues to cell-line based HepG2 spheroids

Understanding my autoethnographic process

Talent development: who do we serve?

Industry 4.0 and Lean Six Sigma Integration in Manufacturing: A Literature Review, an Integrated Framework and Proposed Research Perspectives

Between technological imperative and material culture: The chaîne opératoire of VET policy in England

Challenging perceptions of socio-cultural rejection of a taboo technology: Narratives of imagined transitions to domestic toilet-linked biogas in India

Credit Risk Prediction for Peer-To-Peer Lending Platforms: An Explainable Machine Learning Approach

Flexible future learning opportunities for built environment professionals – A case study

Financial investigation for routine policing in Australia

Slovenia - Economy

Riding the Covid waves: authoritarian socio-economic responses of east central Europe’s anti-liberal governments

Path dependency and partisan interests: explaining COVID-19 social support programmes in East-Central Europe

Review on the Geophysical and UAV-Based Methods Applied to Landslides

Neurotrauma clinicians’ perspectives on the contextual challenges associated with traumatic brain injury follow up in low-income and middle-income countries: A reflexive thematic analysis

What workers can tell us about post-COVID workability

The Google Walkout for Real Change and Corporate Social Responsibility

The Marketing Practices of Walt Disney and Warner Media: A Comparative Analysis

The AIDA Model and the Impact of TikTok Video Streaming on Online Shopping: A Case Study of TikTok.

The Internal Organisational Environment in Amazon

Organisational culture and gender stereotypes in the technology industry: a comparative study of the AMD and Nvidia

DCOPA: a distributed clustering based on objects performances aggregation for hierarchical communications in IoT applications

Reflections On What Mathematics Is and Isn't: Halmos, Keyser, and Others

Mathematician? Feeling Old? A Discussion

'Star Trek: Discovery and Controversy: The War Without, The War Within’,

UK doctors delivering physical activity advice: What are the challenges and possible solutions? A qualitative study

Sustainable Design: Using Physical Prototypes to Most Benefit Design Students and Environment?

The fractal viewpoint of tumors and nanoparticles.

Crinum jagus (J. Thomps. Dandy): Antioxidant and protective properties as a medicinal plant on toluene-induced oxidative stress damages in liver and kidney of rats

The management and diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis induced acute kidney injury: a case study

Development and validation of anti-human Alpha synuclein DNA aptamer using computer modelling techniques—an in silico study

Characterization and phylogeny of fungi isolated from industrial wastewater using multiple genes

Photoperiod-Dependent Expression of MicroRNA in Drosophila.

Parents’ attitudes towards conversations with their young children about sex: A cross-sectional study

Status and health risk assessment of heavy metals in vegetables grown in industrial areas of Bangladesh

"Levelling Up and Social Mobility: The Role of Higher Education", in 'Levelling Up: What it is and can it work?'

A Continuous Improvement Implementation Framework for Manufacturing Companies: a Delphi Study-Based Approach for Development and Validation

Construction and Factorial Validation of a Short Version of the Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale (SATMHPS)

Wake Structure in Yawed Approaching Flows for an Axial-Flow Wind Turbine

A high-intensity warm-up increases thermal strain but does not affect repeated sprint performance in athletes with a cervical spinal cord injury

Shoulder Tendon Adaptations Following a Graded Exercise Test to Exhaustion in Highly Trained Wheelchair Rugby Athletes With Different Impairments

Kinetic asymmetries and wingate wheelchair sprinting performance differ between elite and sub elite wheelchair rugby players

The influence of audience participatory noise on sound levels at live events

Capturing accidental moments: the self-reflective researcher and the utility of the research diary

CEO tenure and cost of debt

Environmental performance and corporate innovation in China: The moderating impact of firm ownership

Financial resilience! A comparative study of three lower tier authorities in England

Cultured Bacteria Provide Insight into the Functional Potential of the Coral-Associated Microbiome

Predation increases multiple components of microbial diversity in activated sludge communities.

