Assessing the feasibility of public engagement in a smartphone app to improve well-being through nature connection ( Evaluation of the feasibility of citizen engagement through a smartphone app to improve well-being through connection with nature )


An eventful tourism city: Hosting major international exhibitions in Melbourne

Augmented reality application for visitor experiences in nature based tourism

Development of an ambisonic guitar system GASP: Guitars with ambisonic spatial performance

Prevalence of pressure ulcers in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Analysis of machining performance of Inconel 718 printed by PBF-LM (powder bed fusion laser melting)

Selective laser melting of a high precision turbomachinery application in IN718 alloy

Essentials of exercise and sport psychology

Providing augmented information for learning transitions in football: the transitional learning model for coaches

Examining profiles of the big five and sensation seeking among competitive climbers

Assessing post-game emotions in soccer teams: the role of distinct emotional dynamics

When it is no longer a bit of banter: Coaches’ perspectives of bullying in professional soccer

Coaches’ experiences of morality in English professional football environments: recommendations for creating a moral atmosphere

Perfectionism and grit in competitive sport

The Costa Rican business sector’s concepts of the transfer of German dual training

Biopolitics, Eugenics and the New State Racism

Understanding complaining, service failure identification and service recovery via social media

From converging roads to narrowing grounds: the struggle for peace by LGBTI+ and women’s organizations in Turkey

A systematic review of the implementation of industry 4.0 from the organisational perspective

Altered Drop Jump Landing Biomechanics Following Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

Teaching Ghost Boys to explore police brutality and antiracist protests

The stereotypical portrayal of Jewish masculinity on The Big Bang Theory

A generic deep learning framework to classify thyroid and breast lesions in ultrasound images

Machine Learning Assisted Doppler Features for Enhancing Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis

The role of empirical methods in investigating readers’ constructions of authorial creativity in literary reading

Decolonising Terrorism Journals

Decolonising the Terrorism Industry: Indonesia

Damage growth and failure detection in hybrid fiber composites using experimental in-situ optical strain measurements and smoothing element analysis

A new methodology for thermoelastic model identification in composite materials using digital image correlation

Failure sequence determination in sandwich structures using concurrent acoustic emission monitoring and postmortem thermography

Forensic age estimation using conventional radiography of the medial clavicular epiphysis: A systematic review

Age estimation from sternebral fusion in an Indian population – A computed tomographic evaluation

A Dinuclear Osmium(II) Complex Near-Infrared Nanoscopy Probe for Nuclear DNA

Highly Sensitive Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensor with ZnO NW interlayers

Multifunctional Electronic Skin with a stack of Temperature and Pressure Sensor Arrays

Analysis of a Soft Haptic Device with Integrated Tactile Sensor and Actuator for Optimal Design

SensAct: The Soft and Squishy Tactile Sensor with Integrated Flexible Actuator

Smart Tactile Gloves for Haptic Interaction, Communication, and Rehabilitation

3D Printed Interdigitated Capacitor Based Tilt Sensor

Connecting Cross‑sector Community Voices: Data, Disadvantage, and Postdigital Inclusion

The relationship between readiness to change pain-related exercise participation and perceived work ability: a cross-sectional study of factory workers

Ability of prophylactic clipping to reduce the incidence of delayed bleeding in patients undergoing endoscopic resection of colonic polyps: a rapid evidence assessment review

Computed tomographic age estimation from the pubic symphysis using the Suchey-Brooks method: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

DiEM Voice; To You <-> To Me; After Life: The importance of the ethics of space when staging democracy and orchestrating social spaces

Cognitive Ecologies in Theatre History, Training and Performance

Plumbagin induces testicular damage via mitochondrial-dependent cell death

Terpene‑rich fractions of Ficus mucoso (Welw) modulate lipopolysaccharide‑induced infammatory mediators and aberrant permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane in murine animal model

CT-based evaluation of the acetabulum for age estimation in an Indian population

Residential Bordering: The (Mis)use of Residence Status to Control Migrants’ Welfare Rights in Italy and the UK

Odd Threads

Searching for a new Journalistic Lexicon: The impact of new digital ecosystems on how post-millennials define news

The effectiveness of interventions for male perpetrators of stalking: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

Stalking risk assessment tools: A brief critical review


Brief overview of literature reviewing options

How perceptions of others’ work and impression management motives affect leader–member exchange development: A six‐wave latent change score model

BCC lattice cell structural characterization

Analytical higher-order-theories for noise reduction analysis of viscoelastic composite multilayered shells

A simultaneous dual-parameter optical fibre single sensor embedded in a glass fibre/epoxy composite

‘It hasn’t had much effect on me… social contact has been limited since arrest’: part 2

‘It hasn’t had much effect on me… social contact has been limited since arrest’: Reflections on conducting Face 2 Face research with men who have sexual convictions during the COVID-19 pandemic

Adapting social prescribing to meet the needs of migrant populations: challenges and solutions to service access and effectiveness

Populist and vindictive constructions of sexual offending, pluralities of violence, and the implications for criminal and social justice

The Potentiating Response to Accentuated Eccentric Loading in Professional Football Players

Gamification, Game Mechanics, Game Thinking and Players' Profile and Life Cycle

Using social practice approaches for strategic management research in Africa: an example, design considerations and potential contributions

Strategy in the era of “swans”: the role of strategic leadership under uncertainty and unpredictability

The positive development role of informal economic activity: The case of informal printing firms in Ghana

Keramik Und Bronzeguss

How practical delivery will never be as hands on – and should it be?

Introduction: Vocational Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Education and Employment in a Post-Work Age

Carol Ann Duffy: Feminine Gospels

The networked refugee: The role of transnational networks in the journeys across the Mediterranean

The Tree Charter Bell Ceremony III

Modelling Equality in the Midst of Religious Diversity: Lessons from Beyond Europe?

Off-site modular construction and design in nuclear power: A systematic literature review

Strain Rate and Temperature Effects in Nanoindentation Testing on Hardness in Selective Laser Melting IN718

Simple shear behavior and constitutive modeling of 304 stainless steel over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures

Simple shear behavior of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures: Experiments and constitutive modeling

High strain rate effect on tensile ductility and fracture of AM fabricated Inconel 718 with voided microstructures

Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of PainChek® in UK Aged Care Residents with advanced dementia

First measurements of N-subjettiness in central Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 2.76 TeV

Inclusive heavy-flavour production at central and forward rapidity in Xe–Xe collisions at√ sNN= 5.44 TeV

Jet fragmentation transverse momentum measurements from di-hadron correlations in √s = 7 TeV pp and √sNN = 5.02 TeV p–Pb collisions

Measurement of the Cross Sections of Ξ 0 c and Ξ + c Baryons and of the Branching-Fraction Ratio BR ( Ξ 0 c → Ξ − e + ν e ) / BR ( Ξ 0 c → Ξ − π + ) in p p Collisions at √ s = 13 TeV

Λ + c production in p p and in p -Pb collisions at √ s N N = 5.02 TeV

Charged-particle multiplicity fluctuations in Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN = 2.76 TeV

Measurement of the production cross section of prompt Ξ0c baryons at midrapidity in pp collisions at s√ = 5.02 TeV

Anisotropic flow of identified hadrons in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV

Experimental Evidence for an Attractive p − ϕ Interaction

Kaon–proton strong interaction at low relative momentum via femtoscopy in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC

Energy dependence of ϕ meson production at forward rapidity in pp collisions at the LHC

First measurement of coherent ρ0 photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Xe–Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV

Λ K femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at √ s N N = 2.76 TeV

Elliptic Flow of Electrons from Beauty-Hadron Decays in Pb-Pb Collisions at √ s N N = 5.02  TeV

First measurement of the |t|-dependence of coherent J/ψ photonuclear production

Coherent J/ψ and ψ′ photoproduction at midrapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN= 5.02 TeV

Production of light-flavor hadrons in pp collisions at s√ = 7 and s√=13 TeV

Production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at high transverse momentum in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 and 2.76 TeV

Measurement of beauty and charm production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 5.02 TeV via non-prompt and prompt D mesons

The Role of Play in Child Development

Delphi with feedback of rationales: how large can a Delphi group be such that participants are not overloaded, de-motivated, or disengaged?

The effect of auditory input on multimodal reading comprehension: An examination of adult readers' eye movements.

Evidence-Based Digital Tools for Weight Loss Maintenance: The NoHoW Project.

How can Art and Design research and Arts research methodologies help tackle the biggest challenges faced by the UK?