Resilient Lagoons? Climate change, sustainability and adaptation

The Activist and Commodity Activism

Making a Living in Comedy in the East Midlands

Liveness: Creative work and presence in physical and digital spaces

Unveiling the relation between the challenges and benefits of Operational Excellence and Industry 4.0: A Hybrid Fuzzy Decision-Making Approach

Outer Worlds: Mediated Aesthetics and Alethic Truth

Picking up the Pieces: Archive Film and the Unseen Past

Feasibility, Psychosocial Effects, Influence, and Perception of Elastic Band Resistance Balance Training in Older Adults

Experiences of workers with post-COVID-19 symptoms can signpost suitable workplace accommodations

The Photographic Paper-print: Shape-Shifter, Form-Maker

Towards the Global Standard for Safe Listening Venues and Events

Total Productive Maintenance and Industry 4.0 in a Sustainability Context: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Circular Economy

Design for Belonging: The correlation between belonging, identity shifts and mismatches in inclusive systems

Strategic planning for repurposing kitchen equipment production operations during COVID-19 pandemic

The effect of frequency of exposure on the processing and learning of collocations: A comparison of first and second language readers’ eye movements

Intersectionality and Intersectional Analysis in the Arts Therapies: How Does It Enhance Our Thinking about Social Justice?

Investigating the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh

A unified graph model based on molecular data binning for disease subtyping

Women and Other ‘Undesirables’: Female Creative and Technical Labor in Nineteenth-Century Print Culture

Spatio‐temporal changes in chimpanzee density and abundance in the Greater Mahale Ecosystem, Tanzania

Identity dissolved in isolation: the contrasting notions of density and ‘thin-ness’ in haunted places in the literature of the supernatural from the 18th century to the modern age, with particular reference to works by Shirley Jackson, Stephen King and John Langan, and the development of these themes in the writing of no man.

The impact of clinical simulation on the development of advanced practice skills

Arts-Based Research as a Radical Methodology Within Healthcare

The application of existing genotoxicity methodologies for grouping of nanomaterials: Towards an integrated approach to testing and assessment.

Modeling and analysing the barriers to the acceptance of energy-efficient appliances using an ISM-DEMATEL approach

Pedagogical Models of Digital Learning in the United Kingdom: Lessons for Africa

Temporal and spatial contiguity are necessary for competition between events

Temporal contiguity determines overshadowing and potentiation of human Action-Outcome performance

Decolonizing Journalism Education to Create Civic and Responsible Journalists in the West

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a global concern

Cross-cultural Competencies and Skills Development Training Manual

The Intercultural Skills Development Case Studies

Theorizing the Principles of Sustainable Production in the context of Circular Economy and Industry 4.0.

Enablers of post-COVID-19 customer demand resilience: Evidence from fast-fashion MSMEs

Integrating Industry 4.0 and Total Productive Maintenance for Global Sustainability

'[L]ife among the dead': Translation and Shelley's 'On a Future State'

Nostalgia, belonging and mattering: an affective institutional framework for digital collegiality drawn from teachers’ experiences of online delivery during the first wave of the Covid pandemic

Professional, legal and ethical dimensions of prescribing. Part 2: legal and ethical.

Lecturer conceptions of communities of practice within UK Higher Education: A phenomenographic analysis

Women and Environmental Justice Issues in Nigeria: An Evaluation

Human rights and taxation in developing countries A case for tax justice and accountability in Africa

Improving Environmental Protection in Nigeria: A Reassessment of the Role of Informal Institutions

Slowing the fast fashion industry: an all-round perspective

Circulating oxysterols in Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A Systematic Review of the Integration of Industry 4.0 with Quality-related Operational Excellence Methodologies

Greener streets and behaviours, and green-eyed neighbours: A controlled study evaluating a Sustainable Urban Drainage scheme in Wales

Defining compassion: A Delphi study of compassion therapists experiences when introducing patients to the term ‘compassion’

What is the role of community engagement in developing women’s recovery capital?

Modelling the strategies for improving maturity and resilience in medical oxygen supply chain through digital technologies

Resilience strategies to recover from the cascading ripple effect in a copper supply chain through project management

Security or Liberty? Human Rights and Protest

Wise Policing: Soft Skills and Strong Principles

Compassion Focused Group Therapy for people with a diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder: A feasibility study

Nurturing Compassionate Schools: A randomized controlled study of the efficacy of a Compassionate Mind Training program for teachers

The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Transformational Leadership, and Performance: A Test of the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction

An exploration of undergraduates’ vocabulary size, academic word usage and academic achievement

Decapitation and paramilitary feuds in Northern Ireland, 1969-1992

Disentangling the relationship between employees’ dynamic capabilities, innovative work behavior and job performance in public hospitals

Doxorubicin resistant choriocarcinoma cell line derived spheroidal cells exhibit stem cell markers but reduced invasion

Effects of Empathy and Question Types on Suspects’ Provision of Information in Investigative Interviews

Professional, legal and ethical dimensions of prescribing. Part 1: professional

Photovoltaic/Thermal Module Integrated with Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material: A Numerical Analysis

The place of culture in the training of career guidance educators

Appendicitis: a clinical review

Methods for disentangling period and cohort changes in mortality risk over the twentieth century: comparing graphical and modelling approaches

A resilience sensing system for the biosphere

The Thursday Murder Club: Launching a megabrand author - a publishing case study

Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2022

The role of simulation and moulage on emotional labour in first-year diagnostic radiography students when seeing open wounds in a clinical setting

Co-constructing dissertations into papers for publication

Social justice equity in healthy living medicine - An international perspective

Nutritional intakes of highly trained adolescent swimmers before, during, and after a national lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic

Exploring the mutually reinforcing relationship between theory of mind and reading in adult readers


Factors Influencing Successful Coping among Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Personnel: Recruiting for Resilience – A Mixed Methods Study

The role of youth work in supporting young refugees and their political participation: education, social capital and agency

A narrative synthesis using the ecological systems theory for understanding a woman’s ability to continue breastfeeding

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Drag Reduction Devices on a Simplified Truck Model through Numerical Simulation

Young peoples’ lived experiences of shifts between face-to-face and smartphone interactions: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Abductive Thematic Analysis in Hospitality and Tourism Research

Practical approaches to delivering pandemic impacted laboratory teaching

The implementation of apprenticeship policy in the national health service in England: a grounded theory study

A prospective study of teammate factors on athletes’ well-being, disordered eating, and compulsive exercise.

The potential of high-resolution stable isotope records in the bivalve Angulus benedeni benedeni's shells to investigate Pliocene seasonality

Sclerochronological evidence of pronounced seasonality from the late Pliocene of the southern North Sea basin and its implications

On loading fluctuations induced by energetic large-scale motions for horizontal axis wind turbines

A Novel Travel Time Estimation Model for Modeling Green Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem in Food Supply Chain

Eliciting Looked After Children’s Views and Relationships Through Card-based Participatory Research Methods

Student centred transformation: Personal academic tutoring at the University of Derby , exploring the role of the ‘non’ deficit’ coaching approach in developing agency and empowerment

A Qualitative Exploration of Choking Under Pressure in Commercial Airline Pilots

The role of education in filling the gender gap in financial inclusion in low-income economies

Nature connectedness, nonattachment and engagement with nature’s beauty predict pro-nature conservation behaviour

Ideas, Coalition Magnets and Policy Change: Comparing variation in early childhood education and care policy expansion across four latecomer countries

The effect of alcohol marketing on people with, or at risk of, an alcohol problem: A rapid literature review

REALISING OUR RIGHTS: How to protect people from alcohol marketing

Understanding the impact of newborn touch upon mothers of hospitalized preterm neonates.