Atypical Leaders: CHEAD Leadership Programme

The changing landscape of professional development

The spatio-temporal structure of the Lateglacial to early Holocene transition reconstructed from the pollen record of Lake Suigetsu and its precise correlation with other key global archives: Implications for palaeoclimatology and archaeology

Development of an Ambisonic Guitar System


The Importance of Being Earnest: Rethinking the "Problem" of Categorical Denial in Men with Sexual Convictions

A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of the construction of people of colour (POC) as criminals in UK and US print media following the Black Lives Matter protests of May 2020

Advancing the global public health agenda for NAFLD: a consensus statement

The global NAFLD policy review and preparedness index: Are countries ready to address this silent public health challenge?

Reduction in Severity of All-Cause Gastroenteritis Requiring Hospitalisation in Children Vaccinated against Rotavirus in Malawi

Diagnostic performance evaluation of hepatitis B e antigen rapid diagnostic tests in Malawi

Illness and inclusion: Mobility histories of adolescents with leprosy from Anglo‐Scandinavian Norwich (Eastern England)

Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of individuals from Hyde Abbey

Alloparenting adolescents

Death metal: Evidence for the impact of lead poisoning on childhood health within the Roman Empire

How to enhance the engagement of social enterprises with the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Oestrogen-regulated protein SLC39A6: a biomarker of good prognosis in luminal breast cancer

Control of a semi-autonomous powered wheelchair

Extending the natural adaptive capacity of coral holobionts

On Two Kinds of the Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities in the Whole Plane with the Equivalent Forms

On some new results for the generalised Lucas sequences

Comparison of NIR powders to conventional fingerprint powders

Fingermark detection using upconverting nanoparticles and comparison with cyanoacrylate fuming

DEEPSEL: A novel feature selection for early identification of malware in mobile applications

The importance of being earnest Rethinking the “problem” of categorical denial in men with sexual convictions

The Role of Organizational Culture and Climate for Well-Being among Police Custody Personnel: A Multilevel Examination

Development and validation of the Good Lives Questionnaire

Visualization and deep-learning-based malware variant detection using OpCode-level features

An Efficient Spam Detection Technique for IoT Devices Using Machine Learning

PROTECTOR: An optimized deep learning-based framework for image spam detection and prevention

Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing-enabled Web Spam Detection for Next Generation IoT Applications

FedLearnSP: Preserving Privacy and Security using Federated Learning and Edge Computing

Ai based management of food wastage

Generating and Sustaining Value Through Guided Tour Experiences’ Co-Creation at Heritage Visitor Attractions

Entropy Based Features Distribution for Anti-DDoS Model in SDN


UK Black Hair Matters: A Thematic Analysis exploring Afro-Caribbean women's hair as representations of the socially constructed knowledge of identity and identity threats

Maximising the Impact of Careers Services on Career Management Skills: A Review of the Literature

The Impact of Career Guidance on Progression in Learning and Work: A Literature Review

British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Race Equality Review

Rapport building and witness memory: Actions may ‘speak’ louder than words

Towards a microbial process-based understanding of the resilience of peatland ecosystem service provisioning – A research agenda

Tweeting on dementia: A snapshot of the content and sentiment of tweets associated with dementia

Managing Intellectual Property Issues with Digital Twins

In-situ observations and acoustic measurements upon fragmentation of free-floating intermetallics under ultrasonic cavitation in water

An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots

MLFC: From 10 to 50 Planners in the Multi-Agent Programming Contest

Psychopathy, offending style and crime scene behaviour

Improving Equine Welfare through Human Habit Formation. Animals

Beyond Neo-Liberalism a New Settlement - Three Crises and Post-Secondary Education

A cluster analysis of illness and treatment representations and coping in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation.

Exendin-4 stimulates autophagy in pancreatic β-cells via the RAPGEF/EPAC-Ca PPP3/calcineurin-TFEB axis

Protein hydrolysates from boarfish (Capros aper) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) skin gelatin improve metabolic control in genetically obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice

Exploring Buddhism as a ‘Tool’ to Support Well-Being: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Western Adopters’ Experiences

Student Primacy and the Post Pandemic University

Mechanisms of ultrasonic de-agglomeration of oxides through in-situ high-speed observations and acoustic measurements

Cavitation in thermoplastic melts: New insights into ultrasound-assisted fibre-impregnation

Environment friendly dual-frequency ultrasonic exfoliation of few-layer graphene

Time-dependent measurements of length and area of the contact line in contact-boiling regime

Scale Up Design Study on Process Vessel Dimensions for Ultrasonic Processing of Water and Liquid Aluminium

New insights into sono-exfoliation mechanisms of graphite: In situ high-speed imaging studies and acoustic measurements

On the governing fragmentation mechanism of primary intermetallics by induced cavitation

Characterization of shock waves in power ultrasound

Managing Complex Crises through the Lens of Intuitive Expertise: A Naturalistic Decision-Making Perspective.

An integrated social media communication view on content marketing by South African non-profit sectors

Afrokology and organisational culture: Why employees are not behaving as predicted

White supremacy in postgraduate education at elite universities in England: the role of the gatekeepers

An Industrial Self-Learning Robotic Platform Solution for Smart Factories Industrial Applications Using Machine and Deep Imitation Learning

Meeting the challenge of introducing L8 thinking in a diverse context: a new approach.

Towards a concept of Performance Literacy

Social responsibility-related governance disclosure: exploration of managerial perspective in a developing country

Evaluation of Detecting Cybersickness via VR HMD Positional Measurements Under Realistic Usage Conditions.

Opinions of the Benefits and Barriers of Environmental Management Systems in the SME Construction Industry of the UK

Gender and Home

Re-imaging a Life After Covid-19

Tales From the Dark Side: The Dark Tetrad of Personality, Supernatural, and Scientific Belief

Forensic laboratory backlog: The impact of inconclusive results of marijuana analysis and the implication on analytical routine

On 'Two Cultures' and Tackling the 'Writing Versus Mathematics' Dichotomy

Write, and Write Well - Speak, and Speak Well: The Gospel According to Halmos and Rota

In Vivo and In Vitro Evaluation of Preventive Activity of Inflammation and Free Radical Scavenging Potential of Plant Extracts from Oldenlandia corymbosa L.

PEP Insights Research: The Experience of Public Engagement Professionals during Covid-19

The longitudinal relationship between shoulder pain and altered wheelchair propulsion biomechanics of manual wheelchair users

A prospective clinical and biomechanical analysis of feet following first metatarsophalangeal joint replacement

Coral microbiome manipulation elicits metabolic and genetic restructuring to mitigate heat stress and evade mortality.

Examining the effectiveness of mindfulness practice in simulated and actual natural environments: Secondary data analysis

Adapting Social Design Research Methods for Socially Distanced Practice

Utilising Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as a Pedagogical Framework for Design Thinking Projects

Range‐wide indicators of African great ape density distribution

Quantitative Estimates of Glacial Refugia for Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP)

Predicting Range Shifts of African Apes and Effectiveness of Protected Areas under Global Change Scenarios

Predicting range shifts of African apes under global change scenarios

Pedagogic intervention for health: a narrative systematic review on biodanza

Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Comparison between European Countries

Social Bottom-Up Approaches in Post-COVID-19 Scenario: The AGOGHÈ Project

Nicotine chronic tolerance development and withdrawal in the planaria (Schmidtea mediterranea)

Mechanisms of Perceptual Learning: Prolonged Intermixed Pre-exposure Reduces the Effectiveness of the Unique and the Common Elements

Escala Clance do Fenômeno do Impostor: Adaptação Brasileira

Preconceitos que se Cruzam: A Relação entre o Racismo, Sexismo e Valores

Effect of Nature Walks on Depression and Anxiety: A Systematic Review

Student-Generated Induction in a Lecture Theatre

When Online Student Numbers Double During a Pandemic

Community-driven tree planting greens the neighbouring landscape

Quantitatively monitoring the resilience of patterned vegetation in the Sahel

Using satellite data to assess management frequency and rate of regeneration on heather moorlands in England as a resilience indicator

Soft-Dielectron Excess in Proton-Proton Collisions at √ s = 13 TeV

Inclusive J/ψ production at midrapidity in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

Long- and short-range correlations and their event-scale dependence in high-multiplicity pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

KS 0- and (anti-)-hadron correlations in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

Production of pions, kaons, (anti-)protons and φ mesons in Xe–Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV

Measurements of mixed harmonic cumulants in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles as a function of mid- and forward rapidity multiplicities in pp collisions at √s = 5.02, 7 and 13 TeV

Multiharmonic Correlations of Different Flow Amplitudes in Pb-Pb Collisions at √ s NN = 2.76 TeV

ϒ production and nuclear modification at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

First measurement of quarkonium polarization in nuclear collisions at the LHC

In Response - Reply to John Paul Donnelly

Historical authenticity, narrative interpretation and the mnemonic experience: measuring the impact of costume-based artwork in dress handling sessions within the museum environment.