Exploring pattern recognition: what is the relationship between the recognition of words, faces and other objects?

Factors Influencing Successful Coping among Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Personnel: Recruiting for Resilience - A Mixed Methods Study

Careers Hubs: pilot of a place-based school improvement network in England

Long Covid at the crossroads: Comparisons and lessons from the treatment of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

Beyond ‘Migration’ and ‘Inclusion’ in Work-Life: racialisation and VET

Fragmented Sovereignty, Ḍakaitī (Banditry), and 'Criminal Tribe' in a 'Minor' State of Late Colonial India

Exploring students’ and graduates’ attitudes to the process of transition to the labour market

The spatial and temporal development of British prisons from 1901 to the present: The role of de-industrialisation

The COVID19 impact on humanitarian operations: lessons for future disrupting events

Towards Explainable and Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence for Personalisation in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a clinical review

Remote follow-up technologies in traumatic brain injury: a scoping review

Forecasting Hospital Readmissions with Machine Learning

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on manufacturing operations and supply chain resilience: effects and response strategies

The impact of attitudes beliefs and cognitive reflection on the development of critical thinking skills in online students

Using low-immersive virtual reality in online learning: Field notes from environmental management education

The high frequency of alcohol advertising during televised English Premier League football games shown in Ethiopia

Population exposure to alcohol and junk food advertising during the 2018 FIFA world cup: implications for public health

Impact of Smoking and Vaping in Films on Smoking and Vaping Uptake in Adolescents: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Exposure to tobacco, alcohol and ‘Junk food’ content in reality TV programmes broadcast in the UK between August 2019 - 2020.

Reducing the harm from alcohol – by regulating cross-border alcohol marketing, advertising and promotion: a technical report

A content analysis of ‘junk food’ content in children’s TV programmes: a comparison of UK broadcast TV and video-on-demand services

The development and validation of the ontological addiction scale

Teacher Educators in Vocational and Further Education

Review of 'Der unbekannte politische Gefangene: Ein internationaler Skulpturenwettbewerb zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges' ('The Unknown Political Prisoner: An International Sculpture Competition in the Cold War Era'), Kunsthaus Dahlem, Berlin, 2020–2021, and exhibition catalogue edited by Petra Gördüren and Dorothea Schöne, Wasmuth and Zohlen Verlag, Berlin, 2020

Achieving Higher-Rate Full-Diversity in Cooperative Relay Networks using Extended Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes (EO-STBC)

Analyzing the key performance indicators of Circular Supply Chains by Hybrid Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping and Fuzzy DEMATEL: Evidence from Healthcare Sector

Exploring Blockchain technology and sustainability in supply chain

Uncovering barriers in forecasting uncertain product demand in the supply chain

Wound Traces: American Crime Narrative Treatments of 9/11 Trauma and the War on Terror

Differences in addiction and recovery gains according to gender – gender barriers and specific differences in overall strengths growth

Navigating Supply Chain Multiverses: The colliding worlds of ESG and Product Compliance Reporting, implications for reporting across global supply chains

Appraisals of previous maths experiences play an important role in maths anxiety

Alterations in shoulder kinematics are associated with shoulder pain during wheelchair propulsion sprints

“I didn’t have any option”: Experiences of people receiving in-centre haemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Effect of Chemical Regulations on the Aerospace and Defence Industries

Women’s entrepreneurship in Libya: a stakeholder perspective

Peer Assisted Learning Online: Peer Leader motivations and experience

Operating room waste management: A case study of primary hip operations at a leading national health service hospital in the United Kingdom

Teaching Sustainability to Online Healthcare Students: A Viewpoint

An Internet of Things based framework for measuring and improving food supply chain resilience to reduce food spoilage: case study applications in SMEs

Measuring the financial impact of equipment performance improvement: ISB and IEB metrics

Towards optimising children's capability and tackling relative child poverty in high-income countries: the cases of Japan, Sweden and the UK since 2000