Economic and environmental feasibility of re-routing the Indo-Sri Lankan shipping channel: a green initiative of sustainable development

A Six-Sigma DMAIC Approach to Improve the Sales Process of a Technology Start-Up

Blockchain Technology for Enhancing Traceability and Efficiency in Automobile Supply Chain—A Case Study

‘He States That This is the Most Lovely Building He Has Ever Had the Pleasure of Seeing . . . ’ The Travel Writing and Collecting of Frederick Horniman

'All Will be Amply Labelled…' The Educational Policies and Practices of the Horniman Free Museum

‘Attempting to deal with the past’: historical inquiries, legacy prosecutions, and Operation Banner

Using remote seminars to teach animal behavior

Mindfulness-Based Approaches for COVID-19 Mental Health in Working from Home

Legal considerations for using digital twins in additive manufacture a review of the literature

Sclerochronological evidence of pronounced seasonality from the Pliocene of the southern North Sea Basin, and its implication

Seasonal variability in a warming climate: Lessons from the Pliocene Warm Period and beyond

The Post-colonial Storyteller: George Bwanika Seremba’s Come Good Rain

The neglected contributions of self-efficacy to older adults’ financial capacity

Improving MOOCs experience using Learning Analytics and Intelligent Conversational Agent

Authors' Responses to Peer Review of “Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Psychosocial Well-being and Work Productivity of Remote Workers: Cross-sectional Correlational Study”

A Study of Problems Modelled as Network Equilibrium Flows

Influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on remote workers’ physical and psychosocial wellbeing and work productivity

Content analysis of Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video original films in the UK for alcohol, tobacco and junk food imagery

Smoking and health 2021: A coming of age for tobacco control?

A content analysis and population exposure estimate of Guinness branded alcohol marketing during the 2019 Guinness Six Nations

Response to Houghton’s letter: ‘Minimizing assessments of alcohol advertising in the Six Nations Rugby Championship’.

Recovery Communities: Resources & Settings

Research on Powering a Personal Heating Garment with a Hybrid Power Supply

Stability to thermal treatment of dipeptidyl peptidase‐IV inhibitory activity of a boarfish (Capros aper) protein hydrolysate when incorporated into tomato‐based products

Macroalgal protein hydrolysates from Palmaria palmata influence the 'incretin effect' in vitro via DPP-4 inhibition and upregulation of insulin, GLP-1 and GIP secretion

The Impact of Island Location on Students’ Higher Education Choices and Subsequent Career Narratives: A Case Study of the Orkney and Shetland Islands

Save the wave: RTÉ longwave 252 and the ageing Irish diaspora in the United Kingdom

Data Analytics in an Internet of Things Edge Cloud Setting

Genetic haemochromatosis, a common disorder but are General Practitioners still unaware? A qualitative study

Negative self-referential emotions and mental health in youth: The importance of self-criticism.

Exploring the Transformational Potential of Adventure Tourism Experiences: Encounters and Connections with Nature

Interpreter-Assisted Investigative Interviews: Needs, Challenges and Quality


Influences of yawed conditions on the wake evolution and recovery of axial flow tidal turbines

Violent conflicts and state capacity: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Harmonising Insolvency Law in the EU: New Thoughts on Old Ideas in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Employees as stakeholders in restructuring and insolvency: acquired rights and business transfers

The Role of Social Policy in Corporate Rescue and Restructuring: a Messy Business

Book Review: COVID-19: Exploring the new normal in insolvency by Dr Sameer Sharma and Dr Neeti Shikha (eds)

The EU Preventive Restructuring Framework: in Extra Time?

The Reciprocal Relationship between Containers Overboard and Climate Change

The ascent to advanced practice: challenges, support and opportunities

De-stigmatising self-care: Impact of self-care webinar during COVID-19

Production of Long-Acting CNGRC–CPG2 Fusion Proteins: New Derivatives to Overcome Drug Immunogenicity of Ligand-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy for Targeted Cancer Treatment

Investigating the relationship between implicit and explicit measures of optimism, and examining changes in them using positive psychology interventions.

Delivering informed measures of patient centred care in medical imaging: What is the international perspective?

Sharing SoTL findings with students: an intentional knowledge mobilization strategy

Advancing Health Professionals’ Knowledge of Liver Disease

Mechanical Properties and Failure Mechanisms of Novel Resin-infused Thermoplastic and Conventional Thermoset 3D Fabric Composites

Evaluating key capabilities for developing global collaborative networks using a multi-layer decision-making approach

Sustainability concerns on consumers’ attitude towards short food supply chains: an empirical investigation

Effects of Shinrin-Yoku Retreat on Mental Health: A Pilot Study in Fukushima, Japan

Cross-Cultural Comparison of Mental Health Between German and South African Employees: Shame, Self-Compassion, Work Engagement, and Work Motivation

Self-compassion in Irish social work students: Relationships between resilience, engagement and motivation

Climate Change Adaptation in West Africa: A critical analysis of climate change adaptation policies and their implications for coastal communities in West Africa

Positioning children as artists through a ceramic arts project and exhibition: children meaning making

No single model for super-sized eruptions and their magma bodies

Crucial impacts on career choices: Research to understand the influences on young people’s choices in primary and secondary schools: Final report

The Hero’s Journey: constructing continuity from discontinuity in millennial career changers’ narratives

Social Network Analysis of Alzheimer’s Teams: A Clinical Review and Applications in Psychiatry to Explore Interprofessional Care

A Qualitative Exploration of CBT and Psychodynamic Therapists’ Views, Experiences and Perceptions of Integrating Different Therapeutic Modalities into their Private Practice with Adult Clients: Study Protocol

Pre-colonial Trade in Africa and International Law: Setting a Research Agenda

Telling Our Story: Sharing the Experiences of Irish Emigrants Through Film

Nexus of circular economy and sustainable business performance in the era of digitalization

What next for end-point assessments?

Five signposts to a socially just approach to career guidance

UK University staff experience high levels of sedentary behaviour during work and leisure time

A pragmatic controlled trial of forest bathing compared with compassionate mind training in the UK: impacts on self- reported wellbeing and heart rate variability

Effects of Caffeine Ingestion on Human Standing Balance: A Systematic Review of Placebo-Controlled Trials.

Assessing people-driven factors for circular economy practices in SME supply chains: business strategies and environmental perspectives

An empirical analysis of the information security culture key factors framework

Exploring Scotland's career ecosystem

DerbyVoice Documentary Short

Approaches to quality assurance in school-based career development: policymaker perspectives from Australia

Beyond Expansion or Restriction? Models of Interaction between the Living Instrument and Margin of Appreciation Doctrines and the Scope of the ECHR

Beyond theoretical: integrating a live project brief into an interior design module

The feasibility and tolerability of using inspiratory muscle training with adults discharged from the hospital with community-acquired pneumonia.

Climate change impact and adaptation: Lagoonal fishing communities in west Africa

NOTRINO: a NOvel hybrid TRust management scheme for INternet-Of-vehicles

Thermal Fatigue Life of Ball Grid Array (BGA) Solder Joints Made From Different Alloy Compositions

The influence of firm size on the corporate social responsibility - corporate financial performance relationship

Thermo-mechanical reliability studies of lead-free solder interconnects

Review of the recent advances in dew point evaporative cooling technology: 3E (energy, economic and environmental) assessments

The cradle to gate life-cycle assessment of thermoelectric materials: A comparison of inorganic, organic and hybrid types

A Qualitative Study Comparing Mindfulness and Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing): Practitioners’ Perspectives

Redeveloping the CDI framework

Patient centred care in diagnostic radiography (Part 3): Perceptions of student radiographers and radiography academics

The Psychosocial Impact of Instagram on Female Body Image: Literature Review and Proposal

Our Story: The Experiences of Mid-Century Irish Emigrants to the UK


The 21st Century HE Careers Professional

Study protocol: psychoeducation on attachment and narcissism as treatment of sex addiction

Career education in primary school

Targeting Sedentary Behavior in Minority Populations as a Feasible Health Strategy During and Beyond COVID-19: On Behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT

The needs of clients coming to counselling following an experience of second harm: A Q Methodology study

The Problems of Starmerism

Teaching Healthcare Professional Students in Online Learning during COVID-19: Reflection of University Lecturers.