Fundamental Movement Skills and Physical Fitness Are Key Correlates of Tactical Soccer Skill in Grassroots Soccer Players Aged 8–14 Years

The past, present and future of advanced nursing practice

Assessing the Validity of a Kinematic Knee Sleeve in a Resistance-Trained Population

Addressing in/equalities: a re-imagined curriculum for low-attaining youth

Towards a conceptual framework of enterprise support for pro-environmental small and medium-sized enterprises: A contextualised review of diverse knowledge domains

Creating diversification through hybrid identities and educational encounters: the power of a third space

Extracting Energy from Flooded Coal Mines for Heating and Air-Conditioning of Buildings: Opportunities and Challenges

Delivering career education in the post pandemic world

Children's and young People's diabetes services: What works well and what doesn't?


Role-play Games (RPGs) for Mental Health (Why Not?): Roll for Initiative

Reimagining where we live: cultural placemaking and the levelling up agenda

Blockchain Technology: How to Unblock the chain!

Role of Information and Communication Technology in Mitigating Risks in Indian Agricultural Supply Chains

The Need for Robust Critique of Arts and Health Research: Young People, Art Therapy and Mental Health

Artist wellbeing: exploring the experiences of dance artists delivering community health and wellbeing initiatives

Treating and managing stalking offenders: findings from a multi-agency clinical intervention

Global polarization of Λ and Λ hyperons in Pb-Pb collisions at √ s N N = 2.76 and 5.02 TeV

Analyzing the alignment between the Green Lean and Circular strategies: Towards a Circular Lean approach

About University Career Services’ Interaction with EdTech

The impact of Covid-19 on career

Conformity Through Fear: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of COVID-19 Information Adverts

Building a radical career imaginary: using Laclau and Mouffe and Hardt and Negri to reflexively re-read Ali and Graham’s counselling approach to career guidance

The Transition and Transformation process to become an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Therapist. A study using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

“I’m not the best at art”: An exploration of children's growing sense of artistry within an outdoor, arts-based intervention

First year student radiographers’ perceptions of a one-week simulation-based education package designed to increase clinical placement capacity

An exploration of partners’ experiences of breastfeeding beyond 1 year

Environmental capability development in a multi-stakeholder network setting: dynamic learning through multi-stakeholder interactions

Do the Reasons Why People Stop Offending Vary by Age, Length of Offending Career or Lifestyle Factors?

Surface engineering of carbon fibre/epoxy composites with woven steel mesh for adhesion strength enhancement

Barriers in forecasting uncertain product demand in the supply chain

Blockchain and sustainability: Can blockchain technology improve supply chain sustainability?

Renal and ureteric stones: a clinical review

Constipation in Older People

Genetic Haemochromatosis Is Not Rare: A Clinical Update

“I must do this!”: A latent profile analysis approach to understanding the role of 4 irrational beliefs and motivation regulation in mental and physical health.

Decision-making through Fuzzy TOPSIS and COPRAS approaches for lean tools selection: A case study of automotive accessories manufacturing industry

Educational Provision for Newly Arrived Unaccompanied Sanctuary Seekers aged 15-16

COVID-19 patients require multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approaches to address persisting symptom profiles and restore pre-COVID quality of life

Doing Online Collaborative Autoethnography During the Pandemic to Research Academic Precarity.

Blade thickness effects on viscous flutter in a radial turbocharger turbine

Trust and ethics in local journalism: a distinctive orientation towards responsible journalism and ethical practices

An Investigation into the Physical Activity Experiences of People Living with and beyond Cancer during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wasta as an Example of Informal Social Networks in Emerging Markets: Research Status and Suggestions for Future Directions

Retrieving and recontextualising VET theory

‘The industrious muse?’ Commodification and craft in further and higher education

Eliciting Looked After Children’s Views and Relationships Through Card-based Participatory Research Methods

A toolset for complex decision making in analyze phase of Lean Six Sigma Project: A case validation