A comprehensive review on the output voltage/power of wearable thermoelectric generators concerning their geometry and thermoelectric materials

An Investigation of the Learning Motivation of Student Studying Accounting Courses in China

Investing in Blue Natural Capital to Secure a Future for the Red Sea Ecosystems

A mixed-methods evaluation of care (cancer and rehabilitation exercise): a physical activity and health intervention, delivered in a community football trust

In Tune with the Listener: How Local Radio in Ireland has Maintained Audience Attention and Loyalty

Understanding and practicing emptiness

Supported internships as a vehicle for broadening and deepening the social inclusion of people with learning disabilities

Understanding the core elements of event portfolio strategy: lessons from Auckland and Dunedin

Mapping a super-invader in a biodiversity hotspot, an eDNA-based success story

Career education: every teacher has a role

Improving the reliability of eDNA data interpretation

Cultivating the Compassionate Self: an Exploration of the Mechanisms of Change in Compassionate Mind Training

Transitioning to an ACP: a challenging journey with tribulations and rewards

A Framework for Assessing Sustainability in Multi-tier Supply Chains using Empirical Evidence and Fuzzy Expert System

Co-creating value in desert tourism experiences

DerbyVoice - Creative Place-Making: The Arts in Society Voices 16th International Conference

An Analysis of Frequency of Continuous Blood Pressure Variation and Haemodynamic Responses during Haemodialysis.

Why the initiative of free childcare failed to be an effective policy implementation of universal childcare in South Korea

Managing strategic accounts with empowerment and management support for co-creation of value

Bio-vehicles of cytotoxic drugs for delivery to tumour specific targets for cancer precision therapy

Civic LAB Symposium 2021

Effects of Self-Compassion Training on Work-Related Well-Being: A Systematic Review

Effects of mental fatigue on static upright stance and functional balance in older adults

Integrated reporting

Crucial impacts on career choices: Research to understand the influences on young people’s choices in primary and secondary schools: Executive summary

Increasing students’ career readiness through career guidance: measuring the impact with a validated measure

Looking at the other side of the fence: A comparative review of the mergers and acquisitions, and strategic alliances literatures

Actively Noticing Nature (Not Just Time in Nature) Helps Promote Nature Connectedness

Targeted ensemble machine classification approach for supporting IOT enabled skin disease detection

CivicLAB Symposium proceedings

Theorising career guidance policymaking: watching the sausage get made

Times they are a changing: evaluating interventions in a new era

What are the ethical dilemmas in the decision making processes of nursing people given Electroconvulsive therapy? A critical realist review of qualitative evidence

Lean accounting: a structured literature review

Arts & Health

Mapping urban greenspace use from mobile phone GPS data

Associations of Sedentary Time with Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies.

A Novel Security Methodology for Smart Grids: A Case Study of Microcomputer-Based Encryption for PMU Devices

Career Development Framework

COVID-19: challenges faced by Nepalese migrants living in Japan

Opportunity, support and understanding: the experience of four early trainee nursing associates

On wind turbine power fluctuations induced by large-scale motions

Time wasters? The Dark Tetrad and active procrastination

How to capture research impact: a five-step process

The Impact of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education on Regional Development

WHAM: To Asymmetry and Beyond!

Exploring critical perspectives on labour market information through the lens of elite graduate recruitment

A collaborative approach for national cybersecurity incident management

Investigative empathy: Five types of cognitive empathy in a field study of investigative interviews with suspects of sexual offences

Ontological Addiction Theory and Mindfulness-Based Approaches in the Context of Addiction Theory and Treatment

The determinants of aggregate fluctuations: The role of firm‐borrowing channels

Financial Investigation: Establishing the Principles of a Generic and effective Philosophy

Enhancing resiliency of perishable product supply chains in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak

Videoconferencing for Home Care Delivery in Japan: Observational Study

What can we do for nature? A systematic research approach to pro-nature conservation behaviours

Intention to consume halal pharmaceutical products: evidence from Indonesia

Multi-Component Physical Activity Interventions in the UK Must Consider Determinants of Activity to Increase Effectiveness

An Analysis of Operational Behavioural Factors and Circular Economy Practices in SMEs: An Emerging Economy Perspective

Humanizing hospitality industry human resources management to improve recruitment and retention of resilient hospitable talents in the sector

The secret language of flowers: insights from an outdoor, arts-based intervention designed to connect primary school children to locally accessible nature

Effects of a regional school-based mindfulness programme on students’ levels of Wellbeing and resiliency

A Call to Clarify the Intensity and Classification of Standing Behavior

Training careers professionals: Underpinning research for the C-Course programme.

A Novel Mindful Nature Connectedness Intervention Improves Paranoia but Not Anxiety in a Nonclinical Population

Mechanical Engineering Design, Does the Past Hold the key to the Future?

The importance of an inclusive alumni network for ensuring effective transitions into employment and future destinations for people with learning disabilities

Systematic Review of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

The efficacy of the PSYCHOPATHY.COMP program in reducing psychopathic traits: A controlled trial with male detained youth

Regional Economic Communities as the Building Blocs of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement

Multiscale damage modelling of 3D woven composites under static and impact loads

Holding Their Own: How Line of Duty offers the BBC a competitive edge in an increasingly crowded mediascape

How Many Maneuvers Should We Do for Maximal Inspiratory and Expiratory Muscle Pressure Testing in Children: A Retrospective Review in Children with Cystic Fibrosis

An empathetic approach: Using appreciative inquiry to gain balanced insights

The flows of compassion in adolescents as measured by the compassionate engagement and action scales

Self-healing of bio-cementitious mortar incubated within neutral and acidic soil

Why we need to share our ideas about connecting career development to social justice

An exploration of primary school teachers’ maths anxiety using interpretative phenomenological analysis

The Beginning of Process: 1 of 366 prints taken from the same plate and The End of Process: 366 of 366 prints taken from the same plate

Construction And factorial validation of a short version of the Academic Motivation Scale

Curating the Canon: Editorial Decision-Making, Bias and Privilege in Publishing

The educational legacy of colonialism in south-western Nigeria

A Woman's World

Using patient feedback to adapt intervention materials based on acceptance and commitment therapy for people receiving renal dialysis

Transnational Litigation and Climate Change in Nigeria

Analysis of critical success factors for implementing Industry 4.0 integrated circular supply chain – moving towards sustainable operations

Clinical supervision for advanced practitioners

Our Story: Forging Connections Through Oral History

The Physiological Impact of Masking Is Insignificant and Should Not Preclude Routine Use During Daily Activities, Exercise, and Rehabilitation

The Dark Side of Humanity Scale: A Reconstruction of the Dark Tetrad Constructs

Investigating the benefits of Family learning (FL) with parents

A systematic literature review regarding the influence of lean manufacturing on firms' financial performance

A Novel Mathematical Layout Optimisation Method and Design Framework for Modularisation in Industrial Process Plants and SMRs

An evaluation of the North East of England pilot of the Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance

Predicting self-compassion in UK nursing students: Relationships with resilience, engagement, motivation, and mental wellbeing

Delineating non-consensual sexual image offending: Towards an empirical approach

Value co-creation and co-destruction: considerations of spa servicescapes

Challenges in the implementation of lean manufacturing in the wood and furniture industry

What Comes First, the Behavior or the Condition? In the COVID-19 Era, It May Go Both Ways

Career Development Framework: Using the Framework to support career education and guidance in secondary schools (Key stage 3 - post-16)

Seasonality, DNA degradation and spatial heterogeneity as drivers of eDNA detection dynamics

Influence of Dance on Embodied Self-Awareness and Well-Being: An Interpretative Phenomenological Exploration

Stakeholder Requirements And Value Co-Creation In Events

Shelter from the cytokine storm: Healthy living is a vital preventative strategy in the COVID-19 era

Our Story: Preserving and Disseminating the Experiences of the Irish Diaspora in Derby

Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 1–Live Dynamic Range

Labour market information and social justice: a critical examination

Development and testing of the Nature Connectedness Parental Self-Efficacy (NCPSE) scale


Co-curation as feminist practice: exhibiting the work of Marion Adnams

Inter-firm knowledge transfer between strategic alliance partners: A way forward

Arts, creativity and health

Nature Connectedness and Biophilic Design

An Analysis of Tanzania's Policies and whether they represent Gender Equity in Education

The Effect of Self-Compassion on Job Burnout and Hours Worked in Employees’ Working from Home

Mental health shame, self-compassion and sleep in UK nursing students: complete mediation of self-compassion in sleep and mental health

“It’s nice to know you might make a difference”: engaging students through primary research as an authentic assessment

Education and Certification in Sound Pressure Level Measurement, Monitoring and Management at Entertainment Events

Exploring the Challenges of Electric Vehicle Adoption in Final Mile Parcel Delivery

When words are not enough: Combined textual and visual multimodal analysis as a Critical Discursive Psychology undertaking

Noninvasive continuous intradialytic blood pressure monitoring: the key to improving haemodynamic stability

Circular economy: a conceptual model to measure readiness for manufacturing SMEs

Simulation and experimental investigation into a photovoltaic and fuel cell hybrid integration power system for a typical small house application

The Military Service Tribunals of Derbyshire and Staffordshire: An assessment of their ‘Remarkable Achievements’ in Managing the Effects of Conscription and Safeguarding Britain’s Social and Economic Stability during the Great War

A qualitative exploration of the use of player loans to supplement the talent development process of professional footballers in the under 23 age group of English football academies

Fears of compassion magnify the harmful effects of threat of COVID-19 on mental health and social safeness across 21 countries

Electro-Thermal Coupled Modeling of Induction Motor Using 2D Finite Element Method


Impact of I4.0 technologies and their interoperability on performance: future pathways for supply chain resilience post-COVID-19

A Systematic Review Approach Using the Behaviour Change Wheel, COM-B Behaviour Model and Theoretical Domains Framework to Evaluate Physical Activity Engagement in a University Setting

Soil biocrusts affect metabolic response to hydration on dunes in west Queensland, Australia

Resilience Intervention for Families of Autistic Children: Reviewing the Literature

Hope for 2021: The importance of career guidance to the Covid and post-Covid world

Influence of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical and Psychosocial Well-being and Work Productivity of Remote Workers: Cross-sectional Correlational Study (Preprint)

Methane production and oxidation potentials along a fen‐bog gradient from southern boreal to subarctic peatlands in Finland

Actantial construction of career guidance in parliament of Finland’s education policy debates 1967–2020

Narratives of Institutional Racism and Social Critique in Contemporary UK Television Drama

The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network

From Whence Cometh My Help? Psychological Distress and Help-Seeking in the Evangelical Christian Church

Food for thought – empowering consumers: a critique of EU food labelling law

Species-Specific Variations in the Metabolomic Profiles of Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora millepora Mask Acute Temperature Stress Effects in Adult Coral Colonies

Blessing of dimensionality at the edge and geometry of few-shot learning

An exploration into Gen Ys attitudes and behaviour towards volunteering whilst backpacking

Improving the sustainability of food supply chains through circular economy practices – a qualitative mapping approach

Introduction: Rethinking career development

“We’ve been exploring and adventuring”: An investigation into young people’s engagement with a semiwild, disused space.

Insights into the cultured bacterial fraction of corals

Mobile agency and relational webs in women’s narratives of international study

The 24-h Movement Compositions in Weekday, Weekend Day or Four-Day Periods Differentially Associate with Fundamental Movement Skills

Estimation of total groundwater reserves and delineation of weathered/fault zones for aquifer potential: A case study from the Federal District of Brazil

Desistance: A utopian perspective

Performance evaluation of machine learning techniques for fault diagnosis in vehicle fleet tracking modules

Burnout in Professional Psychotherapists: Relationships with Self-Compassion, Work–Life Balance, and Telepressure

Are spousal partner perceptions of continuity and discontinuity within the relationship linked to the symptoms of acquired brain injury?

Policing in a pandemic: a commentary on officer well-being during COVID-19

Individual differences and medication-mediation in chronic illness conditions: a mixed methods approach to the development of a novel, conceptual framework

The Effects of a Nutrition Education Intervention on Sports Nutrition Knowledge during a Competitive Season in Highly Trained Adolescent Swimmers.

The Challenge of Student Mental Well-Being: Reconnecting Students Services with the Academic Universe

A qualitative study of the understanding of compassion through completing a brief online CMT intervention among non-clinical population in Czechia and Poland

Personal Guidance Fund Evaluation: Final Report

Proximity Collective

An Identity Process Theory Account of the Impact of Boarding School on Sense of Self and Mental Health: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Design for environment Ontology-based knowledge management model for green product development

Ikigai and existential positive psychology: Recurrence of meaning for wellbeing

Revisiting International Public Sector Accounting Standards Adoption in Developing Countries

An initiative for student nurses to practise clinical skills at home

How selection of collaborating partners impact on the green performance of global businesses? An empirical study of green sustainability

Exploration of contributing factors to mental health in workers and students

Student perspectives on improving mental health support services at university

Engaging the local community in cultural heritage through a children’s ceramic arts exhibition

Oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Prevalence and Abundance in the UK Young Adult Population

An Ethnographic Account of an Organisational Response To Transformation in a Not for Profit Context

Death, landscape and memorialisation in Victorian urban society: Nottingham's General Cemetery (1837) and Church Cemetery (1856)

The impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic rights of older persons in Africa: The urgency of operationalising the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons

Celebrity status, sex, and variation in psychopathy predicts judgements of and proclivity to generate and distribute deepfake pornography

Contextual factors predict self-reported confession decision-making: A field study of suspects’ actual police interrogation experiences.

Cardiorespiratory and skeletal muscle damage due to COVID-19: making the urgent case for rehabilitation

Educators Perspectives on the Value of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skills for Early Years Foundation Stage Children in England.

Perspectives on experiences of tourists with disabilities: implications for their daily lives and for the tourist industry

Community behavioral and perceived responses in the covid-19 outbreak in Afghanistan: a cross-sectional study

Psychoeducation Intervention Effectiveness to Improve Social Skills in Young People with ADHD: A Meta-Analysis.

Between and Betwixt: Experiences of Academic Precarity and Resistance During COVID-19 Pandemic

Holidays and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of Indian states

Assessing the key enablers for Industry 4.0 adoption using MICMAC analysis: a case study

Corals as canaries in the coalmine: towards the incorporation of marine ecosystems into the ‘One Health’ concept

Neurosurgeons’ experiences of conducting and disseminating clinical research in low-income and middle-income countries: a reflexive thematic analysis

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a vital sign in patients recovering from COVID-19.

Current and Future Implications of COVID-19 among Youth Wheelchair Users: 24-Hour Activity Behavior.

A systematic review of self-report measures of negative self-referential emotions developed for non-clinical child and adolescent samples

Mapping Stress and healthy balance with the workable ranges model in mindfulness-based stress reduction: First-person embodied reflections

Mental Distress, Stigma and Help-Seeking in the Evangelical Christian Church: Study Protocol

Researching entrepreneurship: an approach to develop subjective understanding

Exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus acidophilus modulates the antioxidant status of 1,2–dimethyl hydrazine-induced colon cancer rat model

Machine learning applications for sustainable manufacturing: a bibliometric-based review for future research

Stock connect: Integration, internationalisation and implementation

Active microbial ecosystem in glacier basal ice fuelled by iron and silicate comminution‐derived hydrogen

Defining the Platform of Positive Peace

A readiness self-assessment model for implementing Green Lean Initiatives

Personal agency and organisational attachment: A career capital perspective

Going with the flow: How corals in high‐flow environments can beat the heat

Decommissioning normal: COVID‐19 as a disruptor of school norms for young people with learning disabilities

Darker Deals? Male Dark Tetrad preferences for female sex worker services

An Empirical Examination of Benefits, Challenges, and Critical Success Factors of Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing and Service Sector

Older people, dementia and neuro-dramatic-play: A personal and theoretical drama therapy perspective

Health Benefits of Ikigai: A Review of Literature

Energy-aware scheduling of streaming applications on edge-devices in IoT based healthcare

Our Story on Screen: Understanding Immigration Through the Experiences of Others

The Roaring Ghosts: Depictions of female silence and its oppositions

Reimagining the CDI career development framework

COVID-19 infection and cardiometabolic complications: short- and long-term treatment and management considerations

A Trusted Voice: The Threat to Irish Local Radio News Journalism

Generating and sustaining value through guided tour experiences’ co-creation at heritage visitor attractions

Creating a student and patient focused research led environment in diagnostic radiography education

Supported progressive resistance exercise training to counter the adverse side effects of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a randomised controlled trial

DerbyVoice - Creative Place-Making: CivicLAB: Symposium

Songs for health education and promotion: a systematic review with recommendations

Education as a catalyst for the social inclusion of people with learning disabilities

The non/inhuman within: beyond the biopolitical intrauterine imaginary

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) Annual Review 2021

Mechanical Engineering Design, Learning from the Past to Design a Better Future

Marion Adnams and the Margins of Surrealism

Shape optimisation of cold roll formed sections considering effects of cold working

The Skills for Jobs White Paper: Implications for career development

Audit committee and audit quality: An empirical analysis considering industry expertise, legal expertise and gender diversity

The perception of biopsychosocial impacts of COVID-19 during lockdown restrictions over time in the UK – a mixed methods study

U.S. franchise regulation as a paradigm for the European Union

From expert to advanced clinical practitioner and beyond

Lean Manufacturing and Internet of Things – A Synergetic or Antagonist Relationship?