The Role of Physical Activity in Cancer Recovery: An Exercise Practitioner’s Perspective

Parenting about challenges and adolescents' social anxiety, disrupted classroom concentration and resilience knowledge: the mediating role of authentic self-esteem

Using digital interventions to encourage healthy eating

‘Mad, bad, or possessed’? Perceptions of Self-Harm and Mental Illness in Evangelical Christian Communities

The influence of self‐management, anxiety and depression on chronic eczema‐related quality of life

Optimising fairness in insolvency and restructuring: A spotlight on vulnerable stakeholders

Constructing contextualised theories in career guidance and counselling – A North-South intercultural dialogue

A sustainable circular 3D printing model for recycling metal scrap in the automotive industry

Adjustment and wellbeing among people with end-stage chronic kidney disease receiving in-centre haemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic

Development and in vitro assessment of a bi-layered chitosan-nano-hydroxyapatite osteochondral scaffold

SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit Enhancement Project

Creating communities of care: Sex estimation and mobility histories of adolescents buried in the cemetery of St. Mary Magdalen leprosarium (Winchester, England)

SCiP Alliance Thriving Lives Toolkit: Implementation and Impact Evaluation

A Bibliometric Exploration of Events Literature In and Outside the Core Journals

Paintingphotogdigital: From Hybridity to Synthesis in the Age of Medium Equivalence

Learning Disease Causality Knowledge from Web of Health Data

Interpretation Biases in Pain: Validation of Two New Stimulus Sets

Public Hospitals performance measurement through a Three Staged Data Envelopment Analysis approach: Evidence from an emerging economy

Green Lean Six Sigma Sustainability Oriented Project Selection and Implementation Framework for Manufacturing Industry

A new way of environmentally sustainable manufacturing with assessing transformation through the green deployment of Lean Six Sigma projects

Overcoming the pains of recovery: the management of negative recovery capital during addiction recovery pathways

COVID-19 and the long-term cardio-respiratory and metabolic health complications

Do Remittances Promote Economic Growth? New Evidence from India

An Evolving Approach to Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Muscle Function and Bone and Joint Health in the COVID-19 Era

A review of lean and agile management in humanitarian supply chains: analysing the pre-disaster and post-disaster phases, and future directions

Development of a scale to measure shared problem-solving and decision-making in mental healthcare

The long arm of welfare retrenchment: how New Right socio-economic policies in the 1980s affected contact with the criminal justice system in adulthood.

Numerical analysis of shock interaction with a spherical bubble

Analysing the discursive psychology used within digital media to influence public opinions concerning female child-killers

Constipation in older people: a clinical review for advanced nurse practitioners

Innovation, wine tourism, and sustainable winegrowing in cool climate regions: a longitudinal international comparative analysis

Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 3 - Improved Tools and Procedures

Motor Competence Among Children in the United Kingdom and Ireland: An Expert Statement on Behalf of the International Motor Development Research Consortium

Explicating the microfoundation of SME pro-environmental operations: The role of top-managers

RemoteForensicCSI: Enriching teaching, training and learning through networking and timely CPD

Florence Nightingale, the Colossus: Was She a Feminist?

Acute hazard assessment of silver nanoparticles following intratracheal instillation, oral and intravenous injection exposures.

Attachment relationships and psychological distress in young adults: The mediating role of self-esteem

Green Lean Six Sigma for improving manufacturing sustainability: Framework development and validation

Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 2 - Regulations, Practices, and Preferences

One-year changes in the prevalence and positive psychological correlates of depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic among medical science students in northeast of Iran

A qualitative meta-synthesis of pregnant women's experiences of accessing and receiving treatment for opioid use disorder

A framework for the systematic implementation of Green-Lean and sustainability in SMEs

Hydrogeophysical Characterization of Fractured Aquifers for Groundwater Exploration in the Federal District of Brazil