Design Education - A Reversed Method to Fill and Information and Knowledge Gap Between Full-Time and Part-Time Students

Motivation of UK graduate students in education: Self-compassion moderates pathway from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation

A Qualitative Exploration of Drug and Alcohol Using Parents’ Experiences in Drug/Alcohol Treatment when Social Services are Involved.

Relationship between routines of supplier selection and evaluation, risk perception and propensity to form buyer–supplier partnerships

The complexity of decision-making processes and IoT adoption in accommodation SMEs

Building Compassionate Schools: Pilot Study of a Compassionate Mind Training Intervention to Promote Teachers’ Well-being

Experimental investigation on the quasi-static crush performance of resin-infused thermoplastic 3D fibre-reinforced composites

Revisiting Value Co-creation and Co-destruction in Tourism

Cross-Cultural Comparison of Mental Health Shame: Negative Attitudes and External, Internal, and Reflected Shame About Mental Health in Japanese and UK Workers

Japanese Martial Arts for Wellbeing During COVID-19

Mental health of medical workers in Japan during COVID-19: relationships with loneliness, hope and self-compassion

Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with spinal cord injury: Mitigation strategies during COVID-19 on behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT

Current activities centered on healthy living and recommendations for the future: a position statement from the HL-PIVOT network

Social distancing without emotional distancing?

Development of the external and internal shame scale: Japanese version

Oro-mucosal midazolam maleate: Use and effectiveness in adults with epilepsy in the UK

Governance thresholds and the human capital–growth nexus

Patient-reported factors associated with degree of pain medication dependence and presence of severe dependence among spinal outpatients

Embedded Data Imputation for Environmental Intelligent Sensing: A Case Study

Vocational Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Education and Employment in a Post-Work Age

Work-family policy expansion and the Idea of social investment: the cases of Germany, England, Japan and South Korea

Forecasting US overseas travelling with univariate and multivariate models

Scoping review of the readiness for sustainable implementation of lean six sigma projects in the manufacturing sector

Studies in problem-based hospitality management education

The geography of business angel investments in the UK: Does local bias (still) matter?

Developing a whole-school mental health and wellbeing intervention through pragmatic formative process evaluation: A case-study of innovative local practice within the School Health Research Network

The covid-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom and subjective well-being: have the self-employed suffered more due to hours and income reductions?

On some new arithmetic properties of the generalized Lucas sequences

Lockdown Apple Blossom

Institutional development and the Astana international financial center in Kazakhstan

Diagnostic model for the society safety under COVID-19 pandemic conditions

The geographical impact of the Covid-19 crisis on precautionary savings, firm survival and jobs: Evidence from the United Kingdom’s 100 largest towns and cities

Accessibility to spa experiences

Losing the discursive battle but winning the ideological war: who holds Thatcherite values now?

NGO accountability on environmentalism: a literature review of relevant issues and themes

Can compassion-focused imagery be used as an attention bias modification treatment?

A systematic review of evidence about the role of alexithymia in chronic back pain

Blockchain application in supply chain chemical substance reporting - a Delphi study

Lean Six Sigma project selection in a manufacturing environment using hybrid methodology based on intuitionistic fuzzy MADM approach

Be Your Dog (re-worked) at Mink Festival: A Zoo of the Pandemic

Our School Days: A Narrative Inquiry of the Lived Experiences of Former Pupils in Derbyshire Primary Schools from 1944 to 2009

Antecedents and outcomes of resident empowerment through tourism

Corporate social responsibility in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria: the case for a legalised framework

National identity and the politics of belonging in Greek Cypriot visual culture

Weaving together: narratives of home, exile and belonging

Physical activity: understanding and addressing inequalities

The culture of culture plate photography

Coal today, gone tomorrow: How jobs were replaced with prison places

Music and spirituality: Reflections on the role of music and the natural environment in healing

The role of macroeconomic and geopolitical news on gold returns and volatility

Ineffectual Barriers

Application of machine learning to predict visitors’ green behaviours in marine protected areas: evidence from Cyprus

Neurotrauma clinicians’ perspectives on the contextual challenges associated with long-term follow-up following traumatic brain injury in low-income and middle-income countries: a qualitative study protocol


Stay at Home

Dental microwear texture analysis as a tool for dietary discrimination in elasmobranchs

An analysis of the impact of unconventional oil and gas activities on public health: New evidence across Oklahoma counties

Worrying Times: The fear of crime and nostalgia

Mentoring as an intervention to promote gender equality in academic medicine: a systematic review

Treat-to-target strategies in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis

Oxygen consumption during digestion in Anodonta anatina and Unio pictorum in response to algal concentration

Centrality dependence of J/ψ and ψ(2S) production and nuclear modification in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV

The management of urinary tract infections in older patients within an urgent care out of hours setting

Foresee the glory and train better: Narcissism, goal-setting and athlete training

Initiating count down - gamification of academic integrity

Investigating the delivery of health improvement interventions through professional football club community trusts-strengths and challenges

Pseudoprimality related to the generalized Lucas sequences

Application of caputo–fabrizio operator to suppress the aedes aegypti mosquitoes via wolbachia: an LMI approach

Unethical practices within medical research and publication – An exploratory study.

Creating a compassionate world: addressing the conflicts between sharing and caring versus controlling and holding evolved strategies

Controlling Wolbachia transmission and invasion dynamics among aedes aegypti population via impulsive control strategy

The Jewish struggle in the 21st century: Conflict, positionality, and multiculturalism.

Responses of carbon emissions to corruption across Chinese provinces

The asymmetric relationship of oil prices and production on drilling rig trajectory

Impact of economic policy uncertainty on CO2 emissions: evidence from top ten carbon emitter countries

Another look at contagion across United States and European financial markets: Evidence from the credit default swaps markets

The causal linkage between inflation and inflation uncertainty under structural breaks: Evidence from Turkey

A Critical Discussion of the Clinical Management of Dietary Supplementation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

The importance of Forest School and the pathways to nature connection

WAF0042 - Inquiry: Women in the Armed Forces: From Recruitment to Civilian Life

The Language of SEND: Implications for the SENCO

US economic policy uncertainty spillovers to commodity returns: fresh evidence through Granger causality in quantiles

Social customer relationship management: A customer perspective

A content analysis for government’s and hotels’ response to COVID-19 pandemic in Egypt

Gender differences in theory of mind, empathic understanding, and moral reasoning in an offending and a matched non-offending population

Martial arts: the possible benefit that can be obtained during a period of lockdown

The effect of the number of interviewers on children’s testimonies

Botnet detection used fast-flux technique, based on adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm

Leading on Inclusion: The role of the SENCO

Politics, research design, and the ‘architecture’ of criminal careers studies

Biodiesel sustainability: The global impact of potential biodiesel production on the energy–water–food (EWF) nexus

An LMI Approach-Based Mathematical Model to Control Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Population via Biological Control

S.H.E.D. – Design for Emergency

Pre-conference keynote discussion for CHEAD

OneConversation with S.H.E.D: Designing in Dialogue

Graph and network theory for the analysis of criminal networks

Which exercise and behavioural interventions show most promise for treating fatigue in multiple sclerosis? A network meta-analysis

Are Torque-Driven Simulation Models of Human Movement Limited by an Assumption of Monoarticularity?

Revisiting the compilation of Matthew Paris’s Chronica majora: new textual and manuscript evidence

COVID-19 impact on waste management − business opportunity Emirate of Ajman − UAE

Billboard Commission (at GLOAM)

The effect of fine droplets on laminar propagation speed of a strained acetone-methane flame: Experiment and simulations

The BBC Asian Network The Cultural Production of Diversity

A Practitioner's Guide to Uncharted Waters of Career Counselling, a Critical Reflection Perspective

Colonial Collecting and Representation

US partisan conflict uncertainty and oil prices

Pre-competition body mass loss characteristics of Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitors in the United Kingdom

“Upskirting,” Homosociality, and Craftmanship: A Thematic Analysis of Perpetrator and Viewer Interactions

Opinions of small and medium UK construction companies on environmental management systems

Estimating a treatment effect on reoffending by people in prison with an alcohol use disorder: a national matched propensity score analysis

The Strengths and Barriers Recovery Scale (SABRS): Relationships matter in building strengths and overcoming barriers

Justice capital: A model for reconciling structural and agentic determinants of desistance

Chasing a pot of gold: an analysis of emerging recovery-oriented addiction policies in Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands

Access to Finance for Cleantech Innovation and Investment: Evidence from U.K. Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

LGBQ adults’ experiences of a CBT wellbeing group for anxiety and depression in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service: a qualitative service evaluation

Contending with Spiritual Reductionism: Demons, Shame, and Dividualising Experiences Among Evangelical Christians with Mental Distress

Exploring factors having an impact on attitudes and motivations towards volunteering in the undergraduate nursing student population − A comparative study of the UK and Ghana

Understanding parents’ contribution to young people’s career decision-making

Quality assurance for operating room illumination through lean six sigma

Nature Engagement for Human and Nature’s Wellbeing during the Corona Pandemic.

Moments, not minutes: The nature-wellbeing relationship

Customised pressure profiles of made-to-measure sports compression garments

On k-partitions of multisets with equal sums

On Generalized Lucas Pseudoprimality of Level k

Explosive felsic eruptions on ocean islands: a case study from Ascension Island (South Atlantic)

Natural Language Processing and Information Systems; 26th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2021, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 23–25, 2021, Proceedings

A Novel Location-Inventory-Routing Problem in a Two-Stage Red Meat Supply Chain with Logistic Decisions: Evidence from an Emerging

Social Marketing: Advancing a New Planning Framework to Guide Programmes

Innovation in Small & Medium Enterprises in São Paulo

Theorising Organisational Resilience for Sport Management Research and Practice

Resilience, Reflection and Reflexivity

Postcolonial Theory and Canada’s Health Care Professions: Bridging the Gap

The SENCO as a leader of professional learning for inclusive practice

A case study for merging supply chain and blockchain in Australian manufacturer

Realignment of Product Stewardship towards Chemical Regulations, the Circular Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility – a Delphi Study

Transforming product labels using digital technologies to enable enhanced traceability and management of hazardous chemicals

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of ‘Brexit’: Flagging the Nation in Political Cartoons

The Magician

Creative and artistic place-making: creating a museology of Civic Dialogues during a pandemic

Derbyshire Virtual School: Creative Mentoring Programme Final Report

Crisis Management and Recovery for Events: Impacts and Strategies

Definitions of biodiversity from urban gardeners

Exploration and Prioritization of Just in Time Enablers for Sustainable Healthcare: An Integrated GRA-Fuzzy TOPSIS Application

Using the Five Pathways to Nature to Make a Spiritual Connection in Early Recovery from SUD: a Pilot Study

A review of the diversity and impact of invasive non-native species in tropical marine ecosystems

‘It’s quite a taboo subject’: an investigation of mother’s experiences of breastfeeding beyond infancy and the challenges they face

Recommender Systems Evaluator: A Framework for Evaluating the Performance of Recommender Systems

Circular Economy: Exploratory Study of Steel Industry in Thailand

Children’s Media Conference (with TATO and GLOAM)

Who are the victims of electoral fraud in Great Britain? Evidence from Survey Research

Self-identification of electronically scanned signatures (ESS) and digitally constructed signatures (DCS)

Nowcasting of air pollution episodes in megacities: A case study for Athens, Greece

Research on Action Strategies and Simulations of DRL and MCTS-based Intelligent Round Game

Place and Post-Pandemic Flourishing: Disruption, Adjustment, and Healthy Behaviors

Theoretical Perspectives of Crisis Management and Recovery for Events

Agility in the Events Sector A Case Study of a Business Event in Finland

How can children aged 8-12 years be involved in decision-making and consent processes in outpatient Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)? An embedded case study.

Increasing Service Quality at a University: A Continuous Improvement Project

The Effect of Lighting on Crime Counts

Mapping Stories of Cause and Cure Using Story Stem Completion: Mental Distress in the Evangelical Christian Community. A Study Protocol

“We All Need Purpose and Reason to Be Here.”: A Qualitative Investigation of How Members of Alcoholics Anonymous with Long-term Recovery Experience Aging

Ethics, Impartiality, Locus of Control

Method-Lab Part Deux

A time of Covidiocy: Media, Politics, and Social Upheaval

Erasmus Darwin's Gardens: Medicine, Agriculture and the Sciences in the Eighteenth Century

Regulating Product Sustainability

Assisting you to advance with ethics in research: an introduction to ethical governance and application procedures

COVID-19 pandemic decision support system for a population defense strategy and vaccination effectiveness

Chronic limb ischaemia: case study and clinical literature review

“A gentle balance of pushing, pulling and sitting with”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of psychological therapists’ experiences of working with goals in adult pluralistic private practice

Multiple emotions, multiple selves: compassion focused therapy chairwork

Pro-environmental business and clean growth trends for the East Midlands 2021

The Development of the National Forest: the transformative agency of trees in the English Midlands

A novel time, cost, quality and risk tradeoff model with a knowledge-based hesitant fuzzy in-formation: An R&D project application

Internet of Planets (IoP): A New Era of the Internet

A non-injected opioid analgesia protocol for acute pain crisis in adolescents and adults with sickle cell disease

The experience of families following Traumatic Brain Injury in adult populations: A meta-synthesis of narrative structures.

Zircon geochronological and geochemical insights into pluton building and volcanic-hypabyssal-plutonic connections: Oki-Dōzen, Sea of Japan - a complex intraplate alkaline volcano

FOCM: Spring-Summer (with GLOAM)

Bridging the Dementia Divide: the contribution of a Massive Open Online Course on Dementia to dementia care and pedagogy

Changing student mental health nurse’s attitudes towards younger and older people through teaching: A qualitative longitudinal study

Investigating the effect of walking football on the mental and social wellbeing of men

Africa, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and digital diplomacy: (Re)negotiating the international knowledge structure

Impact of the Strategic Sourcing Process on the Supply Chain Response to the COVID-19 effects

Anoxic Bodies (Fallow Group Exhibition with GLOAM and GP)

Simulink model for a hydrogen PEM fuel cell for automotive applications

A hardware implementation of 6dof quadcopter matlab/simulink controller algorithm to an autopilot

A feasibility study of a novel work-focused relational group CBT treatment programme for moderate to severe recurrent depression

Teacher education for SEND inclusion in an international context: The importance of critical theoretical work

The Engage-Disengage Model as an Inclusive Model for the Promotion of Healthy and Successful Aging in the Oldest-old

The experience of loneliness: The role of fears of compassion and social safeness

Transitional Justice Theories, Mechanisms and Debates

Was Quashing the Maji-Maji Uprising Genocide? An Evaluation of Germany’s Conduct through the Lens of International Criminal Law

The role of perceived descriptive and injunctive norms on the self-reported frequency of meat and plant-based meal intake in UK-based adults

Fear leads to suffering: Fears of compassion predict restriction of the moral boundary

The social marketing paradox: challenges and opportunities for the discipline

A systematic literature review of machine learning applications for community-acquired pneumonia

'Mixed white and Black Caribbean' millennials in Britain: An exploration of identity

Subjective experiences of participatory arts engagement of healthy older people and explorations of creative ageing

Vulnerability and adaptive capacity of rural coastal fishing communities in Ghana to climatic and socio-economic stressors

Reflections in Anticipation of Loss

Continuing professional development and journaling

Criminal networks analysis in missing data scenarios through graph distances

Incidence, severity and perceived susceptibility of COVID-19 in the UK CrossFit population

How does a narrative understanding of change in families post brain injury help us to humanise our professional practice?

Exploration and Investigation of Green Lean Six Sigma Adoption Barriers for Manufacturing Sustainability

Place Affect Interventions during and post the COVID-19 Pandemic

Who are we, Where do we come from, Where are we going to? Writing Greek Cypriot Women's Art Histories in Contemporary Cyprus


(Mis)Use of Personal Technology by Employees in Financial Services Organisations

All the Small Things exhibition

The Role of the Liver in Iron Homeostasis and What Goes Wrong?

Protest S.H.E.D

Social Bonding and Public Trust/Distrust in COVID-19 Vaccines

The Covid-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity for Positive Psychology to Promote a Wider-Ranging Definition of Humour and Laughter

Transcending Racial Divisions: Anti-racism and Identity Politics

Falling Down: The Conservative Party and the Decline of Tory Britain

Home and away: building cultural capital to encourage progression to higher education

Green Jobs and Green Skills in the East Midlands

‘I don’t wanna go. I’m staying. This is my home now.’ Analysis of an intervention for connecting young people to urban nature.