COVID-19 pandemic, stock returns, and volatility: the role of the vaccination program in Canada

Bystander responses to cyberbullying: the role of perceived severity, publicity, anonymity, type of cyberbullying, and victim response

Cheating behaviour among OPEC member-states and oil price fairness and stability: an empirical analysis

Access to medicine in developing countries: instituting state obligation over corporate profit

Cure mechanism and kinetic prediction of biobased glass/polyfurfuryl alcohol prepreg by model-free kinetics

Sustainability-driven co-opetition in supply chains as strategic capabilities: Drivers, facilitators, and barriers

Extending Lauterborn's 4Cs for social marketing

A framework for assessing trust in e-government services under uncertain environment

Towards optimal strength design of cold roll formed steel structural members considering manufacturing process effects

A Review of Drama Education (UK) and Integral Drama Based Pedagogy (China), Western and Eastern Perspectives and Influences

Barriers to Sustainable Sourcing in the Apparel and Fashion-Luxury Industry

Redesigning Traditional Linear Supply Chains into Circular Supply Chains – A Study into its Challenges

A Longitudinal Study of Theory of Mind and Listening Comprehension: Is preschool Theory of Mind Important?

Predicting future default on the Covid-19 bounce back loan scheme: The 46.5 billion question

Education, Skills and Social Justice in a Polarising World: Between Technical Elites and Welfare Vocationalism

Perceived Visitor Impacts of Cultural Heritage Tourism: The Role of Place Attachment in Memorable Visitor Experiences.

Sustainable-business waste management a case the Emirate of Ajman – UAE

Cultural tourism impacts and place meanings: Focusing on the value of domestic tourism

Let's All Play Together: Motivations of Different Gamification User Types

Compassion Protects Mental Health and Social Safeness During the COVID‑19 Pandemic Across 21 Countries

Empowering digital supply chain transformation by utilizing Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Standards, Smart Contracts and Blockchains

Onset of Weight Gain and Health Concerns for Men: Findings from the TAP Programme

Experiencing the Story: The Role of Destination Image in Film-Induced Tourism

Using lessons from a comparative study of chemistry & bioscience pre-lab activities to design effective pre-lab interventions : a case study

Evolving effects of COVID-19 safety precaution expectations, risk avoidance, and socio-demographics factors on customer hesitation toward patronizing restaurants and hotels

Relations Between Entropy and Accuracy Trends in Complex Artificial Neural Networks

Teaching Publishing and Editorial Practice: The Transition from University to Industry

Wetland Dwellers: Sound Performance Walk

An Exploration of an Out-of-School Therapeutic Education Programme through the Perspectives of its Students, Parents, and Carers

Exploring the role of compassion, self-criticism and the dark triad on obesity and emotion regulation

Face consciousness, personal norms, and environmentally responsible behavior of Chinese tourists: Evidence from a lake tourism site

Yoga travellers’ experiences in guided tours: A multiple case study approach

Exploring Entrepreneurial Diversity: A Fascination or Frustration?

“This town is as full of enchantments as the White Cat’s Palace”: Whitby as a Locus for Writers’ Inspiration

The intellectual and institutional challenges for International Political Economy in the UK: Findings from Practitioner Survey Data

Acute onset low back pain leading to a diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome: a case study

Science of Psychology as a Tool for Islamic Revival

An environmental‐friendly green energy system with a real wind speed prediction based on innovative hierarchical forecast error correction model

Causal systems mapping to promote healthy living for pandemic preparedness: a call to action for global public health.

Routledge International Handbook of Therapeutic Stories and Storytelling

I’m going on a Bear Hunt’, Neuro-dramatic Play, Multi-Sensory Informed, Storytelling Approaches to Working with Children Under Five.

Making a story out of a crisis – a response to Covid-19

Defining the importance of stress reduction in managing cardiovascular disease - the role of exercise.