Influence of Yawed Wind Flow on the Blade Forces/Bending Moments and Blade Elastic Torsion for an Axial-Flow Wind Turbine

The needs of clients coming to counselling following second harm: A Q methodology study

Innovative and Sustainable Food Production and Food Consumption Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Recipe for Delivering Development Success in South Africa

Discovering intercultural communication: From language users to language use

The Big Book of Whole School Wellbeing

Making Hands: A History of Prosthetic Arms

The Role of L-type Voltage Gated Calcium Channels in Ovarian Cancer

How will Blockchain Technology Transform Supply Chains? Science mapping on Blockchain Technology

Sexuality and student mental health nurse experience in education and practice

FAN Mothers in Our Fragile Social Network against Climate Change

Insights into Public Perceptions of Earthship Buildings as Alternative Homes

Environmental management systems in the architectural, engineering and construction sectors: a roadmap to aid the delivery of the sustainable development goals

Circular Economy in Agri-Food Sector: Food Waste Management Perspective

Where Have All the Stories and Voices Gone in Local Newspapers? The Effect Falling Advertising Revenues and the Rise of the Web Have Had on English Regional Newspapers

Strategies of Silence Reflections on the Practice and Pedagogy of Creative Writing

Introduction: On Silence in Language and Writing

Silence and the Short Story Form

Using Wikipedia to explore issues of systemic bias and symbolic annihilation in information sources

Arts-based Participatory Research in the Perinatal Period: Creativity, Representation, Identity, and Methods

Mixed Time-Delayed Nonlinear Multi-agent Dynamic Systems for Asymptotic Stability and Non-fragile Synchronization Criteria

The power of PES partnerships

A mixed-integer linear programming formulation for the modular layout of three-dimensional connected systems

Time to change the data culture in geochemistry

Closed-Loop Nash Equilibrium in the Class of Piecewise Constant Strategies in a Linear State Feedback Form for Stochastic LQ Games

Social network analysis: the use of graph distances to compare artificial and criminal networks

Skills Bootcamps process evaluation: Evaluation Report

Mindful parenting: future directions and challenges

Proximity collective

Contemplative Psychology: History, Key Assumptions, and Future Directions

A spotlight on acceptance and commitment therapy

Strange Affiliation

ThisIsDerby – Reimagine, Year 2 Report

What has digital technology done for us and how can we evolve as a sector to make best use of what it has to offer?

Should Career Development be a Chartered Profession?

Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria: Barriers, Prospects and Strategies

Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize, 2021


Design for Planet: Cocreate with community

Arts Imagining Communities To Come

Design for Planet: S.H.E.D [Installation]

Blood from a Stone (Exhibition with School of the Damned and GLOAM)

Towards ‘regenerative interior design’: exploring a student project

Transcriptome profile of the sinoatrial ring reveals conserved and novel genetic programs of the zebrafish pacemaker

Spatial construction for ideational meaning: An analysis of interior design students’ multimodal projects

Teach Public Health With a Sense of Humor: Why (and How to) Be a Funnier and More Effective Public Health Professor and Laugh All the Way to Your Classroom

The (in)separability of matter: on prāṇa, energy and permeation

Mission vs. Market: Theorizing the Tensions within Community Sport Trusts

Promoting Junior School Students’ Anti-bullying Beliefs with the CATZ Cross-age Teaching Zone Intervention

A Correspondence Course: Porous Institutions

Facilitating the planning and evaluation of narrative intervention reviews: Systematic Transparency in All Intervention Reviews (STAIR)

Improving recognition and support for women experiencing the menopause

Gut-Derived Endotoxin and Telomere Length Attrition in Adults with and without Type 2 Diabetes

Impact of occupational therapy in an integrated adult social care service: Audit of Therapy Outcome Measure Findings

Design for Planet: Climate Action Workshop and Pledges

Behavioural additionality of network membership for individual members

The Benefits of Loneliness

Making everyday meanings visible- investigating the use of multimodal map texts to articulate young children’s perspectives

Desiring a Connection with Others: Learning from and with dogs through artistic research

El deseo de una conexión con otros. Aprendiendo de y con los perros mediante la investigación artística

Can playing table-top role-play games help children learn?

Sustainable Development and the African Union Legal Order

Machine Learning based Forecasting Systems for Worldwide International Tourists Arrival

An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis exploring the experiences of mothers who relate to the term ‘Gender Disappointment’

25 Years on: progress in computer-based learning,

Continuing professional development and mentoring

Student recruitment survey 2021: The market bounces back!

Black Careers Matter: Improving the early careers of people from Black heritage backgrounds

Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIV

An Investigation into Parental Understanding of Autism and the Development of an Individualised Autism Profiling Tool

Gender-based refugee experiences: the role of education, training and arts-based interventions for girls and women refugees

Fish Market, Lagos: Artist Pages and Supporting Statement

Draw | Breath | Animal

Forensic Interventions for Therapy and Rehabilitation: Case Studies and Analysis

A Study Space Analysis of Interpretation Service Needs and Optimisation

Global Pressures, Household Social Reproduction Strategies and Compound Inequality

The efficiency of bacterial self-healing concrete inculcated in ground condition

No Independent or Synergistic Effects of Carbohydrate-Caffeine Mouth Rinse on Repeated Sprint Performance During Simulated Soccer Match Play in Male Recreational Soccer Players

Understanding the Dynamics of UK Covid-19 SME Financing

Has previous loan rejection scarred firms from applying for loans during Covid-19?

Parenting Styles, Parenting Stress and Hours Spent Online as Predictors of Child Internet Addiction Among Children with Autism

Influence of the printing process on the traces produced by the discharge of 3D-printed Liberators

Student carer experiences of higher education and support: a scoping review

An integrative epi-transcriptomic approach identifies the human cartilage chitinase 3-like protein 2 (CHI3L2) as a potential mediator of B12 deficiency in adipocytes

Pro-sociality in times of separation and loss

On Symbiosis, Zoonosis

The Development and Validation of the Successful Psychopathy Scale

The Science of Compassion

The Value and Potential of Qualitative Research Methods in Neurosurgery

HRV patterns associated with different affect regulation systems: Sex differences in adolescents

Loss and assimilation: Lived experiences of Brexit for British citizens living in Luxembourg

Enabling safer bathing for people living with epilepsy

The influence of experimental confederate peers on children's food intake: A systematic review and meta-analysis

The Leadership Labyrinth: a question of authenticity

Realising Art and Design Research in Policy Making Decisions

Supply Chain Mapping and Visualisation of UK Rail Sector

Blockchain Technology for Businesses: Trends and Research Themes

Three good things in nature: a nature-based positive psychological intervention to improve mood and well-being for depression and anxiety

The role of social connection on the experience of COVID-19 related post-traumatic growth and stress

Network Features in Complex Applications

Do Pandemic Related Datasets with High Artificial Control Still Follow the Benford’s Law?

How to Improve Data Quality in Supply Chain? A Literature Survey

Decarbonising supply chain operations

'e’-thinking teaching and assessment to uphold academic integrity: lessons learned from emergency distance learning

Extended Reality Technologies as A Tool For Managing Crises And Shaping Tourism Safety Perceptions

Particulate and drug-induced toxicity assessed in novel quadruple cell human primary hepatic disease models of steatosis and pre-fibrotic NASH.

Mobility Analysis during the 2020 Pandemic in a Touristic city: the Case of Cagliari

Data Collection and Analysis in Urban Scenarios

Are Environmental Taxes effective in curbing Air Pollution? Evidence from the United Kingdom

Transition to a Health Visitor Role: A Constructivist Grounded Theory

Structured groups make more accurate veracity judgements than individuals

New year, new lifestyle

Describing Disclosure of Cybervictimization in Adolescents from the United Kingdom: The Role of Age, Gender, Involvement in Cyberbullying, and Time Spent Online

Effects of quadriceps strength asymmetry, ageing and external loading on stair negotiation

A systematic review of compassion-based interventions for individuals struggling with body weight shame

The Effects of High-Grade Metamorphism on Cr-Spinel from the Archean Sittampundi Complex, South India

Energy Efficiency Framework: An approach to develop best practice in the corrugated sector of the print and paper industry

Creep-Fatigue Behaviours of Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Joints in Microelectronics Applications

Estimation of the PM2.5 and PM10 Mass Concentration over Land from FY-4A Aerosol Optical Depth Data

Melt Percolation, Melt-Rock Reaction and Oxygen Fugacity in Supra-Subduction Zone Mantle and Lower Crust from the Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway

Exploring the Contribution of Personal Qualities to the Personal and Professional Development of Trainee Sport Psychology Practitioners’ Within the Individuation Process

A review of the generation of requirements specification in natural language using objects UML models and domain ontology

Improved Bi-Angle Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm from AHI Data Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

MTPA (million tons per annum)