Dense melt residues drive mid-ocean-ridge “hotspots”

Peace Procession for Ukraine

The political economy of COVID-19 responses in East Central Europe

Plas Newydd’s Poetics of Exchange: Portraiture, Poetry and the Intermediality of Eighteenth-Century Gift Culture

Disciplinary Neo-liberalisation and the New Politics of Inequality

A Systematic and Critical Review of Leadership Styles in Contemporary Hospitality: A Roadmap and a Call for Future Research

Governing Against the Tide: Populism, Power and the Party Conference

Creating a Sport and Exercise Medicine Masters syllabus for doctors: a Delphi Study

Diverticular Disease

A 150-mile ultra-endurance cycling event for people with type 1 diabetes: A qualitative analysis of knowledge, preparation and management strategies

Comparative Analysis of Three Structures of Second-Order Generalized Integrator and Its Application to Phase-Locked Loop of Linear Kalman Filter

Definitions of Self-Esteem across CBT and REBT Literature

Sharing is Caring: A Realist Evaluation of a Social Support Group for Individuals Who Have Been Bereaved by Suicide

It pays to quit: a review of evidence about how financial incentives may improve smoking cessation during pregnancy

“It's easy to dismiss it as simply a spiritual problem.” Experiences of mental distress within evangelical Christian communities: A qualitative survey

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Resilience: Effects and Response Strategies

Techno-Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis of Large-Scale Wind Farms Integration in Weak Transmission Grid from Mid-Career Repowering Perspective

Hierarchical Energy Management System With a Local Competitive Power Market for Inter-Connected Multi-Smart Buildings


“I must do this!”: A latent profile analysis approach to understanding the role of irrational beliefs and motivation regulation in mental and physical health

Interventions for hyperhidrosis

Power Management and Control of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Photovoltaic, Fuel Cells, and Battery Energy Sources

How to design hotel gamified applications effectively: Understanding the motives of users as hotel visitors

The willow: Zine

Mirror-Like Marble

Hymn for Ukraine

Doves & Crossbones (Exhibition at GLOAM)

On Penny Jordan with Dr Val Derbyshire

Billboard Commission (at GLOAM)

Employability Blog Series: The Big College Challenge – A Case Study Presenting Interdisciplinary Development of Employability Skills

Proximity at Rogue Studios

A Students Guide to Placements in Health and Social Care Settings: From Theory to Practice

Hizmet in Transitions: European Developments of a Turkish Muslim Inspired Movement

Two Queens Member’s Show (Co-Curated with GLOAM)

Sensory Systems for Robotic Applications

Corporate Recovery in an Integrated Europe

Principles and Practice of Nurse Prescribing

Fethullah Gülen’s Teaching and Practice: Inheritance, Context, and Interactive Development

The Breakdown and Leverage

Moj / Tvoj Istok - [ My / Your East ]

a space in a space in a space

Critical Comparison of Data Imputation Techniques at IoT Edge

Arkadia: Threads of Fate

MTPA (million tons per annum)

Natural Language Processing and Information Systems; 27th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2022, Valencia, Spain, June 15–17, 2022, Proceedings

An Expanded Field (Exhibition at GLOAM)


Spaces For Belonging: A Visual Data Mapping Exploration of Inclusive Spaces in Learning Environments

Forehead on Glass (Exhibition at GLOAM)

Jingo Jango (I)

Hymn for Ukraine: Siren Song

Marble of a Man

Offering from the River (Sheffield Showcase Festival).

Offering from the River (Exhibition Catalogue)

Offering from the River (Exhibition at GLOAM)

Figureheads: Bloc Projects Members Show

Anoxic Bodies

Social Action Art Therapy in a Time of Crisis

Carbon Capture Technologies for Gas-Turbine-Based Power Plants

Beneath the Pewter Sky

Painting, Photography, and the Digital: Crossing the Borders of the Mediums

Unfolding Spaces


The Careers Leader Handbook

Billboard Commission (at GLOAM)

Lockdown Apple Blossom (music performance with cine film)